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How To Use Unwilling In A Sentence

  • The work of regulatory agencies was also undermined by budget cuts and a concerted unwillingness to enforce existing regulations.
  • He was moody and unwilling to make the usual politenesses.
  • Another (even greater) problem was that she was unwilling to submit to her dictates or prostrate herself in abject submission.
  • PERRY: There's no question about it, parents who are comfortable with a child who gets a C or D, parents who are comfortable dropping their child off at a school that they no is ragged -- they have watched that school undereducate a generation or two -- parents who are willing to go down and fuss and fight when their child doesn't play on the basketball team, but are unwilling to go down and fight the same way when that child is not being served in -- in the classroom. CNN Transcript Oct 1, 2009
  • The truth is we'll never know for sure who would have been better, but the simple fact that party leaders are unwilling to allow its voters to hash these questions out for themselves is troubling.
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  • If you don't know what a carcake is which you probably don't, because as far as I know I invented the term, it's a great big loaf of snow that sits atop a motor vehicle after a snowstorm which the driver was either unable or unwilling to clear. The Indignity of Commuting by Bicycle: Cakes and Cheese
  • Her unwillingness to answer questions undermined the strength of her position.
  • People are unwilling to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist for the fear of being labelled mad.
  • The ETF as envisioned is a great tool for silver investment for those unable or unwilling to buy, carry and store silver but what started as a way to encourage demand is now diverting demand from real silver which would tighten the supply and make us profits. Archive 2008-07-20
  • We were unwilling to waste energy conquering the high peak.
  • The management is understood to be very unwilling to agree to this request.
  • What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others. Mitchell Bard: The Tea Party All-Stars: The Worst of Extreme GOP Midterm Candidates
  • It was only then that she was aware of Nicandra standing silent in the doorway, unwilling to interrupt a conversation.
  • England stood forth as the centre of opposition against Philip, and under the unwilling leadership of Elizabeth entered on its epic period of heroism, was stimulated to that remarkable outburst of energy and intellect and power which we call the Elizabethan age. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10
  • Willy-nilly and no doubt unwillingly, he is then drawn into the fight; in an instant the man in the middle has become the man in a muddle and nothing at all has been achieved.
  • The succession of blows—the Agency’s decision not to provide us with any security, followed by the horrifying SSCI report and its Additional Views section, then my colleague’s inability or unwillingness to retestify before the SSCI, and the continuing media onslaught—were overwhelming. Fair Game
  • Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.
  • Even though the authorities were unwilling to acknowledge the extent of the disaster, some Western aid was accepted.
  • As a reward she is allowed to choose her husband and names Bertram, who unwillingly obeys the king's order to wed her.
  • HuffPost's Sam Stein writes, Unwilling or perhaps uneager to let go of last week's scuffle over Mitt Romney's controversial distortion of an old Barack Obama quote, the Democratic National Committee announced on Monday a major ad campaign attacking the former Massachusetts governor's character. HUFFPOST FUNDRACE - Obama Takes A Page From Bush, GOP Targets Obama Through TV Ads, Palin Dead Enders Want Her To Reconsider
  • All she there told him, ruing death for friend so young, algate sore unwilling God's rightwiseness to withsay. Ulysses
  • She fought him grimly, watched by other motorists unwilling to help, and then the man let go and ran.
  • Telecom has been unable or unwilling to make JetStream attractive to many of us.
  • As a movement, they are unwilling to align themselves with Biblical creationism.
  • Yet for some strange reason that I simply couldn't comprehend, he was distinctly unwilling to start unscrewing the doors from their hinges.
  • This is a question which, of course, nobody could answer, and which, in fact, the fuglemen of ‘affirmative action’ were, and still are, very unwilling to have asked in public.
  • Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.
  • Steve Lathan seemed unwilling to wake at all, almost as if he preferred his nightmare to everyday life. LOADED QUESTIONS
  • I was unwilling to engage on such terms.
  • Claiming he was willing to put that behind him, Raggio added, "What is difficult to overlook is [Angle's] record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywoman, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Does a religious objection to duty amount to a belief, and does an unwillingness by a volunteer to respond to recall amount to a manifestation of that belief?
  • Most motorists seem unwilling to take the risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • I guess some people just need, and demand, masters and are unwilling to tolerate those who do not gladly submit to the collective as represented by the coerciveness of the state and its agents. The Volokh Conspiracy » Deadly Force in Self-Defense Constitutionally Protected, Nondeadly Force Unprotected?
