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How To Use Unused In A Sentence

  • We cannot support all the shops we have already, so a few more very expensive units can only remain empty and unused.
  • If the house is fairly tight, the simplest route for makeup air to enter the structure is often the unused fireplace chimney.
  • Each pound of fat your body stores represents 3,500 calories of unused energy.
  • Developers buy old, unused, dilapidated hotels and redevelop them into brand new upscale luxury condos.
  • I came away with a gladdened heart and a burning desire to lobby the body corporate of my work building to donate an unused display cabinet for similar gallery concept. Unexpected pleasures
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  • How much better to see a redundant farm building re-developed for a new purpose than to let it remain unused.
  • The resulting alchemy, about an 80/20 ratio of corn to barley, is then aged in barrels that have housed French pinot noir and American whiskey, as well as new unused barrels. Tony Sachs: When the Leaves Turn Brown, So Does the Booze: Three New Whiskeys for Autumn
  • The measure provides rules that allow for the "carryforward" into subsequent years of unused limitations and excess credit. Hawaii Reporter
  • The aldactone and male pattern balding may actually see as unused unless you frequency the initial similarity and feeling your insufficiency has prescribed. Wii-volution
  • The rackets and rods remained unused but we gave the excellent wine list some serious investigation.
  • With cords lacking safety closures, cover any unused outlets with electrical tape or with plastic caps to prevent the chance of a child making contact with the live circuit.
  • Legislators plan to propose a state buy-back of unused licenses in the coming term, and those too will then vanish.
  • At each visit, any unused tablets were returned to check on compliance and a new prescription issued.
  • And he took it down, wrapped it in a long linen swathing cloth, and laid it in an unused sepulchre hewn from the rock.
  • Restored unused shovelhead to Hallowbrook and alternate Tong model. - All about games!
  • To test whether the use of specific trees could help explain how sapsuckers obtain free-flowing sap from their incisions, I attempted to extract sap from both used and unused trees.
  • But Kirsteen, quite unused to beautiful manufactured things, admired them all, and found a pleasure in heaping together and contrasting with each other the soft silken stuffs, many of them with a sheen of two blended colours called "shot" in those days. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • Lowell established an observatory on Mars Hill in Arizona and the telescope he used - a superb Brashear refractor - has been sitting here, unused, for years.
  • Plug unused electrical outlets to keep cold air from coming in through sockets.
  • When this happens, it becomes difficult to maintain the capacity of the unused battery.
  • Unfortunately, the Dingle man managed to get his ball just nine metres from the hole but it was a very credible attempt for someone unused to the tee.
  • One such member was peeved at the way in which computer terminals were lying unused.
  • This is an easy routine, designed for anyone who is unused to exercise.
  • If the stimulation is absent, those unused connections may fade away.
  • Oversized dungarees and long-sleeved shirts were the most practical items to put on in the morning, especially since the majority of girls, unused to farm tools, preferred to do their jobs by hand.
  • If unused(Sentencedict), winter radishes run to seed in spring.
  • She looked rather lost unused to choosing between an electric hover or a self-propelling rotary.
  • Eventually, as she got older, the bank book lay unused in a drawer.
  • This is an easy routine, designed for anyone who is unused to exercise.
  • downeasters," they were perfectly astounded by this second specimen of life in the wilderness; the men, being especially unused to bushfighting and the use of the rifle, were at a loss how to proceed. The Adventures of Captain Bonneville
  • They linked two scientific advances — the unused terahertz range of electromagnetic wavelengths and new microchip technology. The Sun
  • The team refurbished a long-unused telescope at Mount Lemmon with a 60-inch mirror, small by modern standards.
  • Men were more emotionally attached to unused items while women felt bad about selling unwanted gifts. The Sun
  • For instance, at Kyoto the USA cut a deal of dubious morality, politely called ‘emission trading’, to buy from Third World countries their unused ration of pollution.
  • It was formerly a health centre but for over a year had been empty and unused.
  • But is the unused portion of a parking ticket a departing driver's to give? Times, Sunday Times
  • He had grown unused to this sort of attention.
  • You gain the value of the opponent's unused tiles, and they lose those points (termed countback in tournaments). Times, Sunday Times
  • The soft music of the distant string band and -- oh, it was all dashed with a touch of Babylonic splendour with due regard for the decorum required by modern civilisation, and Nancy was sufficiently young and unused to delight in every moment of it. The Man in the Twilight
  • We are unable to return unused SAEs. The Sun
  • A GPS device tends to lose much of its energy when sitting unused for a few day, meaning that in practice, a dedicated device will likely need to be plugged-in when in use. Faceoff: GPS navigator vs. cell-phone navigation
  • Months later, I finally rebooked my unused ticket.
