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How To Use Unusable In A Sentence

  • The western section is already at an acceptable standard but the east section is in poor condition, virtually unusable when wet.
  • It's completely unacceptable that CD-Rs become unusable in less than two years.
  • Vehicles had been unusable, oil had frozen, automatic weapons jammed, supply had been laborio us or non-existent. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Windows in each classroom are at a height of 1.8m and thus are rendered unusable for fire escape.
  • A list of Israeli officials, their email addresses, phone numbers, mobile phone numbers, and fax machine numbers has been developed and put into broad circulation for the expressed purpose of "bombarding" those targeted with unsolicited messages, thus rendering their phones, email addresses and fax lines unusable. The Jawa Report
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  • Having said that, the multitouch trackpad is an absolute masterstroke – I find a regular mouse or trackpad almost unusable now. My Quest For The Mac’s Keyboard Shortcut Soul | Lifehacker Australia
  • It is great to have expansive fields around the school, but unfortunately in wet weather they become unusable for some time.
  • A cooking thermometer also comes in handy; cover the probe completely with a thick layer of foil so you don't render it waxily unusable for all future purposes.
  • Twenty years ago this land was unusable and uninhabited, its soil burdened by a high degree of aluminium toxicity.
  • Groundwater, increasingly turned to as surface water becomes more unusable or unavailable, is not without its problems. Bill Chameides: Where Has All The Water Gone?
  • Also, do not use large amounts of sticky tape to seal envelopes, as this can render them unusable.
  • Wearing a dosimetry badge on his shirt to monitor his own exposure to radiation, he stopped his truck at a spot overlooking a slope that will be used to store waste "tailings," the 91.5% of the mine's output that will be unusable. Rare-Earth Miner in U.S. Tackles China, Its Own Past
  • By choking out other vegetation, it makes an area unusable by plants and animals that live in or depend on the water.
  • Plastic shot glasses float, and are consequently completely unusable for any of the so-called "boilermaker" drinks. Recent Reviews Near San Francisco, CA
  • With sources of potable water impaired, powdered milk is unusable in these circumstances, leaving the drink box the only source of milk for children and pregnant women.
  • If an attacker staged such an assault on a large enough scale, the root servers would be unusable.
  • Launch denial - of - service attacks, rendering the machine temporarily unusable.
  • Four times now, I have accidentally rendered the site unusable.
  • When I bought the place, it was open to the sky and there were ferns and trees growing there - it was just an unusable and unpassable area.
  • The normal supply of water has turned brown and unusable.
  • The text tries to convince the user to run the executable, which then encrypts all executable files, rendering them unusable.
  • Up to 90 percent of the coral island is unusable, resembling a moonscape, after mining stripped away its lucrative phosphate deposits.
  • At such times - in the street, the tavern, the parlour - the watchman was the unusable appendix, the third thumb. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • Industry standards dictate that the 2000 survey figures are unusable and out of date.
  • The comments that follow are intended to help in learning to identify and reject unusable answers.
  • The western section is already at an acceptable standard but the east section is in poor condition, virtually unusable when wet.
  • An accidental dropping of one magazine on the concrete floor of the indoor firing range sheared off a piece of plastic leaving the magazine in pieces, nonrepairable and unusable.
  • I know that in Liverpool in the late nineteenth century around 0.5 per cent of the entire lineal quayage was unusable because it was covered in rubbish: the lad did not know that.
  • The normal supply of water has turned brown and unusable.
  • In their place are holes, which easily fill up with rainwater rendering them almost unusable.
  • Women lamented the time devoted to journeys further and further into the sago swamp to process sago as whole tracts of palms were unusable.
  • They also sprayed some kind of substance on the equipment which made it sticky and unusable.
  • The test was designed to simulate what would happen if their offices became unusable in the event of a wide-scale power loss or crowd trouble.
  • Often the mines have been laid in agricultural land, making it unusable and so a jungle grows up, making the mines even more difficult to find.
  • Such developments may initially be unusable, only fathomable to geeks.
  • In contrast, sections of vessel sterilized - and killed - by boiling, or indeed with formaline-glycerine or by any other method, proved to be unusable. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1912 - Presentation Speech
  • Most of the equipment was unusable because of damage and contamination but some was sent away for sterilisation.
  • Although flails - remote-controlled machines which beat the ground to set off explosives - can be used, they may miss those stuck under tree roots or hidden in river banks, so the land is still unusable.
  • Some ranchers found that water became unusable after seismic testing alone.
