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How To Use Unsuited In A Sentence

  • Their still sleek coats show that these are not tough strays but pets, unsuited to the lonely arts of survival. Times, Sunday Times
  • Using sortition to fill a single-person office could easily lead to choosing a person unsuited for the job.
  • Critics worry that despite all the fixes, the complex design may still be unsuited to the rigors of real war.
  • Some pratt named Billy Joe Armstrong came out and proved he's unsuited to public speaking, when introducing a number from a show called American Idiot. Tallulah Morehead: Actors, Singers, Dancers, Christians and a Republican. The 2010 Tony Awards Show roasted.
  • The snow cruiser proved hopelessly unsuited to Antarctic conditions.
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  • Liberman realised Kurt was unsuited to office life, but offered him a contract anyway.
  • She said yesterday that she found her portfolio unsuited to her interests and wanted to work on the London Child Poverty Commission.
  • Areas unsuited for cultivation are used to graze large herds of sheep, cattle, and goats.
  • In many ways he was unsuited to the life of a country parson, and he chafed under the restrictions.
  • An academic boycott is a political act with a political goal, and if it is unsuited to the purpose then it is bad politics.
  • Besides, it is unfair to expect hard-pressed staff to act out a charade to which they are culturally unsuited. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather that was unsuited, however, for fishing, was very suitable for "ferrying" to the steamer; and when that all-important duty was done, the comparative calm that prevailed was just the thing for the work of the _Sunbeam_. The Lively Poll A Tale of the North Sea
  • Does not this show, once and for all, that this style of singing (which still has numerous admirers) is instrumental, is unvocal, unsuited to the human voice, and should be abandoned forever? Chopin and Other Musical Essays
  • So, will Harry Reid say that Matt’s unsuited for public office because he suffers from “Latin typographic skills”? Matthew Yglesias » GOP Senate Candidates Takes on Scourge of Imitation People
  • This guy is just plain careless and considering his background he is showing distinct unsuitedness for high office. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Dale Peterson Ad
  • All of which makes me hopelessly unsuited to being the wife of a politician - and a bit of a headache for him indoors and his aides. Times, Sunday Times
  • The decision involved essentially academic judgments and was thus unsuited to courtroom methods.
  • I'm totally unsuited to any other form of employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Between banana plantations however are large areas unsuited for their cultivation.
  • Where things are wrongly transplanted and unsuited to this land of ours, there must be changes.
  • In many ways Sterne was unsuited to the life of a country parson, and he chafed under the restrictions.
  • He has been unsuited by soft ground in his past two races. Times, Sunday Times
  • Liberman realised Kurt was unsuited to office life, but offered him a contract anyway.
  • Liberman realised Kurt was unsuited to office life, but offered him a contract anyway.
  • The idea that the teeth function in fighting is not supported however by the fact that the teeth are brittle and easily broken, and only shallowly rooted in the socket and unsuited for withstanding large leverage forces (Macdonald 1993, Macdonald et al. 1993). The many babirusa species: laissez-faire lumping under fire again
  • Although temperamentally unsuited to medicine, he qualified as a doctor in 1951 when in his forties.
  • The problem that those of us in the world of technology overlook is that most people are using systems that are miserably unsuited to their needs. Mandarins Missing the Point: Zittrain, the iPad, and the Death of Computing « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
  • She was totally unsuited for the job.
  • I now realize that Tom and I were totally unsuited .
  • For example, the LAV3 is wholly unsuited to dangerous combat zones due to its lack of survivability.
  • Liberman realised Kurt was unsuited to office life, but offered him a contract anyway.
  • Don't waste time applying for jobs you're unsuited for.
  • But science is unsuited to such deliberative processes.
  • He took over in chaotic circumstances, from a predecessor who proved to be totally unsuited to captaincy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Murphy will argue that "the current divide ... on defence that distinguishes between pro Europeanism and Atlanticism is unsustainable and unsuited to modern times. Labour: UK should integrate key defence decisions with Europe
  • Shrapnel shell was unsuited to the disablement of aeroplanes.
  • Eriksson's midfield diamond formation did not sparkle against Japan, with Frank Lampard looking unsuited to the holding role.
  • One of her vanities was her small feet, on which she always wore the daintiest of shoes, often totally unsuited to the occasion. The Life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Most of the new generation vehicles are unsuited to Indian roads.
  • Attendance is better than 21, 000 a game in the SkyDome, a cavernous building unsuited for basketball.Sentencedict
  • He is a quitter who is temperamentally unsuited to remaining a champion.
  • This tool is unsuited for such use.
