How To Use Untimely In A Sentence
The president's untimely death has thrown the country into chaos.
We should look to the glory and splendor of the arena … Where even the most untalented one-hit-wonder will be able to regain a sliver of dignity before their untimely demise.
2010 February « The Graveyard
I sighed softly, relieved to have escaped another untimely lecture.
It was a pity he would have her blood on his hands - if someone tried to connect her untimely death to him, it would be a messy situation indeed.
She is good reading always, however much we may sometimes pish and pshaw at the untimely poppings-in of the platitudes and crotchets (for he was that most abominable of things, a platitudinous crotcheteer) of Richard her father.
The English Novel

Ironically, Mr Egan's resting place is overlooked by the field where he met his untimely death in an electrocution.
The official reason given for his untimely death was acute enteritis (inflammation of the intestine) caused by a kick to the stomach.
Her untimely death weighs heavily on our hearts.
Times, Sunday Times
Also, I am really surprised today about the untimely and inappropriate comments the leader of the National Party made this afternoon about our major trading partners.
Inspired by the legendary botanical gardens in Padua, Italy where the Medicis plotted the untimely, frothing ends of their enemies, an English duchess has created a garden dedicated entirely to flora deadly and/or narcotic.
Alnwick Poison Gardens
Tragically, or perhaps fortunately, the hunt was aborted by Gaitskell's untimely death in January 1963.
The untimely death of the engineer delayed the completion of the project.
It pays tribute to his achievements and records his untimely death in a skiing accident in his adopted home in the Swiss Alps at the age of 36.
A letter of wishes can be sent to the trustees of the pension scheme by Peter clearly indicating that he wishes Jane to receive all benefits payable in the event of his untimely death.
The entire area is deeply shocked and saddened by this untimely and tragic death.
Let us mourn his untimely demise.
Times, Sunday Times
There cannot have been many in the packed crowd who did not realise the likely significance of his untimely exit.
Times, Sunday Times
But against this untimely weakness Lady Penelope was guarded, by the strong shield of self-conceit.
Saint Ronan's Well
Meanwhile, everyone she films with her cursed camera meets an untimely doom.
To saddle them with convenient moralizing about jeopardising the financial system by untimely disclosure of sensitive information only compounds the offence.
What Lester most yearns for, as do most of the men in my practice, indeed in my life, is the unstinting limitless nurturer, she who was untimely ripped from his arms as a little boy.
This gruesome new series focuses on unexpected mishaps that have caused untimely deaths.
The Sun
His untimely death meant the project was effectively mothballed, although it toured as a series of exhibitions during the 1970s.
A member of a notorious crime family meets his untimely demise, and his surviving brother, the leader of the organization, makes the funeral arrangements with the priest.
Currency weakness pushed up inflation, an untimely event as it reinforced price pressures that had resulted from soaring oil prices.
It's probably the naivety of youth that resulted in her sad, tragic and untimely death.
Times, Sunday Times
The untimely death of his father did nothing to alter the youngest Charlton's ambition.
You may also see the hope and support of many a flourishing family untimely cut off by the sword of a drunken dueller, in vindication of something that he miscalls his honour.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
Let us mourn his untimely demise.
Times, Sunday Times
We express our deep regret at untimely death of your husband.
But in the second stanza, descriptive of the self (and where the first-person pronoun is first-introduced), these harmonies dissolve, and the poem becomes a syncopated lament, an untimely moan:
The 'Power of Sound' and the Great Scheme of Things: Wordsworth Listens to Wordsworth
Unfortunately, Breau was cursed with massive drug addictions, which helped lead to his untimely death in 1984.
One of the many items my so-censored biograph left out was that my only child died a-borning, from his mother's womb untimely ripped, ripping it and rendering her completely barren.
The Ship Who Sang
Subsequently his career was brought to an untimely close when, nine years after this period, as he was returning to the scene of his successes, he, in common with many others was drowned by the wreck of the ill-fated steamer Brother Jonathan.
She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
This was his last cinematic performance before his untimely death, which came only days after the film's release.
Times, Sunday Times
Having triumphantly rebuilt his career, this is an untimely setback for Fallon.
Times, Sunday Times
After the timely and sometimes untimely deaths of his five siblings, a controlling 60 per cent belonged to his niece.
Times, Sunday Times
Her untimely death was occasioned by much shock and sadness among her many neighbors and friends.
