
How To Use Unsuitable In A Sentence

  • Through the logging practice streams silted up, and the waters were warmed to a level unsuitable for the survival of fry.
  • Indigenisation is good, but too often missionaries, in their desire to indigenise the newly-planted churches, rush into appointing men who turn out to be unsuitable.
  • The word blighting here, noted as unsuitable by Rossetti, is cancelled in the Bodleian manuscript (Locock). The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • Some patients have asystole from the onset of arrest and are unsuitable for defibrillation by the ambulance crew or bystanders.
  • A very unsuitable substance, however, was selected for the purpose, viz., sawdust, which is hygroscopic organic, and combustible. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
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  • It did not contain any circuitry to limit damaging electrical spikes, so it is quite unsuitable for use with a computer.
  • Staff at Sutton feel these often arise from an unsuitable curriculum.
  • This technique would, however, have been unsuitable for the extraction of harder stones such as granite.
  • Banks may still be selling unsuitable hedging products to small companies, the City regulator has warned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some have left in their wake a trail of disconsolate and usually highly unsuitable young men.
  • This unreliable cycle makes grouse moors unsuitable as investments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jeya feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an arranged marriage.
  • His remark was well / badly timed, ie made at a suitable / an unsuitable moment.
  • And thus, of articles of food, those which are unsuitable and hurtful to man when administered, every one is either bitter, or intensely so, or saltish or acid, or something else intense and strong, and therefore we are disordered by them in like manner as we are by the secretions in the body. On Ancient Medicine
  • What I try to avoid is mass-produced bottom-of-the-barrel troisième cru vin de table distilled from grapes grown in a soil unsuitable for the Chardonnay grape being passed off as potable.
  • After which, the next consideration immediately subsequent to the being of a thing, is what agrees or disagrees with that thing; what is suitable or unsuitable to it; and from this springs the notion of decency or indecency; that which becomes or misbecomes, and is the same with honestum et turpe. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • Wearing unsuitable clothes was an implicit rejection of the hierarchy that controlled society. Liberty: The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France
  • Jeya feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an arranged marriage.
  • Landlords like the flexibility of being able to put up rents and evict unsuitable tenants. Times, Sunday Times
  • It found that bonus payments had driven sales of often unsuitable and expensive products. Times, Sunday Times
  • Residents claim the location is unsuitable because of its isolation, its nearness to the Leeds-Liverpool canal and a lack of public transport.
  • Western women, fully accoutered with nail polish (which is incompatible with manual work), high-heeled shoes (disastrous for the posture and hence the back, and quite unsuitable for walking long distances over bad roads) and brassieres... denounce female circumcision without the shadow of a suspicion that their behavior is absurd. Nomad
  • They are also concerned that many are housed in old and unsuitable buildings.
  • QNQ My father's new partner is totally unsuitable for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • A proportion of patients are unsuitable for defibrillation because their initial arrhythmia is asystole or pulseless electrical activity.
  • True, forcing people into unsuitable jobs may sometimes backfire. The Sun
  • The voice is still natural and mostly unforced, and I hope very much that her lucky teacher will nurture it with care and wisdom, avoiding the temptation to force it into unsuitable stylistic repertoire as sometimes happens.
  • True, forcing people into unsuitable jobs may sometimes backfire. The Sun
  • Additionally, these methods are either unsuitable for high-throughput analyses or require the use of a radioisotope. The Scientist
  • It seems there's a perception that it's a girlie programme, unsuitable for a strapping bloke with a shaven head.
  • X. plays skilfully and correctly, but his expression continues crude, cold, monotonous; he shows too pedantic a solicitude about mechanical execution and strict time; he never ventures on a _pp. _, uses too little shading in _piano_, and plays the _forte_ too heavily, and without regard to the instrument; his _crescendi_ and _diminuendi_ are inappropriate, often coarse and brought in at unsuitable places; and -- his _ritardandi_! they are tedious indeed! Piano and Song How to Teach, How to Learn, and How to Form a Judgment of Musical Performances
  • Trials with rhodes, panic and seteria grasses in particular have proven successful in providing year round pastures in areas unsuitable for cropping.
