How To Use Untrue In A Sentence
That statement is untrue; in fact the opposite is the case.
There were lurid allegations made, which he says are untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
Since a criminal investigation is involved here she must be most careful to ensure that she is truthful at all times about what has happened and that she does not become embroiled in cobbling up an untrue explanation of events which might later become the subject of evidence under Oath in the Crown Court.
Archive 2008-11-30
If Hitchens were to read this, his ears would bleed at the sememe carried in ‘untrue’.
Carne (who had taken most kindly to the fortune which made him an untrue Englishman) clapped his breast with both hands; not proudly, as a Frenchman does, nor yet with that abashment and contempt of demonstration which make a true Briton very clumsy in such doings; while Daniel Tugwell, being very solid, and by no means “emotional” — as people call it nowadays — was looking at him, to the utmost of his power

It appears that what I said was untrue, but I did not knowingly lie to you.
He told the jury the woman's story was untrue.
This certainly chimes with my experience of having put a number of specific allegations about supposedly untrue stories to the paper.
Police yesterday said a rumour that Mr Trotter was involved in the dismissal of three employees from his firm was untrue.
The presence of ‘rue’ in ‘untrue’ would have appealed to a poet of Southwell's microcosmic bent, and his choice suggests that he was a careful and aware rhymer.
Not a single fact in that plagiarised thesis was untrue, a former Campbell acolyte averred in coy defense of his one-time master.
All of which further require that the original sources _at least_ be uncorrelated, which is generally untrue for most proxies presented to date CO2 is correlated with temperature, and solar activity, as well as fertilization, etc.
Day Two at AGU « Climate Audit
What would all the writers I admired think if they knew one of their own was being untrue to himself?
In this latter case the rule applies: non entis nulla sunt predicata; that is to say, what we affirm and what we deny, respecting such an object, are equally untrue, and the apagogic mode of arriving at the truth is in this case impossible.
The Critique of Pure Reason
This was in fact untrue as the vessel was not damaged and was not in danger of sinking.
Their assumption that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.
Goldsmith to try them, which he did; wherefore understanding that he was brought present before you this day, I hastily commanded one of my servants to fetch the purse which he had sealed, and here I bring it unto you to see whether he will deny his owne signe or no: and you may easily conject that his words are untrue, which he alleadged against the young man, touching the buying of the poyson, considering hee bought the poyson himselfe.
The Golden Asse
This statement is so untrue that it borders on the absurd.
Something defamatory is libellous only if it's untrue.
The claim that he couldn't act might have been true a couple of years ago but it most definitely is quite untrue and quite out-of-date now.
This is totally untrue, complete and utter codswallop.
Hypocrisy, from the Ancient Greek word hypocrites - actor - is the condition of somebody who is untrue to their stated ideals.
She sees racism as a form of false consciousness, where a society collectively believes untrue things about other races.
off-level floors and untrue doors and windows
She would rather kill herself than be untrue to her Romeo.
Even if those claims prove untrue, moral culpability remains fixedly weighted against the idea that he should be able to walk away from the scandal.
In Iowa Friday, Forbes challenged the ad as untrue and demanded an apology from the Dole campaign.
It is wholly untrue to suggest that I have canvassed shareholders for their support on a rights issue.
Times, Sunday Times
We strongly disagree with the federalcourt ruling because the premise of the ruling is that the blind ofAmerica are being unlawfully made victims of discrimination becausewe lack "meaningful access" to paper money, which is patentlyuntrue.
Font geeks, unite!
A fact being irrelevant is not the same thing as a fact being untrue.
Its ultimate crime consisted in forcing millions of people for decades to express publicly and cheerfully their consent with something they regarded as criminal, untrue or idiotic.
Any speculation about us is probably untrue because we're not flashing the cash.
Times, Sunday Times
According to the highbrows, the middlebrow arts relied on glib formulas which were untrue to life's real complexities.
Since the hints and allegations presented thus far are unsupported and in fact untrue, it would be hard indeed to determine their impacts on operations.
Six days later He gave evidence and said it was untrue the dossier had been sexed up or that the government had pressured intelligence agencies.
At a chemical level this is untrue, because different chemical agents cause different kinds of change.
It is also completely untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
All in all, he and his collaborators have produced a film that, despite its visual impact, is ultimately untrue to the original.
His next visit was to the section inside Century House whose speciality is the preparation of very untrue identity cards.
* Goldstone called the allegation that the report encourages terror and negates Israel's right to self-defense "quite untrue and a fallacious attempt to win opposition to what is contained in the report*.