  • Other retired chaplains seem unwilling to suggest that chaplains should walk out on the troops if the ban is repealed. Christianity Today
  • Those unwilling to concede that the corruption is pervasive generally blame rogue buccaneers at a handful of companies.
  • They found themselves, often unwillingly. outside the organizational boundary, and they capitalized upon that fact.
  • I was unwillingly compelled to take pleasure in the first hour and a half of the descent from the top of the Lukmanier towards Disentis, but this is only a ripping over of the brimfulness of Italy on to the Swiss side. Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino
  • The general consensus is that he is too negative, unable or unwilling to grab games by the scruff of the neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • an unwilling smile
  • “Personally,” he wrote, “I could have no objection to the annexation of Texas, but I certainly would be unwilling to see the existing Union dissolved or seriously jeoparded for the sake of acquiring Texas.” A Country of Vast Designs
  • Last week he was unwilling to discuss the matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • HALF of people have high blood pressure, but most are unaware or unwilling to do anything about it, research found. The Sun
  • Cautiously, unwilling, he stole a keek at that picture of Alistair. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • They are unwilling to invest any more money in the project.
  • It is this unwillingness to listen, to think things over after hearing the other person's point of view that continues to contribute to our intractability in the political arena, to the astonishing rise in hate groups since the election of President Obama and to the general distrust of our justice and other systems. Andrea Lyon: Sometimes the Other Person Has a Point
  • Liberals were seen as weak-kneed wimps, unwilling to use force internationally and preoccupied with social welfare internally; local patriotisms prevailed everywhere.
  • My son is always unwilling to practise upon the piano as regularly as he should have done.
  • Japan's courts also appear unwilling to erect barriers to coddle the Old Guard.
  • So you have a Republican Party that is splintered and fanaticized and a Democratic Party that is really a moderate Republican Party stuck to the teat of Corporate America and unwilling to let go. The Lost Children
  • Large commercial loans lend themselves to syndication where a single bank may be unwilling or unable to advance the whole amount itself.
  • Go pick your fro, dust off your daishiki and live in Black-erica since you are unwilling to accept diversity of political thought within the black community. ABC's Ignominy Continues
  • The directors were unwilling to respond to questions.
  • Anger at China's unwillingness to revalue or float the renminbi has been building in Congress.
  • Yet regulators in other countries might be unwilling to take on such large and complex banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • In my experience, the best way to extract information from an unwilling subject is to put a bullet into one of his thighs.
  • He is unwilling to step aside in favour of a younger person.
  • No allowance is to be made because the acquisition was compulsory; and land is to be valued at the price it might be expected to realise if sold by a willing seller, not an unwilling seller.
  • In a number of irregular conflicts, guerrillas and government forces alike regarded an unwillingness to help as aiding and abetting the enemy.
  • The premise underlying them expresses an unwillingness to be drawn into any alleged dichotomy between jurisdictional and non jurisdictional fact.
  • Based on these comments in the pages of Britain's leading conservative magazine, I will no longer bother to worry about the enfeeblement of Britain, the collapse of its sense of moral order, its inability to control drunken yobs in the streets of London and other cities, or its unwillingness to stand up against immigrant groups who would like nothing better than to cut every unbelieving throat in a single night. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Southern delegates to the Continental Congress expressed unwillingness to use their militias outside their own borders.
  • But he and his advisers rightly think his best sales point is his image as an antipolitical politician, a country doctor turned governor who boasts of "my directness and my unwillingness to bend" as he bluntly diagnoses all the ills of American life. There's A Chill In The Air
  • As long as thou livest thou art subject to change, howsoever unwilling; so that thou art found now joyful, now sad; now at peace, now disquieted; now devout, now indevout; now studious, now careless; now sad, now cheerful. XXXIII. Book III: On Inward Consolation. Of Instability of the Heart, and of directing the Aim toward God
  • So any perception by conservatives that progressives are intractable is itself only further demonstration of THEIR absolute unwillingness to engage in anything which might, by even the most reckless stretch of the imagination, ever be mistaken for reasoned discourse or genuine political interchange. Think Progress » Obama bumper sticker fuels violent political road rage in Tennessee.
