How To Use Unwonted In A Sentence
I think you can readily make a case for "unwontedly cold", but that's barely hat weather.
Making Light: Snowpocalypse Part Next
The term "phyllomania," as ordinarily used, is applied to an unwonted development of leafy tissue, as in some begonias where the scales or ramenta are replaced by small leaflets, or as in some cabbage leaves, from the surface of which project, at right angles to the primary plane, other secondary leafy plates; but these are, strictly speaking, cases of hypertrophy (see Hypertrophy).
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
In the same moment, he heard his name courteously sounded; and, to his pleased surprise, saw Don Benito advancing -- an unwonted energy in his air, as if, at the last moment, intent upon making amends for his recent discourtesy.
The Piazza Tales
It is 14 years since this great American choreographer's death, and after a period of unwonted chaos, the future of her company at last looms clear.
The opening door woke Roger, startled Patrick and gave the cat an unwonted and sudden attack of conscience.

Kellen knew that Jermayan's unwontedly expansive mood would probably not last long, and that he should learn all he could while the Elven Knight was willing to answer his questions.
Tran Siberian
He paused with swift awkwardness, again confounded by his unwonted flow of speech.
Chapter 1
Despite the unwonted showers over the past week, she said, St Lucia was experiencing effects of the dry season.
He was looking into the ice-blue eyes and unwontedly sombre face of Turcaill.
His Disposition
Listen to advice," Luz said fiercely in that sound, Norit leaning above him with unwonted fierceness.
Seeking to ‘understand’ so-called ‘problems’ is often not kindness, but rather unwonted indulgence: it is a special kind of cruelty that means people no longer attempt to better their behaviour.
In other conflicts, too, Roman armies seemed to have unwonted difficulties.
The reason why I prefer the alternative advocated with unwonted vigour of expression by the doyen of living tort writers is that it gives better effect to widespread conceptions concerning the home and family.
Listen to advice," Luz said fiercely in that sound, Norit leaning above him with unwonted fierceness.
Humphrey said, with unwonted passion, `Is that you, Angelica?
Because the triplet rhythm of the song's accompaniment and the tune itself remain recognisable, one finds a path through his forest of notes with unwonted ease, and values his density all the more.
I can say that the engineering gives the violin and piano unwonted realism and spatial presence.
The British scholar complained recently in a New York Times Op-Ed that the United States simply has too much unwonted power and needs a counterweight - a stronger Europe.
He looked up at last, his eyes unwontedly serious in the twilight.
He thanked me with unwonted elaborateness for Force and Matter, of which I knew he would never read a line, and felt his way to the door.
He followed her progress almost as much by imagination as by perception, but even through such tenuous tracking he could tell that she was moving with unwonted deliberation.
But, although Mary was a blushing and sensitive person, she was not what is commonly called a diffident girl; -- her nerves had that healthy, steady poise which gave her presence of mind in the most unwonted circumstances.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 20, June, 1859
The stark fact that significant portions of our planet are under the supervision of exceptionally stupid and ill-informed people is provoking unwonted expressions of anger and alarm.
His servant for the sake of His name should go unpunished; but quickly did he bring on them his deserved wrath, inasmuch as for the wickedness of them who dwelt therein the Lord converted their fruitful land into a salt marsh; and the sea, with the foreflowing of an unwonted tide, covered it, and, that it might even for ever be unhabitable, changed the dry land into a plashy lake.
The Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick Including the Life by Jocelin, Hitherto Unpublished in America, and His Extant Writings
See a lovely passage on the subject of bathing in Sir Philip Sydney's "Arcadia," where "Philoclea, blushing, and withal smiling, makeing shamefastnesse pleasant, and pleasure shamefast, tenderly moved her feet, unwonted to feel the naked ground, until the touch of the cold water made a pretty kind of shrugging come over her body; like the twinkling of the fairest among the fixed stars.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 264, July 14, 1827
Why is it that London is in the throes of a simultaneous and quite unwonted dim sum explosion?
It was the unwanted, unwonted curiosity it raised, racing from one possibility to another instead of letting me doze off.
Gould is describing a paradigm shift, and this fact is all the more obvious for his unwonted coyness in discussing it.
Will things be uncontrollably flipping by on the screen or will apps be flying open unwontedly?
Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2010 » April
As such, these data may well acquire an unwonted historical significance if the potential ecological impact of the disease becomes a reality.
And so, with a few cases of hysterics to occupy the attention of the younger women, some whimpering of frightened children and comforting or chastened nagging by mothers, some unwonted prayers muttered secretly and forgettingly, and a good deal of subdued blasphemy, Cunnamulla sank to its troubled slumbers -- some of the sleepers in the commercial and billiard-rooms and parlours at the
The Rising of the Court
While the mourners were busy in the vault, the three village hags, who, notwithstanding the unwonted earliness of the hour, had snuffed the carrion like vultures, were seated on the “through-stane,” and engaged in their wonted unhallowed conference.
The Bride of Lammermoor
So he will miss an event which last year afforded him more, unwonted, publicity than ever before in his life.
“His Grace of Albany is unwontedly scrupulous today,” said
The Fair Maid of Perth
The Abbess's Norman pride of birth, and the real interest which she took in her niece's advancement, overcame all scruples; and the venerable mother might be seen in unwonted bustle, now giving orders to the gardener for decking the apartment with flowers -- now to her cellaress, her precentrix, and the lay-sisters of the kitchen, for preparing a splendid banquet, mingling her commands on these worldly subjects with an occasional ejaculation on their vanity and worthlessness, and every now and then converting the busy and anxious looks which she threw upon her preparations into
The Betrothed
He pronounced the word gingerly, distastefully, as if it were a curious, unwonted one.
