How To Use Unspecified In A Sentence

  • An unspecified surfer from the USA came by via Yahoo looking for "gisele lindley" -- Ms. Lindley was the daring and lovely actress who played Princess in Oingo Boingo's misbegotten Forbidden Zone movie. View from the Northern Border
  • The plot is transparently thin; our hero, named F.W. and writing in the first person throughout, delivers what he calls a travelogue through time to the Eleventh Cosmic Capital Year of Virgo, an unspecified time 100,000 years or so in the future. Star of the Unborn (1946)
  • After Claire excused herself to run her unspecified "errand" - making Roger shudder only slightly-he and Brianna had driven to the pub, but then decided to wait for their supper, since the evening was unexpectedly fine. Dragonfly in Amber
  • This continent bore a very advanced civilization, but was devoured by the ocean in some unspecified catastrophe.
  • An unspecified and unlimited amount of investors' money is siphoned off in fees to at least a dozen different agents, from administrators to brokers. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The grand euro-persuasion campaign, complete with unspecified roadshows and jollities no doubt such as further Blair / Brown double-acts, could now begin.
  • The protesters have also set fire to an unspecified number of cameras in other regions as the movement spreads. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sacking was for unspecified professional misconduct after an independent investigation into allegations that he had an affair with a patient.
  • They are giddy with jetlag and an unspecified number of rum swizzles (an evening ritual) from the Yankee Clipper.
  • And from the start of the next academic year new, although as yet unspecified, standards on the content of processed foods like beefburgers, sausages and cakes will be introduced with a view to reducing fat, salt and sugar consumption.
  • She studied languages in Dublin, where she was barred from the student union bar for unspecified ‘bad behaviour’.
  • Problems included unspecified dosages, unclear information about drug action, and side effects of drugs.
  • I took an extra napkin from a Taco Bell for unspecified use “later.” Boing Boing
  • Vague promises of unspecified future salvation just don't cut it in today's market.
  • They have agreed to postpone repayment of the loan to a future unspecified date.
  • There have also been unconfirmed reports of unspecified chemical weapons being stockpiled in a school in Homs, with guards handed gas masks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The operand should be a doubleword memory quantity; but A86 will accept a word memory variable or a memory variable of unspecified size. DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 14
  • The US Air Force has also received orders to deploy an unspecified number of B - 2 bombers.
  • It reduced costs and cut an unspecified number of jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • One widespread method to spice up a report is quoting unspecified diplomatic sources.
  • Watson was wounded in the battle, convalesced in a military hospital at Peshawar, and made his way back to London, where, after an unspecified passage of time, was introduced to Holmes in the laboratories of St. Bart's Hospital. A three pipe problem
  • The kit will include other modifications, as yet unspecified. Times, Sunday Times
  • ✒ When Ofcom refused to sin-bin The X Factor last week while signalling concern over Rihanna and Christina Aguilera's saucy numbers, it also coyly criticised an unspecified "paper" for coverage that it claimed used photos "significantly more graphic and close-up" than the TV images in its attacks on Simon Cowell's sexed-up final. Media Monkey's Diary
  • I will never get another chance, and I hear it will even change my life, in some unspecified but profound mystical fashion.
  • Emerson's worldview, repelled by orthodoxies, was open-ended, evolving, unspecified, rejecting all incarnations as strictly pro tern.
  • The referendum at the end of an interim period of unspecified duration would be held in the context of territorial unity.
  • We then received an invoice for unspecified damage totalling 244, with a note saying this sum had been taken from my credit card. Times, Sunday Times
  • These don't include an as yet unspecified delivery charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vague promises of unspecified future salvation just don't cut it in today's market.
  • An unspecified bit of nastiness which can be cast on someone who steals something.
  • An hour later, the post office manager received a call on his mobile from a man demanding an unspecified amount of money.
  • Indeed, at least one unspecified outfit is thought to have decided that the Architecture-Neutral Format is commercially viable now.