Qwaider Planet
Had it been merely asserted that the verses in question were wanting in _many_ of the copies, — even had it been insisted that _the best copies_ were without them, — well and good: but to assert that, in the beginning of the fourth century, from “_almost all_” copies of the Gospels they were away, — is palpably untrue.
The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark
It is not untrue to Poe, whose work is littered with beautiful but dead wives.
Prudie only mentions this because to repeat such an accusation, should it be untrue, would be slanderous.
I don't know where the spec ops soldier gets off on saying the Canadians don't dismount on foot patrol..this is patently untrue,and if you have seen the combat videos,Canadas' mantra has been/will be aggressive patrolling..always has been..where has this greener beaner been?
What was the Minister of National Defence thinking?
His statement is completely untrue.
The life that is in you cries out that it must live, no matter what the cost; so you live ignominiously, untrue to the best you dream of, sinning against your whole pitiful little code, and, if there were a hell, heading your soul straight for it.
Chapter 16
We would like to state categorically that this is totally untrue and ungrounded.
Times, Sunday Times
Frustrated, if you don't go to the doctor, it might cost the county less, but the insurance company which is backing the county plan will simply increase the rates for other companies and individuals, so thinking your stinting on medical care will drive down costs is untrue.
Constantine Won’t Push for Legislation Curbing Health Care Costs for High-Paid Workers « PubliCola
The tort of defamation protects a person from untrue imputations which harm his reputation with others.
But the story is untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
He writes: 'It is simply untrue that all internships are exploitative relationships that only advantage the employer.
The Sun
But least any of the crownes should lacke weight or be found counterfeit, I willed him to scale the purse wherein they were put, with his manuell signe, whereby the next day we might goe together to the Goldsmith to try them, which he did; wherefore understanding that he was brought present before you this day, I hastily commanded one of my servants to fetch the purse which he had sealed, and here I bring it unto you to see whether he will deny his owne signe or no: and you may easily conject that his words are untrue, which he alleadged against the young man, touching the buying of the poyson, considering hee bought the poyson himselfe.
The Golden Asse
This is largely untrue, barring a small effect on real wages in unskilled jobs such as cleaning.
Times, Sunday Times
He is a natural bon-viveur and legendary dinner party host, although rumours he keeps a fully stacked champagne-only fridge are, sadly, untrue.
People can sometimes walk away with a sense that this was the most humourless, serious upbringing and that is absolutely untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
It worms out and exposes to the brutal light of the sun anything that is bogus, boastful, ungenuine and untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
Putting all religions or faiths into one hat and saying that they are all like this is untrue and a bit naive.
To hold otherwise would leave municipalities the helpless victims of all those who choose to publish untrue imputations which injure their reputations.
RFU chief executive John Steele comes out fighting as job fiasco rumbles on Exclusive: John Steele, the Rugby Football Union chief executive, came out fighting on Friday in an effort to counter what he calls the "inaccurate and untrue negative publicity" of the past couple of days. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Any attempt to expel certain groups based on untrue allegations will be likely to splinter the movement unnecessarily.
But, if the Agnostic really believes what he says, the "dreadful consequence" argufier (consistently, I admit, with his own principles) virtually asks him to abstain from telling the truth, or to say what he believes to be untrue, because of the supposed injurious consequences to morality.
Collected Essays, Volume V Science and Christian Tradition: Essays
‘I believe in music’ is her motto and she has never been untrue to it.
Another man -- a minor official -- argued that the story was untrue.
Calcio: A History of Italian Football
The story is incredible, and probably untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
She assured me that the gossip was untrue and demanded to know where I'd heard it.
Any reference to me is a malicious fabrication and completely untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
is untrue to his highest opportunity and duty
We now accept that these allegations were completely untrue.
The Sun
A quarter of people said they thought the Nativity story was largely or wholly untrue.
The Sun
Sorry for my rant, I just got so upset seeing Geraldine Ferraro on TV this morning spuing sexism and putting thoughts in womens minds that they have be dupped ... so untrue, so un-democratic.
Clinton fights on, Obama returns to Iowa
What gave the story its sensationalism was found to be untrue.
It would be untrue to suggest, however, that the attractive, flowing style evinced by this team stems directly from Kerr's football philosophy.
At a news conference Tuesday, Hyattsville Police Chief Douglas Holland said he was "appreciative" of the Justice Department's findings but added that "the social harm caused by these untrue claims has already been done.
Justice Department finds no bias in Hyattsville police department's policies
Ultimately, our calling is to be true to God, even if that means that we are deemed by our people to be untrue to them.
An isolated man is immensurable; he is also unpicturesque, unnatural, untrue.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
As a chessplayer you should know that what is obvious is often untrue.