We express our deep regret at untimely death of your husband.
If aught grateful or acceptable can penetrate the silent graves from our dolour, Calvus, when with sweet regret we renew old loves and beweep the lost friendships of yore, of a surety not so much doth Quintilia mourn her untimely death as she doth rejoice o'er thy constant love.
The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
A cough at the doorway brought an untimely end to their embrace.
The untimely death of his father did nothing to alter the youngest Charlton's ambition.
And now, two years after his untimely death, events come full circle as he brings to life his novel on the TPM stage.
Increased drying time may mean greater harvest losses due to untimely rainfall.
These female spirits linger near the places where, in life, they met untimely and inauspicious deaths or died childless.
However, overly strong, untimely or uninformed opinions and input that override a well thought-out process can torpedo the best plans for no reason.
This was his last cinematic performance before his untimely death, which came only days after the film's release.
Times, Sunday Times
But has the untimely injury affected him?
Times, Sunday Times
In a gruesome act of fate, the star famed for that role met her untimely death in a similar manner, but by accident, on December 8, 1971.
It was an untimely defeat which lost Bucks valuable ground in their chase for the championship and unless they start winning again they are at risk of dropping off their top eight spot.
His films are so light and lovely, and because of that, they are impertinent - cheeky and challenging in their very untimeliness, like Nietzsche's ‘untimely meditations’.
They saw hundreds of millions of lives cramped and crippled, meagrely lived, sacrificed untimely, and they could not see any primary necessity for this blighting and starvation of human life.
The Shape of Things to Come
The most significant political consequence of his untimely death was the elevation of the man who actually achieved that goal.
Gathering Dust's untimely death is unfortunate; most obviously, it was a decent collection which plugged a gap in the band's catalogue.
an amenable hospitalization should not result in untimely death
Also in a quite untimely manner given that Halloween was a week ago; and that I'm clinging on tight to the scrag end of my late-30s with very slippy hands.
What I bought this week: leather
The president's untimely death has thrown the country into chaos.
Through dreams and flashbacks, we see the string of events that lead to this untimely event, including the true, gruesome story of Ulysse's genesis.
A cough at the doorway brought an untimely end to their embrace.
In the event of his untimely death, my instructions tell me to forward this book to you.
It does, however, state that "time is of the essence," even though its untimely transmittal means that the closing date has to be postponed again.
HARP Has a Logic, Though Program Is Badly Executed
The world mourned the untimely passing of another unique and powerful female voice.
The Sun
All three have endured untimely interruptions from snow and ice not seen for a generation.
Times, Sunday Times
He had been in his new post as defence attaché in Pretoria for only three weeks before his untimely death.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm sure the latter is absolutely true, but it made such an impact on me that I've instructed my Mom that in the event of my untimely death, she should go ahead and make up something colorful about me.
If you go by what the experts and data crunchers say, the worker bees of the world are dooming the civilized, unhurried meal to an untimely death.
To be manumitted, slaves required ‘free papers,’ even when masters failed to confer these promised documents, either through callousness, unexpected debt, or untimely death.
After the timely and sometimes untimely deaths of his five siblings, a controlling 60 per cent belonged to his niece.
Times, Sunday Times
Both entered the world as bitter disappointments to their fathers, and the birth of each princess was a contributory factor in the untimely death of a parent.
ELIZABETH AND MARY: Cousins, Rivals, Queens
The landlubberly sport coat [above, center], meanwhile, originally derived from the tweedy, robust coats worn while assisting in the untimely end of feathered or furry creatures. Article Feed
Shyheim On The Raekwon Conflict, His History With The Wu And His Untimely Prison Term [audio] russel simmons said: "wow this card is really neat it has diamonds on the front so i look cool and" flossy "now i am a player. thank you rush card for making all my ......" on
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's untimely death in 1997 robbed Pakistan of an immense talent and world music of one of its twin godheads (Youssou N'Dour being the other).
But although this untimely death cut short a brilliant career, he still left his mark, both as a soldier and musician.
Avoiding an untimely defeat can be aided by a few variables.
The president's untimely death has thrown the country into chaos.
Another news flash unreported is that standing outside can expose you to ultraviolet radiation leading to skin cancer and untimely death.
Low-energy Lights Bulbs Cause Space Pirates « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
The untimely death of Mr Woodhouse caused her immense grief and distress.
