
How To Use Untrained In A Sentence

  • Untrained, they can be domineering, independent and reserved, especially when bred from working bloodlines - show lines tend to be calmer and more subdued.
  • In the hands of the untrained and unwary it can cause untold damage to your wealth.
  • Although the complex syncopated rhythms of duets can sound to the untrained ear as if they are coming from one bird, they are the efforts of two wrens perched side by side and interposing their notes with precise timing.
  • In some things it may be well that emotion is greater than logic; but emotion _in logic_ is sad to contend with, sad even to contemplate -- and such is too often the reasoning of the untrained woman. Public Speaking
  • This is described as naturalism - the artist paints with an untrained mind, and portrays things in the way that he understands and perceives them.
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  • Yet students who have completed expensive training face the same difficulties as an untrained actor in qualifying for an Equity card.
  • They left that to a social worker untrained in criminal investigations. The Sun
  • Of these often-untrained teens, 200,000 are injured every year through slips, falls, strains and burns.
  • If he had kissed her with those uneloquent and untrained lips of his, impure in their purity, she would never have forgiven herself. Too Old for Dolls A Novel
  • Considering that we were completely and utterly untrained at this stage of the war, this was no mean achievement.
  • In a taste test, untrained observers also rated the organic apples to be the sweetest of the bunch.
  • To the untrained eye, the two products look remarkably similar.
  • To the untrained ear, the Wagnerian clarinet sounds almost identical to its more modern cousin.
  • They are therefore less likely to be corrupted by power than those untrained in its exercise. English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
  • They're also impossible for an untrained voice like mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of the Royal Dancers and some of the courtiers would be participating, the courtiers as a kind of untrained, minimally-moving background to the Dancers, all two hundred of them, who were schooled from the time they were five and performed until they were deemed too old to be decorative. The White Gryphon
  • Even the untrained eye can easily spot that Greig has officially achieved that fabled goal of ‘making it’ in London.
  • They are therefore less likely to be corrupted by power than those untrained in its exercise. English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
  • It says the dual targets of cutting costs and increasing efficiency are incompatible, with large job cuts leaving the HMRC reliant on untrained staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't plan on paying anything as long as they let these people who are 'untrained' in those situations carry firearms in the stores. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Many complained about people who take untrained, ill-behaved animals to public events as well as about people who chuckle a little embarrassed but nothing more when their dogs lunge at people while on walks or leap up on strangers and do that "if it's vertical I'll try to breed with it" behavior against everyone's legs. Pet Talk: Some people hate dogs, in no uncertain terms
  • Women are more likely to be considered incompetent and untrained with firearms.
  • Michaels barked, pounding out crisp sharp words that so thundered with command that even the untrained and deaf would jump to obey.
  • Meanwhile, someone untrained in music or drama or whatever can enjoy a performance and take it at face value.
  • It would certainly appear that way to the untrained eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only are libraries closing but the service is being eroded, with librarians being replaced by untrained council staff or volunteers. The Sun
  • Some are leased for the day to third-party crews that are untrained and often unlicensed.
  • While to an untrained mind, diplomatic speak may sometimes appear to favour Israel - although consideration of the full context almost always reveals a consistent failure to condemn PA/Arab actions - Britain's diplomatic * actions* (rather than words) reveal, if not anti-Israel bias, certainly pro-PA/Arab bias. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In truth few have worshipped at that altar and gone forth into chosen ways unmindful of her history, unimbued with her love, or untrained in stating facts — those readily correlated by one and all — such as it has been the effort here to record, some possibly through filial affection a little tinted but in the main void of any intent at exaggeration or misrepresentation. The University of Virginia
  • We may have to resort to using untrained staff.
  • In research from France, citrulline was shown to help prevent post-exercise fatigue and muscle soreness in untrained athletes, when taken after exercise. Leo Galland, M.D.: How to Boost Immunity After Exercise
  • Such moves not only create unprofessional, untrained and unselected security personnel but also tend to increase crimes within corporations.
  • Of course, the untrained judgment of whether a response can be corrected may reflect a host of nonlinguistic factors, prescriptivist values and stylistic preferences among them.
  • Brains and livers from these trained animals were ground up and injected into untrained rats.
  • Yes, she is obviously untrained and unseasoned as an HR rep.