Obama Keeps Hitting Hillary, Suggests Her Approach Is "Bush-Cheney Lite"
He spots the boyfriend leaving and thinks she is being untrue to him.
That, as the judge says, was untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
You must believe you can win, otherwise you're being untrue to yourself.
Hans, since the ocean outgasses CO2 as it warms, at least some of the increase in CO2 is a result of the temperature rise from coming out of the Little Ice Age, and thus your statement that “all of the current rise of CO2 in the atmosphere is manmade” is demonstrably untrue …
Trenberth [1984] « Climate Audit
August 17th, 2009 12: 59 pm ET tom is one ulgy. man how did you manage to get this shot of him. if you can produce a retouched, air brushed, untrue picture to create this tom, then i want the same consideration given to everyone you feature on CNN.
Tom DeLay trades political stage for the real thing
‘That is untrue,’ Niles shot back, though a terrible, nameless fear gripped his heart.
Of course, this statement has to be explained, since it is untrue if we understand distance in the usual way: the edges of these pentagons are visibly not straight and do not have the same length.
To say that the proposal has no disadvantages at all is patently untrue.
These were seen by authorities as very partial, untrue, seditious, and savouring too much of dangerous and traitorous conceits.
when lovers prove untrue
For the CIA to try to pull this off - and to claim that there was nothing in the cables to exculpate my client - was manifestly untrue.
Apart from being a rather tasteless joke, this is blatantly untrue.
A final legend -- which is probably untrue -- surrounds his departure at the end of the season.
Calcio: A History of Italian Football
We now accept that these reports are completely untrue and we apologise.
The Sun
I feel with every atom of my body that it's untrue and wrong.
It means, of course, almost nothing - how can one be untrue to oneself?
This does not give me a feeling of being untrue to myself; quite the contrary.
The newspaper printed a denial of the untrue story.
He condemned the claims as outrageous and untrue.
The Sun
He's demanding a full apology from the newspaper for making untrue allegations about his personal life.
After getting a good deal of (sometimes grudging) praise for being cautious on the Rove indictment story, and making slow, incremental progress in other areas, the last thing we need to do is “sink to their level” on an issue like this, especially inviting the good guys to start untrue (or at least unfact checked) swiftboating.
Firedoglake » David Broder, Pantysniffing Pervert
The newspaper printed a denial of the untrue story.
Notably, Agent Cain refused to answer whether the excerpts in the affidavit put events in ‘the proper context’ (Tr. 293) or whether he has learned anything in the seven weeks since he signed the affidavit which ‘would make any of the statements in your affidavit untrue?’
Due Process for Blago: What It Means
Probably the most important thing is don't make any kind of representations that are untrue - that you don't make statements that clearly have no basis.
Sorry for my rant, I just got so upset seeing Geraldine Ferraro on TV this morning spuing sexism and putting thoughts in womens minds that they have be dupped ... so untrue, so un-democratic.
Clinton fights on, Obama returns to Iowa
He has claimed the story is untrue.
The Sun
To start with, his popular reputation as a careless spendthrift is untrue.
What do financial records tell us about authors?
She would shelter me from all the things that media people would write about her, some of which was totally untrue.
'' Muralitharan's allegations that there weren't any security personnel travelling with the team bus is also untrue.
But, based on her vote, Keith's words about her buddying up with the vets may not be so untrue.
Big Brother Episode Recap: Eviction 1
I am surprised at what he said, and I think he has been a bit untrue to this House.
Trouble is, these allegations have been floating around cyberspace for a few years and are entirely untrue.
This is simply untrue as kerygma and woefully inadequate for churches to teach as social ethics.
Her motto hasn't made her happy, but she's never made herself unhappy by being untrue to herself.
And while the popular Web search engine may point students to some scholarly works, it also points them to information that is unscholarly, unsubstantiated and, occasionally, untrue.
A quarter of people said they thought the Nativity story was largely or wholly untrue.
The Sun
There was not an untrue word in the sentence, but it was not a point-blank denial.
The problem is that there are no editors and no fact checkers, so plenty of what you read on blogs is just plain untrue.
Some people argue that class distinctions do not exist in the U.S., but this is untrue.
The swearing of an untrue affidavit of documents is perhaps the most obvious example of conduct which his solicitor cannot knowingly permit.
Every piece of work which is not as good as you can make it, which you have palmed off imperfect, meagrely thought, niggardly in execution, upon mankind who is your paymaster on parole and in a sense your pupil, every hasty or slovenly or untrue performance, should rise up against you in the court of your own heart and condemn you for a thief.
