How To Use Untroubled In A Sentence

  • Neither side could get its act together, and the respective goalkeepers remained relatively untroubled.
  • Their briskness across the stones, their ability to walk untroubled through current and spray and emerge with beaks crammed with larvae, the explosive calls and trilling year-round song that pierced through even this amplified rush of water over rock, were an abundant delight. Country diary: Hay-on-Wye
  • Untroubled by these strange events, a young woman walks calmly towards the castle, a little further on, carrying a basket of eggs and butter on her head, and above her some new kind of osprey flies away with a protesting pike. The Story of Rouen
  • a kind untroubled face
  • Given such a background, it may not be an 'untroubled' General Assembly which will have to deal with several important topics, as well as others which may crop up during the proceedings. - Frontpage RSS Feed
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  • The stoic philosophy also say to remain uninvolved emotionally in your fate, and you will live an untroubled life.
  • She looked so peaceful and untroubled when she slept; it truly accented her beauty in his eyes.
  • Yet here and there one could almost hear the footsteps of the Muses: in that beautiful San Francisco, for instance, under a sky of untroubled blue, by the edge of that marble Greek theater at Berkeley College, or in those ornamental gardens a little southward where the policemen ride among the pepper trees and the palm trees with lassoes before them on the saddle. Later Articles and Reviews
  • In their later years (he died in 1999), they talked regularly and at last settled into the kind of untroubled companionship that had eluded them during their marriage. NYT > Home Page
  • Nader is untroubled by the prospect of helping bring on the dark night of a Bush presidency.
  • untroubled sleep
  • She's untroubled by mediocre food, polycotton sheets and a month in a noisy ward. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were of many breeds, but their common life had formed of them a certain type, -- a lean and wiry type, with trail-hardened muscles, and sun-browned faces, and untroubled souls which gazed frankly forth, clear-eyed and steady. An Odyssey of the North
  • With both defences standing firm, the scorers remained untroubled until the final minute of the first period.
  • A virgin by nature and aptitude, as well as by years, untroubled by the bodily agonies that tore most men, but miraculously aware of them and tender towards them, as few are to pains that leave their own flesh unwrung. An Excellent Mystery
  • We have plenty of evidence of people who have grown up and never known they were adopted or who were born as a result of donor insemination and are utterly untroubled.
  • Normally the epitome of composure, the midfielder appeared to stub his toe in the act of shooting and he was again untroubled.
  • The Dahna Andorians were sure that the universe should have remained lifeless, that the stars should have burned in pristine glory, their planets untroubled by the arrogant, destructive, semifungal growth known as life. INTELLIVORE
  • the untroubled kingdom of reason
  • carefree millionaires, untroubled financially
  • Their rapport influenced the whole atmosphere around them, and for that reason my early childhood was calm, untroubled and very happy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let your heart be untroubled by judgements - they're simply an old habit.
  • An amazing mass of people walked steadily and appeared untroubled.
  • Once again she tried to plunge herself into a deep, untroubled sleep.
  • Plus, after nearly fourteen months of untroubled service, I'm finally getting tired of this design.
  • And if you want a career untroubled by scandal you should probably get a cat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Looked set for a torrid afternoon when booked after two minutes, but recovered his poise and was largely untroubled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The couple have managed to build their relationship largely untroubled by the paparazzi. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'reconciliation' -- is already completed; how much more will He do all that remains to be done, since He has it to do, not by death agonies any more, but in untroubled 'life,' and no longer for enemies, but for friends -- from whom, at every stage of it, He receives the grateful response of redeemed and adoring souls? Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • seemed untroubled by doubts of any kind
  • With untroubled confidence in the omnipotence of his guardian angel, Toni admitted with feigned remorse, `You did, Daddy. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • I was all the more disappointed that he seemed so untroubled by the failure of education to dent the broader structures of inequality.
  • The surviving families of 9/11 are surely untroubled that bin Laden was assassinated without the courtesy of judicial review. Thane Rosenbaum: Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Adolf Eichmann -- and Revenge
  • His unfeigning, untroubled nature would have rejoiced the heart of sham-hating Emerson. The Life and Speeches of Charles Brantley Aycock
  • untroubled times
  • Finns are the most carefree users of paper, untroubled by ‘how many trees had to die for this’ guilt.
  • They are mostly owner occupiers, untroubled by the city council's moratorium on holiday rental licences. Times, Sunday Times
  • regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes
  • She is at the age where life is completely untroubled.
  • He remains confident and seemingly untroubled by his recent problems.
  • He remains confident and seemingly untroubled by his recent problems.
  • He remains confident and seemingly untroubled by his recent problems.
  • There Tondal repents of his misdeeds and returns to the holy candour of a life untroubled by sin (Getty Museum, Los Angeles).
  • Totally exposed, the little structure seems untroubled by the chill wind blowing through it.
  • She seemed untroubled by the attention. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their briskness across the stones, their ability to walk untroubled through current and spray and emerge with beaks crammed with larvae, the explosive calls and trilling year-round song that pierced through even this amplified rush of water over rock, were an abundant delight. Country diary: Hay-on-Wye
  • It is the consequence of an untroubled mind in a relaxed body - a body free from undue tension.
  • So far, investors have remained largely untroubled by the lack of government since inconclusive elections in December that led to six months of political deadlock. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lake stretched serene and untroubled to the opposite shore where a hiker can still encounter bears and cougars.
  • He gazes with glorious cheer upon the wretched middle class, and as our train rolls away we see him still gazing across the darkling cellars of the station with that untroubled gleam of condescension, his eyes seeming (as we look back at them) as large and white and unspeculative as billiard balls. Plum Pudding Of Divers Ingredients, Discreetly Blended & Seasoned
  • He looked forward to a gentle decline into an eccentric and amiable dotage, his twilit years untroubled by chore or challenge.
