How To Use Untruthfulness In A Sentence

  • What passes by the name of "Etiquette" is often of the essence of unpoliteness and untruthfulness. Character
  • She claims that he has acknowledged the untruthfulness of this story to her over the years.
  • This invitation, combined with other evidence that police believe indicates her untruthfulness, has obvious implications for her charge of rape. Yes Means Yes—Except on Campus
  • Honesty and sincerity to ourselves is the decoding agent that unscrambles the web of illusion created by our untruthfulness.
  • I think if one puts the issue in terms of moral responsibilities about what should or should not be remembered, Muller may have a stronger argument than his original framing of it in terms of 'untruthfulness' which requires a higher standard of evidence. The Panzer and the Hitler Youth
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  • Hellman was repeatedly accused of untruthfulness, most notably by her longtime adversary Mary McCarthy, who announced on US television: "Every word Hellman writes is a lie – including 'and' and 'the'. The scandalous Lillian Hellman
  • Yes and No in affirmations and denials -- as if our word for it were not enough, and we expected others to question it -- springs from that vicious root of untruthfulness which is only aggravated by the very effort to clear ourselves of the suspicion of it. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The fable was started by Laplace, who invented the "conjuration", though he tried to tone for his untruthfulness by omitting the phrase in the fourth edition of his "Essai philosophique" (see LAPLACE). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • The reporter must have forgotten those common sense soldiers on the HMS Ark Royal who turned off the BBC in disgust at its bias and untruthfulness.
  • With her, untruthfulness had always been a difficult matter. CHAPTER VII
  • Surely it is the untruthfulness of the allegation being championed by the BBC which continues to provoke what looks like an understandable reaction among members of the government and its sympathisers.
  • I never much liked it; I was always unsettled by its glaring untruthfulness.
  • The recent scandalous examples of malfeasance and untruthfulness of too many big business leaders and some of our foremost politicians have reduced the public trust in the beneficence of anybody.
  • As a law enforcement veteran, now retired with over 36 years of service, I worked during this era of protest and I also subscribed to the rule that intentional” untruthfulness is a gross disqualification of anyone for the police service” and observed a number of officers who were proven to be untruthful terminated and relieved of their employment and even criminally prosecuted and gone to prison. CT VFW lays into Blumenthal for fake military claims. | RedState
  • Mr. Gugle's letter of apology does not come across as contrite, it's more like he seeks to self rationalize his untruthfulness. Heroes or Villains?
  • You are looking for signs of weakness, for twitches that indicate untruthfulness, for signs of prevarication and mendacity. Dead Zero
  • Prejudice is a form of untruthfulness, and untruthfulness is an insidious form of injustice. Miroslav Volf: Did 9/11 Make Us Morally 'Better'?

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