Lay Morals
So when read things suggesting are not on the same it's completely untrue.
The Sun
Whats goin to be interesting is when we play arsenal again and he lines up against that cry baby gallas and that fairy nasri .. bettyswollocks - sorry to hear about your mum. bennit3b - they have quotes so it has to be true otherwise they can be sued for printing words someone didnt say. so whose the tit (rhetorical question) u mug get a grip u divvy let joey play his game hes always been agressive thats wot makes him a good player the quotes are actually someones opinion … So they could be totally untrue in their observation but true in the sense that they came from a random lip reader …. and thats what benni is saying .. not hard to gather that from what benns typed, AO
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It was untrue that passengers travelled packed together like cattle.
If we'd done that, it would have been untrue to the character and wouldn't have been right for the story.
All the same, this statement is patently untrue.
This claim has no substance and is categorically untrue.
Such remarks are both offensive and untrue.
His next visit was to the section inside Century House whose speciality is the preparation of very untrue identity cards.
She sees racism as a form of false consciousness, where a society collectively believes untrue things about other races.
This story, it later transpired, was untrue.
But if our design is slapdash and our carving is hasty, why, the proportions will be inelegant and the balance untrue.
The fact that the story was untrue would not have prevented him from relying on this defence and succeeding in it.
The way to be untrue to Shakespeare here, as always, is to relax the tension of imagination, to conventionalise, to conceive
Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth
August 17th, 2009 1: 00 pm ET tom is one ulgy. man how did you manage to get this shot of him. if you can produce a retouched, air brushed, untrue picture to create this tom, then i want the same consideration given to everyone you feature on CNN.
Tom DeLay trades political stage for the real thing
Actually to call it dank is a tad untrue - we were blessed with clear blue skies which lit up leaves, hips and haws.
A portrait of Snailbeach
So it would be untrue to the story to be fully clothed the whole time.
The Sun
Elizur Wright purchased a Whig paper, and seeing a statement in it concerning the Free-soil candidate which he believed from internal evidence to be untrue, he said quite loud: "Well! this is the finest roorback I have met with.
Cambridge Sketches
That is demonstrably false and totally untrue.
I do not try to debunk every untrue story, but here are half a dozen.
Call this diseconomies of scale if you must, but it's patently untrue that existing firms are the source of new jobs in America.
Andy Grove Shouldn't Lose Faith In Startups
The book was venomous, and, indeed, venereous, and its narrative must be untrue, for no man could sustain all those "amours."
Her motto hasn't made her happy, but she's never made herself unhappy by being untrue to herself.
It is wholly untrue to suggest that I have canvassed shareholders for their support on a rights issue.
Times, Sunday Times
Is it ethical to be robo-calling people with stuff that may not be completely untrue, but certainly filled with things that are very highly doubtable.
CNN Transcript Oct 17, 2008
Only having to complete two more classes to graduate, I always thought my future in political sciences as wide open with innumerous possibilities; unfortunately this proved untrue.
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Something defamatory is libellous only if it's untrue.
This may not be true of every single marriage, and indeed undoubtedly it is untrue in some cases.
It is wholly untrue to suggest that I have canvassed shareholders for their support on a rights issue.
Times, Sunday Times
To hold otherwise would leave municipalities the helpless victims of all those who choose to publish untrue imputations which injure their reputations.
More minor things also contribute, like pitted headsets, untrue wheels, wobbly tires and out-of-balance wheels.
If they punished those who made the accusations maybe they wouldn't make these untrue claims.
Times, Sunday Times
However, factually, that is so untrue, so blatantly false, that it's almost criminal.
Your Right Hand Thief
All too often, the problem is not that the axiom is unhelpful or untrue, but that over time it has come, ploughshare into sword, to be adopted by one side or the other as a weapon.
Bradley Burston: Israelis Need a Gandhi of Their Own
They will do anything to present a good picture, even if that means being untrue to what they really believe.
SBG: the word "unutterable" also occurs in heel's phenomenology of spirit, page 66: "what is called the unutterable is nothing else than the untrue, the irrational, what is merely meant [but is not actually expressed].
FallNews - Unreadable.....
The book does not say that Gandhi was untrue to his pursuit of total celibacy, and even handles the subject of his "experiments" in later years of sharing a bed or hard floor with young female companions to test his self-mastery quite sensitively.
Vamsee Juluri: Gandhi: The Truth
The news spread through cyberspace before the club admitted that the story was untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
We didn't chum with the other girls, who called us little cannibals, just because we came from the Sandwich Islands, and who made invidious remarks about our ancestors banqueting on Captain Cook -- which was historically untrue, and, besides, our ancestors hadn't lived in Hawaii.
