How To Use Unwarranted In A Sentence

  • CHAPTER Seventeen EMERSON was unreasonably annoyed with me for what he called my unwarranted interference. The Curse of the Pharaohs
  • A commission was scheduled to be appointed within 10 days of the end of the strike to investigate possible unwarranted dismissals since March 1.
  • If Thomas has a reputation for being a sourpuss, those who have been around him for most of his career insist that reputation is unwarranted anyway.
  • Such a conclusion is as philosophically bizarre as it is textually unwarranted.
  • Mr. Obama urged Congress Tuesday to immediately eliminate what he called "unwarranted" tax breaks for oil companies. Gas Price Surge Triggers Political Brawl
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  • MCINTYRE: General Jones says he did not use the term reinforcements because that connotes a panic and desperation he says is unwarranted. CNN Transcript Sep 7, 2006
  • China's Foreign Ministry denounced those remarks as unwarranted American meddling and an attempt to "internationalize" a strictly regional problem. Reining in China's Ambitions
  • His lack of mobility and limited lateral movement were major detriments for the Jets' offense in 2003, when offensive coordinator Paul Hackett took repeated and unwarranted hits for his play design.
  • Not only are the claims made for rave exaggerated and in many cases unwarranted, but they rest on a misunderstanding of history.
  • What I don't like about the Snopes posting is that they make it seem as if the phonecard thing was unwarranted. Archive 2004-12-01
  • The remainder is blighted by alternating self-flagellation, self-justification and unwarranted extrapolation.
  • Today's crude oil prices reflect nothing more than a market bubble fed by speculation and unwarranted fear.
  • The Consumers Association of Ireland claimed the increases were unwarranted.
  • Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country's internal affairs.
  • The manifesto is entirely underwhelming, while the drama surrounding it is equally unwarranted. The Open Cloud Manifesto Is Nothing But a Vapor Tiger
  • She observed that my eyes were upon her, and in an act of instinctive maidenliness she bore her hand to her throat to draw the draperies together and screen the beauties of her neck from my unwarranted glance, as though her daily gown did not reveal as much and more of them. Bardelys the Magnificent; being an account of the strange wooing pursued by the Sieur Marcel de Saint-Pol, marquis of Bardelys...
  • Buyers who habitually purchase supplies from one supplier may recognise that change involves unwarranted risk.
  • The very early assimilation of Cybele and Anahita justifies to a certain extent the unwarranted practice of calling Cybele the Persian Artemis. The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism
  • I reiterate to the House that this bill is unnecessary, unwarranted, and dangerous.
  • Gregory liked to portray tax as unwarranted and unjust.
  • But Sabavala seemed unwarrantedly shaken by the controversy, and hurt by it.
  • This change in terminology is not intended to be hostile or vengeful, though such reactions would not seem unwarranted at this point, but it would serve two clear purposes: An Illustrated Guide : The Lovecraft News Network
  • This is not only a dubious historic proposition, but also represents an unwarranted slur on the reputation of his country and its neighbours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the pieces illustrated were not Irish, and others were awarded unwarrantedly early dates, yet few if any outright fakes can be discerned from its pages.
  • Disappointed expectations lead to unwarranted cynicism. Times, Sunday Times
  • But from others, a clear hint that fears of drug abuse at the site were not unwarranted.
  • I'm not saying that Catwoman is perfect, but all the negative hype surrounding it is unwarranted.
  • Any such individual action would be irresponsible and unwarranted and would serve no useful purpose.
  • While I understand the disconformity of Sox fans, the criticism of you is unwarranted. News -
  • This is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some unscrupulous elements.
  • You (and Obama) are making an unwarranted extrapolation from the fact that bin Laden happened to be operating in Afghanistan at the time of 9/11. Matthew Yglesias » America Needs More Realistic Aspirations in Afghanistan
  • The loaded language is quite amusing, especially given that anyone can look at the response for themselves and see that it's entirely unwarranted.
  • Naturally, neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics.
