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How To Use Unwelcome In A Sentence

  • It was this conviction that made the intrigues at OKH, the disregard and "mislaying" of unwelcome instructions, such a personal affair in the first summer's campaign. Barbarossa
  • According to the pamphlet issued to midwives, fathers often feel like 'the invisible parent ... uninformed and unwelcomed'. Times, Sunday Times
  • When a well-intentioned program yields unwelcome results, for example, a truth-aversive organization will seek to minimize or disguise these consquences.
  • If crows have become unwelcome guests, Martens recommends scare tactics, such as Mylar tape, pie tins, scary eye balloons, scarecrows, and auditory alarms.
  • unwelcome publicity
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  • The orchestra added little apart from a certain unwelcome tumidity to music that would have been more at home as a Hollywood soundtrack.
  • This may be the most unwelcome advice Labor has received from a Kerr in thirty years but the party would be foolish to ignore it.
  • For the first time, I've experienced a most unwelcome intrusion into the most sacred of personal spaces - the toilet trap.
  • The argument has potency, but its delivery is marred by unwelcome rhetorical flourishes and a confused narrative structure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The evidence put to them is censored, controlled, delivered after frequent and unwelcome interruptions and often without being understood. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an unwelcome symptom of very tough times.
  • A colleague made unwelcome sexual advances towards her.
  • The deficits became a permanent, unwelcome guest at the table. Peril and Promise: A Commentary on America
  • Pandemic influenza remains a non-eradicable zoonosis, and SARS has made an unwelcome zoonotic incursion.
  • Most interventions by an umpire detract from the spectacle and hence are unwelcome to players and spectators.
  • Memories come flooding back, often unwilled, sometimes unwelcomed. Louis Bickford: Memory, War, and the Memory of War
  • In politics it is the only way to reconcile people with unwelcome news or the limits of the possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • A host of unwelcome thoughts were pressing in on him.
  • He came: he found the islanders beside themselves at this unwelcome resurrection of the dead and the detested; he was shown, as adminicular of testimony, the traveller’s uncouth and thick-soled boots; he argued, and finding argument unavailing, consented to enter the room and examine with his own eyes the sleeping Pict. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • This news is particularly unwelcome as the footpath network is already in some trouble. Times, Sunday Times
  • The delicate anicham flower withers when merely smelled, but an unwelcome look is enough to wither a guest's heart.
  • Lost for words, experiencing an unwelcome and sudden sense of dread, she mounted her own charger and spurred it after the knight, who was riding up to join King Lot.
  • Staff at a hotel in east Slovakia also hinted that he was unwelcome — until, that is, one of his sons spoke in English, thereby revealing that this was an American family in possession of hard currency. Love of Country Lost and Found
  • The military overthrow of the Egyptian government produced an unwelcome rise in oil prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any unwelcome associations between this and the firm's frequent difficulties in getting its software delivered on time were obviously not enough to queer the deal.
  • It is difficult to put into words, but it is rather like the disappearance of a permanent unwelcome guest.
  • But the lion and the unicorn soon had unwelcome company.
  • How could the victim notify the perpetrator that this communication was unwelcome, given that one reason it was unwelcome was that it was fake and that the fakeness was being actively concealed from the victim? The Volokh Conspiracy » Louisiana Bill Would Outlaw Insulting an Under-17-Year-Old By E-Mail
  • The pockets of the farmers, on the other hand, will reluctantly yield but scanty supplies, in the unwelcome shape of impositions on their houses and lands; and personal property is too precarious and invisible a fund to be laid hold of in any other way than by the imperceptible agency of taxes on consumption.
  • It is not likely that this selfish and unwarlike pedant -- a "nithing", as they probably called him -- had ever been aught but a most unwelcome necessity to the lion-hearted Ostrogoths, and for all but the families and friends of the three slain noblemen, the imprisonment and the permitted murder of his benefactress must have deepened dislike into horror. Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • A colleague made unwelcome sexual advances towards her.
  • I won't have it like that!" declared Zoie, and she shook herself free from Aggie's unwelcome attentions and proceeded to unplait the hateful pigtail. Baby Mine
  • Even if what you see is an unwelcome glimpse of grey, if you're a professional gardener, you simply have no choice but to get out of bed and get your sou'wester on.
