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How To Use Untangle In A Sentence

  • Once the victim's mind had "snapped" into cult mode, the unsnapping requires a massive assault on the victim's mind to untangle the coded messages injected into it by the sinister forces of the cult leader. Warren Adler: Martha Marcy May Marlene: A Brave Movie
  • Chose a clear day to mend a broken fence covered in a climber, as it will be a time-consuming job to untie and untangle the plant.
  • Then she ran off, faster than any wildcat, and the men went on howling and shrieking, trying to untangle those knots.
  • But couvade, as I attempt to untangle its relation to colonialism in this essay, is a strategy re-invented for the purposes of reconciliation in narratives of Manichean allegory.
  • Who can untangle this fretful cat 's cradle? Times, Sunday Times
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  • She reached to untangle the reins and free the horse, the bushes scratching at her arms, snagging the sleeves of her now-tattered dress.
  • When you have watched men of the cloth ministering to the Drumcree marchers, and watched the Orange battalions at prayer, it is less easy to untangle religion from the emotions involved.
  • Her tail began to wag as he approached, and he cautiously dropped onto one knee before reaching to untangle her leash.
  • Lawyers and accountants began trying to untangle the complex affairs of the bank.
  • Chose a clear day to mend a broken fence covered in a climber, as it will be a time-consuming job to untie and untangle the plant.
  • This is the second time in the last 12 months we have had to untangle a swan from the river.
  • This is the kind of convoluted wording that pops up on a regular basis, and my head still hurts trying to untangle it.
  • If Alam's job as hard-nosed, aggressive news editor is to untangle fact from fiction, Yaqub's as editor is to give her younger readers a sense of identity within a traditional theology.
  • Towel dry the hair and use a wide toothed comb or pick to untangle.
  • Talking to a counsellor can help you untangle the past and move on. The Sun
  • Carefully cut out as many of the stems as necessary, taking out diseased or weak growth first and untangle the rest if possible.
  • He was found desperately trying to untangle several reels of film.
  • He's forced to untangle a complex web of financial dealings.
  • But I've got to somehow untangle that web. Christianity Today
  • But I've got to somehow untangle that web. Christianity Today
  • The elf tried to get comfortable, turning and twisting until his bedroll was a shambles, then he had to sit up and untangle himself. Dragons of Winter Night
  • He's forced to untangle a complex web of financial dealings.
  • It is better to use a comb to untangle wet tresses but make sure you choose one with wide teeth. The Sun
  • She tried to untangle her skirt from the wire fence.
  • You can untangle problems that baffle others by taking the direct approach. The Sun
  • Soon enough Ethelred is tangled up in a real life mystery of his own as his ex-wife disappears (can you blame her?) and there follows a very entertaining and funny book as everything is untangled and revealed. The Herring Seller's Apprentice
  • She crossed her legs, then recrossed them, then crossed her arms, then untangled herself and just tapped her fingers on the sides of the chair.
  • The place was deserted, save for myriad squirrels, but I found that some young tykes had tangled up the swings, so I did my bit for community service and untangled them.
  • But I've got to somehow untangle that web. Christianity Today
  • And while we were cuddling in bed this morning, I discovered that the Dwarf had managed to untangle the tangly bits under his chin. The catnapping «
  • The author and illustrator have created a dynamic picture book designed to help young naturalists untangle more than 20 pairs of these confusables.
  • Gnarled old men ignore the chaos sipping coffee and chatting with fishermen as they untangle their nets.
  • Produced by Paper Birds, this is an impressionistic and melancholy hour of physical theatre that tangles together and untangles the lives of six young women who all passed through a single room.
  • There's a game where you have to untangle the lights and get them round the tree. The Sun
  • With the motion and rotation of Earth, the coordinates dance all around in a strange mess that is extremely difficult to untangle.
  • He was found desperately trying to untangle several reels of film.
  • Instead, engineers developed ‘splicing,’ which untangles the ends of threads and twists them together at the same time.
