How To Use Untied In A Sentence

  • An 'the ould mother fox she lifted the lid o' the pot, and the rashkill untied the bag, and hild it over the pot o 'bilin' wather, an 'shuk in the big, heavy shtone. Faith Gartney's Girlhood
  • One of the shoelaces on her sneaker had come untied and was blowing vulnerably in the wind.
  • Growling and sweating the ursine fellow untied the knot, picking at it with clumsy claws, then reeled her down fast. A TIME OF WAR
  • She untied the rope and set the boat adrift.
  • She comes flying down in her bathrobe and untied sneakers; he's still buttoning his shirt.
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  • But Mezrich's book has the ring of truth about it, not least because it stops short of incredible claims and leaves some loose ends untied.
  • a bountied animal pelt
  • Clad in my nightgown and untied work boots, I must have been a sight.
  • He saddled and bridled Ebony, untied the halter, and led his horse carefully through the trees.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. was the major leader of the civil rights movement in the Untied States, not an unfettered Roman Catholic cleric.
  • Her hair was loose now, untied from the ponytail and swinging halfway down her back.
  • I snipped the string and untied the parcel.
  • Slowly he untied the delicate pink bows holding her black teddy together.
  • The coachman untied the trunk from the roof of the carriage and set it down beside them.
  • What appears here, is larely what can be referred to as the untied front, i.e. it only discusses the united front against axis powers, and moreless ignores the Soviet invasions of Poland, Finland, the Baltic States, etc. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Watch for an impressive, sombre solo done with untied pointe shoes.
  • The emperor's jacket was unbuttoned, his lace cravat untied, and his crown of golden leaves sitting crooked atop uncombed dark hair.
  • Miss Mowcher untied her bonnet, at this passage of her discourse, threw back the strings, and sat down, panting, on a foot-stool in front of the fire—making a kind of arbour of the dining-table, which spread its mahogany shelter above her head. XXII. Some Old Scenes, and Some New People
  • Jim untied the rope that was fastened to it and lit it.
  • He untied something from his neck and placed it in her hand, and curled her fingers round it.
  • Tenderly, Kirby untied the lace from around the rose and retied it around the top of her braid.
  • Adam had untied the stallion and was trying to get his foot up into the stirrup while the horse was trying all kinds of foolishness to stop him.
  • Unfortunately, the Universe likes to laugh at my expense so of course I managed to trip over an untied shoe lace and did a face plant onto the driveway.
  • His right ear sported a gold ring and his long black hair was left uncombed and untied.
  • The career that resulted shoots him all over the shop like an untied balloon.
  • I quickly untied the rope that was bound around her body, then worked on her hands and ankles.
  • Anonymous said ... no it's o.k. everybody he lives in kool-aide happy bama land (a place also know as assholeea) also know as the untied states of america, so we're o.k.. White House Beer Summit Over Gates, Cambridge Police, Obama, Biden, Racial Profiling, Law Enforcement | Obama Hopes to Undo Stupidly Attention
  • Singh said whatever money is required for rehabilitation of the only civil hospital here besides restoration of water supply and schools in Leh and Kargil, the Centre and state governments will provide "untied" funds to the Leh and Kargil autonomous hill councils. Daily News & Analysis
  • Her hastened kiss sustains my pallid lips, her now strong arms embolden mine; her laughter lifts my body high, we swoop as one above the greening fields, the wheatstraw hills, the overflowing streams, the bountied oceans A Visit
  • I untied Ladybird and mounted, I guided her across the stream and down the hill until we came to the bottom then we broke into a canter and galloped all the way home.
  • Without a word he reached to his side and untied another tarp bag, unfastening it but leaving it unopened on the desk in front of him.
  • He shut off the motor and untied the sails from the booms.
  • Fellow Democrats and Republicans have untied united this week to pay tribute to the effective lawmaker.
  • Christa offered her daughter a snack then turned to Liz as her daughter raced back inside, untied laces and pigtails flapping.
  • I pushed in a couple of pessaries, untied the sack from my middle and pulled my shirt over my head.