  • Warning stickers were placed on the bins that had incorrect or unsuitable material in them.
  • It can be risky - and certainly Moncrieff's zaniness would be unsuitable for a current affairs programme - but this is not really the point.
  • The mobile library will replace small outposts which had limited stock often in unsuitable locations.
  • Living as a prisoner, he asks questions about the overlap between psychiatric services and prisons, showing how many mentally ill people wind up in unsuitable jails. Times, Sunday Times
  • The researchers point out that there are three general factors that play a primary role in the risk of suffering an injury: incorrect training techniques, unsuitable or damaged equipments and biomechanical and anthropometrical abnormalities. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Too much or too little ferrite can make the steel brittle, weak or otherwise unsuitable for use in automobiles. Metal Firms Seek Weight Loss
  • They continue to claim, despite UEFA's protestations to the contrary, that their pitch will soon be unsuitable for European competition.
  • In its course, he also raged against the dying of the light, often in language quite unsuitable for the lower school. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only danger they face is from health problems brought about by thoughtless divers tempting them with unsuitable food like bread and frankfurter sausages.
  • Legal papers blamed underinvestment, unsuitable new locations and high costs. The Sun
  • An unsuitable Palladian mansion in an unexciting East Anglian village on the edge of the black fens.
  • Our ears are conditioned to a man's voice in that role, leading to the ardently proffered view – even by those who imagine they're not retrograde – that the female voice is inherently unsuitable, rather than a matter of training. The landmarks and pitfalls of racing's gender agenda | Lydia Hislop
  • Many fruit trees require cross-pollination, making them unsuitable for small landscapes.
  • The playbills indicate this play is unsuitable for children.
  • Such proximity might well seem wholly unsuitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some were obviously unsuitable and could be ruled out at once. Others were borderline cases.
  • This unreliable cycle makes grouse moors unsuitable as investments. Times, Sunday Times
  • I meant to go up an Aiguille yesterday morning, but when I woke at 2 AM the clouds were low down on the hills, fresh snow and everything unsuitable to climbing.
  • Hugh's ambition would serve him; he would have a strong, solid plan from which he would never let an unsuitable love affair detract him. DANSVILLE
  • Because glass does not transmit infrared radiation very efficiently, refracting telescopes are unsuitable for most kinds of infrared astronomy.
  • If the weather is unsuitable, the Mass will be celebrated in the church.
  • This is what I have to say; every one can see, that although the work of legislation is a most important matter, yet if a well – ordered city superadd to good laws unsuitable offices, not only will there be no use in having the good laws — not only will they be ridiculous and useless, but the greatest political injury and evil will accrue from them. Laws
  • What do they include, and what do they exclude, and will their inclusions and exclusions make them suitable or unsuitable for us?
  • I read the account of an architect who was consulted by a church with unsuitable premises which they wanted to adapt.
  • They officially designated the area unsuitable for human habitation.
  • They'll be able to advise you on any parts of the class that are now unsuitable.
  • The council will then become the licensing authority, but the police will have the same power to object to unsuitable applications.
  • This unreliable cycle makes grouse moors unsuitable as investments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rand Simberg reflects on the delayed apocalypse as well as the inadvisability of having a name unsuitable to one's gender. The Speculist: June 2005 Archives
  • Their approach would encourage management to consider other options when they decided board representation unsuitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said the reason councillors voted against the change of use was because the premises are totally unsuitable for multiple occupancy.
  • You can guarantee that the products they have recommended are unsuitable, if not downright dangerous. Times, Sunday Times
  • I confess to the wayside arbour, the pipe of contentment, and the lotus leaves being altogether unsuitable metaphors.
  • Bishops enjoy almost absolute power, and the laity have no means of rejecting a candidate, no matter how unsuitable.
  • Other reasons why Lariam may be unsuitable include liver disease. Times, Sunday Times
  • The survey also finds that many Chinese have little faith in the unfledged domestic soccer league which, in their eyes, is full of fly-by-night operations and scandals and therefore unsuitable as betting targets.