  • Like most messy eaters, most of the food ends up unusable and befouled.
  • Vandals have badly damaged seafront steps, leaving them unusable.
  • I know that in Liverpool in the late nineteenth century around 0.5 per cent of the entire lineal quayage was unusable because it was covered in rubbish: the lad did not know that.
  • Also, do not use large amounts of sticky tape to seal envelopes, as this can render them unusable.
  • When I bought the place, it was open to the sky and there were ferns and trees growing there - it was just an unusable and unpassable area.
  • They were also, I noticed, utterly unusable for left-handers.
  • Lack of maintenance and removal of parts from older ships made them potentially dangerous and often unusable during a war.
  • The virus deletes files and corrupts essential core microchips leaving computers unusable.
  • The virus deletes files and corrupts essential core microchips leaving computers unusable.
  • And while the Find-and-Replace tool was unusable, I could manually repeat a simple Find and repeatedly retype the replacement text.
  • I had a noticeable lag but it wasn't enough to make the system unusable or even unenjoyable.
  • However, it was contused and bruised such that it was unusable as a conduit.
  • The test was designed to simulate what would happen if their offices became unusable in the event of a wide-scale power loss or crowd trouble.
  • One thing Google has to recognise is when your thinking of rolling out this across the enterprise you have to take into account the needs of all users – and right not I can imaging lots of people in sales and marketing finding gmail unusable due to threading. Gmail getting there but still needs unthread « Squash
  • The fishponds there were generally small and sited on marginal lands unusable for agriculture.
  • Humans with overt metapsychic powers were slowly increasing in number; however, in the majority of the population, the mindpowers were either meager to the point of nullity, or else latent, that is, nearly unusable, because of psychological barriers or other factors. The Golden Torc
  • But Kato was undeterred even though the French expedition declared the icefall destroyed and unusable.
  • Within months the neurological disorder focal dystonia took full hold, leaving his hand permanently clenched and unusable.
  • The western section is already at an acceptable standard but the east section is in poor condition, virtually unusable when wet.
  • The picture galleries of the High Museum are treated as subsidiary spaces shunted off from the proportionally dominant, glass-paneled entry rotunda, which is flooded with daylight and unusable for the display of works that require careful conservation. The Big Rock Candy Mountain
  • Its other function is to take over your hard disc and encrypt all the file directories, rendering the disc unusable.
  • The normal supply of water has turned brown and unusable.
  • The officer in charge rendered the machine unusable, and then he and his crew got out and came back to help in carrying our wounded under fire. Times, Sunday Times
  • This should eliminate the possibility of deliberate arsons because the timber is unusable three years after the fire.
  • I had brought a motorized wheelchair, but I soon found it was essentially unusable in the ice, snow and rain, to say nothing of the cobblestones and old streets.
  • Bombing had made roads and railways unusable.
  • The intercoms sold to let parents listen in to every snuffle, sob and cry operate in the same frequency band as the wireless networks more and more of us are installing and can generate so much interference that they make them unusable. Living with flakey WiFi
  • I know I made a big deal of opening the board out, but as the game progresses, certain squares can become unusable. Some Thoughts, Part Eight – Interactivity « The Graveyard
  • Chessington Library was set ablaze with the result that the main part of the library is unusable due to the roof being unsafe.
  • The normal supply of water has turned brown and unusable.
  • A Central California rancher uses drip irrigation to grow zinfandel wine grapes on a rocky hillside that was formerly unusable.
  • My bank incorrectly debits a transfer twice from my account, sending me massively overdrawn and making my account unusable for days.
  • Northwest Airlines refused to make refunds for the unusable tickets.
  • Officials said 60 of the 240 campsites in the Upper Pines campground are unusable.
  • The virus deletes files and corrupts essential core microchips leaving computers unusable.
  • This extension to the route is unusable for wheelchair users.
  • She is ballasted with utilities; not altogether with unusable pig-lead and kentledge. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • I absolutely hate it when installing something screws your PC up so much that it is unusable.
  • Truckloads of clothing mildewed and had to be burned because they were simply unusable.
  • The booking office at the station has been attacked twice and the stairwell on the northbound platform has been wrecked leaving it unusable.
  • The mere rumour of a landmine can render a community's fields unusable.
  • Not being a Scrabble player at anything other than the most amateur dinner-table level, I wonder: is ariary unusable until a new Scrabble dictionary is printed, even though as the official name of a national currency it will presumably automatically be included? OUGUIYA AND ARIARY.

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