  • They must not only unravel the problems of their own lives, they must untangle the mystery of his death.
  • Rhea untangled herself from the arms of the headless body and pushed the corpse aside.
  • At his stop, half asleep, he fell more than rose from his seat but he untangled his legs and kept moving and smiled, too groggy to be up.
  • Jon held up a short, sturdy club, and Brianna quickly untangled a net and dagger.
  • The bones were sort of tangled, so the doctors had to untangle the bones and then sort of maneuver their way through my hand and create fingers.
  • Between his last conscious moment and the early hour when he would rise, she would gently untangle herself from his embrace, dress, and slip away, leaving him to awake to the sensations of hangover and disappointment and stir discontentedly in his empty bed as he recollected spent pleasures. O: A Presidential Novel
  • A liner note by the executive producer untangles some of this all-too-typical Balkan tale, but this recording is more a testament to resilience and joy than anger and resentment.
  • You can untangle problems that baffle others by taking the direct approach. The Sun
  • It took him seven years to untangle that dream but a man who could sing like Uncle Jim was bound to get in scrapes now and then: he expected it and we expected it.
  • He valiantly discards this safety net, daring readers to untangle the clues ahead of the police.
  • Your ability to see how life looks through other people's eyes helps you to untangle situations at home. The Sun
  • I strongly suggest they have been leant on by shadowy persons or individuals whose motivations and loyalties will be hard to untangle but which, if the effort is made, will turn out to lead back to the Hartlepool prestidigitator. [green shoots] not likely, chamber of commerce
  • Most ramblers flower on shoots produced the previous season so anything pruned now reduces flowering, so prune only to shape the plant and untangle it, removing, where possible, just the oldest wood.
  • In an effort to untangle the issues, SEE Magazine spoke to an independent researcher and consultant on health promotion and health policy.
  • You may have to help a friend untangle some emotional problems. The Sun
  • He could play Alec … but his jaw is a little too thin to be a twin with Dakota … I sort of see him as Cauis i guess — with hair&makeup&earing out& hair untangled. Twilight Lexicon » Meet Caius!
  • It is better to use a comb to untangle wet tresses but make sure you choose one with wide teeth. The Sun
  • Talking to a counsellor can help you untangle the past and move on. The Sun
  • The Cave untangles this paradox through its dogged insistence on an ancient, if seldom realized, human quality: generosity.
  • The place was deserted, save for myriad squirrels, but I found that some young tykes had tangled up the swings, so I did my bit for community service and untangled them.
  • But finding the connection could take years, maybe even generations, of exploration to untangle the skein of these caves. THIS TIME LOVE
  • He was good with his hands and could unravel a knot or untangle yarn that others wouldn't even attempt.
  • Orin Kerr has a long post that tries to begin to untangle the difficult legal threads of constitutional and statutory law.
  • She tried to untangle her skirt from the wire fence.
  • He was found desperately trying to untangle several reels of film.
  • The implicit negation in words like fail and ignore may be especially difficult to untangle.
  • He said with authority as he cautiously began to untangle himself to stand up and make more of an impact without loosing his grip on Marissa.
  • A worker untangles his hose on the freshly sandblasted deck of the Queen of Coquitlam.
  • Who can untangle this fretful cat 's cradle? Times, Sunday Times
  • An hour later, here she was, sitting in a padded barrel of steaming water, and having her hair untangled by her mother's maid.
  • But I've got to somehow untangle that web. Christianity Today
  • Chose a clear day to mend a broken fence covered in a climber, as it will be a time-consuming job to untie and untangle the plant.
  • The use of a highly textured piercing sound whose layers cannot be easily untangled makes his painful memory visceral for the viewer.
  • Initially, the umbilical cord was caught around her neck so while she untangled her new daughter he fetched clean towels and helped to clean her.
  • She starts trying to untangle herself, but every time she manages to successfully get some part of her clothing or hair disentangled, something else gets stuck.
  • He gave me a slow, lingering kiss, then untangled his arms and legs from mine.