  • However, the bays and taxiways were unsealed and unsuitable for the operation of aircraft; in the wet season they would be completely inaccessible.
  • But if one of the products was unsuitable, it does not automatically follow that the whole account was. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clay mineral smectite, with physical properties that make it unsuitable as a soil if it is wet, is only found in major amounts in covered stadiums.
  • The most obvious solution was simply to cancel the operation as the weather was totally unsuitable for parachuting.
  • There are other possibilities: insufficient exercise, unsuitable food, old age and infirmity, or genetic weaknesses.
  • The solution is certainly not to force unwilling and totally unsuitable workers onto successful enterprises. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are unsuitable for use in mobile devices because of their comparatively high cost and energy consumption. Times, Sunday Times
  • Very soon after he was appointed his weakness and unsuitableness for the place of Collector became evident.
  • In its present condition the scout hut is unsuitable for scout meetings, so the group has had to hire church halls and community centres across the town in the last five months for its Beaver Colony, two cub packs and scout troop.
  • For example, a Likert scale is entirely unsuitable for asking factual questions about behaviour.
  • When pedants like Bentley and Munro object that the phrase is unsuitable to its context, of what avail is it to be assured by persons of taste — that is to say per-sons of British taste, Victorian taste, sub-Tennysonian taste — that these are exquisite lines? On 'The Invention of Love': Another Exchange
  • European diets would also be affected, as Spanish farmers struggle to grow fruit and vegetables and the Italian climate becomes unsuitable for durum wheat, which is used to make pasta.
  • Last year, doctors declared him well enough to be discharged but the family home in Aldermoor was unsuitable and nowhere big enough could be found.
  • Successful toning has generally been the difficulty with such paper, the alkaline baths commonly in use with albumenized having proved unsuitable for toning this paper. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • His detractors claim that his fierce temper makes him unsuitable for party leadership.
  • Unsuitable large-scale farming is also being practised in some areas such as the Praslin watershed where bananas are grown for export.
  • The discovery caused days of delay in the pour, as Crowe deemed the faulted and spalled ground exposed in the partially excavated trench to be an unsuitable foundation for his dam. Colossus
  • That answer focused on the personalities of the two extant sexual partners as being merely unstable, unsuitable for sexual dalliance.
  • In a word, the redemption wrought by Christ being the full deliverance of the persons redeemed from all misery, wherein they were inwrapped, by the price of his blood, it cannot possibly be conceived to be universal unless all be saved: so that the opinion of the Universalists is unsuitable to redemption. The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
  • The accident once again highlights the dangers of swimming in unsuitable waters.
  • Tonight I ought to go out as a British country gentleman and find companions wholly unsuitable to my station.
  • His anti-religiosity, though sometimes greatly exaggerated, was a bad stumbling-block; although he was free from the snigger of Voltaire and of Sterne, you could not prevent him, as Horace Walpole complains of his distinguished sire, from blurting out the most improper remarks and stories at the most inconvenient times and in the most unsuitable companies; while his very multiscience, and his fertility of thought and imagination, kept him in a whirl which hindered his "settling" to anything. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Ordinary cars do fine, but both roads are unsuitable for motorhomes over 25 feet long.
  • The salvagee and cross method is, however, much practised; but the experience of this morning showed it to be very unsuitable for vessels riding in an exposed situation for any length of time. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • Some of these drugs are not only unsuitable but positively dangerous.
  • True, forcing people into unsuitable jobs may sometimes backfire. The Sun
  • His detractors claim that his fierce temper makes him unsuitable for party leadership.
  • Studies show that planting arid or wastelands that are unsuitable for food production with inedible biofuel crops such as jatropha could provide a way out.
  • In fact, under certain circumstances they may be less safe because related individuals or friends may not wish to expose a circumstance that makes them unsuitable for donation.
  • “I think I understand your definition of unsuitable.” Tempted by Your Touch
  • The unsuitable carbonitriding process, internal oxidation, over deep depth of carbonitrided layer and crust like C N compound on the surface are the main reasons to cause fracture.