  • This is not only a dubious historic proposition, but also represents an unwarranted slur on the reputation of his country and its neighbours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not surprisingly, even before the commission delivered it's report, the proposed museum was being attacked by cultural chauvinists and deficit hawks as unaffordable, unwarranted and unnecessary. Guy Garcia: Are Hispanics the New American Reality? Claro Que Si! But Will They Get Their Own Museum? Quien Sabe.
  • Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country's internal affairs.
  • The bench has been much maligned all season, and not all of the complaints were unwarranted.
  • I strongly resent such unwarranted aspersions.
  • I think it is a totally unwarranted waste of public money.
  • False negatives, on the other hand, create a sense of security that is certainly sometimes unwarranted.
  • There have been too many allegations of unwarranted brutality by soldiers over the past decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • I shall refrain from unwarranted capitalisations in the middle of sentences.
  • These results suggest that more invasive treatments such as catheter-directed thrombolysis, angioplasty, or thrombectomy are unwarranted except in selected cases.
  • All of these findings show how unwarranted is the claim that there is such a phenomenon as a premenstrual mental disorder.
  • Last month, a federal appeals court in California dramatically and unwarrantedly expanded the scope of the federal criminal law prohibiting "unauthorized access" to computers and electronic mail.
  • The various authorities involved were most thorough, and I consider this attack on them to be quite unwarranted.
  • The law did not provide for the apportionment of the tax, and, if it was a direct tax, the law was confessedly unwarranted by the Constitution.
  • There is already the offence of blackmail, which penalizes the making of unwarranted demands with menaces, and this should be the starting-point.
  • Prediction claims attract intense and unwarrantedly optimistic coverage by the media.
  • Portugal led the small nations' campaign to present the sanctions as an unwarranted interference in a country's internal affairs.
  • The bison roam onto Horse Butte to graze in the winter, and when they do, the government kills them because of unwarranted fears that buffalo will infect cattle with the disease brucellosis.
  • In a semi-polemical preface, he takes some unwarranted shots at post-Cold War studies of Soviet spying that are based on VENONA decrypts and documents from KGB and Comintern archives.
  • I would ask that the severest penalty allowed be inflicted on the accused for his unwarranted, unmanly, and blackguardly conduct. Duty, and other Irish Comedies
  • In fact, the safety fears that keep many families off boats are largely unwarranted.
  • Apparently my skepticism about the plausibility of hot tub theft was unwarranted.
  • Much of the criticism was totally unwarranted.
  • To label those of us suspicious of the EU and its activities as ‘members of extreme right anti-European political parties’ is an unwarranted libel unworthy of an elected representative.
  • Closing lottery outlets is unfair to the players, unfair to the shopkeepers and financially unwarranted.
  • Perhaps this serves as another example of an overestimated threat leading to unwarranted action.
  • German military officials have fumed at what they called unwarranted public criticism of their actions by U.S. and NATO officials, and were particularly irked at a decision by McChrystal's advisers to allow a Washington Post reporter to accompany him on a visit to Kunduz to investigate the bombing. Army Rumour Service
  • Congressman opens hearing on Islamic radicalization, says 'rage and hysteria' unwarranted sns-ap-us-muslims-terror-hearings WASHINGTON AP - Under heightened security, Rep. Peter King opened hearings Thursday into Islamic radicalization in America, dismissing what he called the "rage and hysteria" surrounding the hearings. - News
  • Talk of stocking up on basic staples, buying personal protection and hoarding your money in a mattress is not unwarranted. Matthew Yglesias » Japan’s 20 Years in the Dolrums Highlights Need for Effective Recovery Policies
  • This film's release to DVD is unwarranted, and it should be scuttled and returned to the hidden film vault beneath the Nevada salt mines.
  • Prediction claims attract intense and unwarrantedly optimistic coverage by the media.