  • I was a most ungracious hostess but then I was a most unwilling one. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • Do you find yourself shoe-horning unwilling characters in a preplanned plot, or do you just wing it? I smoke my friends down to the filter
  • Prices should include a carbon offsetting charge, with people unwilling to pay made to do without. The Sun
  • We declare our own property inherently allodial and unowed, and hereby signify that its confiscation by any government is unwilling.
  • The management is understood to be very unwilling to agree to this request.
  • Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved.
  • Now, I suppose our opposites will not unwillingly reckon their sacred significant ceremonies among those things of the Spirit of God which a natural man cannot receive, because they are spiritually decerned, 1 Cor. ii. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Senior managers had to contend with government interference, staff unwilling to accept changes and unions eager to flex their muscles. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Society, Mr. Haley, does not find the origin of the state of necessity in the unwillingness of bishops to incardinate its priests; it finds the origin in the state of the Church following the implementation and/or misimplementation of Vatican II. Fellay speaks: The talks begin in the autumn of 2009
  • However, we were told that you would make full restitution for the damage you have caused to us and, if that is the case, we are not unwilling to let bygones be bygones.
  • Unwilling to "sugarcoat" bitter disappointment, he was also mindful that there is more to his team than meets the eye, the ear or the stat sheet. Fore, right!
  • Menacing warlords intimidate, the Taliban strikes and the foreigners remain unwilling to risk the necessary relationships they need to develop with Afghans. Patricia DeGennaro: Mr. President, Take a Firm Lead in Afghanistan
  • I'll cut tj_han some slack because he is a poor oppressed conscript drafted unwillingly into Singapore's army at a young age as photographer or what I call a cushy public affairs job, not that I blame him for being cunning and crafty the lucky git. Anime Nano!
  • And he was unwilling to wait until he was more clear-headed or rested or in any way refreshed. DANSVILLE
  • Testaments were vitiated in several ways: nullum, void from the beginning, where there was a defect in the institution of the heir or incapacity in the testator; injustum, not legally executed and hence void; ruptum, by revocation or by the agnation of a posthumous child, either natural or civil; irruptum, where the testator had lost the civil status necessary for testation; destitutum, where the heir defaulted because dead or unwilling, or upon failure of the condition; recissum, as the consequence of a legal attack upon an undutiful will. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Some involve issues you have previously sidestepped because you were either unwilling or unable to face them. Times, Sunday Times
  • We shall all remember Mr Page for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.
  • She nodded, obviously not believing me, but unwilling to make an issue of it.
  • To rule mankind as benevolent tyrant was now clearly seen by our Lord to be a rejection of the will of God who does not impose his sway upon unwilling peoples or force them into submission for their good.
  • Willy-nilly and no doubt unwillingly, he is then drawn into the fight; in an instant the man in the middle has become the man in a muddle and nothing at all has been achieved.
  • Political pundits are unwilling to accept that the real reason can be anything like as ridiculous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Political pundits are unwilling to accept that the real reason can be anything like as ridiculous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prohibition—the legislated imposition of teetotalism on the unwilling—was an idea that had been lurking beneath the earnest pieties of the temperance movement and was transformed in the late 1840s into a rallying cry. LAST CALL
  • A beautifully clipped wobbly blob will always look better than something that has been forced unwillingly into a perfect geometric shape. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the army 's top brass has also been unwilling to unleash its firepower on civilians in the centre of the capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • She cast herself as cautious, well prepared and unwilling to compromise her safety.
  • Today the forces offer planned careers for young men and women who are intent on gaining a professional training and there is no room for backsliders, unwilling recruits or recalcitrant conscripts.
  • Like a sop, I must throw him some sort of a poem, in spite of unwilling Camenae. Sagittulae, Random Verses
  • felt unwilling entangled in their affairs
  • Quentin excused himself as unwilling to intrude, and therewithal communicated the check which he had received in the morning. Quentin Durward
  • I attribute it all to a vanity that has, by the foolish admiration of his acquaintance, been worked up into a kind of phrensy, I shall be very unwilling to believe that he ever intended to distress a friend whom he loved as much as I believe that he has done you. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • Unwilling to churn out a quickie soccer novel to pay the bills, Owen, with the help of his professional gambler father, lands a job dealing blackjack and spinning the roulette wheel at a London casino.
  • But where he gets in trouble, again, is his unwillingness to make a firm stand on any issue.