  • My aunt was forever pairing me off with unsuitable men.
  • A total of 97 farms were found unsuitable for resettlement.
  • So it comes as a pleasant surprise that they too like smoking, drinking, fancying unsuitable people and Beatnik poets.
  • Sheep are often grazed on land that is wholly unsuitable for arable crops or anything else, including forestry. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1915 he was conscripted, but was regarded as unsuitable for combat duties and assigned to the postal and meteorological services.
  • It was unsuitable for children, Disney concluded: Pinocchio was too cocky, too much of a wiseguy, and too puppetlike to be sympathetic. Slate Articles
  • The plant thrives on relatively acid, infertile soils and shows some tolerance of short-term waterlogging, conditions which are unsuitable for some of the other popular tree legumes such as Leucaena leucocephala (Chadhokar, 1982). Chapter 3
  • BNP opponents insist the party's policies mean they are unsuitable to take a key role in school life.
  • However, ordinary ethanol - the 95% ethanol-water azeotrope - is unsuitable for this use as the water interferes with the gasoline combustion and prevents the ethanol from being miscible with the gasoline.
  • But they were deemed unsuitable. The Sun
  • Harington reported that extremely hard snow or very soft snow was unsuitable for denning.
  • He said:'There are many aspects from his past that lead one to conclude that he is unsuitable for any public office. The Sun
  • It seems there's a perception that it's a girlie programme, unsuitable for a strapping bloke with a shaven head.
  • Sheep are often grazed on land that is wholly unsuitable for arable crops or anything else, including forestry. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Keoghs, realising that their present house, built as it is on a steep gradient, is most unsuitable for a wheelchair user, decided to apply for the transfer.
  • The film is unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition .
  • Because of some obstacle - a constitutional weakness or defect, wrong education, bad experiences, an unsuitable attitude, etc. - one shrinks from the difficulties which life brings.
  • I learned graphic design on the job from the best in the business while I watched every color separator and phototypesetter who had considered the Mac a toy and unsuitable for professional work go under. MacInTouch
  • Landlords like the flexibility of being able to put up rents and evict unsuitable tenants. Times, Sunday Times
  • By Matt K, March 9, 2010 @ 8: 06 am sparty: “Snatch landrovers, although entirely unsuitable for Iraq, work greta in boggy terrain like teh Falklands.” Cheeseburger Gothic » Anyone been following the build up to next falklands war?
  • He says that new features such as electronic powered steering and database wiring looms, which use one wire for three or four signals, mean many cars are unsuitable for adaptations.
  • It is concerned that staff may have been incentivised to sell unsuitable policies. Times, Sunday Times
  • His jocose manner was unsuitable for such a solemn occasion.
  • The high-pass filter is unsuitable for use as a delay line because the delay in the pass band depends markedly on frequency.
  • Workers can be held back from promotion, transferred to distant locations or moved into jobs that are unsuitable for them, with few options to fight back. Times, Sunday Times
  • He added: "The process [at Porton Down] most likely involved starting with a list of likely sources for infections and then finding that some are difficult to aerosolise or are unstable or are otherwise unsuitable for weaponisation. Files reveal Britain's secret biological weapons trials in second world war
  • Hearts that would now be rejected as unsuitable for transplant may become usable, greatly increasing the supply. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have also become habituated to their feeding enclosures, an unsuitable habitat where they could not survive naturally in winter.
  • Amy's shoes were unsuitable for walking any distance.
  • There were parties, press launches and highly flirtatious and unsuitable photographers. The Sun
  • Jeya feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an arranged marriage.
  • The museum's own commercial activities, always criticised as unsuitable for a prominent national institution, have not been very effective.
  • If they could not find a job after the two years of supply work then they were deemed unsuitable for the profession and had to leave.
  • This is why people who appear to be completely unsuitable for one another can live long happy lives together.
  • He was a judge, and seems to have written the book while stormbound in Norway; but he thought it unsuitable for a cookery book to be presented as the work of a man.
