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How To Use Unsung In A Sentence

  • This is mostly true for fans, friends, and family of unsung folk hero Tim Hardin, the prolific songster who wasted his life living wasted.
  • Few would begrudge her victory as she is one of Britain's unsung sporting heroines. Times, Sunday Times
  • It puts women's sport and female sporting heroes on the map and some of them are the unsung heroes who make it happen. Times, Sunday Times
  • The doctors are the unsung heroes. The Sun
  • It was an afternoon for the unsung to claim a share of the limelight on quarter-final weekend. Times, Sunday Times
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  • He brings history to life by telling the stories of the obscure, unsung people who are being shaped and distorted by it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vast majority of medical staff are hard-working, largely unsung heroes working under sometimes intolerable pressure. The Sun
  • It's a difficult job and many are unsung heroines and heroes. The Sun
  • unsung heroes of the war
  • Which players are prime candidates to become unsung heroes?
  • I will pass into oblivion, to the vile dust from whence I sprung, unwept, unhonored, and unsung. . . The Curse of the Wendigo
  • For me and many of my colleagues they are the unsung heroes of an all too often unsung service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here's what you need to know about the unsung hero of your beauty regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • True to a kids' art forms, I use pastels, pencil crayons and the great unsung medium of Jiffy markers.
  • They are the unsung heroes whose musings on love and life are credited with binding India like no other force. Times, Sunday Times
  • Volunteers do work for which they're not paid, and that makes them unsung heroes, and I think we should celebrate them.
  • The unsung heroes of the Championship have progressed so of far this season that many their players have outgrown the club. The Sun
  • They are among the unsung heroes of our time.
  • Jimmy Wilde - one of the great unsung heroes of Crystal Palace, until today!
  • The generosity of these artists and curators, who often work without payment for a collective, greater, unspoken commitment to art for art's sake is largely unsung, but this evening was to celebrate all of them. 
 Bettina Korek: This Week in Art: We Make a Life by What We Give
  • My favourite programmes are the ones that pay tribute to the unsung heroes. CELEBRATING SECOMBE: A Tribute to Sir Harry Secombe
  • And we will ask for new funding for survivors and the groups who work with them - the unsung heroes whose work we build on. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vast majority of medical staff are hard-working, largely unsung heroes working under sometimes intolerable pressure. The Sun
  • The awards scheme is a wonderful way of rewarding the many, many unsung heroes whose efforts enhance the quality of everyone's life.
  • So, the door goes on revolving as one nominated PM goes out and another comes in, only waiting for his turn to be shown the door, ‘unwept, unhonoured and unsung.’
  • Keeping young people happy and out of trouble is arguably the key to obtaining a harmonious society and Toby Wilson, from Castelnau Youth Club in Barnes, is one of the unsung heroes whose work contributes to this mammoth task.
  • The search is on to find an unsung sporting hero in Dulwich.
  • AN unsung hero who works tirelessly behind the scenes helping our servicemen has been honoured with an MBE. The Sun
  • Maybe in some of those crumbling palm-leaf manuscripts rotting away unsung, unwept, and unhonored, there are other ancient treasures like the astronomical observations from 5,000 years ago.
  • They are the unsung heroes of the Chinese economic miracle.
  • We Think Croydon's Champion is now in its fourth year and celebrates the unsung heroes working tirelessly for good causes within the local community.
  • Yes, publishers have lots of great unsung content on their sites such as Random House's Word and Film subsite but I hope Bookish brings in real journalists to do a sprucing up of all the material taken from the publishers' sites. Laura E. Kelly: 5 Ways to Screw up "Bookish"
  • He was not a patch on the hitherto unsung Michael Kasprowicz, who bowled with fire, bounce and zest during Australia's 3-0 whitewash of Sri Lanka.
  • The party's showing was being dubbed the "unsung success story" and "remarkable" given the cuts being pushed through by the Coalition Government. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Fortunately, there are many groups and individuals, often unsung and unrewarded, who are dedicated to ensuring that the 'outsiders' are given a chance to be recognised and respected.
  • It would be an incredible feat for a side built from unsung players.
  • As a nation, we ought to be thankful for the courage of unsung heroes who have sacrificed much to protect society.
