How To Use Unstylish In A Sentence
Her costume, complete with feather hat, provided a muchneeded dose of pizzazz in an otherwise predictably unstylish evening.
Times, Sunday Times
Nokia's maiden voyage into the world of video cell phones comes in the form of a rather bulky, though not entirely unstylish MMS-equipped model, the 7650.
Bollywood fashions are no longer regarded as gaudy or unstylish, because there's top talent working behind the scenes.
This is the moment where the unstylish victim is forced to try on all the awful clothes she brought to New York, while the hosts exclaim that they can't imagine why anyone would buy such schlock.
Because superstylish decorations are, in themselves, unstylish.
Times, Sunday Times

Bland, boring, unstylish and badly cut - that is the verdict of fashion experts on the colourful uniforms designed for staff and volunteers at Manchester's Commonwealth Games.
He disapproved of her hanging about the Abbey, opposed her wish to study in Paris, (he eventually relented) and was more concerned about the effect her unstylish appearance might have on suitors than to her prospects as an artist.
It may sound childish or unstylish, but just remember: a bell will always be more stylish than a body cast or coffin.
Once upon a time Hillary deliberately cultivated an unpampered, unshorn and earthy look -- but in time she realized this particularly unstylish presentation wouldn't one day earn her the right to boss around White House employees and later win leadership of the free world.
Bill Katovsky: Hillary as Little Miss Sunshine
And attaching gloves to elastic and threading them through your sleeves works but is tragically unstylish.
The Sun
All that mattered to them was my unstylish hair and my old-fashioned dresses and skirts.
She moved her hand to her bodice and began to unbutton her fabulously unstylish Mary Astor-style dress.
Norm Bladdon, Private G.I.
He doesn't help much with determining proportions for mirrors or what to do with our almost aggressively unstylish house.
The unstylish cut and the unpleasant colors give way to a totally unattractive piece of clothing.
She could be pretty if she tried, but she's just so plain, with her boring haircut and unstylish clothes.
Most youngsters were incredulous when asked if they used 'antwacky' to mean unstylish or 'book' for cool.
Times, Sunday Times
She's boring, mean, and all she seems to do is stand around in incredibly expensive but entirely unstylish outfits.
The Sun
Dim-witted because education held no escape, unstylish because poverty stalks the abused, these people are the spat out remains of a horrid meal.
He quickly ordered a whisky and soda while they were still popular, for he knew for a fact that they were on the cusp of being unstylish.
The unstylish interior has remained unaltered and the laminated menus, populated by over a hundred items, are creased and dog-eared from passing through thousands of hungry hands.
And the most important, versatile and unstylish piece of kit you can put on is a napkin.
Times, Sunday Times
Put on a thick pair of unstylish glasses, if you have them, and run some Pomade de Einstein through your hair.
wearing unstylish clothes
But Atkins is so last year, so unbelievably unstylish and obvious.
But when minivans became tagged as the unstylish choice of soccer moms, sales eroded to about 1.1 million a year.
Once upon a time Hillary deliberately cultivated an unpampered, unshorn and earthy look -- but in time she realized this particularly unstylish presentation wouldn't one day earn her the right to boss around White House employees and later win leadership of the free world.
Bill Katovsky: Hillary as Little Miss Sunshine
One wrong call, she thought, and the entire country was in danger of looking dowdy and unstylish.
That they are so wilfully unstylish, so bereft of everything that makes a car interesting or fun.
Times, Sunday Times
Slinky and not too unstylish.
Times, Sunday Times
They've gone a bit unstylish and they've lost that thing that makes them look so different - the low back and everything.
Ultimately, however, the finished product is a notably unstylish cross between toothless naughtiness and almost school play-calibre theatricality.
Times, Sunday Times
He was wardrobe was very unstylish and looked filthy.
And a few people don't like dated or unstylish fireplaces or chintzy furnishings.
When I waved goodbye from entrance of the airport I wore unstylish clothes, glasses that had never looked good on me, and 15 pounds of weight I did not need.