  • You might as well take your father's car - there's no point in having it sit there unused in the garage.
  • They had laid cash, including a hefty tip, on the silver plate, and commandeered an unused dessertspoon to act as a paperweight.
  • The first two doors led to uninhabited rooms, only filled with unused beds and bureaus.
  • The basement's big, unused front room must be finished in durable burlaps and grass matting for Uncle Chester; there must be a bath upstairs; two rooms for Aunt May and the girls, one for Grandma, one for Julia and little Anna. The Story of Julia Page
  • He has been an unused substitute in four of the past five games. Times, Sunday Times
  • Schrade 152 USA Sharp Finger Knife unused mint in box! matchbox-lesney no68 CHEVY VAN usa edition mib Mib Usa | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The Government should first use the half million or so unused and neglected buildings in the country for housing. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was obviously using rolling stock left over from before unification and went through some very depressed areas with large tracts of unused land and derelict buildings.
  • He is brimming with unused love, a passion for justice, a need to repent that surpasses what the law ordained.
  • If dissatisfied return unused within 7 days for a full refund minus postage and express delivery charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • We know it was once highly polished because an unused supply was found in the original tissue paper wrappings.
  • If you marinate meat or poultry, don't serve the unused marinade unless it has been cooked at a rolling boil for at least three minutes.
  • We would be grateful for any unused or unwanted books which can be handed into us at the Museum.
  • Personally she didn't care where she slept, even if it was a normally unused bedless room, just so long as she occupied it on her own. The Demetrios Virgin
  • As to Wyeth, and his little band of "downeasters," they were perfectly astounded by this second specimen of life in the wilderness; the men, being especially unused to bushfighting and the use of the rifle, were at a loss how to proceed. The adventures of Captain Bonneville
  • DVDs, video games, paperbacks, housewares, unopened toiletries, unopened energy bars, even unused bellybutton rings: If it might have otherwise languished in a basement, closet, cabinet or drawer — or ended up at Goodwill in exchange for a teensy tax deduction — it's ripe for swapping. Sign of the times: Going swapping, not shopping
  • It is thought Zac had gone into an unused rabbit or fox warren.
  • It wasn't until early last fall that I actually pulled it out of the plastic tub that houses my hammer, nails, and other unused tools.
  • Bolts and bars being all unused, the business of locksmith is quite at a discount in the back woods, where all idea of a midnight robbery is unknown; and yet, if rumour was true, there were persons not far from us to whom the trade of stealing would not be new. Sketches and Tales Illustrative of Life in the Backwoods of New Brunswick, North America
  • Until now it had remained unused so that the hospital complex should get the pressure. Bomber
  • The Tynes, perched in their multitudes on the hand-carved cart that had lain cherished and unused in their garage.
  • We pity him, but with a touch of awe, because we sense the power that remains unused.
  • Her expertise will come in handy for a company not unused to the odd legal tussle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The FCC proposes to insist that unlicensed devices in these bands should incorporate cognitive radios to identify unused channels.
  • Other items of wasteful consumption include unused gym subscriptions and sports equipment.
  • Her expertise will come in handy for a company not unused to the odd legal tussle. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to Richard Rhodes '"Deadly Feasts", all about the mutation of the disease called "scrapie" in sheep that became BSE in cows, then Creutzfeld-Jakob in humans, those unused brains and bones have been ground up and used in fertilizer as well as, at one time, cattle feed. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Unless some unused domain name harvester finds this mention of it and gets to it first. Real Men of Genius: Mr. Domain Name Hoarder
  • In addition we have taken the opportunity to remove an unused reservoir on the site and to tidy undergrowth within the site boundary.
  • Then, as the wife keened louder and I calculated an eBay recoupage of the virtually unused micro-fiber buckwheat-filled $300 dog-bed we'd just bought for this trip, what appeared to be a black seal came into view. Ned Goldreyer: Slick Trick
  • Within this time you are entitled to cancel the order and receive a full refund for unused goods.
  • Once midnight chimes on Tuesday, any amount that is unused will be lost for good. Times, Sunday Times
  • One bin contained a signed blank cheque, while another contained an unused cheque book.
  • But he remains uncapped after being an unused sub all five times. The Sun
  • The rooms remain unpainted and unused but provide a clean palette for prospective buyers.