  • The guid folk of Airdrie should embrace and celebrate Ms Mitchell's talent and begin immediately the quest for a worthy successor to this largely unsung heroine.
  • The third big block of articles is more serious: historical pieces and appreciations of various well-known and unsung comic book artists.
  • My favourite programmes are the ones that pay tribute to the unsung heroes. CELEBRATING SECOMBE: A Tribute to Sir Harry Secombe
  • Berman, a friend of David Plouffe, has been referred to as the "unsung hero" of Barack Obama's 2008 primary victory over Hillary Clinton. Brendan DeMelle: Hillary Clinton's Keystone XL Crony Lobbyists Problem
  • The latter are so often the unsung heroes and heroines of overseas operations. The Sun
  • This sort of award should go to an unsung hero who has given up their time for charity. Times, Sunday Times
  • These fiberlike carbohydrates are the unsung heroes of weight control. Forever Young
  • At New Delhi's Triveni Art Gallery till May 29, the exhibition is a tribute to the unsung heroes of journalism.
  • He must somehow increase the profile and standing of groups of volunteers whose role in prison life is largely unseen and unsung. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grassroots coaches are the unsung heroes of sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gala event, which was held in the City Hotel in Derry, is organised annually to recognise publicly the unsung heroes of the north west.
  • KING: Up next, the man Barack Obama calls the unsung hero of his presidential campaign. CNN Transcript Jan 25, 2009
  • Last year's unsung hero, Lee Carsley, provided a great shield for our back four.
  • He is my unsung hero. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nearly two years ago, an authentic military hero had died practically unwept and unsung.
  • According to the last census there are 15, 141 of these unsung and unpaid heroes in Merton with around 2,000 of them young carers.
  • Kittinger is one of the unsung pioneers of the space age; prosit! Happy Kittinger Day!
  • These are the unsung heroes of the Trust and I would like to thank them for their unstinting work in the care of others.
  • And my favourite unsung big budget film is ‘Unbreakable’, which I love for its understated quality and the depth of its silences.
  • What India's unsung heroes, and heroines, have achieved these past few weeks against great odds should not go unrewarded or unnoticed.
  • Back in the day, Tosches wrote a column for Creem Magazine called Unsung Heroes, in which he profiled what he called "forgotten rhythm-and-blues and country renegades. Holly Cara Price: Great Rock & Roll Reads for the Fall
  • Grassroots coaches are the unsung heroes of sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consider that in September, an ABC News/Kaiser Family Foundation/USA Today survey found that 56 percent of Americans preferred a government-run universal health system "like Medicare" to our current system-a development that Marcia Angell called the unsung development of 2006 in an op-ed for The Boston Globe. Hasta la vista, single-payer movement?
  • Seriously, the prating professor is one of the great unsung stereotypes of the literary world. Author! Author! » Blog Archive » The scourge of the passive interviewer, part VI: as my dear old professor used to say…
  • They bring song to our societies but are themselves so often our unsung heroes. Times, Sunday Times
  • INVESTMENT trusts have been unsung heroes for many years, overshadowed by their much larger rivals in the unit trust sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • No metaphor was left unmastered, no simile unsung. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of this integration is thanks to an unsung history of white British women who defied social norms to follow their hearts. Times, Sunday Times
  • This prize takes that a step further by recognising those often unsung heroes who nurture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the pilots who safely bring them in and out go largely unsung. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unsung heroes of the Second World War are being urged to take part in special commemorations in the run-up to the 60th anniversary of the war ending.
  • INVESTMENT trusts have been unsung heroes for many years, overshadowed by their much larger rivals in the unit trust sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was one of Ireland's unsung heroes, battling not just for her own children, but for the most vulnerable children in the State.
  • Many - too many - of them will go unsung. The Sun
  • Tonight we meet some of the unsung heroes of Inspector Morse - the extras.
  • “The wretch, concentered all in self,” wrote Sir Walter Scott in 1805, might get “power and pelf” but would wind up “unwept, unhonored and unsung.” No Uncertain Terms
  • Iona is a very plucky, determined, headstrong lady and is the unsung heroine in the whole of this saga.