Chapter 5
Most of the information he had given to Diane earlier was falsified and untrue, and this fact might just lead to the fall of the Northern Coast and its Stands.
In my experience this is completely untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
Which, if any, story is untrue?
Times, Sunday Times
This seems untrue to me, since the Will to Power was merely Nietzsche's exoteric doctrine.
A delusion is a fixed belief in something manifestly absurd or untrue, and that can't be overcome by reason.
Their assumption that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.
She sees racism as a form of false consciousness, where a society collectively believes untrue things about other races.
These reports of late night drinking binges are untrue.
Any other suggestion is completely untrue.
Times, Sunday Times
But, of course, that is completely untrue, and, in the context of this bill, an absolute insult.
As the commenter who mentioned the University of Lwow (Lviv) reconstituting itself in Wroclaw pointed out, this is most likely untrue.
Matthew Yglesias » The Ghosts of the Past
Of course to say that such schemes don't also attract the smart, intelligent, well-educated and discerning net users would be untrue.
What I disliked and thought was untrue to the series was the way that the group disintegrated with that death.
Those opposing him were so vindictive, untrue and stupid that they helped his cause even more than those that praised him.
That is untrue, completely untrue.
The Sun
The representation was in fact untrue, but its untruth would only be brought home to them if the outgoings not included were reflected in increased levies on them.
Mamase's accusations are clearly untrue and they must therefore have been made maliciously and with an intention to defame me.
Any attempt by banks to suggest that credit cards are not used to borrow money is untrue.
This book claims it is the only book devoted to nonsweet baking, which I know for a fact to be untrue.
NPR Topics: News
And as a way of indicating the process by which she acquired a working knowledge of the city around her, it rings untrue.
Furthermore, he admitted to having given the ethics panel untrue information when it investigated those projects.
The promotion of the idea that private is better than public not only impoverishes our common dreams - it is also clearly untrue.
“I think the harm done by treating truthful claims of non-consensuality as untrue is severe enough that the possible error such a standard might occaisionally cause is an acceptable trade-off.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Sexual Assault Problem:
The story was completely untrue and was successfully challenged in court.
It is pointless to object that Henry is here untrue to himself, when the point is that the old self has been destroyed.
It may well turn out at the end of that that it was completely and utterly untrue.
Well, I know for a fact that this is untrue: the old girl merely sent over an old wig and a pair of inflatable waterwings and demanded that all opera glasses were removed from the auditorium.
To do voluntary work for any other reason is to be untrue to the very meaning of the term.
We all know that our politicians want to get on the peace bandwagon and even Brian Mulroney now says that his greatest priority is peace. dankly I think this is untrue.
Looking for Trouble
More minor things also contribute, like pitted headsets, untrue wheels, wobbly tires and out-of-balance wheels.
Hollywood movies sometimes present untrue fictitious characters of archetypal villains with sinister heavy accents drabbed in ancient Egyptian costumes.
Aladdin Elaasar: Will Smith's Last Pharaoh vs. Egypt's History by Hollywood
unfortunately the statement was simply untrue
It came about from an awareness that grew from observing people in Mauritius who had the symptoms of fragmented thinking and were being untrue to their inner feelings.
After all, not only do we think what the teacher did was deplorable, but it also violated the letter of the law by declaring certain political views unassailable, which is untrue (no matter how PC those opinions are).
Patterico's Pontifications
Believe he could not, and at the same time he had no firm conviction that all was untrue.
He said they were untrue, and Gingrich blasted what he called the "destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
It may have been braggadocious, but it wasn't untrue.
This, in fact, is untrue: there's nothing in the state constitution that prohibits him from recognizing the union.
Such claims are untrue and grossly defamatory.
The Sun
However, for her to make the sweeping statements she does about ‘derisory service’ by the whole Health Service is illogical, irresponsible and untrue.
That, as many ex-girlfriends of mine will testify, is quite untrue.
Toulouse, upon which he accompanied him, and though it seems to be untrue that the impost of "scutage" was called into existence for that Occasion (Round, "Feudal England", 268-73), still Thomas undoubtedly pressed on the exaction of this money contribution in lieu of military service and enforced it against ecclesiastics in such a way that bitter complaints were made of the disproportionately heavy burden this imposed upon the Church.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
CBS was embarrassed when it was revealed that they had published a story containing an untrue element.
In Iowa Friday, Forbes challenged the ad as untrue and demanded an apology from the Dole campaign.
It is wholly untrue to suggest that I have canvassed shareholders for their support on a rights issue.
Times, Sunday Times