  • He omitted to mention multiple sclerosis and unspecified brain damage.
  • 9 This is evident from our use of the present to indicate both future time (“He comes to-morrow”) and general activity unspecified as to time (“Whenever he comes, I am glad to see him, ” where “comes” refers to past occurrences and possible future ones rather than to present activity). Chapter 5. Form in Language: Grammatical Concepts
  • For unspecified reasons, he was demoted in 1927, so he resigned and returned to Sofia.
  • The suit demanded that Seaman surrender the rights to 374 photos he took of the Lennon family and pay unspecified damages.
  • But pounds, shillings and pence are unspecified. Times, Sunday Times
  • There have also been unconfirmed reports of unspecified chemical weapons being stockpiled in a school in Homs, with guards handed gas masks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The taxable income paid to an unspecified officer in 2007-08 was more than 50,000 higher than the salary set in national pay negotiations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Latest SAFTO figures, for the first 11 months of 1994, showed four billion rand ($1.1 billion) in an unspecified section in which details of South Africa's oil purchases were obscured during the apartheid era and which has yet to be "deciphered", officials said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He announces unspecified penalties, but promises they'll be less severe "if we find that not a lot of homeowners were injured" - which is exactly the "finding" he's been jury-rigging the numbers in order to achieve. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Why We Regulate - and Why John Walsh Needs to Resign
  • The schema would consist of an initial strong syllable followed by an unspecified number (including zero) of weak syllables.
  • An unspecified number of personnel will transfer to a site in the Edinburgh area. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reader is assumed to be suffering from some unspecified ailment, and in need of bibliotherapy. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The move is expected to take place at a yet unspecified time later in the year following a £1.6million revamp.
  • In September last year members of all parties voted unanimously to grant him an extended leave of absence due to an unspecified illness.
  • The gunman then took a hostage and demanded a plane and safe passage to an unspecified destination.
  • Long has been carrying an unspecified injury. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, when discussing the unfortunate Boohbah phenomenon, he has this to say: "Since Boohbah is essentially an exercise show for young children, it's perhaps unfortunate that the show's five leading aliens resemble the end of the evolutionary line for a race of rotund starfishes who mated once too often with unspecified but highly rubberized sex toys". Archive 2006-04-01
  • The lawsuit, filed Tuesday in state court in Houston, seeks unspecified damages.
  • The matrix , referred to as the hydrostatic matrix, represents the discrete approximation to the hydrostatic integral and is left unspecified for now. Solar Proxies « Climate Audit
  • Bruno, provost of the diocese's Cathedral Center of St. Paul, will replace current Bishop Frederick Borsch, 64, when he retires at an unspecified future date.
  • threatened unspecified reprisals
  • With teachers still raw from the layoffs, she told a business magazine that an unspecified number of the sacked educators "had had sex" with students or had engaged in corporal punishment. Michelle Rhee outspoken to the end of her tenure as D.C. schools chancellor
  • Birds (12) buzzard; hobby; wood pigeon; crow; chiffchaff; blackbird; chaffinch; grey heron; gull (unspecified); green woodpecker; magpie; owl (unspecified); How to get back to nature when camping
  • Turns out you're wanted in the US for various unspecified but serious felonies. CORMORANT
  • The UK dossier is the least specific regarding the diversity of Iraq†™ s existing or potential arsenal; it states that Iraq has an unspecified useable chemical weapons capability, which has included recent production of chemical agents. Think Progress » The Intelligence Agencies Didn’t Get It Wrong, The Bush Administration Did
  • He seeks unspecified damages over the alleged incident. The Sun
  • In Brandon's case, a conflicted search for pleasure and self-annihilation may be leading him toward the latter because, for reasons unspecified though implied, he can't open himself to the former. 'Shame': Tracking The Travails of Lost Souls
  • An unspecified number of military aircraft were grounded after they were "cannibalized" for spares to keep other planes airborne. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The ones I receive now are rife with disgust at bureaucratic fumbling, with rage at an unspecified they who are in charge of everything from predicting which levees would break to choosing which people will return.