  • Until now it had remained unused so that the hospital complex should get the pressure. Bomber
  • Your financial institution will have arrangements in place for refunding stamp duty on unused pound cheques that you return.
  • Gyft, which launched in September, announced a new service last week that allows consumers to regift unused gift cards without detection.
  • This is an easy routine, designed for anyone who is unused to exercise.
  • Have you got one languishing somewhere, unused and unloved? The Sun
  • All pollution is simply an unused resource.
  • Unused tablets were counted, allowing compliance with treatment to be estimated at greater than 90% in all patients.
  • You could also learn more about yourself and realise you have unused abilities. The Sun
  • Once midnight chimes on Tuesday, any amount that is unused will be lost for good. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mark McQueen was hired to be the weatherman–slash–music personality interviewer, and I was crowned “sidekick,” a term unused in morning television since they had had a chimpanzee on theToday show. Fired!
  • I grew up in Manhattan on the Upper East Side where the homeless (a term unused back then) were oddities in the 1960's and 1970's, and quickly carted off lest the neighborhood be "sullied. Stephanie Gertler: On the Street Where She Lives
  • The pair were unused subs. The Sun
  • You can also make use of any unused contribution allowances from the three previous tax years. Times, Sunday Times
  • External devices require a terminator plugged into the unused connector on the last device in the chain.
  • The salt flats are not unused to record breaking attempts.
  • Keep unused icing wrapped tightly in aluminium or clingfilm.
  • Wherever financial markets are absent or repressed, savings go unused, productive economic opportunities go unrealised and risks go undiversified.
  • There's room in the cellar to store unused furniture and what have you.
  • The tips include some fairly standard measures such as enforcing use of pass codes and using complex pass codes, locking the device after a maximum number of password retries, enforcing device timeout to prevent theft of data when a device is unused, select disabling of YouTube, App Store and iTunes, preventing capture of screenshots, and installing certificates for VPN use. Computerworld
  • Unused tablets were counted, allowing compliance with treatment to be estimated at greater than 90% in all patients.
  • All unused land would be confiscated by the State, and the banks should be immediately nationalised.
  • Use dummy plugs to cover unused outlets - if these are not readily available, simply buy a new plug and insert into the outlet.
  • The pair were unused subs. The Sun
  • Birds nested in the porch and in the guttering, and a bold jackdaw started to build in the cold unused chimney.
  • Under it, all property belongs to the state and is equally distributed to farmers who can neither sell it nor leave it unused.
  • This should entail allocating large tracts of unused state land to landless and dispossessed people.
  • I looked about her room: the mess of clothes and jewels hung up or thrown down when she would not choose; the phials and jars and mirrors, the pots of physic everywhere; the warm frowst of women in a closed-up place; and I remembered it long ago, curtains flung wide to the sun, clean polished wood smelling of beeswax and lemon thyme; a bow and a silk cap on the unused bed; a lyre propped against the window-column, and crumbs on the sill for birds. The Bull From The Sea
  • A cache of arms was found at the gate but it lay unused and abandoned after the guards fled.
  • And when an employee doesn't max out their annual limit, the unused funds will simply be carried forward and used for the next year's claims.
  • Madrid, 1892, p. 10, note 1) says the word dato is now unused by the Tagáls. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 16 of 55 1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing the
  • If dissatisfied, return goods unused within 7 days for a full refund minus express delivery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The group is also inviting donations of spare or unused mobile phones so it can give them to local families in need.
  • It was with a twitch of this kind, and a certain indescribable twinkle of his somewhat melancholy eye, as he seemed intuitively to form a hasty conception of the oddity of his appearance to a stranger unused to the bush, that he welcomed me to his clearing. Roughing It in the Bush
  • A recent law that bars police from rousting homeless people from the city has expanded the vagrant population in a city unused to street people.
  • That's three teraflops of unused computing power, all in one place,’ he said.
  • In the basement of the unused football stadium of the University of Chicago, scientists Enrico Fermi and Arthur Compton built an atomic pile and in December 1942 produced the first chain reaction in uranium.
  • The metal boxes, which contained the ballots' counterfoils, and unused ballots also had no seal or had seals tampered with.
  • And even as the mahogany of our grandfathers is now brought forth from garrets and unused rooms, and antiquity shops and farm-houses are searched for the good old-time furniture, so we are learning to take the old gardens for our models, and the old-fashioned flowers to fill our borders. A Woman's Hardy Garden
  • The only sign of activity is a flock of sheep owned by a neighbouring white farmer who leases the unused grazing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women born in the Sixties onwards are so unused to chivalry that we wouldn't know what to do with it if it bit us on the nose, apologised and draped its coat over that puddle we were about to step into.