  • So this was an untrained, undisciplined and unmotivated force that had no intention of attacking the townspeople.
  • JPMorgan's in-house foreclosure operation was described as a sleazy operation where "Burger King kids" - untrained young people - were hired to foreclose on homeowners. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Want to Solve All your Problems, Rupert Murdoch? Become A Banker.
  • It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder.
  • Derec shuddered at the idea of untrained people teasing through the tatters of a positronic brain. Mirage
  • They so interblend that, the dividing line cannot be detected by the untrained eye of the exact scientist. The light of Egypt; or, The science of the soul and the stars
  • To the untrained eye, they are indistinguishable one from the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • To the untrained eye, their movements were only highlighted by the flickers of light that emanated from their swords, but Geoff's eyes could make out each move that they were executing.
  • The fact that she was completely untrained was simply a minor inconvenience. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy's needs — and suddenly industry was eager to employ those "unadaptable and untrained" workers.
  • So this was an untrained, undisciplined and unmotivated force that had no intention of attacking the townspeople.
  • It later emerged an untrained voluntary helper had taken 10 boys on a morning walk.
  • untrained troops
  • And he could not help but contrast it with the weak pipings and shrill quaverings of factory girls, ill-nourished and untrained, and with the raucous shriekings from gin-cracked throats of the women of the seaport towns. Chapter 8
  • Another 46,176 are listed as "untrained," and it will be July 2006 before the administration reaches its new goal of a 135,000-strong, fully trained police force. 09/26/2004
  • Although the complex syncopated rhythms of duets can sound to the untrained ear as if they are coming from one bird, they are the efforts of two wrens perched side by side and interposing their notes with precise timing.
  • young minds untrained in the habit of concentration
  • They are therefore less likely to be corrupted by power than those untrained in its exercise. English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
  • There on the pavement these inexpert children of a pacific age, untrained in arms and uninured to violence, abandoned themselves to amateurish and absurd efforts to hurt and injure one another — of which the most palpable consequences were dusty backs, ruffled hair and torn and twisted collars. The History of Mr. Polly
  • In 2008, the heart group said untrained bystanders or those unwilling to do rescue breaths could do hands-only CPR until paramedics arrive or a defibrillator is used to restore a normal heart beat. CPR First Aid Changes: Chest Presses First, Then Mouth-To-Mouth
  • There was an infinitesimal pause before the last word, as the principal tactfully searched for the right word, but an untrained ear wouldn't have noticed it.
  • The TWA also known as the "Dog Licence Act", or the "Dog Collar Act" allowed for the dismissal of the wharfie work force, and their replacement by untrained, non-union workers, each of whom needed only to purchase a licence for one shilling to work on the wharves. The Pig-Iron Song
  • If the cars looked the same to the untrained eye, then the old and the new will have little in common. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rodia, an untrained construction worker and a free-thinking anarchist, died in 1965.
  • I think letting people use a keypunch & sorter is a great idea, however untrained operators may cause you to get a lot of card jams & damage your machines.
  • He was 27 and untrained for the job. The Sun
  • The caisson is made of wood, but looks so shinny and smooth to the untrained eye it looks like metal.
  • An average person's mind is like an intelligent but untrained dog. The Sun
  • This makes the ratio of untrained to trained staff very important. Times, Sunday Times
  • On no condition should untrained personnel use the equipment.
  • We would have an army of untrained teenagers with not much in the way of skills.
  • On no condition should untrained personnel use the equipment.
  • For myself, I care nothing for the gift of interpretation, and far less for that dreadful type of effete facility which produces a kind of hocus-pocus technical brilliancy which fuddles the eye with a trickery, and produces upon the untrained and uncritical mind a kind of unintelligent hypnotism. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • How many nurses does the department think are needed to ensure the untrained are properly supervised? Times, Sunday Times
  • But he stressed that making sure water was purified or boiled when living off the land was difficult for the untrained.
  • The three most common complaints were long queues in branches, unhelpful call centres and untrained staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • To the untrained eye, these looked like the sort of homemade movies people store on their mobile phones to bore their family and friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some cases, whole units disappeared, to be replaced by untrained and untried fillers.
  • Our Intelligence Service was untrained, cumbersome, and almost wholly ineffectual.
  • It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder.