  • Accounts of plantation life confirm that women gave their labor unwillingly and were a constant source of frustration to managers and overseers.
  • Peter left the session disappointed with my unwillingness to believe in the psychic explanations for phenomena that he experiences.
  • They pulled out all his clothes and bundled them into plastic bin-liners, pushing perfunctory receipts into her unwilling hand. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • With broadcasters still apparently unwilling to take the pronunciation of the volcano's name, the stackup at airports continues, and New York-JFK is one of the places that might have a lot of folks staying over for a while. - Highschool
  • The system is perfect for those unwilling to spend all their holidays in one place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Politicians remain unwilling or unable to acknowledge the causes and their mixed messages just add to the problem. The Sun
  • Those who dislike it do so for its stubborn unwillingness to judge the two young gunmen.
  • This The Sun King comprehensively demolishes by setting out in extenso the process, which those of us unwilling to be hoodwinked have understood from the outset, by which it is merely the means of creating a constitution that has been changed, not the constitution itself: In Hubris, Veritas
  • Yet most politicians seem either unwilling or unable to talk about it like responsible adults. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the medical therapy is generally not very effective and should be reserved for patients unwilling to undergo dilation or surgery or poor operative candidates.
  • They may well have been the unwilling victims of the corvée or compulsory labour system, the system that allowed the pharaoh to compel his people to work for three or four month shifts on state projects.
  • In the circumstances, I am unwilling to express a conclusion based on a hypothetical view of the evidence in respect of an issue now academic.
  • However, to everyone's surprise, he almost won a seat in the election by running on a radical platform the Democratic Party had been unwilling to take up.
  • They have been unwilling to take forthright stands either on issues of peace or of economic justice.
  • Her act describes her rejection by strings of men for being too talkative and immodest, for her unwillingness to commit to caring for a potential husband's ailing mother, and, worst of all, for being a comedian.
  • With no buses in sight and taxis unwilling to stop in such a volatile neighbourhood, he merely lit up a cigarette and ambled back to his hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Europe, moreover, has long memories - and the memory that will linger from the Greek crisis is of a more or less isolated Germany now unwilling to fuel the European integration process in the way it once did. OpenDemocracy
  • He was unwilling to divulge details after the session, but later pointed out poor defending and the openness in his team's play.
  • New technology cannot be used successfully if it is simply imposed on an unwilling workforce.
  • The difficulty rarely lies in any unwillingness to yoke these two things together. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Youth, is doomed to be bumpy, with sweat and tears, have a grievance, unwilling and failure.
  • She was unwilling to believe anyone would stoop so low as to steal a ring from a dead woman's finger.
  • Dawg, purely my opinion, but I think it's because they bragged back home and when they first got here that they were going to learn Spanish and integrate and interact in the local (Mexican) community and now find themselves unable or unwilling to make the necessary changes or to study enough to actually speak a little Spanish … more than más cerveza at least … so they are embarrassed, yet won't admit it. Page 4
  • The federal government's unwillingness to take action has left it up to states.
  • Fidelity appeared unwilling to be drawn into a public spat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The leadership has been unwilling to follow through the implications of these ideas.
  • Last week he was unwilling to discuss the matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The medical pedagogues of my day were far too busy hammering anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and all the other ‘ologies’ into our unwilling skulls, so that ‘unimportant’ bits like stress were not covered.
  • Under section 57, subsection 1 of the Patents Act 1995, the Minister must make certain that the patent holder is unwilling to issue a voluntary licence before issuing a compulsory licence.
  • They were unwilling, or unable, to guarantee safe passage from the city to the aircraft.
  • Their unwillingness to acknowledge the dangers is creating a wall of silence that needs to be overcome.
  • The second reveals an unwillingness to face the commercial realities of the marketplace.
  • Unwilling to release all the imprisoned suffragettes, the prison authorities force-fed these women on hunger strike.
  • I guess some people just need, and demand, masters and are unwilling to tolerate those who do not gladly submit to the collective (as represented by the coerciveness of the state and its agents). The Volokh Conspiracy » Deadly Force in Self-Defense Constitutionally Protected, Nondeadly Force Unprotected?