  • This creates an environment that some feel is uncomfortable or even unwelcome, and yet others feel quite content with it.
  • One unwelcome trend in architecture is the inclusion of dual use cocktail spaces as a central function of museum spaces. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: Architecture Policy
  • To the Respectable Citizen, the Moral Matron, and the Young Person, with a love of larkiness and lilt, but a distrust of politics, pugilism, and deep potations, the following eclectic adaptation of this prodigiously popular ballad may perhaps be not altogether unwelcome. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, October 3, 1891
  • Would you want an intelligence agency too unintelligent to realise when information is unwelcome?
  • I've even learned to look past her attempts to create an unwelcome climate for those of us who are striving to take steps against the whole mumpish brotherhood of fatuous nincompoops.
  • The lack of guaranteed work can be unwelcome, of course. Times, Sunday Times
  • If there was no man in the house at the time these unwelcome visitors made their calls the female inmates were often greatly frightened, for the mendicants, if they were refused help, were not particular in the choice of their epithets.
  • A woman traveling alone through the countryside may receive unwelcome attention from men.
  • Our taxi driver hadn't uttered a word thus far, not even the acknowledgement of knowing where he was taking us, who were strangers in the big unwelcome city.
  • The sense of being unwelcome to the Kosciusko National Park was strong.
  • The California Fair Employment and Housing Act defines unwelcome sexual advances of an employer toward an employee of the same sex as unlawful sexual harassment.
  • In politics it is the only way to reconcile people with unwelcome news or the limits of the possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Quite a few commonly used preventive medications, such as amitriptyline or divalproex (Depakote), might have unwelcome side effects, including weight gain and/or sedation. Tracking down migraine triggers
  • The media has brought more unwelcome attention to the Royal Family.
  • Victor was secondary, he wasn't family and had started out as an unwelcome house guest.
  • When I began looking into it, I discovered that it was a pretty complicated deal to make root beer. with ramifications, including the unwelcome possibility of poisonousness. Root Beer Dreams: Part I
  • To tell someone they are unwelcome is unpleasant and potentially hurtful and not something I would often do.
  • Yet many women know very little about this unpleasant and unwelcome condition.
  • His unwelcome advance was met with double-barrelled shotgun.
  • We also reach a large number of Jews who had previously felt pushed out and unwelcomed by the organized Jewish community; they now find a connection to us because they value both our use of technology and our liberal voice. Rabbi Jason Miller: Social Media And Religion
  • The European Council is, in the words of Westlake, no longer an unwelcome guest but a valued colleague.
  • No doubt, she thought, a visitor might be a very unwelcome distraction in his entrenched life.
  • A nightshirt, or indeed any other kind of nightwear, was not only unnecessary but unwelcome as well when it came between her and the sensual warmth of Guard's skin, the touch of his hands and mouth, when-Shakily Rosy tried to banish her wantonly erotic thoughts, but as she glanced in the mirror she suspected that her flushed face and shining eyes gave her away. Unwanted Wedding
  • We got rid of our unwelcome guests by saying we had to go to bed.
  • “And from the word obtruded, I should suppose not more singular than unwelcome,” returned Lord Dunotter, smiling; “pray what was it?” Any Thing But What You Expect
  • The evidence put to them is censored, controlled, delivered after frequent and unwelcome interruptions and often without being understood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps they feared that the impact of the 2 million reward would draw some unwelcome attention. Times, Sunday Times
  • This gives children protection against unwelcome intrusions into their privacy by the parents.
  • Even if what you see is an unwelcome glimpse of grey, if you're a professional gardener, you simply have no choice but to get out of bed and get your sou'wester on.
  • Higher fuel prices can cause unwelcome rises in inflation, restrict economic growth and are unpopular with voters.
  • Their stance demonstrates the utter necessity of this unwelcome war.
  • Even so, Microsoft has received some unwelcome attention for its pricing policies.
  • Perhaps such physical dependence is not unwelcome, recalling memories of childhood which are tender and warm.
  • The evidence put to them is censored, controlled, delivered after frequent and unwelcome interruptions and often without being understood. Times, Sunday Times
  • His unwelcome advance was met with double-barrelled shotgun.