The Lee Shore
For conservatives to make immigration their Big Issue distracts from the far more urgent matter of prosecuting the war against Islamofascism and has introduced both an unwontedly nasty tone and a strain of anti-capitalist demagogy into right-wing rhetoric.
Latin America
An unwonted expression of happiness beamed from the fire-lit faces of these prison-clad individuals, drawn together from many parts of the country and from widely-differing walks of life.
Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences
Shards of pine palm and baby conifers added unwonted volume while steady backcombing against a succession of branches had created a Byzantine intricacy of form.
Archive 2007-03-01
'Brecknel and Turner's' flamed and swealed in profusion on the table; while every now and then an expiring lamp on the sideboards or brackets proclaimed the unwonted splendour of the scene, and added a flavour to the repast not contemplated by the cook.
Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour
He complied of course, and stood shading his haggard face in the unwonted sunlight of the great window, looking as wan and unearthly as if he had been summoned from the grave.
Carmen's thought was that, as she had feared, her unwonted swain had not recognized her.
At any rate René, over his busy work in the lantern, whistled and hummed snatches of song with unwonted blithesomeness, and, after lighting the steady watch-light and securing all his paraphernalia with extra care, dallied some time longer than usual on the outer platform, striving to snatch through the driven wraith a glance of the distant lights of Pulwick.
The Light of Scarthey
The shock and shame I felt on reading that statement of transfer, in all its lack of human affect, took the form of an unwanted, and unwonted, sense of complicity, and then remorse, over a century after the fact.
an unwonted softness in her face
He was unwontedly stirred both by the Big House and by the Little Lady who was its mistress.
This, however, was no unwonted mood of passion with Darsie Latimer, upon whom Cupid was used to triumph only in the degree of a Mahratta conqueror, who overruns a province with the rapidity of lightning, but finds it impossible to retain it beyond a very brief space.
_Corona Australis_ was blazing with unwonted brilliancy, and, it seemed to him, the constellation was making signs to him from its signal station in the heavens.
The Wedge of Gold
= -- The term phyllomania has been vaguely applied both to the production of an unwonted number of leaves and to their development in unusual situations.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
He watches Rebecca watch the protectiveness they show for each other, unwonted.
Under this head, too, may be included those cases wherein an ordinarily spicate inflorescence becomes paniculate owing to the branching of the axis and the formation of an unwonted number of secondary buds.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Leinsdorf shows unwonted impetuosity in his approach to tempos, and the Boston Symphony Orchestra, while not consistently as refined as it could be, plays the music tautly.
The opening door woke Roger, startled Patrick and gave the cat an unwonted and sudden attack of conscience.
Perhaps if he hadn't looked so unwontedly silly, then he would have been able to keep it down, but instead he snorted.
For conservatives to make immigration their Big Issue distracts from the far more urgent matter of prosecuting the war against Islamofascism and has introduced both an unwontedly nasty tone and a strain of anti-capitalist demagogy into right-wing rhetoric.
Latin America
Humphrey said, with unwonted passion, `Is that you, Angelica?
McCreesh's scholarship is not in doubt, yet the performance bears no traces of dryness or unwonted caution.
The term "phyllomania," as ordinarily used, is applied to an unwonted development of leafy tissue, as in some begonias where the scales or ramenta are replaced by small leaflets, or as in some cabbage leaves, from the surface of which project, at right angles to the primary plane, other secondary leafy plates; but these are, strictly speaking, cases of hypertrophy (see Hypertrophy).
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Sketched in 1943 during a period of exhaustion, and taken up again and finished in 1946, the picture not only reverts to the artistry of her prime but is infused with an unwonted lyricism.
Hugh, face uppermost, his long hair drooping like some wild weed upon his wooden pillow, and his huge chest heaving with the sounds which so unwontedly disturbed the place and hour.
Barnaby Rudge
The town of Slough in Buckinghamshire, for instance, became a focus for much industrial activity in the thirties - while its architectural horrors became the target for the unwontedly bitter satire of John Betjeman.
It was a question of degree for the tribunal in each case to decide whether the change of mind is too late to recover from the unwise and unwonted words.
He is describing a paradigm shift, and this fact is all the more obvious for his unwonted coyness in discussing it.
Relaxing, in amusement at her unwonted altruism of motive, she had drawn her moleskin coat more closely around her, and settled back to wait the other woman's pleasure in returning to the bright warmth that the pale-orange ribbon of light, wavering upon the swaying platform, harbingered.
The day was sunny, and the Marshalsea, with the hot noon striking upon it, was unwontedly quiet.
Little Dorrit
Mr. Beauffet told me he was ordered to offer a glass of wine to the person who collected the income tax, and that the poor man was so overcome by a reception so unwontedly generous, that he had well-nigh fainted on the spot.
Chronicles of the Canongate
He sprang to the telephone with unwonted eagerness.
He watches Rebecca watch the protectiveness they show for each other, unwonted.
At such times she was very subdued in gentleness and in observance of Mr. Carlisle's pleasure; subdued to a meekness foreign to her natural mood, and which, generally, to tell the truth, was accompanied by a very unwonted sedateness of spirits also; something very like the sedateness of despair.
The Old Helmet
He was growing stout and soft, and there was unwonted flabbiness in his muscles.
Chapter X
Nevertheless, the intense rivalry between France, England, and the empire, compounded by heightened religious tensions and the nervousness of Rome, lent the Scottish king unwonted diplomatic weight.