  • The same unwarranted equation of the two meanings of soul underlies the third argument, (3) the soul as self-moving, which states that since the soul moves itself and is the source of movement and life, it must be immortal because that which moves itself is incor - ruptible and ingenerable (Phaedrus 245C-246A). DEATH AND IMMORTALITY
  • In the same vein, he implored the European Union and the United States to lift the economic sanctions which he described as inhuman, cruel and unwarranted. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • But, as the chemist prefers distilled H2 O in testing solutions to avoid complications and unwarranted reactions, so the Black Woman holds that her femineity linked with the impossibility of popular affinity or unexpected attraction through position and influence in her case makes her a touchstone of American courtesy exceptionally pure and singularly free from extraneous modifiers. A Voice From the South
  • The city had supported the Cromwellian cause, having been soured by unwarranted interference in its affairs by the Stuart kings.
  • unwarranted jealousy
  • Fortunately the herd escaped unscathed after this unwarranted intrusion.
  • Troth forbid we mistakenly use dogmatism to mean “positiveness in assertion of opinion especially when unwarranted or arrogant” or “a viewpoint or system of ideas based on insufficiently examined premises”. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • Some boards of management have been found by the office of the Auditor General to have made unwarranted payments to principals.
  • This multi-disciplinary study concludes that climate alarmism is unwarranted and counterproductive for the developed world and particularly for the world's energy poor.
  • The army's response was either wholly unwarranted or grotesquely disproportionate.
  • Both sending off's were unwarranted and from the first early bath the Galway man branded his cards all too easy.
  • I retain a certain fondness for him that is admittedly entirely unwarranted.
  • Founders sometimes become arrogant and go on a rapid and unwarranted expansion binge, he warns.
  • Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country's internal affairs.
  • I think it is a totally unwarranted waste of public money.
  • No other Labour minister could have got away with challenging arranged marriages without being accused of unwarranted intrusion into the customs of Asian communities.
  • Naturally, neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics.
  • Still, his nervousness proved to be unwarranted as he kept the audience in rapt attention with his loose, off the cuff demeanor and laconic sense of humor (it didn't hurt that BodyWorld is very funny; Shaw's voices for his characters were hilariously fitting). Dash Shaw goes to college | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • If could use paragraph breaks and dial down the unwarranted pomposity, you might have more success in conveying your points. ray l love says: Matthew Yglesias » ARRA and Density
  • Such a proposition would involve putting an unwarranted gloss on the language of section 29 of the Act of 1971.
  • Like the jackknife and the bootstrap, randomization methods are free from potentially unwarranted normal theory assumptions such as normally distributed populations.
  • In the ensuing litigation, this was portrayed as blackmail - a serious offence that has a maximum prison term of 14 years, and which is defined as making an unwarranted demand with a view to gain, with menaces.
  • Such unthinkable setbacks on the racecourse inevitably bring unwarranted gossip from the punting masses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your "corrections" of the few minor grammatical errors in Camille's post are unwarranted and borderline hostile (I'm not sure if this was your intention). Is Reading Better For You Than Watching TV?
  • your assumption that I would agree was unwarranted
  • Against his mining record, scepticism about the sincerity of Reid's renewable energy embrace is perhaps not unwarranted.
  • We can well see that leading counsel's technique might have disappointed someone unversed in the art of cross examination but we would hold the criticisms made of it to be wholly unwarranted.
  • Against his mining record, scepticism about the sincerity of Reid's renewable energy embrace is perhaps not unwarranted.
  • Much of the criticism was totally unwarranted.
  • An unwarranted wiretap is perfectly legal — so long as you go to the FISA court within 3 days after the fact. Think Progress » Fact Check: Clinton/Carter Executive Orders Did Not Authorize Warrantless Searches of Americans
  • SAUJ president Sam Sole said in a statement that judging from media rports, the AEC had advanced no pressing reasons for what he called unwarranted, unconstitutional interference in freedom of expression. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • If exclusivism is unwarrantedly dogmatic, inclusivism and pluralism are unacceptably indeterminate.
  • The trauma of the tragedy is leading people to jump to a lot of conclusions that may prove unwarranted.