  • Considered ‘priceless’, it has an unspecified weight of between two and five carats, according to the British Gemological Institute.
  • While it is often assumed that toxicity is due to tannic acid, garlic acid and pyrogallol (Basden and Dalvi, 1987) or to other, unspecified, low molecular weight compounds produced by the breakdown of hydrolyzable tannins in the gut Chapter 5
  • Unspecified irregularities and a large number of spoiled ballots are among their reasons for seeking the recount.
  • Secondly, that there should be some unspecified amount of airtime made available for programmes produced by outside, independent producers.
  • The operand should be a doubleword memory quantity; but A86 will accept a word memory variable or a memory variable of unspecified size. DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 14
  • An unspecified number of employees were offered jobs at other facilities, said Witco spokesman Carl Soderlind.
  • An appeal would drag out the issue well into 2004, maintaining the current overhang on the share price for an additional unspecified period of time.
  • One might think that an entire human settlement consisting of several hundred lodges, with large numbers of women and children and old men, many tons of equipment and provisions and supplies, along with a remuda of three thousand horses and mules, an unspecified number of cattle, and dogs, would be an easy enough quarry. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • They are giddy with jetlag and an unspecified number of rum swizzles (an evening ritual).
  • Or are public subsidies being given to support unspecified claims about cultural maintenance, diversity, and development?
  • A proposal, details of which remain unspecified, for emergency measures also has been mooted.
  • The viewer is faced with the aftermath of an unspecified disaster, and a countryside filled with wandering loners on the brink of oollapse.
  • The crew members were only released 10 days later after an unspecified amount of ransom was paid.
  • At first, the speaker is out of view, looking on from an unknown, unspecified locale.
  • Europe stepped into the breach last Friday, promising an unspecified amount of money. Times, Sunday Times
  • There have also been unconfirmed reports of unspecified chemical weapons being stockpiled in a school in Homs, with guards handed gas masks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Persimmon was granted exclusive rights to negotiate a purchase of the unit for an unspecified period, Trafalgar said.
  • The government said an unspecified number of bandits were killed.
  • Some of his flagons, tankards, plates, saucers, salts, basins, and chamber pots, although unspecified as to material, were undoubtedly also made of pewter.
  • We have been asked by the council to take on a pension liability which is unspecified and unquantified.
  • By the same token, the unspecified six-part ritornelli in Dixit dominus may well be intended for a wind consort.
  • Glamour is the peculiar and elusive characteristic that combines, in unspecified and unspecifiable proportions, the qualities of charisma, style, beauty, desirability, confidence, rarity, and mysteriousness. Deep Glamour interviews Manolo (the shoe-blogger).
  • Tshisekedi returned to Congo in December after being treated for three years for an unspecified ailment in South Africa and Belgium, Congo's former colonizer. Fears of violence in Congo elections
  • The government said an unspecified number of bandits were killed.
  • An unspecified threat has led to the closures of several courthouses in Connecticut.
  • But at the dark club of the Unspecified Collection of Gods, all that mattered was the capacity to be swept away in a terpsichorean frenzy to those strange unknown rhythms, and the ability to pay the cover and produce a valid picture ID.
  • He is adjudged too sick by doctors to move from the hospital, but he hopes to leave for an ‘unspecified’ location to spend his last days with his family.
  • This continent bore a very advanced civilization, but was devoured by the ocean in some unspecified catastrophe.
  • Several trollies and vacuum cleaners, a doorlock worth R100, an unspecified number of doorhandles, a toilet handle, a shower handle and a toilet seat also went missing. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The Supreme Court ruled the charges were unlawful and granted unspecified damages to the airline.
  • While she starts her end note with two praise comments, she leaves both of them unspecified and unelaborated, allowing them to be read merely as a gesture.
  • Efforts to reconfigure services will see as yet unspecified financial rewards for services that deliver.