  • The striking contrast with the revolution in sexual mores, fervently opposed by so many religious Americans, makes their relatively untroubled adjustment to these other two social revolutions particularly notable. American Grace
  • A quiet afternoon for the England goalkeeper, who could not be faulted for the goal and was largely untroubled. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was not, as I remember, a fixed look or a determined look; it was the kind of untroubled careless glance a man might cast over his shoulder who heard a dog bark. The Best Short Stories of 1921 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story
  • United kept pressing forward but Forest largely remained untroubled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Australia's relations with Indonesia were relatively untroubled during the early years of the 1970s.
  • People may be untroubled, but public polling is the last thing I trust for news. Times, Sunday Times
  • He then got up and played the remaining 75 minutes untroubled. Times, Sunday Times
  • So far, investors have remained largely untroubled by the lack of government since inconclusive elections in December that led to six months of political deadlock. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most phlegmatic, untroubled rebuilder of wobbling innings in the world today, the 35-year-old left hander shrugged off every ball that gloved him and every one that scuttled.
  • Mine is exceptionally ravelled at the moment, and six or seven hours of the restful and untroubled would probably do it the world of good. The ravelled mystery of David Lloyd's eyebrows
  • In other families, relationships that may have seemed untroubled in the past sometimes splinter completely due to some invisible fracture that has long lain hidden beneath an otherwise placid surface. Fatal Error
  • For Thais party spokesman Prompong Nopparit described the allegation as a smear tactic, and Ms. Yingluck indicated Thursday that she was untroubled by the claims. Thaksin's Sister Faces Legal Challenge Ahead of Vote
  • The serene and apparently untroubled marriage of the royal pair is remarkable.
  • In some mitigation, for the application of mathematics to the physical world one's conscience may be fairly untroubled by the difficulties of self-referential statements. Theories of Everything and Godel's theorem
  • Messner describes abrupt recurrences, rapid shifts of symptoms, and hallucinations in relatively untroubled personalities as supportive of complex partial seizures.
  • But he is largely untroubled by fears that we will face killer robots or other forms of hostile AI. Let's Hope the Robots Are Nice
  • Nader is untroubled by the prospect of helping bring on the dark night of a Bush presidency.
  • Her revolting little son looks untroubled by the situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Few people remain untroubled by the economic crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • She seems untroubled by doubt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike other men, I'm untroubled by the growing trend of males turning in academically poorer performances than females.
  • So far, investors have remained largely untroubled by the lack of government since inconclusive elections in December that led to six months of political deadlock. Times, Sunday Times
  • And even if she is right that many readers "don't care" about the matters of technique and style she says critics often "overvalue," does this mean critics should abandon more purely literary standards for the vague and untroubled standards she attributes to her infantilized common readers? Style in Fiction
  • To the uninitiated, Orkney's Scapa Flow harbour is one square mile of untroubled, glassy water.
  • Untroubled by self-doubts and consistently successful, he is portrayed as having squired and bedded numerous women.
  • With untroubled confidence in the omnipotence of his guardian angel, Toni admitted with feigned remorse, `You did, Daddy. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • Those who are untroubled by the norms of society suffer from much lower levels of stress, so their immune response systems function more efficiently.
  • An amazing mass of people walked steadily and appeared untroubled.
  • Larry Phillips, the East German-style commissar of the King County Politburo, is untroubled by a rudderless elections department [Phillips] had confidence in the elections office because it has successfully conducted several elections since the 2004 governor's election In Phillips 'world, apparently, a successful election is one where dozens or hundreds of ballots disappear. Sound Politics: "Interim elections chief elects to go on vacation for three weeks"
  • The only problem was some bizarre muck - apparently pineapple and cucumber salsa - on the side of my plate, where it remained untroubled while the turbot disappeared at top speed.
  • And I'm entirely untroubled by the fact. Times, Sunday Times
  • The moments sped, the ripples died away, the face of the pool grew placid and untroubled, and neither black nor golden head broke surface in quest of air.
  • An amazing mass of people walked steadily and appeared untroubled.
  • The fun and frolics usually start at about 6.30 am when the heavy goods vehicles start charging past, untroubled by the speed tables courtesy of their axle width.
  • Across the other side of South London lies Richmond Park, a huge expanse of green untroubled by public transport.
  • Graves writes in untroubled acceptance of the fact that it is as much a soldier's duty to die as to kill. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The view of the unbroken forest canopy stretching away to the horizon defies description; it is a vision of a world untroubled by time, a revelation of the hugeness and wholeness of nature.
  • Go for a late swim in the peaceful and shark-netted bay, untroubled by the surfy waves of the big beaches.
  • Its most famous victim, Pompeii, is at its best in autumn, when, untroubled by crowds, you can wander at will through the maze of highways and alleys.
  • King James's Arcadian vision of untroubled togetherness appears to have been realized.
  • And since it makes sensible use of halls rather than fields, the event is untroubled by rain, mud and overflowing toilets.
  • Some of the boycotters are untroubled by this other side of the story, because they simply don't allow that there is one.
  • It continues to be tolerated by an unecstatic but untroubled public.
  • And his word Wotan chose to trust, and gave his heart over to the untroubled enjoyment of his plans 'completion. The Wagnerian Romances
  • Woakes looked calm and untroubled throughout his innings and would take centre stage once more when England bowled. The Sun
  • Green seemed untroubled by such thoughts - and expressed his lack of concern in the restrained and cheerful language for which he is renowned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gilkes's pumps are in demand because, unlike their rivals, they are untroubled by the Tube's ageing Victorian pipework.
  • The common thread is ideological certainty untroubled by empirical evidence, intellectual curiosity, or open debate.

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