Meanwhile, everyone she films with her cursed camera meets an untimely doom.
She looked after her father and brothers from the age of fourteen on the untimely death of her mother.
To reduce the risk of untimely breakdowns, identify and replace worn components this spring.
Another positive is that the untimely demise of Pulling has inspired some of the finest writing from its creators.
Times, Sunday Times
In the event of an untimely death the state would automatically assume her assets, not her mother or closest relative,
This would ‘help him pay off his mortgages and help maintain his children's lifestyle in the event of his untimely death,’ she says.
I am sure your readers would have seen the article as at best untimely.
She met a tragic and untimely death at 25.
His mother's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him.
A regular in the TV series, his death in 1979 was an untimely tragedy that dealt a sharp blow to British comedy.
His mother's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him.
One way to dodge an untimely demise is to gather information about potential predators in advance of an attack.
A quiet and unassuming man his untimely death was occasioned by much sadness.
TV shows trade in these themes all the time - lost siblings, untimely death, unslakable grief.
But that is now an untimely subject.
He, however, arrived untimely on the scene, messing up her plans and landing her in an unhappy marriage which barely lasted two years, leaving her at the end with a baby boy on her hands.
alcohol brought him to an untimely end
As a result of the untimely deaths of Camila Guzman and Lashai Mclean, there should be a collective outrage among all who support humanity and equality.
Ja'briel Walthour: One Day Our Change Will Come: A Call to Raise Awareness and End Violence Against Transgender Women of Color
A few times, the actresses untimely paused between the lines, cutting the smooth flow of their dialogue.
The announcement brought the meeting to an untimely end .
Having triumphantly rebuilt his career, this is an untimely setback for Fallon.
Times, Sunday Times
His tragic and untimely death cut short a remarkable record of achievement in geology, in public service, and in visionary leadership of Canadian and international geoscience.
Well, Lance Bass, former NSYNC member, has the rights to a previously unreleased song that Monroe recorded before her untimely death in 1962; he thinks that Brit is the perfect person to sing with Monroe on the track.
Archive 2007-05-06
Over the years, we have seen many bands hit by the untimely death of a member.
Times, Sunday Times
Jacqui was too busy rearranging her skirts after her untimely fall to notice our stiff conversation.
Make sure that your will is up to date and that your wife has access to some funds in the event of your untimely death.
He had been in his new post as defence attaché in Pretoria for only three weeks before his untimely death.
Times, Sunday Times
Seriously, if we are exporting cigarettes to Iran, which are a direct cause of cancer and other fatal maladies, is it not true then, that we are contributing to Iranians’ potential untimely demise? —
McCain Dismisses Iraqi Idea of Troop Withdrawal - The Caucus Blog -
While this grille was in shipping, my poor bugeye met its untimely demise in a hit and run.
Celtiberian Egnatius meriting fustigation for an untimely display of well-whitened teeth, sir: 'quicquid est, ubicunque est, quodcunque agit, renidet:': -- ha?
The Egoist
The president's untimely death has thrown the country into chaos.
That's not something he's accustomed to - whether it's illegal substances or an untimely change in citizenship.
It is tempting to imagine that the elegy was written in some kind of foreknowledge of the untimely silencing of his own sweet blackbird song.
Archive 2009-04-01
So I'm enjoying the idea that every piece of electrical equipment in my little corner of the apartment was knocked out of service by a freak electromagnetic field caused by an untimely manifestation of the ghost of Ned Ludd.
Anwar apparently rediscovered religion after the untimely death of his young daughter and since then sports a regulation beard.
I even saw in a brick passageway an untimely butterfly.
Her untimely death weighs heavily on our hearts.
Times, Sunday Times
It was this passion for fast cars that led to his untimely death at the age of 43.
This gruesome new series focuses on unexpected mishaps that have caused untimely deaths.
The Sun
His threnody captured the awful essence of untimely death in early-twentieth-century black societies that prized marriage and reproduction.
Over the years, we have seen many bands hit by the untimely death of a member.
Times, Sunday Times
He said the death of a talented fashion designer was an untimely tragedy.
This logic also suggests that a plaintiff should be barred from her suit based upon untimely acts that did occur after the harassment became pervasive.
I easily suppressed this untimely sensation; and as I returned thanks, and expressed my hope that I should not disarrange, his family, I once more dropped a hint of my desire to make compensation for any trouble I might occasion.