  • The referendum at the end of an interim period of unspecified duration would be held in the context of territorial unity.
  • An unspecified and unlimited amount of investors' money is siphoned off in fees to at least a dozen different agents, from administrators to brokers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those who fail or refuse a task will face the public vote on Sunday - with an unspecified number being kicked out. The Sun
  • She is claiming unspecified damages. The Sun
  • This new power to presume guilt of unspecified offences was advertised as a unique response to the unique evil of drug trafficking.
  • In a beauty pageant in a women's penitentiary, a pretty 22-year-old (crime unspecified) won a silver diadem and the title of Miss Captivity.
  • This includes unspecified economic penalties and the severing of diplomatic relations.
  • The company is expected to incur an unspecified restructuring charge during the next fiscal year, which will begin Feb. 1.
  • Now, twelve years later, his six months in the RAF ended early because of an unspecified problem with his right knee, he was a senior executive in a firm that manufactured double-glazed windows, he told me, with, since the divorce, a smaller house than he felt that he deserved and only a golden retriever for company. Songs of Love & Death
  • A required action was not successful due to an unspecified error.
  • Note the distinction between defined term and definiendum: the defined term in the present example is X; the definiendum is the unspecified expression on the left-hand side of ˜= Df™, which may or may not be identical to X. (Some authors call the defined term Definitions
  • An unspecified and unlimited amount of investors' money is siphoned off in fees to at least a dozen different agents, from administrators to brokers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or are public subsidies being given to support unspecified claims about cultural maintenance, diversity, and development?
  • However, complications have included 27 reports of orchitis, 11 meningitis, four encephalitis, four deafness, and one each of oophoritis, mastitis, pancreatitis, and unspecified complications. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • They are seeking unspecified damages and an assurance that there will be no further distribution of the images. Times, Sunday Times
  • Persimmon was granted exclusive rights to negotiate a purchase of the unit for an unspecified period, Trafalgar said.
  • It directs developed countries to provide an unspecified amount of financial and technical assistance to help developing countries comply.
  • Aside from the mathematical sloppiness of taking two independent variables to a limit at the same time, at unspecified rates, these sorts of "discontinuities" can be found in just about any scientific theory. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • What sort of trust does that engender in those who are being called to trust in as yet unspecified arrangements? Times, Sunday Times
  • Two samples will be taken at an unspecified date and time at agreed sampling points.
  • The exemplariness consists in an apparent David-and-Goliath struggle, the result of which is an unspecified dreamed-of victory. Peter Weiss - 4
  • Isobel has a bottle of blackcurrant cordial and a piece of tissue containing an unspecified number of antihistamine tablets. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Another review published in 2010 found that unspecified black cohosh "preparations" decreased hot flash symptoms by 26 percent. Can Supplements Ease Menopause Symptoms?
  • An unspecified and unlimited amount of investors' money is siphoned off in fees to at least a dozen different agents, from administrators to brokers. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are fourteen unspecified points (lung-du ma-bstan-pa bcu-bzhi), which are points about which Buddha did not specify an answer when asked. The Fourteen Questions to Which Buddha Remained Silent
  • A friend and I were tripping on an unspecified drug, laughing our heads off, and channel surfing.
  • The gunman then took a hostage and demanded a plane and safe passage to an unspecified destination.
  • The word invokes the vertical dimension of an entity; specifically, an entity is tall if its height exceeds by some unspecified amount the norm for that kind of entity.
  • We have been asked by the council to take on a pension liability which is unspecified and unquantified.
  • The story takes place at an unspecified date.
  • Or simply an unspecified number of'vulnerable bananas '. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reactions giving rise to zircon growth are generally unspecified and unconstrained.
  • The gunman then took a hostage and demanded a plane and safe passage to an unspecified destination.
  • The election is scheduled to take place at an unspecified date in the autumn.