  • The intelligence directorate is “satisfied with mediocre written products … closed-minded and unwilling to consider new and different ideas,” the senior analyst added. CIA only an 'ok' place to work, jobs Web site says
  • This old pundit was himself a distinguished mesmerist, and though generally unwilling to talk about what is termed occultism, on finding in me a man naturally endowed with the physical characteristics necessary to those pursuits, he had given me several valuable hints as to the application of my powers. Mr. Isaacs
  • I was handed one ritualistic murder by French police and spent a year in total frustration as incompetence and unwillingness saw the investigation fold. The Sun
  • He is unwilling to step aside in favour of a younger person.
  • In many cases, however, populists seem unwilling to follow up on their anti-vax rhetoric. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unwilling to say too much in case the boy, fading from sobs to snuffling, was listening, Al rolled his eyes.
  • The mayor told us that this man has caused other problems that he is unwilling to resolve, so he seems to be an awkward person to deal with.
  • As recipients of generous campaign contributions, elected officials are unwilling to effectively regulate the firearms industry.
  • He was also useless at games and an unwilling participant in the social cut and thrust of Cardiff High School.
  • Before Mr Lawson's speech the markets had decided that the Government was unwilling to contemplate another increase.
  • His tightfisted employer was unwilling to give him a raise.
  • But the pattern is much too patchy, and it is not surprising that so many doctors are unwilling to delegate functions when they are unsure of the skills of the staff to whom they would entrust the care of their patients.
  • The method of sampling should be clearly stated, as well as information relative to those unwilling to or unable to cooperate.
  • But it’s probably true my wife would have traveled more if she’d married someone else, and my unwillingness to become the vagabond is just one of the ways I’ve been, as I said, an unexciting if loyal and unwavering companion. Excerpt: Bridge of Sighs by Richard Russo
  • Afraid, but unwilling to show it, he put up a brave front for his granddaughter.
  • Because of this psychology, the bailee is unwilling to make hard decisions and thus asking for too much money. Gary Liberson, PhD: Writing Checks Your Body Can't Cash
  • True to Mozart's intention to present the incorrigible libertine as a dramma giocoso - a funny drama - Erwin Schrott was a charismatic and riveting Don Juan, while Kyle Ketelsen's Leporello, the Don's comic and unwilling manservant, stole all the rest of the scenes. Don Giovanni
  • At that time the government was unwilling to resist the foreign invasion.
  • Dog training school salvinia from kia am reeking in la was quizzically to ask unwillingly the pairing, and nosecount nazimova endogenous to luckiness that eternally was any gutter. Rational Review
  • Government wants a search and rescue system in place but is unwilling to pay.
  • Instead of the central board of directors foisting decisions on unwilling parties, policy formation reflects endless bargaining between diverse competing interests.
  • The intelligence directorate is "satisfied with mediocre written products ... closed-minded and unwilling to consider new and different ideas," the senior analyst added. CIA employees weigh in on workplace through Glassdoor Web site
  • That Gibson's aggressive, unhidden anti-Semitism was not enough to end his career -- not here and assuredly not in Europe -- says an awful lot about our unwillingness to see the continuing danger of hatred of Jews. Rabbi David Wolpe: Why Wasn't Gibson's Anti-Semitism Enough?
  • he had sinned against her unwillingly
  • Some voters came willingly, some unwillingly; a major chunk was kept away because of a boycott call by separatists.
  • On this day the audience sat quietly when the second dance ended, as if quite unwilling to break the mood.
  • Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.
  • Then, unshakable in the belief that his rule was buttressed by a legitimacy not enjoyed by other authoritarian leaders journalists regularly come away from meeting him saying he is like no other regional leader, Bashar was initially unwilling to order the same level of force to be deployed against protestors as his father was, instead sending mixed messages of restraint to Syrian security forces whose cack-handed efforts only served to accelerate events. James Denselow: Assad: The Man Who Can Bring Down the Syrian Regime
  • What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others," Raggio said of Angle. The Full Feed from
  • You can't get much further away from stone carving than that, but the lesson I learned in Germany was that you don't take a letterform designed for printing in lead type and force it upon an unwilling medium.
  • After fifteen years he was still pursuing his feud against his master-mason, unwilling to let even his bones rest.
  • In desperation, she tried to force her unwilling feet to move, but it was as though she were mired in quicksand.
  • There are many reasons why women might be unwilling to name the absent parent.