  • Maybe she's like me: temperamentally unsuited to Father Hall's brand of Anglo-Catholicism. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The latter was a comfortable winner over course and distance last July in this grade and was unsuited by soft ground on his return at York. Times, Sunday Times
  • For this reason we believe that larger unitary options that could be proposed for North Yorkshire are inherently unsuited to delivering good local services.
  • McKinnon pushed back a bit half-heartedly about this, but the bottom line on the Palin selection is increasingly clear: it was a historically bad decision by McCain, a gimmick that backfired -- not just because Palin is so clearly unsuited for high office, but because it demonstrated McCain's own severe deficiencies as an executive. Sarah Palin: Trick or…Trick - Swampland -
  • This part of the plateau is the southern side of the rim of the Congo basin; and it is at the bottom of the basin (a basin open to the west where the Congo River flows into the Atlantic Ocean) that one finds the lands which are steamy, unhealthy and unsuited to permanent white settlement. Africa South of the Sahara
  • He is a rough ashler, called of God to do a work that no other man could have done, and by methods unsuited to all others, and through The story of my life, or, More than a half century as I have lived it and seen it lived,
  • Her husband, she had long ago admitted, with bitter self – communings, was utterly unsuited to her. For the term of his natural life
  • A mother of two drowned while travelling in a small boat unsuited for the reservoir, as she didn't have better conveyance.
  • They were unhappy in a job for which they might well be unsuited.
  • Ever more marginal land including wetlands, heaths, and steep hillsides had to be brought into cultivation as the century progressed, much of it inherently unsuited to arable production.
  • That exquisitely beautiful grass-leaved gromwell which is supposed to be unsuited to our climate, Lithospermum graminifolium, covers a broad ledge, and is not less delightful than the better-known prostratum and the form Heavenly Blue; among profusely bloomed blue-flowered plants there are few greater June treasures than these gromwells.
  • Training was hopelessly unsuited to a modern, fast-moving game. Sir Alf: A Major Reappraisal of the Life and Times of England's Greatest Football Manager
  • He is a quitter who is temperamentally unsuited to remaining a champion.
  • The most effective aspects of the film are the simpler ones - Bobby's interaction with his mother, who is unsuited to raising a child but trying nonetheless, and his tentative venture into prepubescent romance with Carol.
  • It is largely devoted to an account of the battle of Actium, but tells it all in the manner of Callimachus, a style wholly unsuited to the subject-matter.
  • She's almost completely unsuited to the role of political wife, which might be why I like her.
  • Pallas [39] and of the Titans, but imbruing altars with the shed blood of strangers, a pest unsuited to the harp, [of strangers] sighing forth [40] a piteous cry, and shedding a piteous tear. The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I.
  • By the end of that first year, I knew how totally unsuited we were to each other.
  • Many of us farm terrain which is unsuited to hunting with horses and hounds.
  • Delightful though that is, it makes them peculiarly unsuited to expressing Scotland's place in the 21st century world.
  • Murphy will argue that "the current divide ... on defence that distinguishes between pro Europeanism and Atlanticism is unsustainable and unsuited to modern times. Labour: UK should integrate key defence decisions with Europe
  • In fact algae technology offers the opportunity to utilise land and water resources that are, today, unsuited for any other use.
  • Cuneiform was in many ways unsuited to Akkadian: among its flaws was its inability to represent important phonemes in Semitic, including a glottal stop, pharyngeals, and emphatic consonants.
  • It is not realism to suppose that one-fifth of humanity is unsuited to liberty; it is pessimism and condescension, and we should have none of it.
  • It was just that I was unsuited to being a child, or an exile.
  • He was probably unsuited to the intricate problems he faced, as temperamentally - and despite being purblind - he was a fighting general not a diplomat.
  • However, right on the 50 yard line sits a huge and overgrown elephant, enormously strong but also swelled up, slow, and completely unsuited to being a player in this game.
  • And because the domestic style was unsuited to amplified discourse, the domestic rules of politeness also went by the board.
  • Besides normal healthy crowd, the expert thinks, have a few kinds of people unsuited also undertake creaming just be enteringed filling.
  • This kind of military thinking is absolutely unsuited to China's revolutionary war.
  • Her husband is a high-court judge and she herself, clearly unsuited to fading quietly into senior citizenry, has just been called to the Irish Bar.
  • Their still sleek coats show that these are not tough strays but pets, unsuited to the lonely arts of survival. Times, Sunday Times
  • He accordingly launched himself upon the town in style; hired a man-servant; replenished his wardrobe at considerable expense, and appeared in a professional wig and cane, purple silk small-clothes, and a scarlet roquelaure buttoned to the chin: a fantastic garb, as we should think at the present day, but not unsuited to the fashion of the times. The Life of Oliver Goldsmith
  • Imagine display things unsuited for a entire family upon network TV in budding time! TV Anime Guide for Nov 09 Updated 1 Nov 09
  • Take Cha shorts can wear skirt at the width lower hem in, reserve tube skirt or trousers to all be unsuited to appropriate.