The Board notified him that his appeal was untimely, and afforded him an opportunity to demonstrate good cause for his untimeliness.
Students and faculty told fond stories about Daniels and expressed their sorrow at his untimely death.
If you go by what the experts and data crunchers say, the worker bees of the world are dooming the civilized, unhurried meal to an untimely death.
But has the untimely injury affected him?
Times, Sunday Times
This poor lady met an untimely, gruesome death.
The Sun
His ‘untimely death’ occurred while he was away from his wainscoted offices on a periodic visit to a resort near the Matterhorn.
He loathed the sterile ritual of inspections, and this poor devil in his untimely end had saved him from that.
Tragically, or perhaps fortunately, the hunt was aborted by Gaitskell's untimely death in January 1963.
I decided that I would give the rapscallion a severe lashing as recompense for his untimely calling.
Then pressure constricted his movement and confidence, and an untimely double fault crept into his game.
I hope, however, in my ministerial office to do impartial justice to a man whose talents I admired, whose virtues I venerate, and whose untimely death I shall always deplore.
Letter 388
She brings a deep musing regret to her recital of a sad poem about true love untimely slain, how it will never rise from the grave again.
All three have endured untimely interruptions from snow and ice not seen for a generation.
Times, Sunday Times
To ignore the current situation would certainly doom the denomination to an untimely death.
Scotland's new coach thought that Chris, for all his untimely failure to put a late penalty punt the right side of the corner flag, had generally kicked well.
It's probably the naivety of youth that resulted in her sad, tragic and untimely death.
Times, Sunday Times
Below the circumstance of not cloggy passageway, can arrange can adjustable adjust or collapsible face plate, in order to have untimely needs.
The world mourned the untimely passing of another unique and powerful female voice.
The Sun
He suggested that in the event of his untimely demise, he would simply prop him up, put some sunglasses on him and keep him in office.
Their answer seems to be a sloppily sewn-together quilt of stale stereotypes and untimely political references.
The public are also being asked to discuss their wishes with their family so that there will be no hesitation or confusion in the event of untimely death.
The rural programme of Tata AIG was targeted to create an asset for the rural poor in the form of hedging their economic loss in the event of an untimely loss of an earning member.
So much for bequeathing your ‘personal account’ to your kids in the event of your untimely demise.
I even saw in a brick passageway an untimely butterfly.
I see them now -- my darling sons, my fierce daughter -- heartsore and vulnerable at the news of my untimely and possibly heroic death.
Calling The Undertaker
After a brief pause he decided to continue so that all wouldn't get dragged down in the untimely events they just learned about.
The ongoing dispute between Henry and the French nobles had begun in 1087, following the untimely death of William I and the division of his kingdom between his two sons.
His sudden and untimely death was met with much sadness and shock throughout the area.
He was the intrepid war photographer whose swashbuckling style and good looks gained him fame around the world before his untimely disappearance while on assignment.
Times, Sunday Times
He loathed the sterile ritual of inspections, and this poor devil in his untimely end had saved him from that.
Almost two years after Mary's untimely death, Kathleen is on a mission to make people aware of SADS with her heart-rending story.
He was the intrepid war photographer whose swashbuckling style and good looks gained him fame around the world before his untimely disappearance while on assignment.
Times, Sunday Times
an untimely remark
For these were the rewards of the old Covenant; and nothing then was feared so much as widowhood, childlessness, untimely mournings, to be visited with famine, to have their affairs go on unprosperously.
NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
For those lucky enough to have caught onto his comedy before his untimely death, Hicks was an absolute revelation.
Both entered the world as bitter disappointments to their fathers, and the birth of each princess was a contributory factor in the untimely death of a parent.
ELIZABETH AND MARY: Cousins, Rivals, Queens
The popularity of this enduring musical is evident in the audience, who clap and cheer every song and gasp in mock horror at the untimely death of one of the heroes at the close of the play.
Yet none imaged that a man so full of life would meet such an untimely death.
Another positive is that the untimely demise of Pulling has inspired some of the finest writing from its creators.
Times, Sunday Times
I've had the Sebring for four years now, and I've been quite happy with it, given that it was a compromise purchase forced by an untimely accident.
David, reacting to James' untimely outburst, commanded his retinue of elite combatants to fight their way to the exit.