  • They are therefore less likely to be corrupted by power than those untrained in its exercise. English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
  • They had been unwarned, untrained, and unarmed.
  • In those individuals we should expect to see more robust associations between specific neural events and reports of their mental experiences than we would see in individuals who are untrained.
  • In the case of the man with the so-called untrained sense, therefore, it is questionable whether the failure to see, hear, etc., is in many cases so much a lack of ability to use the particular sense, as it is a lack of practical interest in this phase of the objective world. Ontario Normal School Manuals: Science of Education
  • When a pianist hits a sour note, even the musically untrained can tell.
  • Aroma sensory stations offer guidance for untrained noses as guests sniff their way through a study of wine components.
  • To the untrained eye he looks arrogant. Times, Sunday Times
  • For myself, I care nothing for the gift of interpretation, and far less for that dreadful type of effete facility which produces a kind of hocus-pocus technical brilliancy which fuddles the eye with a trickery, and produces upon the untrained and uncritical mind a kind of unintelligent hypnotism. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • On no condition should untrained personnel use the equipment.
  • Obstetric forceps are potentially dangerous in the hands of untrained or inexperienced obstetricians.
  • The crossbow was really the first hand-held weapon that could be used by an untrained soldier to injure or kill a knight in plate armour.
  • The guitar Dickie had bought at one of those nighttime open-air markets where twenty-dollar "Rolex" watches and ten-dollar "Gucci" loafers were sold, and to the untrained eye, it looked exactly like a dandy Martin D-28, right down to the herringbone purfling. Villa Incognito
  • An untrained dog is as unhappy as the frustrated owner.
  • This has no discernible effect on taste and will go unnoticed to the untrained eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • By a slight transposition, natural enough to untrained organs, "doxology" became "socdollager. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 38, December, 1860
  • To the untrained eye, the children were behaving ordinarily.
  • But to the untrained eye, his body seems as incredible as it was during his long career. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the untrained eye can easily discern the remarkable pattern in this chart, which is being called the harmonic concordance.
  • This could mean that untrained teachers will be allowed to teach in our schools.
  • puddler," the untrained, undeveloped "tiger-man," heated by a quart or two above his usual measure, comes home and kicks his irritating and injudicious wife to death. The House of Souls
  • The untrained cannot distinguish between obstipation and constipation. Planet Malaysia
  • Most of those that were fossilised go unrecognised by the untrained eye.
  • At the same time, however, the city has a solid, and seemingly intractable core of families caught in the poverty trap, living on benefits, untrained and unequipped for the job market.
  • It was six months before Andrew got a command, but then of troops purposely ill-equipped, poorly officered and virtually untrained.
  • The youth who is trained and encouraged becomes an asset and an untrained youth remains a liability to the nation.
  • their troops were untrained militia
  • Raymon took pleasure in enlightening that virgin mind which seemed destined to open to receive his principles; but, despite the power he exerted over her untrained, artless mind, his sophisms sometimes encountered resistance from her. Indiana
  • My inner voice, still remained a loud, enthusiastic, untrained child, frequently shushed and disciplined to sit still.
  • Previous abuse cases have involved misconduct by relatively untrained National Guard and Reserve troops.
  • An untrained horse had taken fright at the sound of gunfire.
  • Health inspectors found many kitchens were manned by untrained staff. The Sun
  • It is a nonsense to say we have untrained staff dealing with emergencies.
  • An average person's mind is like an intelligent but untrained dog. The Sun
  • To an untrained ear, however, its pronunciation is similar to English profanity. Paul Henry RESIGNS: New Zealand TV Host Quits Over Indian Slur Controversy (VIDEO)
  • If you go to other parts of the planet at similar latitudes and with similar climates, you may find different species of conifers or lycopodia or seed-eating birds, but you'll find _similar_ species making up an ecosystem overall so much like the other that an untrained observer may not notice the difference. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • At one time the Library's doors were open to the public thirteen hours a day, on 365 days of the year; then the working man, the untrained, unmatriculated scholar could use freely and anonymously, at no cost to himself, the riches of the reference collections. Crisis in the NY Public Library
  • The sound was so faint untrained ears could have barely heard it.
  • They are therefore less likely to be corrupted by power than those untrained in its exercise. English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
  • In the test session each participant was paired with an untrained partner.