  • Birds (12) buzzard; hobby; wood pigeon; crow; chiffchaff; blackbird; chaffinch; grey heron; gull (unspecified); green woodpecker; magpie; owl (unspecified); How to get back to nature when camping
  • Through the use of the passive voice, the agent which designs ‘these carefully targeted actions’ has been left unspecified.
  • Ethnic groups: Javanese 40.6%, Sundanese 15%, Madurese 3.3%, Minangkabau 2.7%, Betawi 2.4%, Bugis 2.4%, Banten 2%, Banjar 1.7%, other or unspecified 29.9% (2000 census) Indonesia
  • False equivalency is when you baselessly assert that the idiocy and dangerous thinking in plain view at any number of tea-bagger assemblies is evident at similar (unspecified) rallies “on the left”. Think Progress » Blackburn Won’t Endorse Bachmann’s ‘Gangster Government’ Rhetoric
  • At some unspecified point, consistent breach of a rule becomes the rule.
  • The upper floors of the seven-storey building, including the split level penthouses, will go on sale later in the year for unspecified prices.
  • Indeed, at least one unspecified outfit is thought to have decided that the Architecture-Neutral Format is commercially viable now.
  • He is also thought to be suffering from a serious, but unspecified, illness for which he needs powerful medication.
  • Contusion with intact skin surface 925 - 929 Crushing injury 930 - 939 Effects of foreign body entering through orifice 940 - 949 Burns 958 - 959 Certain traumatic complications and unspecified injuries 980 - 989 Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • He proposes unspecified tariffs on imports from Third-World nations that depend on cheap labor.
  • It directs developed countries to provide an unspecified amount of financial and technical assistance to help developing countries comply.
  • Y denotes a second unknown or unspecified person or thing: the claim that chemical X causes birth defect Y.
  • He doesn't say how much the mostly unspecified taxes he calls for in lieu of the bonds would cost.
  • They are seeking unspecified damages. The Sun
  • Is Emilia sending out stock tips between allnight sessions of shelf stacking at some unspecified Canadia high-tech supermarket? I know nothing about Clare Grogan's scar
  • The new president will receive an unspecified allowance for business and entertainment expenses, as well as 22 days vacation.
  • The lessons come in more abstract forms too, like the title creature or man? of “Amanitas,” who submits to an unspecified temptation and is subsequently punished by his ambiguous female temptress. Buzzine » Of Fungi And Foe
  • The law suit asks for unspecified damages on behalf of Keeney and her son.
  • A month later, as she was to testify before a Senate committee about her treatment by the FBI, she learned she was the target of what she calls a bogus criminal investigation into allegations that she'd passed unspecified classified documents to an attorney. Abused And Confused
  • In their file, from an unspecified American newspaper dated February 10, 1949, is the following news clip: “Associated Press Gets Complete Coverage of Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty Trial—In Face of Ban on Correspondents.” Enemies of the People
  • But after that you will be able to stay in your own suite, as long as it isn't occupied, at an as yet unspecified discount.
  • But mayor Costa pointed out that Ammerman's study used unspecified and unsourced projections for global warming.
  • He revealed that City's directors had given the go-ahead for a fans' forum to be held on an unspecified date next year.
  • Recalling the unspecified horror of Robert Longo's ‘Men in the City’ series, Mull's 5-by-7-foot elegy to parricide, War and Peace, is pervaded by a sense of violence.
  • He proposes unspecified tariffs on imports from Third-World nations that depend on cheap labor.
  • They would be placed in a truck and driven into an unspecified Baltimore tunnel.
  • Isobel has a bottle of blackcurrant cordial and a piece of tissue containing an unspecified number of antihistamine tablets. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Flights have either been cancelled, rescheduled or simply delayed for unspecified periods.
  • In contrast, Q. robur exposed to 30% elevated vs ambient UV-B radiation in an outdoor array received more damage by unspecified insect folivores.
  • The new president will receive an unspecified allowance for business and entertainment expenses, as well as 22 days vacation.

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