  • Any gamer who has given the title a whirl knows the critical claim doesn't come unwarranted, even with a few niggling things like ... Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • I was saddened not only by these general defects but also by an unwarranted attack on me personally. Times, Sunday Times
  • Article 9 of the election law stipulates that government officials shall not unwarrantedly influence elections or engage in acts that will influence election outcomes.
  • Although, for the most part these concerns are unwarranted, in certain cases disagreements about the nuclear intentions of a state can create discord among suppliers.
  • The unwarranted use of walkouts and boycotts has blunted their efficacy.
  • Prediction claims attract intense and unwarrantedly optimistic coverage by the media.
  • Partnership continued to elude me, and it embarrassed and frustrated me, although objectively I knew my impatience was largely unwarranted.
  • Lesotho's opposition party coalition on Tuesday night condemned what it called the unwarranted invasion of Lesotho by the South ANC Daily News Briefing
  • unwarranted limitations of personal freedom
  • He got unbelievably unwarranted criticism. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think it is a totally unwarranted waste of public money.
  • Sophie has a particular contempt for parental angst, for signs of unwarranted doubt or despair among the allegedly mature.
  • For a fortnight after the attacks, it left her too scared to leave her home for fear of unwarranted retribution.
  • So to hold would constitute an unwarranted interference with the court's discretion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The narrative-as-product paradigm is one which obscures the true nature of the contracts involved, predisposes us to think in terms of production-line employment, and thereby represents exploitative and unwarranted demands on artists as obligations. Archive 2010-02-01
  • Once their case is in federal court, they can argue that the subpoenas were unwarranted.
  • Second, the use of gold was necessary to constrain unwarranted increases in the quantity of money and bank credit. To Stabilize The Economy, Fix The U.S. Dollar
  • Others argue with equal adamance that abortion constitutes the unwarranted taking of human life.
  • What I would like to see, as an outside observer of course but one whose probably primary concern among social issues is indeed health care, not polarization, or gender separation on the health care in America to pro- and antiwoman, or scientific and “natural”, but instead reclaiming the field of medicine from law-suit based medicine, or unwarrantedly surgical and demanding better health care from the powers that are. Doctor Resigns From Hospital Because She Won’t Do Unneeded C-Sections
  • It is inexpedient to use motorized radio stations as this leads to unwarranted loss of personnel and material.
  • Such strong criticism was completely unwarranted.
  • Inform and educate in order to combat unwarranted shame, secrecy, ignorance, prejudice, and discrimination associated with intersexual conditions.
  • Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country's internal affairs.
  • In an illegal and unwarranted war where 2200 Americans, thousands of Iraqis have died, many more thousands seriously wounded, not to mention a country destroyed and no end in sight, and a problem pondered is how to manage the public relations. Think Progress » Bush’s Iraq PR Campaign Falling Flat
  • Again this is an unwarranted interference in the right of people to be fat, or thin, as they choose.
  • Any such individual action would be irresponsible and unwarranted and would serve no useful purpose.
  • I agree with lorrie – your comments were rude, unwarranted and ignorant. Chloroform and Caylee
  • we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex
  • In recent years, this group has consisted chiefly of conservatives unhappy with what they viewed as an unwarranted expansion of federal authority.
  • Sir, this is an unwarranted invasion of my privacy!
  • I would not have bought either had their tails been docked, and I consider the procedure totally unwarranted except in the odd occasion.
  • The real costs are much more than the lost revenue; it also includes diversion of resources and unwarranted capex due to undue network investment.
  • This ugly display of disrespect is unwarranted and near inexplicable. Monica Shores: Prostitution "Experts" Versus Prostitutes: Why Don't All Sex Workers Deserve a Voice?
  • Prediction claims attract intense and unwarrantedly optimistic coverage by the media.
  • To suggest, on the contrary, that all scientists are uniformly motivated by anti-human sentiments bespeaks an extreme and unwarranted pessimism.