  • She set the parcel on the bed, kneeling on the floor as she untied the double knot.
  • This twin ascendancy of identity means that, when relating to the Untied States or the United Nations or the world at large, Chinese and Indian nationalism grows. Apollo's Daughter :: Post-American World?
  • She wore an oversized military coat; a brightly-colored knit argyle skirt which featured an inappropriate slit; black tights; and black doc martens, untied, so that the tongues of the shoes bent over lazily.
  • Princess Grace, ever so carefully, untied the golden silk cords to the snow white carrying cloth, in which her dagger was kept.
  • By the time I came into the living room, Susannah was lying down on the couch with her jacket half-on and her untied shoes on the wrong feet.
  • Impatient fingers untied the knots, pulling the blindfolds from my eyes.
  • He beat everyone by 100-plus yards - and, I swear to you, his shoes were untied.
  • They untied the prisoner
  • Miss Mowcher untied her bonnet, at this passage of her discourse, threw back the strings, and sat down, panting, on a footstool in front of the fire — making a kind of arbour of the dining table, which spread its mahogany shelter above her head. David Copperfield
  • This right is fundamental to the adversary system of justice in the Untied States.
  • Miss Mowcher untied her bonnet, at this passage of her discourse, threw back the strings, and sat down, panting, on a footstool in front of the fire - making a kind of arbour of the dining table, which spread its mahogany shelter above her head. David Copperfield
  • Next, Lamai tied him securely with a sennit cord about the neck and untied the cords that bit into his legs. CHAPTER XIII
  • The shoes came untied
  • He untied the heavy pouch at his side and dropped it onto the floor.
  • He untied the silk blouse very slowly, to let her know what he was doing.
  • And this is that same unity which is fruitful in the outgoing activity of the Persons, and forms in Their return an eternal bond of love which shall never be untied: and all who know themselves to be bound up in it shall be blessed throughout eternity, and they are rich in virtue, and clear in contemplation, and simple in fruitive rest. The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
  • Flustered, the blonde boy untied his spats, and took off one of his sock-shoes, sort of hopping around on one foot while doing so.
  • While everybody watched, he removed the chocks from under the little aircraft's wheels and untied the webbing holding her down. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • I untied the bow and unwrapped the small box.
  • He jogged up to walk beside me, his tie untied, the top two buttons of his shirt undone, his sleeves pushed up to his elbows.
  • A single untied shoelace, one feels, could provoke a major tragedy.
  • As he was waiting he noticed his shoe was untied.
  • She untied the bloodstained black bandana from his neck.
  • Grace untied her nice clean coil of rope, while Madaline besought her in every kind of cabalistic sign she could summon to her aid, to desist in her reckless intention of tieing the man to the tree. The Girl Scout Pioneers or Winning the First B. C.
  • The 85 ships necessary to supply even her present consumption, bountied as the English are, will require a sacrifice of 1,285,200 livres a year, to maintain 3,570 seamen, and that a part of the year only. Public Papers
  • As Jess untied the Queen and helped her down, she saw Brian working hard to keep his expression stolid, to maintain the professional unseeing look all the guardsmen had long perfected. Zombies vs. Unicorns
  • Then she untied her silk scarf.
  • She untied the rope and set the boat adrift.
  • I untied the red ribbon that bound the black box and excitedly opened the lid to find a gorgeous strand of delicate, white diamonds.
  • Cautiously, Elsa untied the ribbon and removed the lid.
  • Finally, she untied the knot and let the dress tumble to a pile at her feet.
  • In fact, one commentator has observed that we live in the ‘Untied States of America.’
  • He untied her braided belt, tossed it over one of the chairs, then proceeded to remove her bliaut and chainse as well. Honor’s Splendour
  • Call untied his slicker from his saddle and covered Pea Eye with it. The Lonesome Dove Series
  • When the wedding procession is about to start, after the bridegroom has been bathed and before he puts on the _kankan_ or iron wristlet which is to protect him from evil spirits, he is seated on a stool while all the male members of the household come up with their _choti_ or scalp-lock untied and rub it against that of the bridegroom. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India - Volume IV of IV Kumhar-Yemkala
  • So Cuhelyn was reflecting bewilderedly as he untied the ropes that pinioned arms and legs, plucking the knots loose with grim patience with his single hand, and unwound the twisted rugs from about the heaving body. His Disposition
  • He picked up the small parcel and untied the string around it.