  • Its Hesiodic style was appropriate for the cosmogony he describes in the second part, but is unsuited to the arid dialectic of the first.
  • Their still sleek coats show that these are not tough strays but pets, unsuited to the lonely arts of survival. Times, Sunday Times
  • This girl is clearly unsuited for the job, and is only taking it to earn the few pennies it pays.
  • Ans. Avoiding all scholastical discourses, as unsuited to the work of this day, I shall briefly give in unto you how this is a sinful thing, yet sinners are given up unto it without the least extenuation of their guilt, or colour for charge on the justice and goodness of God. The Sermons of John Owen
  • He is unsuited to academic work.
  • The latter was unsuited by softer ground when third at Sandown Park last time but had been impressive on a better surface before that. Times, Sunday Times
  • Worse , they are unsuited to advertising, on which most magazines depend.
  • In the meantime the blustrous March weather, which was so unsuited to long railroad journeys, and all that waiting about at junctions and at little windy stations on branch lines, incidental to the inspection of estates scattered over a large area of country, served very well for Birds of Prey
  • He was unsuited for the job.
  • We wrote that Swift boats were unsuited for such secret missions, given their large size and noise.
  • The language perfect, but the expression velvety, unpractical, apprenticelike, ignorant, inexperienced, comically inadequate, absurdly weak and unsuited to the great language. Chapters from My Autobiography
  • It is well indeed that our churches, sadly given over to the laxity and carelessness of a bygone age, should be renovated and beautified, the tone of the services raised, and the "bray" of the old clerks, unsuited to the devotional feelings of a more enlightened day, silenced, but still a shade of regret will be mingled with their dismissal, if only for the sake of the large stock of amusing anecdotes which their names recall. The Parish Clerk
  • He's totally unsuited to the job.
  • Since then, his unadventurous diplomacy has led him to some roles unsuited to more outspoken figures.
  • Liberman realised Kurt was unsuited to office life, but offered him a contract anyway.
  • Many of the bikes bought will be totally unsuited for the purpose for which they are to be used. Times, Sunday Times
  • A shame that the present system has defaulted back to a typeface which is totally unsuited for signage.
  • Already articles have suggested Senator McCain is temperamentally unsuited to be President: a hothead, someone who carries long-term grudges, perhaps a person who suffers from PTSD. Printing: Clinton's Last Stand
  • The old system of intrenched camps and lines of contravallation is unsuited to the spirit of modern warfare. Elements of Military Art and Science Or, Course Of Instruction In Strategy, Fortification, Tactics Of Battles, &C.; Embracing The Duties Of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, And Engineers; Adapted To The Use Of Volunteers And Militia; Third Edition
  • Both these notions of secularism are unsuited to our situation.
  • Advanced arterio-sclerosis, any form of serious organic visceral disease, advanced cirrhosis, pulmonary tuberculosis with a tendency to haemoptysis, much elevation of temperature or emaciation, are all entirely unsuited for this form of treatment. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Lieberson's strictures, that is to say, like those of most other critics of falsificationism, miss their mark; in no way do they respond to my challenge "to say which of its [falsificationism's] recommendations or injunctions, its methodological rules, are unsuited to the business of sorting out what is true about the world from what is false" (Ibid.). The Karl Popper Problem
  • She, by contrast, thinks that her microbiome is unsuited to anything other than meat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The British system has reached the stage where it is totally unsuited to such devolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • This kind of winder is unsuited for reeling in a string on which there is a heavy pull, as the hands are working at a great disadvantage at certain points of a revolution. Things To Make
  • She was totally unsuited to anything where she had to organize herself.
  • Then I find myself at the old-new cathedral, begun about a century ago, and finished about fifty years since -- a 'poorish' heartless edifice in the bald Italian manner, and quite unsuited to these old Flemish cities. A Day's Tour A Journey through France and Belgium by Calais, Tournay, Orchies, Douai, Arras, Béthune, Lille, Comines, Ypres, Hazebrouck, Berg
  • The language perfect, but the expression velvety, unpractical, apprentice-like…comically inadequate, absurdly weak and unsuited to the great language.30 Mark Twain
  • People completely unsuited for word-play will improvise an endless string of puns and wholly improbable idea relationships fit to outdo the ablest masters of this preposterous craft... Jason Silva: On Creativity, Marijuana and "a Butterfly Effect in Thought"
  • Clearly, the Premier of Tasmania appointed someone totally unsuited to the job of Governor.

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