  • Part two will be a discussion about how many classic transsexuals don't want to be labeled as transgender, and how new and legacy LGBT media needs to address self-identification when people who could fall under the term transsexual don't want to be unwillingly absorbed by transgender terminology into transgender community. Pam's House Blend - Front Page
  • She was an unwilling participant in his downfall.
  • She sat on the corner of the bed, which looked all the bigger with Michael's lonely figure curled up in the middle, nursing the glass of water and trying very hard not to dribble it on himself as he forced the liquid into his unwilling stomach.
  • Unwilling to tear ourselves away from the view, we spent another half-hour on the ice nougat with rum and raisin raspberry coulis.
  • So we are unwilling to walk away from a lucrative business deal that isn't entirely honest. Christianity Today
  • His deselection caused anger in the parliamentary party as well as in his constituency, but MPs are unwilling to rock the boat so close to the election.
  • Unwilling girls might be subjected to threats, ranging from physical violence and being locked up, to subtle emotional blackmail.
  • Such prattle demonstrates an inability and indeed an unwillingness to contemplate the affects of combat on the victor as well as the vanquished.
  • This demonstrates either a complete lack of understanding of the problems facing midland counties at the highest level in government or an unwillingness to tackle the problem.
  • I regard it as axiomatic that if you are unwilling to advocate for your interests and in consequence get walked all over by people who do, then you have no-one to blame but yourself.
  • The smile in your face conceals a darkness in your heart, and there are still some in this green and pleasant land unwilling to let their knees buckle before your rapacious onslaught of smarm and spin.
  • As president of an international federation, he sees the unwillingness of English clubs to release players for international duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yoshimoto, however, is a legitimate storyteller, and avoids the overwrought sentiment that forces a reader to cry unwilling tears.
  • unwilling to face facts
  • They interrupt because they are unwilling to let pass a remark from which an intricate leap can be performed.
  • The future is not bright for those who still use ox-carts - the ones who are slow or unwilling to absorb new expertise.
  • In 2008, the heart group said untrained bystanders or those unwilling to do rescue breaths could do hands-only CPR until paramedics arrive or a defibrillator is used to restore a normal heart beat. CPR First Aid Changes: Chest Presses First, Then Mouth-To-Mouth
  • No one could be unwilling to take care of one so unexacting. Girls and Women
  • an unwilling assistant
  • They're still deemed a kind of ward of the government, and the mere fact that they'll be able to dislodge this unwilling assistor underscores that they have gotten to some minimum standard of health. Bloomberg
  • The non-religious adults and young people will increase rapidly in numbers through abandonment of Christianity, but in the process adopt lifestyles not conducive to child-bearing — co-habiting with fewer (and often more dysfunctional) children, same-sex ‘marriage’, a selfish unwillingness to go through the troubles and expense of bringing up children. Mission Researchers Respond to the Muslim Demographic Video
  • Exactly, they are unwilling to incardinate the Society's priests because of the misimplementation of Vatican II. Fellay speaks: The talks begin in the autumn of 2009
  • Very honestly, Petrus Partners was unwilling to make that commitment.
  • Initially the government was unwilling to accept the defeat.
  • Here was a young rider unwilling to accept cheating and prepared to rail against it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suffice that she was certainly an unwilling victim of circumstances. Positive Parent Power
  • Yoshimoto, however, is a legitimate storyteller, and avoids the overwrought sentiment that forces a reader to cry unwilling tears.
  • If this is true now, failure to win a third successive title could see the grumblings of Celtic fans over his apparent unwillingness to commit to a job turning into outright hostility.
  • Soon the recruits start peeling away, unwilling or unable to keep up with us as we dart through traffic and around cops in cars and astride hogs.
  • You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, But You Can't Make Him Think: Answers to Questions from Angry Skeptics seems more than a pejorative stab, but rather, an astute observation of the narrow atheist view of reality, their unwillingness to concede science and reason's limitations, and other means of epistemology other than material empiricism. Two or three . net
  • Many people are unwilling to embrace new technologies.
  • Usually the object of the exercise is to shock, disgust or humiliate the unwilling audience, rather than injure.
  • They have been unable or unwilling to resolve the conflict.
  • And most of the time she served as unwilling bedmate to her ‘boyfriend,’ to whom she bore a son.
  • Finally, Luther was unwilling to sacrifice political prudence and practicality on the altar of biblical literalism, or to identify Christianity with sectarian withdrawal from the political sphere.

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