  • When they returned to Ajijic, they were dressed in beltless, baggy cutoffs that hung down around their hips, torn t-shirts, a baseball cap worn to the side over doo rags, and dirty Nikes with untied laces that dragged on the dusty ground. My Mexican daughter-in-law: the bride wore green and white and red
  • Therefore, it was necessary for God to show himself to them and gather them to himself, as he did when he commanded the ass and its colt to be untied and brought to him and took his seat on them according to the law of truth.
  • Delicately I untied the ribbon that bound his hair and unplaited the silken locks, running my fingers through their length.
  • In the summer, I had to do some drastic cutting back of all the wall shrubs, and the cotoneaster was untied and allowed to grow away from the wall.
  • Caesar untied the carpet and unrolled it slowly.
  • Her untied braid was coming free, the ends hanging loosely.
  • A friend of ours, a Mexican, returned from the US and met us in cargo shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and untied jogging shoes .... we teased him unmercifully that he had turned into a gringo. How to "pass" for a Mexican
  • I quickly untied the package and peeped inside.
  • The farmer hung his head, and without a word untied his servant, of whom Don Quixote asked how much his master owed him. Don Quixote
  • The kind man untied her bonds and handed her a mass of folds of blue cloth.
  • Last year, Japan provided China with $1.7 billion in untied, heavily subsidized loans.
  • ‘Oh, no; the delf cups and saucers; — it will be twice as good in them;’ and as the handsome mistress of the mansion, sitting in the deal chair, loosened her cloak and untied her bonnet, she chatted away, to the edification of Margery and the amusement of both. Wylder's Hand
  • Ai wuk for an org dat supports a UN agencee, an unce a yungperson wrote dat dey wanned uinfurmashun about de “Untied Nations.” Procrastinators UNITE.. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • I gritted my teeth as I carefully untied the knot in the ribbon.
  • Nicholas untied the boat from her mooring.
  • The smith walked the driver out to the stables, where he untied the horses.
  • I managed to yelp an endearment to the dirty blonde, trying to manage three bags, a coat, and untied shoes all while running towards school.
  • HD 22 fulham vs manchester untied 2-2 all goals Scholes Davies Hangeland own goal - Articles related to Sport
  • So it might be useful to nudge Canada and say, "Hey, your shoelace is untied and you're going to trip ... Was canada too good to be true?
  • But all too pointedly the fledgeling assortment into the azonal of cyclopaedia celiocentesis unjustness end up stylish, bountied or polyphonically sheer the transvestite of meyerhof or kyphosus. Rational Review
  • The trawler officer untied the neck of the kitbag and turned it back. In Spite of Their Declaration of Bombs
  • The rope that she had wrapped about her after she had untied the two sheep, had caught on a short broken stub of a branch.
  • Brushing myself, off I stood up and untied the baby carrier setting the baby and carrier on the table.
  • He quickly untied the cord that held the dress in place.
  • It is my Sacred Heart … It is (metaphorically) wearing my heart on my sleeve … It is a tendril unfurling … It is a knot untied … It is a release … 2010 March « Mudpuddle
  • Bruising had already started to form on his arms and on his feet were his Puma sneakers, with one very incriminating untied shoelace.
  • Fulham vs Manchester United 2-2 All Goals & penalty miss footyroom. com Fulham 2-2 Manchester United Highlights HD 22 fulham vs manchester untied 2-2 all goals Scholes Davies Hangeland own goal Hangeland - Articles related to Sport
  • His gaze dropped away from my face; he shrugged, untied Indigo's headcollar, and led him out of his box. Bonecrack
  • This activity requires a single untied Raccoon Circle, stretched into a straight line.
  • He just untied the pack mule from its tie to the back of the cob's saddle and led him along the cobblestone path.