  • You'd be tempted to use it for something quite unsuitable such as sandwiches or scones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anyone who fails to appoint a legal guardian runs the risk of unsuitable people applying for the position.
  • The programme's subject matter was quite unsuitable for children.
  • The dress is unsuitable for summer.
  • He said all library terminals were available to children and needed protection from unsuitable sites.
  • As with all the other “place-isms,” ageism is effectively an attempt to dismiss someone who is older as out of place with the unspoken implication that the oldster is somehow unsuitable because he or she refuses to accept the “customary” place. June « 2008 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • The label viewed it as unsuitable for their upbeat star. Bigger Than the Beatles?
  • In general, this dual function makes insulation unsuitable for naturally-climatized buildings. 3. Design rules
  • Unlike birds of prey, the talons of Old World vultures are relatively weak and unsuitable as weapons of attack.
  • You'd be forced to hook up with all manner of unsuitable partners just to show how popular you are.
  • The authorities no longer subscribe to the view that disabled people are unsuitable as teachers.
  • A large invoice of Portuguese "road ware" was sent to the Maine settlers in 1634, and proved thoroughly unsuitable and undurable; but probably no china -- not even Delft ware -- came over on the Mayflower. Customs and Fashions in Old New England
  • They both groaned at the thought of Adele's unsubtle probing of boyfriends she considered unsuitable. JUST BETWEEN US
  • The limited amount of means at my disposal, and the unsuitableness, and inadequacy of my present attainments forbade me to seek for the Professorship of Civil Engineering.
  • They arrived, locust-like, every Yuletide laden with unsuitable gifts. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • What expert skill will a bunch of entirely unsuitable actors, presenters and comedians be called upon to master next to pull in the viewers? Times, Sunday Times
  • Hugh's ambition would serve him; he would have a strong, solid plan from which he would never let an unsuitable love affair detract him. DANSVILLE
  • The tanks and infantry should not go together because the tanks will be slowed down and the artillery fire that will fall on the tanks would cause casualties, and the infantry may be able to approach the objective from a direction unsuitable for tanks to take advantage of defilade. 37 Steel Victory
  • In May last year the plans were turned down as being unsuitable for an historic building.
  • Tours are organised by the Friends of Old Palace who regret that the building is unsuitable for wheelchairs.
  • The RSC advises that the production is unsuitable for children under the age of 14.
  • By this time city staff members were even more convinced that the area was unsuitable for rehabilitation.
  • Any land that could be argued to be beyond the curtilage but still within the control of the applicant is unsuitable for landing helicopters due to tree cover or topography.
  • They are extremely responsive to romantic attention, which is very gratifying to their ever-hungry ego, and as such they can suffer from rash romantic liaisons that are impetuous and unsuitable on a long term basis.
  • Chlorinated phenols: Phenol agents are generally unsuitable for food use as they exhibit high odour characteristics and other undesirable effects.
  • Ben-Gurion University of the Negev engineers have developed a technique to "denature" plutonium created in large nuclear reactors, making it unsuitable for use in nuclear arms. Research & Development Today's News
  • He had dressed that morning in his civilian clothes, reckoning that military uniform was unsuitable for the work of the day.
  • Of any thing worth having, compulsion is a most unsuitable instrument for conveying it to mankind. Letter 111
  • Without him, the workplace would still be full of untidy-looking blokes in unsuitable double-breasted, roomy suits thank you, Giorgio Armani and "American Gigolo". Menswear's Formal Acceptance
  • The mayor said stadiums were deteriorating at a fast rate rendering them unsuitable for matches.
  • September is chockers with unsuitable election dates, ranging from September 11, which would be crass, to the AFL grand final on September 25, which would be unpopular, and lots of school holidays.
  • The Siege opens with a discussion of plain-speaking between Walter Baurchel, who takes pride in always practicing it, and his brother the Baron Baurchel, who finds that practice “savage,” “brutified,” and unsuitable in “civilized Europe” (1.1.227). Joanna Baillie’s Ecotopian Comedies
  • The test is used to filter out candidates who may be unsuitable.