  • To the untrained eye, everyone appears more or less the same, the men going for a more authentic take on Mark Lamarr's look, the women modelling themselves on Fifties pin-ups.
  • There are many abnormalities that may be missed by the untrained eye.
  • The study evaluated the effects of a combination of vitamin C (1000 mg/day) and vitamin E (400 IU/day) on insulin sensitivity as measured by glucose infusion rates (GIR) during a hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic clamp in previously untrained (n = 19) and pretrained (n = 20) healthy young men. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Do Antioxidants Cancel Out the Benefits of Exercise?
  • To an untrained eye, this preparation looks no different than someone receiving a hands-on healing. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • He again draws a square, which to the untrained examiner could be mistaken for a severely dyspraxic response 544, Chapter 19. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • They are therefore less likely to be corrupted by power than those untrained in its exercise. English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
  • I knew white farmers whose idea of education for black children was a blackboard, a few sticks of chalk and a chair for an untrained teacher.
  • There are some strange things in the inspectors' report which my untrained eye can't understand.
  • Most of them were untrained, unaffiliated, unspecialized writers whose common trait was a fascination with the idea of America.
  • These tend to use untrained youngsters in order to save on costs.
  • They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force.
  • And they were relatively untrained and ill prepared to attack a mobile army in the field.
  • To the untrained eye they looked like pebbles. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that she was completely untrained was simply a minor inconvenience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea of the amendment was for a militia, defined as untrained civilians, non-military trained civilians to protect their country. Bill Of Rights in my opinion
  • To the untrained eye it looks like a series of energetic stick figures interspersed with curved lines, dots and crosses. Times, Sunday Times
  • By his own admission, he was too untrained and untalented to utter an on-camera word.
  • The team are flippant about the potential for injuries, which look extremely painful to the untrained eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • On page 381 he writes of the French putting to sea with full crews; in fact, the crews consisted largely of untrained landsmen.
  • Though untrained, she had a natural melodious voice.
  • Obviously I do not support the idea of untrained and unsanctioned bailifs restraining or even distraining. Middle Classes Tell Cam: Sod Off, We're In It For The Money
  • Because the bees do not speak in plain language, but in cryptic phrases that appear nonsensical to those untrained in the apian way. The light that draws the flower
  • To the untrained eye, they are indistinguishable one from the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Love tika-taka as much as the next guy, but I also admire organized, disciplined defending that arguably looks boring to the untrained eye and Inter gave a defensive clinic at the Camp Nou; Gijon were also thoroughly impressive in that regard. How do you like your sour grapes, Señor Xavi Hernández? | Richard Williams
  • A Franciscan of Tournai reported that, though untrained in theology, the Beguines rejoiced in new and oversubtle ideas.
  • To the untrained eye, the two flowers look remarkably similar.
  • Last March, there was a near riot when unqualified and untrained staff were brought in.
  • Most of the care was done by untrained staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • To the untrained eye, there appears to be no change. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the shower and can enthral viewers.
  • It's kind of ironic that the Romantics seized on folk culture as a lifeline, a balm for Classical formality — such "untrained" art was a more direct pathway to emotional communication. Girder and Panel
  • She looks up to you as her friend, philosopher and guru, because she was an untrained singer and has learnt so much from you.
  • The unpaid, unequipped and untrained army was to be inspired by feelings of patriotism and nationalism.
  • They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force.
  • Wiring may look okay to the untrained eye, but electrical wiring that is arcing is dangerous and can start fires.
  • an untrained voice
  • An untrained horse had taken fright at the sound of gunfire.
  • We sent in too few troops and those we sent were untrained and inexperienced.
  • The machines are programmed to give step-by-step instructions so that they can be used by untrained people. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder.
  • Our Intelligence Service was untrained, cumbersome, and almost wholly ineffectual.
  • Also, it can be hard to explain how to do mouth-to-mouth, over the phone, to someone untrained, and quite possibly panicking. Kiss goodbye to the kiss of life?
  • Whereas exercise (as expected) clearly increased parameters of insulin sensitivity in the absence of antioxidants in both previously untrained and pretrained individuals, this positive effect was completely blocked by taking the antioxidants. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Do Antioxidants Cancel Out the Benefits of Exercise?