  • I was thundering down the stairs, somehow managing not to trip on my untied bootlaces, when Joe intercepted me at the bottom.
  • Naturally this all appeared strange to her when it was accompanied by his white T-shirt, worn jeans and untied sneakers.
  • Your boot lace is untied.
  • Good-by, dear lad," that was once more near to my undoing, we were untied, and the men at the poles pushed hard and walked rapidly back to the stern, and the men at the cordelle pulled all together, with a long-drawn "Heave, ho, heave!" and we were off. The Rose of Old St. Louis
  • One of the shoelaces on her sneaker had come untied and was blowing vulnerably in the wind.
  • The eighty-five ships, necessary to supply even her present consumption, bountied, as the English are, will require a sacrifice of twelve hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred livres a year, to maintain three thousand five hundred and seventy seamen, and that, a part of the year only; and if she will put it to twelve thousand men, in competition with Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 2
  • dextrously he untied the knots
  • Onyschuk had lashed the bowline to the tree and he untied it and we loaded our packs into the centre. FOOLS GOLD
  • It drained a section of the canal for maintenance, didn't pre-warn the moored boaters, but just untied and pushed the boats away from the bank.
  • He tried to run away from me but I caught his ascot so he untied it and got away.
  • Decker sends a young man aloft to tar down the main rigging but when the tar pot is untied, it drops on Decker's head. “It was the Golden Fleece ready for the shearing.”
  • Lash ropes and diamond hitches are untied, the horses unpacked and then hobbled or tethered in the meadow below camp.
  • Act like a man, dont beat someone up for showing you your shoelace is untied. 'Crashers' investigation deepens
  • She ran her hand through her untied hair in frustration.
  • The Democrats must remain untied for the good of the USA. Clinton backer Feinstein says it's time to end
  • Our drill instructors will punch you in the throat if your shoe is untied, then you will have to run up a mountain with two sacks full of scalding hot sauna rocks tied to your bare chest.
  • In lieu of the payment of actual expenses of transportation, packing, crating, temporary storage, drayage, and unpacking of household goods and personal effects in the case of transfers between points within the continental Untied States, reimbursement shall be made to the employee on a commutated basis at rates per hundred points as fixed by zones in Schedule A which is attached to and made a part of these regulations. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9805
  • With that he hastily untied and reboarded the plane, which, coughing and smoking like an affront to the pristine beauty of its surroundings, turned and began making its way to rejoin the smoke and factories of civilization.
  • The loan is supposed to be used for modernizing consumer goods industries, but the lawmakers view it as part of a rising supply of untied credits that could be tapped by the Soviet military.
  • The farmer hung his head, and without a word untied his servant, of whom The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Part 02
  • Richard Lavenham, an English contemporary of Wyclif, perhaps put the prevailing optimism best (Spade 1975, p. 93; Heytesbury 1979, p. Just as the bond of love is sometimes called insoluble, not because it can in no way be untied (sit solubilis) but because it can be untied [only] with difficulty, so a proposition is sometimes called insoluble, not because it is not solvable but because it is solvable [only] with difficulty. Insolubles
  • Regretfully Silk let down the movable section of the abat-jour, retrieved his horsehair rope, and untied the rough limb that had served him so well. Nightside The Long Sun
  • But all too pointedly the fledgeling assortment into the azonal of cyclopaedia celiocentesis unjustness end up stylish, bountied or polyphonically sheer the transvestite of meyerhof or kyphosus. Rational Review
  • Hudao's turban was untied by two women, then they helped him to retie this long turban and fasten a leather strip to it, dotted with more than 100 shell coins.
  • He would stand up, with open eyes, and he would struggle and toil and learn until, with eyes unblinded and tongue untied, he could share with her his visioned wealth. Chapter 10
  • I untied the red bandana from his neck and replaced it with the worn leather collar that had its name engraved in a brass plate should the hound ever get lost.
  • My current shoelaces haven't been untied for at least a year and are getting a bit ragged, so I thought it was time for some new ones.
  • His hands slipped behind my ears and untied my blindfold.
  • That left Alabama, the two-time defending champion, as the nation's only unbeaten, untied team.

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