  • At that time, it became already evident that coal is unsuitable for this purpose, due to its too low caloric value and too high sulphur content.
  • Some other fields are of made up ground and unsuitable for building on.
  • He denied that the material was unsuitable and claimed children seldom enter the petrol station shop.
  • a solvent unsuitable for use on wood surfaces
  • Lynch says that while some agencies are badly run, he makes checks to ensure unsuitable candidates are weeded out.
  • I can think of far worse ways to die but they're unsuitable for mention.
  • The next step is also to identify children living with 1 parent but in unsuitable conditions. Archive 2009-09-01
  • The reason why parents are to be consulted is, because they deliberate from judgement, knowledge, and love; from _judgement_, because they are in an advanced age, which excels in judgement, and discerns what is suitable and unsuitable: from _knowledge_, in respect to both the suitor and their daughter; in respect to the suitor they procure information, and in respect to their daughter they already know; wherefore they conclude respecting both with united discernment: from The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • Neither is Desdemona to be altogether condemned for the unsuitableness of the person whom she selected for her lover.
  • Many of the new comprehensive schools are very large and impersonal; others are still coping with unsuitable collections of old buildings. Introduction to Social Administration in Britain
  • He's got all the right qualifications but is temperamentally unsuitable.
  • The male mafia will close ranks and deem such a woman unstable, neurotic and quite unsuitable for responsibility.
  • Her parents will never acquiesce in such an unsuitable marriage.
  • As regards what he may do lawfully, a man can employ either lawful means, and such as are adapted to the end in view, which belongs to prudence; or he can use unlawful means, unsuitable to the proposed end, and this belongs to craftiness, which is exercised by fraud and guile, as shown above (Q. 55, AA. 3, seqq.). Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • The answer, he says, seems to be that longer courtship is a way for the female to acquire information about the male: the new mathematical model shows that an extended courtship enables females to screen out males who are unsuitable to mate with -- and give males an opportunity to signal that, no, in fact they are very suitable. My review of the True Jive Pluckers...
  • the movie is unsuitable for children
  • The drainage is a common measure of landslide administer. Suitable drainage measure can effectively prevent landslide activity, but the effect is not well if unsuitable.
  • The widespread availability of drugs in prisons makes it a wholly unsuitable environment for treatment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of their former confrères are absent, already out in the world being mutilated by the tabloids, or worse, discarded as unsuitable even for that.
  • The museum's own commercial activities, always criticised as unsuitable for a prominent national institution, have not been very effective.
  • Always ‘one of the lads’, and habitually the ringleader, he accepts now that he kept unsuitable hours and company, usually on licensed premises.
  • Green thought the market was "toppy" and the stocks unsuitable for his account. How To Use A Financial Adviser
  • Sheep are often grazed on land that is wholly unsuitable for arable crops or anything else, including forestry. Times, Sunday Times
  • This terrain was unsuitable for trekking through in broad daylight, much less at such an hour as this. GALILEE
  • Wearing unsuitable clothes was an implicit rejection of the hierarchy that controlled society. Liberty: The Lives and Times of Six Women in Revolutionary France
  • In the precipitancy of feeling, you say, the lover fastens upon an unsuitable mate, and, with possession, love dies. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • The huge proportions of the main rooms made the house unsuitable for conversion into flats.
  • This falls at lunchtime, when I allow myself a preprandial glass of wine and read a chapter of an unsuitable book.
  • One in eight viewers thought soap operas were now unsuitable for children.
  • Best supportive care in addition to active treatment remains important for all patients, but may be the exclusive option for patients unsuitable for more aggressive therapy.
  • I have visited Odsal police station on a number of occasions and conditions there are cramped and unsuitable.
  • The players had been issued with heavy grey flannel suits, totally unsuitable for the summer months. Sir Alf: A Major Reappraisal of the Life and Times of England's Greatest Football Manager
  • European diets would also be affected, as Spanish farmers struggle to grow fruit and vegetables and the Italian climate becomes unsuitable for durum wheat, which is used to make pasta.

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