  • Then an unwelcome sound stumbled into the song - one of discord - a sour note that did not belong and that would change everything.
  • Now, in the restrained language of the central bank, a substantial further fall in the inflation rate would be ‘unwelcome.’
  • Hedin was no unwelcome guest in the houses of gentlefolks, and he was often seen at the judge's and the pastor's omber parties. Tales From Two Hemispheres
  • She removed not only superfluous and unwelcome babes to order, but went out into the highways and byways, gathering in children of a larger growth, and even such adults as she could entice to the oilery. The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales
  • From bogong moths in Canberra to frogs in biblical Egypt, unwelcome and unlovely creatures have the awkward habit of turning up in bulk. Planet Atheism
  • The assault on Mr Wilson happened when Foster thought the man had made unwelcome advances to his girlfriend.
  • This is the first challenge in the process of managing spam: how to get a computer to analyze these strings to recognize and differentiate the welcome from the unwelcome emails.
  • A not unwelcome outcome
  • For two years we had been close; she had been so much my friend, she could not in maiden charity seal for me a so unwelcome fate, I had awakened her slumbering soul with my first look into the sphinx wonder of her eyes. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • The infighting has been an unwelcome distraction for a candidate who was poised to sail into the governor's mansion after winning a commanding 49% of the vote in a four-way primary. South Carolina's Haley Faces Fire From Party Members
  • In politics it is the only way to reconcile people with unwelcome news or the limits of the possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, there is one unwelcome aspect that spring features that we get earlier as well.
  • Though unwelcome, this decline was predicted and planned for - and spending was therefore rightly under tight constraint in 1992.
  • A christening was rudely interrupted when some unwelcome guests turned up at the car park of a Hampshire church.
  • Even outside all these imaginings, rumor and derision held us in an unwelcome embrace.
  • The lamb bhuna and the chicken lababdar had pronounced but not unwelcome sweet notes. Restaurant review: Jali
  • There were lardons in every savoury dish, unwelcome both on grounds of repetition and salt, which he arguably overdoes.
  • This low-level approach sought to duck the unwelcome publicity surrounding the sentencing of refuseniks.
  • For the U.S. to take sides would inevitably deepen Arab and Palestinian divides, which is an unwelcome policy to moderate Arabs and Palestinians alike, who do not want and could not be perceived by their people as advocating dialogue and negotiations with the Israeli occupying power but willing to go into confrontation with their compatriot political protagonists. Abusing the Arab Peace Initiative
  • Latin America has suffered the unwelcome attentions of these institutions particularly acutely.
  • When they also did not report back in a timely manner, he knew the First Chair had an unwelcome visitor.
  • Why did she feel unwelcome in trendy shops? Times, Sunday Times
  • English eyes scour the English horizon for the certitudes of English corporatism, and what they see are multinationals who, to an unwelcome extent, dictate the pace and impose the qualitative standards of English life.
  • Then she was lying in bed at night trying to come to terms with this new and unwelcome emotion: profound sadness.
  • Young, eager and unshockable, the maid arrives in the prim household, an unwelcome and disruptive presence for her condescending hosts.
  • Though unwelcome, this decline was predicted and planned for - and spending was therefore rightly under tight constraint in 1992.
  • Here's hoping there wasn't too much unwelcome indoor pecky perching as a result of the repairiness x I like birds, but this is going too far
  • This has the unwelcome consequence of forcing one to argue that number is invisible in syntactic environments (such as embedded clauses) where C carries no visible number.
  • In part, the consequence of patients feeling unwelcomed by the medical community are health disparities drawn along racial lines. Natalie Holder-Winfield: Breast Cancer Awareness: Another Reason Doctors Should Practice Emotional Intelligence
  • Even outside all these imaginings, rumor and derision held us in an unwelcome embrace.
  • Among the potential concerns was that my identity could be compromised or I could become clinically depressed if I learned unwelcome news based on unauthenticated analysis of my raw data. The $1,000 Genome
  • I expect for some, the vertiginous image itself may be sufficient to provoke an unwelcome return of barely repressed memories, so perhaps this staple of suspense flicks will be proscribed too.
