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  1. being at an inappropriate time
  2. the quality of occurring at an inconvenient time

How To Use untimeliness In A Sentence

  • His films are so light and lovely, and because of that, they are impertinent - cheeky and challenging in their very untimeliness, like Nietzsche's ‘untimely meditations’.
  • You know she ` s shown that she has a real detachment from her emotions and there ` s no reason to think that, you know, the untimeliness and unfortunate situation where her father would give her anymore empathy or make her care anymore. CNN Transcript Jan 26, 2009
  • Although there have been isolated instances of courts outside the Seventh Circuit denying motions for leave to file for reasons other than untimeliness, the “general practice in the federal courts of appeals is to grant leave to file an amicus brief in most situations.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Judicial Attitudes Towards Amicus Briefs:
  • As the badge of an authentic untimeliness, uncouthness marks the expectation of future rewriting, conceives itself as the object of subsequent distressings.
  • I have chosen to pursue this agenda, notwithstanding its untimeliness in the face of matters that have arisen i.e., the economic crisis, in part because I'm comfortable with it. Obama's Jobs Speech: An Early Draft
  • The avant-garde almost always fails because of this untimeliness, either by being “before its time,” addressing an, as yet, unforeseen, future audience (doing so from a modern viewpoint in a tone of historic anticipation), or by being “beyond its time,” addressing an as yet, unawakened, modern audience (doing so from a future viewpoint in a tone of historic renunciation). Writing and Failure (Part 4) : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • The Board notified him that his appeal was untimely, and afforded him an opportunity to demonstrate good cause for his untimeliness.
  • In a case of this magnitude, with allegations this serious, a dismissal of the complaint for untimeliness does nothing to enhance the public image of lawyers in the State of North Carolina. Is That Legal?: Justice Successfully Delayed
  • I have to add that your observations about “untimeliness” make no sense to me. Writing and Failure (Part 4) : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Moral beauty has tendency to decay very rapidly into sententiousness or untimeliness. There's Something Wrong with Sven
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