  • If you learn techniques for dealing with unwarranted criticism you will be more likely to be innovative. Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • At a rational level, and fully conversant with contraceptive methods, they know their fear is unwarranted.
  • The FDF is also seeking clarity over what it terms unwarranted and poorly-implemented regulation, citing the example of the 'Southampton six' food colours. ConfectioneryNews RSS
  • Or maybe you worry it's just a step too far, an unwarranted, unworkable intrusion into your privacy.
  • And you, editors of my beloved Book Review, without which no weekend would be complete, should be ashamed, deeply so, for giving this mountebank such unwarranted attention.
  • Regarding both the issue of the nature of God and the nature of the afterlife, the question is how much of our present experience is allowably introduced when addressing these issues, and at what point an account involves the unwarranted extension of our present experience to theological topics radically different from that experience. Heaven and Hell
  • However, the stuff about her short career at Microsoft as a proxy for her being flaky is unwarranted. Sound Politics: "From a former Darcy Burner classmate"
  • But, in medical parlance, it is the body's response to a situation or an environment that is unwelcome, unwarranted, unconquerable and unplanned.
  • That's utterly uncalled for, juvenile, and unwarranted.
  • The conclusion is unwarranted, and involves overplaying the disagreements and their importance while ignoring the basic unity of canonical and doctrinal decisions.
  • It includes the responsibility to protect victims from unwarranted attacks on their character during cross-examination and mitigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The media attach an unwarranted "concreteness" to sample estimates out of proportion to their real status, probably out of sheer ignorance. Review of Gene Epstein, Econospinning
  • Reliable data are needed to inform public-health policy and to prevent potentially unwarranted stigmatization of mentally ill people.
  • Naturally, neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics.
  • Meanwhile, we have submitted requests for diesel-electric submarines, F-16C/Ds, and a retrofit of the ROC's existing fleet of F-16A/Bs, which are currently being considered by the U.S. As a decision is pending, any speculation as to the outcome is unwarranted and unhelpful. Taiwan Can Keep America's Military Secrets
  • We should not make unwarranted extrapolations of simulation results to real sequence data.
  • Naturally, neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics.
  • It is situations like this that provide unwarranted dirt on local promoters, partygoers and the scene in general.
  • Here, the clearest policy conclusion is to abandon the dollar peg for good, especially since hyperinflation fears appear unwarranted.
  • Planning is often viewed as unwarranted interference in the affairs of country people, and there is no strong local political backing for a potent local planning presence. Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations
  • The vital principle was discarded as unscientific and an unwarranted intrusion of philosophy into science.
  • I'm not sure, but I suspect such a perspective would reveal that steps that in the United States are considered severe and unwarranted invasions of privacy are considered rather routine abroad.
  • On the facts, it appears that Paul could not succeed with this argument; and as he has clearly made an unwarranted demand with menaces, it is submitted he will be found guilty of blackmail.
  • If this optimism may seem unwarranted, at its best this type of research is sensitive to innovations and archaisms in the look and function of individual works, as well as to the social roles of their makers.
  • It's a good rule of thumb because seeing a given action through the prism of someone whose motives you are inclined to view favorably is a good check on unwarranted suspicions.
  • It's an unwarranted intrusion into the private lives of people.
  • This charge is totally unwarranted, irresponsible, and incendiary. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It was stated that referees were coming under increasing, unwarranted pressure in recent years.
  • The rule protects against the unwarranted harassment of the accused by multiple prosecutions.
  • The delay did seem unwarranted.
  • Niger Delta youths under the aegis of South-south Youths Leaders Forum have condemned what they called unwarranted attacks on political appointees from the region, saying that unless such attacks are stopped, they may start confronting such detractors. Thisday Online
  • This in my opinion was no more of a noble battle than any unwarranted slaughter in the history of the mankind.
  • Before I could finish casting unwarranted aspersions on all fourteen of my fellow jurors, I was distracted by the actual oath.
  • To some people, this will seem an unwarranted naivety about the power of free speech in civil society to weed out cultural oppression.

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