  • The martial spirit of Pandita Hutuktu was very unwelcome to the Council of Lamas, who protested against the adventuresomeness of this "Living God. Beasts, Men and Gods
  • So, unrepaired and unfrequented, town centers began to look dilapidated, long before any unwelcome barbarian tongues were heard in their near empty streets.
  • Curtailing innocent kids' rights to go where they've no business and are universally unwelcome is a small price to pay for some peace.
  • Those who dislike speech or publications vilifying certain groups should speak out in their defence, not use the law to punish unwelcome opinions.
  • They "hasted," and a second or two after were creeping, doubled up lest their heads show above the darkened windows and arouse unwelcome curiosity, along the rear of Torrence. Left Guard Gilbert
  • As an added bonus, he appears as an unwelcome guest who knows too much about Rick's past.
  • For the majority, however, signing away moral rights is likely to become the unwelcome price of doing business.
  • Then, as he finally readied himself on Tuesday morning to meet the Queen, he was greeted by some decidedly unwelcome news.
  • Will unwelcome droplets of dew drip down your back if you brush too close to the plants? Times, Sunday Times
  • Not once had she ever felt she were a bother, or an encumbrance, or an unwelcome guest taken in because she had nowhere else to go.
  • Actually, the man does sound rather a jerk, but no more so than the prissy madam who lectures him about ‘Good Medical Practice’ while depriving him of his living for the crime of stating an unwelcome truth.
  • But if the police handle things badly it could ruin my client's reputation and start a lot of unwelcome investigation.
  • Will unwelcome droplets of dew drip down your back if you brush too close to the plants? Times, Sunday Times
  • The mild tones turn the place into an extremely homy, warm and comfortable crib, where you could not possibly feel unwelcomed. Lavish Three-storey House in Manhattan Beach
  • The curse of the Internet is SPAM - unrequested and unwelcome e-mail, much of it either pornographic or scams.
  • With sad paradox, Mr Punch himself became the man in the Bateman cartoon, unwelcome in polite company.
  • With sad paradox, Mr Punch himself became the man in the Bateman cartoon, unwelcome in polite company.
  • There are other unwelcome side effects, including increased hairiness and acne.
  • It consists of a basement, gun deck and large observation area, giving you ample time to heat up the boiling oil after spying unwelcome visitors. Times, Sunday Times
  • She manages a brash, confident, and sassy manner that works well in the part, but is not overdone to the point of being unwelcome.
  • Moseley's unwelcome bedside visitors were involved in what is commonly called "Quiverfull" -- a movement within segments of conservative evangelical and Catholic Christianity that eschews all forms of birth control and teaches that the only faithful response to childbearing is to have as many children as possible, leaving the number and frequency up to God alone. Cathleen Falsani: A Quiver Full Of Controversy
  • As union membership is itself dwindling, this is unsustainable as well as unwelcome. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some kitchen appliances make unwelcome gifts; this isn't one of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • This able book, as anxious for an effective peroration as any sermon, contains truths unwelcome to Christian readers, but it omits relevant evidence.
  • Biodiversity is already perfectly adequate without our needing to create novel life forms, unneeded for nutrition and unwelcome in the marketplace, to correct God's lamentable oversights.
  • At the University of Michigan he had to fight off the unwelcome attentions of Drew to win the starting quarterback's job.
  • If you do, it means one of three things – in ascending order of unwelcomeness: Unexpected
  • They perceived that they were unwelcome and left.
  • Cleburne also perceived immigration-driven amoral familism at the expense of Americans in the selective persecution of American teenagers by (unwelcome, to this American at least) Korean import and U.S. government lawyer Grace Chung Becker Blog Articles » Print » Amoral Familism And Baby Formula
  • To this attractive island the boy viking sailed with all his ships, looking for rich booty, but the Gotlanders met him with fair words and offered him so great a "scatt," or tribute, that he agreed not to molest them, and rested at the island, an unwelcome guest, through all the long winter. Historic Boys Their Endeavours, Their Achievements, and Their Times
  • He was pleased to be able to fling off such an unwelcome responsibility.
  • While technology no doubt aids journalism's mission to inform society by removing obstacles of time and distance, it also provides an unwelcome buffer between the reporter and the public.