  • There were also concerns raised about the use of restraints by untrained workers and claims staff spent a patient's cash. The Sun
  • Not only untrained whites, explained Rose, 'but Coolies and even Kaffirs also' were thus employed, 'with the inevitable result that accidents to men employed in the mines through overwinding the cages or otherwise became more frequent.' File:///D:/Data/HTML/BOOKS/src/sfsa03.txt
  • How many nurses does the department think are needed to ensure the untrained are properly supervised? Times, Sunday Times
  • A leading member of the NUT said pupils in Manchester's primary schools are already being taught by untrained and unqualified staff when teachers are sick.
  • Made with untrained actors, the film has home-video moments of self-conscious awkwardness.
  • Your voice, most likely untrained, should serve as just another whispering instrument.
  • The untrained eye cannot always distinguish between a blackberry and a raspberry, since the shapes and sizes of the fruit, leaves, and thorns vary, and there are both red blackberries and black raspberries.
  • This has no discernible effect on taste and will go unnoticed to the untrained eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • The machines are programmed to give step-by-step instructions so that they can be used by untrained people. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are not always willing to take on untrained workers, but there's no harm in asking.
  • Michaels barked, pounding out crisp sharp words that so thundered with command that even the untrained and deaf would jump to obey.
  • The petunias and begonias that shoppers see in big-box retailers every spring may look garden-variety to untrained eyes, but they are special breeds that survive a grueling gantlet of field tests and focus groups to weed out their less hardy or floriferous brethren. The Garden Gloves Come Off
  • This is due to lack of preparation, with rescue procedures often being implemented in an unplanned and unrehearsed manner and carried out by untrained and ill-equipped persons.
  • There on the pavement these inexpert children of a pacific age, untrained in arms and uninured to violence, abandoned themselves to amateurish and absurd efforts to hurt and injure one another -- of which the most palpable consequences were dusty backs, ruffled hair and torn and twisted collars. The History of Mr. Polly
  • Their prettiness are in the selfish mind and in the untrained eyes behind the blinkers of this blind beholder!
  • We may have to resort to using untrained staff.
  • In my opinion, it is unconscionable for a nation to send untrained or unready soldiers into battle.
  • Now and then she would add her own low tones to our untrained vocalizing, crooning or cantillating the tune as if she were musing aloud. Memories of Jane Cunningham Croly
  • Also the pronunciation mp3s are super-fast, not recognizing that basically, Russian sounds like an affliction of mushmouth to the untrained English ear. Better Dead Than Red
  • Sir, To the untrained eye a skinned rabbit and a cat look very similar. Times, Sunday Times
  • We've got two dogs: an untrained bitch from the neighbouring Isle of Muck, and a schooled two-year-old collie, which is the most expensive thing I've ever bought £2,000 from a farmer in Dumfries. Back to the land: from London to sheep farming on Eigg
  • Untrained end users who are having a Drupal-based site delivered to them and need to school themselves realistically in terms of what it means to own and house-train a modern website.
  • Striking firefighters warned that it would be dangerous for untrained army firefighters to use breathing apparatus.
  • Untrained, undisciplined, uninformed, she came to the magazine world as a self-admitted newborn.
  • Snapping power lines, firecrackers, and nervous, untrained police and national guardsmen caused much indiscriminate firing.
  • Tens of thousands of older people are condemned to care homes where they are not fed properly and neglected by untrained staff, a health watchdog has found. Times, Sunday Times
  • The figures for untrained teachers were compiled by the trade union in the first fortnight in September.
  • Our most important choir is made up of the men and women with untrained voices who sit in the pews. Christianity Today
  • She performed a biopsy on herself assisted by untrained staff who practised with needles on a raw chicken. Times, Sunday Times
  • The petunias and begonias that shoppers see in big-box retailers every spring may look garden-variety to untrained eyes, but they are special breeds that survive a grueling gantlet of field tests and focus groups to weed out their less hardy or floriferous brethren. The Garden Gloves Come Off
  • To the untrained eye, they are indistinguishable one from the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first Aboriginal welfare service in Sydney did great work with untrained workers.
  • Bathroom Singer, " a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the shower can enthral viewers.
  • Though beautifully picturesque to the untrained eye, it's also a new breed of high-tech wharf.

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