  • Gnarled old men ignore the chaos sipping coffee and chatting with fishermen as they untangle their nets.
  • Whenever I grab my iPod headphones and have to untangle or untwist the cord, I end up with the right-side bud in my left hand, and vice versa.
  • In doing so, they have untangled claims after the California gold rush, picked up the pieces of Europe's crumbling precapitalist order, converted Japan's feudal enclaves into a market economy after World War II and reunified Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall. TOXIC Paper
  • There was an outburst of applause accompanied by a few cries of pain from individuals who failed to untangle their fingers first.
  • He's forced to untangle a complex web of financial dealings.
  • Mick had to fend off youngsters trying to jump onto his boat, cope with water shortages, regularly untangle his propeller, avoid a sunken portable toilet and even hide from a barrage of maggots.
  • She untangled her hair from the hair - drier.
  • In sech knots it'd take the camp half a day to untangle me. GRIT OF WOMEN
  • It is better to use a comb to untangle wet tresses but make sure you choose one with wide teeth. The Sun
  • Both Spanish and Mesoamerican medicine used the Hot-Cold dichotomy in precontact and colonial times to diagnose and treat illnesses, so it is difficult to untangle the origins of these folk practices today. 7 As we will see in this study, however, the humoral medicine that Europeans brought to the New World provided a logical and simple framework on which both indigenous and popular Spanish curing practices could be hung. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Can you untangle this thread for me? I'm all thumbs today.
  • You may have to help a friend untangle some emotional problems. The Sun
  • Sikelianos attempts to untangle some complex knots in this book, and it is a testament to her writerly scope that she succeeds in doing so with wit and humor.
  • And after things are untangled and you have had time to appreciate the close shave, you go up to Prince and reprove him with your choicest vocabulary. FOUR HORSES AND A SAILOR
  • If you honestly set out to learn how to untangle your own snafus , you'll find that even people who shy away from raw neediness start offering advice.
  • After scutching, the settler would pull the flax through a board of sharp iron nails called a hackle or hatchel (see accompanying photograph) in order to untangle and smooth the threads. News from
  • In addition, since economic growth is central to progress the two concepts cannot be easily untangled.
  • There's a game where you have to untangle the lights and get them round the tree. The Sun
  • After he untangled himself from the thorns, he saw some goats grazing nearby.
  • Here is the revised version, according to CSFB, one that untangles data "spliced" together through two different periods that CSFB argues shouldn't have been. Paul Kedrosky's Infectious Greed
  • A weeping father untangles the limbs of his dead son from the barbed wire that held him under the flood.
  • It appears that as a result of this ‘cross-contamination’, the two lists have arrived at a point where there are variations on each other and it is probably impossible to untangle them.
  • It took years to untangle the legal complexities of the case.
  • WASHINGTON Reuters - President Barack Obama asked Congress on Friday for sweeping authority to consolidate trade and business-related parts of the federal government to untangle what he called an "outdated bureaucratic maze" and help boost exports. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • In The Hill, he nicely untangles the web of money contributions and Washington hardball that led thirteen Senators to bully him into backing off.
  • In no time at all, I could untangle the mess as well as designing and making a superb drawer organiser from old egg boxes and margarine tubs.
  • He twisted his hands to untangle them, then he discovered my watch and started poking at the liquid crystal display behind the glass.
  • Here is the original debt / GDP chart: Here is the revised version, according to CSFB, one that untangles data "spliced" together through two different periods that ... Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • She tried to untangle her skirt from the wire fence.
  • So they try to untangle what is undiscernible or to determine what belongs to each of us.
  • He was good with his hands and could unravel a knot or untangle yarn that others wouldn't even attempt.
  • Your ability to see how life looks through other people's eyes helps you to untangle situations at home. The Sun
  • The various characters in the play (namely Jaques, Rosalind, and 'everyone else') depict three different answers to these questions-beyond that, Shakespeare leaves us to untangle identity's mysteries. Evangelical Outpost
  • With deft fingers she untangled the wire.

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