  • None of these discoveries would be of much interest outside the lab were it not for some chance observations made in the early 1950s—that, for instance, an antitubercular drug that had induced an unexpected (although not unwelcome) euphoria inhibited an enzyme that breaks down serotonin, or that lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), already famous for its profound effects on consciousness, has a chemical structure similar to serotonin. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • Higher fuel prices can cause unwelcome rises in inflation, restrict economic growth and are unpopular with voters.
  • But the word of Mr Costello was an unwelcome language for him for he nauseated the wretch that seemed to him a cropeared creature of a misshapen gibbosity, born out of wedlock and thrust like a crookback toothed and feet first into the world, which the dint of the surgeon's pliers in his skull lent indeed Ulysses
  • An earlier hearing attracted unwelcome attention from both broadsheet and tabloid media.
  • You have frequently treated me with indifference and made me feel unwelcome.
  • Successfully aloft, the ship is unable to break free of the gravitational pull of the unwelcome comet.
  • If she is not reappointed, that will be an unwelcome signal to environmentalists about Davis and the coast.
  • Scenes swiftly follow each other in the three acts which last a total of only an hour and 45 minutes, and there are no unwelcome longueurs.
  • I find it very disturbing and unwelcome to have you go touching me as you do.
  • Success has brought in its wake some unwelcome attention. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apart from choking growth in Germany, this increase had the unwelcome consequence of launching the euro at an inappropriately high level.
  • The turning of the car's starter motor was an ugly and unwelcome sound in the stillness of the forest.Sentencedict
  • Most of them are terrible at graphic design, and often see its deployment as an unwelcome imposition on their aesthetic vision.
  • * Because GlaxoSmithKline and other drug companies have control over the creation of the science, Healy argues, “there is almost no possibility of discrepant data emerging to trigger a thought that might be unwelcome to the marketing department of a pharmaceutical company.” Crazy Like Us
  • It was felt as if we were unwelcome guests in someone else's house, who wasn't really happy with us being there.
  • September 16, 2009 at 3:36 pm i sing of Olaf glad and big whose warmest heart recoiled at all his importuning email-ors one unwelcome correspondent pigg I WILL Read Your F@#*ing Script…If You Leave Cookies and Milk
  • But by the time he arrived the unwelcome guest had fled, leaving behind a white plastic sheet and a pile of cardboard he slept on. The Sun
  • The revival of religious controversy was extremely unwelcome to Whig ministers and when the matter was raised in the lower house of convocation, that body was hastily prorogued, not to meet again until 1852.
  • He came: he found the islanders beside themselves at this unwelcome resurrection of the dead and the detested; he was shown, as adminicular of testimony, the traveller's uncouth and thick-soled boots; he argued, and finding argument unavailing, consented to enter the room and examine with his own eyes the sleeping Pict. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • Yet I approach this New Year's Eve with trepidation, for it will bring an unwelcome change.
  • Examination of the strongly-lit side reveals a harsh, unwelcome surface that is cold, rough and unforgiving.
  • I have in the intervening years had my tablets changed a few times, although I never suffered any unwelcome symptoms.
  • In part it is excitement or maybe rushing or just unfamiliarity, but it opens the way for unwelcome guests.
  • When successfully employed, the threat of force can deter an adversary from embarking upon an unwelcome course of action or coerce an adversary to cease undesirable activities.
  • Experts come in, actually envelope the whole dwelling in a giant tent - and send a very powerful fumigant, lethal to the varmints and unwelcome creatures, into every nook and cranny of the house. Terry Krepel: The 2010 Slantie Awards
  • Will unwelcome droplets of dew drip down your back if you brush too close to the plants? Times, Sunday Times
  • When Alexander died in 1894, Witte found himself transformed from the championed counselor of a paternal czar-protector to the unwelcome mentor of an unprepared sovereign—Nicholas II—who bristled under the tutelage of his inherited advisers. A Statesman For the Czar
  • There was more unwelcome news waiting for me at the office.
  • Their sudden re-emergence is greeted as a miracle by some, but is unwelcome and disturbing for others. Times, Sunday Times
  • The military overthrow of the Egyptian government produced an unwelcome rise in oil prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • A remarkable proportion regard the technical investigator as an unwelcome intruder who presumes to usurp the coroner's function.