  • A Bradford woman who launched a community drug project after trying to help her foster son battle addiction has praised an awards scheme for unsung heroes.
  • A similar group of unsung Scottish heroes took on Sheffield. THE SCOTTISH ENLIGHTENMENT: The Scots' Invention of the Modern World
  • There they lie to this day, unsung and unmourned because their death serves no useful political purpose. Deconstructing Obama
  • Not only is this a story of an unsung hero off to complete a task of vast importance, but it is alsoa story of discovery. Silksinger by Laini Taylor review
  • Spinster and bluestocking, Niblock is also something of an outsider, an emancipated transgressor in polite Edwardian society, recalling the unsung role of the female intellectual, adventurer and agent in the birth of the modernist period; a mischievous subversion of the Victorian upper class male. Archive 2008-12-01
  • And yet those men are the first to tell you that they could not do their jobs without the support of the unsung heroes who man the supply, commo, personnel, psywar, civic-action and flight organizations farther back.
  • '' Popeye is our unsung hero, '' coach Doug Collins said. - Hamilton, Jordan carry Wizards past Kings
  • The search for eight unsung Milnrow heroes of the Great War is proving frustrating for local historian Ralph Davidson.
  • Thousands of the borough's unsung heroes will be celebrated next week but the majority will not even realise they are being honoured.
  • Something of an unsung hero for the Catalan giants. The Sun
  • Fortune has so often been the unsung hero of the weighing room. The Sun
  • Ordinary folk remain the unknown and unsung heroes and heroines.
  • This is the latest movie to offer a sampling of the actor's largely unsung versatility.
  • This is where an important unsung player named aromatase enters the picture. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Every year Bexley Council celebrates the achievements of the borough's unsung heroes.
  • Now in their 20th year, our awards recognise leading sportswomen and unsung heroes alike. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was, as it turned out, not far off the mark and so must have gathered information from early travellers and unsung explorers.
  • Celebrating our national spirit on our patron saint's day, such awards clearly cannot do justice to the myriad, often unsung acts of ingenuity, endeavour or sheer on-the-street decency which betoken the progress of a people.
  • The vast majority of medical staff are hard-working, largely unsung heroes working under sometimes intolerable pressure. The Sun
  • She was an unsung hero of the British film industry.
  • Frequently unsung and unrecognized he personally risked all for his fellow Jews.
  • These unsung heroes can keep your points tally ticking over. The Sun
  • The Aryan gene-pool dies, ‘unwept, unhonored and unsung.’ Blood for Blood. Ashes for Ashes. - Erick’s blog - RedState
  • Alice’s meeting with the caterpillar is represented entirely by an extended bass clarinet solo with the unsung lyrics projected onto the stage. Archive 2007-07-01
  • This year we are holding the third annual People of Wiltshire Awards to celebrate our unsung local heroes.
  • Cutting loose from the unsung genius is, however, his only chance at real fulfillment, real love, real mastery, transient and imperfect as they are.
  • He is one of the unsung heroes of British TV. The Sun
  • With one of what I call the unsung heroes of the Unix command line, the "fold" command. Ask Dave Taylor!
  • Pride of Sport honours the unsung heroes of grassroots sport and the elite performers who inspire them. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the story of one of Ireland unsung heroes and the sad occasion of his execution captures the atmosphere prevailing at this loathsome event.
  • unhonored and unsung" but also "unwept": not a single friend nor relative followed his wasted body to its final resting place. Wanderings in the Orient
  • And for these efforts, theydeserve to becalled unsung heroes of the Philippines. Overseas Filipino Workers: The Unsung Heroes of the Philippines
  • Kudos must be given to Björling's unsung accompanist, particularly in the piano reductions of the arias.
  • I am sure some unsung hero out there has already done it.
  • They are the unsung heroes whose musings on love and life are credited with binding India like no other force. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deliverance came in a large steel box that rendered clotheslines obsolete and turned my father into a walking-talking spokesperson for the unsung plight of the housewife. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Dad
  • They slogged in joint families, and finally died unwept and unsung.
  • They're some of our unsung heroes, who work around the clock to provide us with vital information building up to the big game. The Sun
  • He brings history to life by telling the stories of the obscure, unsung people who are being shaped and distorted by it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The oldest arthritis medicine, aspirin, may turn out to be the unsung hero after all.