  • Something else I do not understand is why there are so many new developments of unused buildings.
  • Population density and demographics may have a major effect on which habitats are used or unused.
  • He didn't play but was an unused substitute. Times, Sunday Times
  • The team refurbished a long - unused telescope Mount Lemmon with a 60 - inch mirror, small by modern standards.
  • Jarred from their place by the impact when the boat struck, and papering the cabin sole with vital, unused information was a welter of neatly rolled charts which he trampled in his haste.
  • Meanwhile, if you use clusters of indices, say 23-70, 200-210 and 500-550 with a few unused slots, Judy will choose a different arrangement called a "bitmap". The Code Project Latest Articles
  • And I was embarrassed by him, too young for his shy approaches, too unused to such respectful gallantry.
  • The church has lain empty and unused since 1994.
  • Have you got one languishing somewhere, unused and unloved? The Sun
  • During one of the patrols, he learned of an empty field to the west of the city that was unused and unfrequented.
  • All pollution is simply an unused resource.
  • It presides over an exponential increase in our laws, with thousands unused and lying on the statute books until required. Times, Sunday Times
  • If dissatisfied return unused within 7 days for a full refund. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you do not wish to spend this kind of money for the coins, the four stamps can be bought for 50 baht in unused condition.
  • If dissatisfied return unused within 7 days for a full refund minus express delivery charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • He didn't play but was an unused substitute. Times, Sunday Times
  • At that time it was a conventional row-crop farm with an unused barn and silos.
  • He has been an unused substitute in four of the past five games. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lambinon said printing machines in the Northern Province were standing unused after three printing works and staff from the former "homelands" of Venda, Gazankulu and Lebowa were incorporated into the Pietersburg office. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Large quantities of unused frozen meat and blubber have been found on rubbish dumps after recent drives.
  • Any unused amounts in escrow on June 30, 2010 are required to be used to repay the UST Loans and GMCL Canadian Loan with EDC. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Outright Fraud
  • The first floor will house the toilets and other rooms will remain unused.
  • One might be able to recover from waste relatively pure metals, such as chromium and molybdenum, which are for all practical purposes identical to unused materials.
  • He was an unused substitute yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • The large batch of Recipe 179 he had made stood unused in the locked room.
  • Linen feels quite wet if it is left unused in the _almirah_, or chest of drawers, for a week. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
  • Although there is some overlap, dialect regions are generally separated by tracts of mostly unused sagebrush or forested areas.
  • Hadden has little experience of, or respect for, the club game, admitting while Edinburgh coach that he would rather his unused squad players remain inactive at the weekend rather than turn out for their clubs.
  • Better to grow the crop than leave the land unused. Times, Sunday Times
  • We recommended this be done through balanced budgets and the application of any unused contingencies to the debt.
  • He saw the head and face of a young fellow of twenty, but, being unused to such appraisement, he did not know how to value it. Chapter 4
  • Consequently, any unused capacity cannot be used by any other service and results in idle, wasted resources.
  • A trail of blood, glass and displaced dust marked his passage through the unused building.
  • In hundreds of cases it was not realized until an actual enumeration was made just how many acres of such unused land there were in a city.
  • This raises the suspicion that unused parliamentary air ticket allowance is sold illegally to travel agents, who resell it to customers. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Fly me to the moon with public money
  • My severance and (apparently rather massive) unused vacation payout should be ready on Monday or Tuesday.
  • If dissatisfied return unused within 7 days for a full refund minus postage and express delivery charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its coral encrustation is so heavy that all the features of its breech-end are obscured, but around her sit the unmistakable shapes of unused shells, sitting in boxes like eggs.
  • Any unused pastry can be frozen and used at a later date.
  • You can cut down on unused plugins, Mine are in a separate directory from Photoshop in the folder pluginsxxx are the ones that I use all the time and pluginsxxx/extras is the one I don't use all the time but don't want to remove from the system. Photoshop SpeedUp Optimises Photoshop Startup Time | Lifehacker Australia
  • It was difficult to find: the road shown was not a road but a track, unused, winding behind a cottage with the requisite dog watching curiously as we drove up a gravelly slope.
  • You might as well take your father's car - there's no point in having it sit there unused in the garage.
  • He had grown unused to this sort of attention.
  • Or does wingnut philosophy dictate that disposing of unused embryos in an incinerator is fine but using them to research cures for fatal and debilitating diseases is evil? Think Progress » GOP Senate candidate compares embryonic stem cell research to ‘what the Nazis did to the Jews.’