  • And the home security system is going off NOT because there is an unwelcomed guest, too? Think Progress » Anti-Immigrant Leader’s Bodyguard Reportedly Assaulted Mimes Who Were Blowing ‘Hateful Whistles’ At DC Rally
  • They endured lewd jokes, taunting and unwelcome physical contact.
  • I just think I've had too many sudden, abrupt, unexpected, and unwelcome changes in my plans to be able to commit to more plans in advance.
  • Unwelcome surprise Still, the personal information now available on the Internet is an unwelcome surprise for many.
  • As much as I dislike extreme cold, a nice frost on the lawn would not be unwelcome.
  • It occurs to me that it might be a good idea to call Maggie … to call someone, at any rate—Izzy, or Peter, or even, his name rising phantomlike and unwelcome but rising, incredibly, nonetheless, Con… Hollywood Savage
  • Our video depicts a young boy walking down the aisle of church with his two mothers, embraced only by unwelcomed stares. Joseph Ward III: An Ad Controversy With Sojourners And Jim Wallis, Highlights Intersections International
  • She follows her around and makes me feel unwelcome. The Sun
  • This has been my home for the past two years and now this unwelcome visitor seems set to spoil it.
  • The media has brought more unwelcome attention to the Royal Family.
  • Quite a few commonly used preventive medications, such as amitriptyline or divalproex Depakote, might have unwelcome side effects, including weight gain and/or sedation. Tracking down migraine triggers
  • Miss Wagstaff, Guerrilla Welsh-Fare and myself noted how the Gurkhas are apparently unwelcome in Wales. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Cancellations cost the dealers in fines, and can generate unwelcome publicity for the licensed dealer concerned.
  • Matt was clearly mad with grief, his words laced with a new desperation and an unwelcome spite.
  • The media has brought more unwelcome attention to the Royal Family.
  • There's a disturbing pattern of exploitation here, which is unwelcome in a Member of Parliament.
  • It's a not unwelcome piece of news.
  • Ray lifted Martin out of the crib and placed him on his shoulder, the familiar whiffs of puke and liquid keech surrounding him like an unwelcome aura. A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away
  • He was an unwelcome guest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe I smelled the musk of horehound and the bracing scent of mint in my sleep, for in the morning I awoke to find those herbs in the straw around our blankets, mixed with poppies and cornflower and other weeds that had grown unwelcomed amidst wheat and barley. Wildfire
  • If it was not free from unwelcome intervention the papacy could not be active in what it saw as its role.
  • I have been limiting myself to a slice a week to prevent any unwelcome changes in waist-size.
  • This can seem harsh advice to heap on the unwelcome news of heart disease. Coping with Angina
  • No stranger to taking flak from a variety of critics, Elan has come for more unwelcome attention recently.
  • The lack of guaranteed work can be unwelcome, of course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes he could be surprisingly blunt and tactless, perhaps passing on some unwelcome bit of information.
  • But it is often unnecessary and invariably unwelcome, especially when it appears in print. Times, Sunday Times
  • You also need to make room in your calculations for unwelcome - and for many people unbudgeted - extra taxes and charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Capitalism, in the form of greedy and reckless banking, has certainly contributed to the present need for public retrenchment and unwelcome cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The people in the room seemed to regard her as an unwelcome intruder.
  • Cancellations cost the dealers in fines, and can generate unwelcome publicity for the licensed dealer concerned.
  • When Arnold Schwarzenegger ran for governor of California, highly plausible claims that he had made unwelcome advances towards a number of women scarcely dinted his election prospects. Sex Americana
  • He arrived at Vera Cruz on November 30, but found himself a decidedly unwelcome visitor.
  • This is the shadow side of desire, manifested in the impulse to negate, deny, and reject that which is unpleasant or unwelcome.
  • The argument has potency, but its delivery is marred by unwelcome rhetorical flourishes and a confused narrative structure. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was an unwelcome diversion that ultimately changed the rest of his life.
  • Until now, no Western airline has been prepared to risk offending parents by making them feel unwelcome on board. Times, Sunday Times

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