  • The caregiver is often referred to as the unsung hero. Lee Woodruff: Caring for the Caregiver this Memorial Day
  • All over Southeast Asia rickshaws are the unsung vehicles that keep populations moving along congested streets and narrow alleyways, swinging deftly through multiple lanes of angry city traffic as quietly as worker ants.
  • Nominations are flooding in for this year's People of Wiltshire Awards, set up to celebrate the achievements of the county's unsung heroes.
  • But you probably have to play in the ranks of the orchestra itself to understand the full worth of this unsung heroine. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unsung Victorian adventurer hacked, bullied and charmed his way through uncharted jungle to help establish British colonial rule in Burma.
  • The men and women who work offshore are unsung heroes. The Sun
  • Somehow I think unsung social workers can reach out to the poor and downtrodden better than narcissistic guys who have gotten too much attention in the first place.
  • He had expected them all, a circle of attendants, not this quiet, almost shabby affair unwitnessed and unsung. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • It was the tale of an unsung war heroine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tribute must be paid to these unsung heroes, many of whom now live in wait, in isolation in villages, townships and kraals far from legal help and with the thought that their colleagues may not be able to come to their rescue in time.
  • These unsung heroes can keep your points tally ticking over. The Sun
  • His title refers to the common men in the ranks, uncelebrated and unsung, but certainly not unidentified, and not interchangeable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Of course I'm talking about those unsung heroes of capitalism, the highly lubed pistons in the engine of our economy: the rich. Will Durst: Pity the Poor Rich
  • She is generous with her praise for the unsung people who helped her, including her husband of seven years, Jon, and his children.
  • PAs are often the unsung heroes of the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Friday, the Evening Press will celebrate the unsung heroes of York at a glittering ceremony at York Racecourse.
  • Carers of people with mental illness, unsung heroes or unpaid slaves?
  • An award scheme to celebrate the achievements of Wiltshire's unsung heroes is being launched today.
  • They existed as unsung heroes, their deeds of chivalry no more than whispers and rumours among the populace.
  • Another unsung hero has been a towering hulk who has made life miserable for opponents trying to stand in front of the San Jose net.
  • Residents in Codford have been paying tribute to one of the village's unsung heroes as he celebrates his 58th birthday on Tuesday.
  • ONE of the great unsung British bands have finally been given the retrospective they deserve. The Sun
  • Coyote describes the introspective Billy Murcott as "the unsung genius of the Diggers," author of several influential Digger broadsides and articles and the member who synthesized the concept of free in the group's early months. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • Here's what you need to know about the unsung hero of your beauty regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deific unsecured loan debt consolidation had replaceable the birdcage incontrovertibly in the overheated salim of hydrarthrosis, the antipathetic verbaliser decibel an modernistic sharp yaltopya, for this texarkana is unsung. Rational Review
  • Here's a Washington Post story about an unsung hero of 2002 who is not even a whistle-blower.
  • The unsung heroes in this whole piece are the couriers. The Sun
  • I admire and respect him for his repeated and unsung - even derided - demonstrations of integrity and principle.
  • The unsung heroes in our club are those who look after the needs of our under-age teams, without whom we would not have adult teams.
  • The vast majority of medical staff are hard-working, largely unsung heroes working under sometimes intolerable pressure. The Sun
  • Here was a fish of unsung possibility, one that not only tasted good but ticked the right boxes as far as sustainability was concerned. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a very real sense, they are the real, if unsung, heroes of 1992.
  • The vast majority of medical staff are hard-working, largely unsung heroes working under sometimes intolerable pressure. The Sun
  • I will pass into oblivion, to the vile dust from whence I sprung, unwept, unhonored, and unsung. . . The Curse of the Wendigo
  • This is a hugely successful enterprise from Government and is often unsung. Times, Sunday Times
  • The city's unsung community stalwarts were honoured at a glittering ceremony last night in the Ebor Suite at York Racecourse.
  • So often described as an 'unsung hero', Hill's return from injury during the 2003 World Cup helped spur England on to victory. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph

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