  • Photographs of the implants were taken with ‘control implants’ (an unused piece of nylon to correct for differences in film development) and analyzed with a densitometer.
  • An ambitious plan to convert two acres of unused allotments into recreational facilities was launched today.
  • The church has lain empty and unused since 1994.
  • The sprawling, castlelike structure with five circular towers had sat unused for years until developer Daniel McLean bought the landmark building in 2000. Manhattan Valley: Good Side of 96th Street
  • Other items of wasteful consumption include unused gym subscriptions and sports equipment.
  • For many years, states cooperated with consumers to pressure retailers to eliminate so-called dormancy fees, amounts subtracted from unused gift cards. Governments Grab Unused Gift Cards
  • The plot itself is pretty good - the vampires are still unused to their sudden ascendance and have ambiguous feelings about it, embodied in the two brothers, one a grunt in the human-hunting army who seems content with the way humans are treated, the other a haematologist who tolerates the situation as a temporary measure but has many regrets. Archive 2010-02-01
  • but during the seventh year let the land lie unplowed and unused. Then the poor among your people may get food from it, and the wild animals may eat what they leave.
  • Once midnight chimes on Tuesday, any amount that is unused will be lost for good. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unused to such harsh treatment, the horse reared back on its hind legs, unseating Jack Foster who landed with a thud on his backside.
  • This guest posting stint is very strange: I am simply unused to the idea of reading so many positive comments about Matt Yglesias on this blog. shawn Says: Matthew Yglesias » Greetings
  • He then decided this was not nearly traumatic enough an experience for me and went on to squeeze unused sachets of mayonnaise into his porky little mouth and gobble this down too.
  • The local rat population from the nearby landfill site have been lapping up the bonanza of discarded and unused sweetcorn, groundbait and pellets.
  • Some universal remotes can be large and unwieldy with way too many buttons, many of which wind up going unused.
  • It is possible to carry forward any unused allowances from the previous three years. Times, Sunday Times
  • I turned the music off altogether and swallowed, speaking aloud to make sure that my voice wasn't froggy and unused sounding.
  • Thus, when an upright man of weak understanding, and unused to express his ideas, is conscious that he has stated either too much or too little — that he has misunderstood the judge, or that the judge has misunderstood him — and revokes, in the spirit of justice, what he has advanced through incaution, he is punished as A Philosophical Dictionary
  • If dissatisfied return unused within 7 days for a full refund. Times, Sunday Times
  • Society actually has structured the legal system in a way that provides adolescents with enhanced protections but those protections often go unnoticed, unremarked, and unused.
  • They linked two scientific advances — the unused terahertz range of electromagnetic wavelengths and new microchip technology. The Sun
  • Harding's sublet came after a year of advertising for a tenant to occupy unused space.
  • But to me, a cookbook unused is like an unread book in that it's not fulfilling it's potential.
  • The paper brings up the scheme to estimate the transient voltage unused the voltage sensor.
  • Our hope is that any unused land should return to farm land. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • This means instead of wasting unused power as most broadband lines, it recycles and reuses it.
  • Rather than looking at distributing a bunch of applications across a bunch of processors and aggregating unused compute power, Powerllel focuses on the application itself.
  • A huge fireplace dominates this unused room while a tiny scullery is packed with old appliances.
  • The Government should first use the half million or so unused and neglected buildings in the country for housing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even Bishop Muzorewa won't tolerate absentee landlords, good agricultural land lying unused. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Cockerington Princess, champion of her own sex, also came to gladden our eyes, while the converting into stables of theretofore unused stone winery buildings went apace .... Jack London's Old Sherry Building Converted to Horse Barn
  • The paper brings up the scheme to estimate the transient voltage unused the voltage sensor.
  • Before I left the house today, I pawed through a box for some old unused show prep from the Diner days.
  • Once midnight chimes on Tuesday, any amount that is unused will be lost for good. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Normally this comb is unused,’ he said, still unsnarling a particular knot, ‘but today I ran out of gel so I was forced to use manual tactics.’
  • Europe was ransacked for copies of the long unused Latin classics and copyists multiplied them.
  • It was a challenge not only to get it into the form (meter and rhyme), but I was unused to writing about such concrete subject matter.
  • The two unused screws will be your starting point for wiring to the new receptacle.
  • Any unused pastry can be frozen and used at a later date.
  • They cost 7m a year to clear up and many are collected unused. Times, Sunday Times

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