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How To Use Unspeakable In A Sentence

  • Tiny figures huddled in sweatshops, toiling in unspeakable conditions.
  • A cat less agile than the rest of his species had been known to entangle himself in the little swing window, and to hang there all the night, sending forth unearthly caterwaulings, to the unspeakable terror of Miss Wendover's guest, unfamiliar with the mechanism of the room, and wondering what breed of Hampshire demon or afrit was thus making night hideous. The Golden Calf
  • He heard blood-curdling screams, sounds of unspeakable horrors.
  • In life, we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love.
  • This is the kind of unspeakable inhumanity we are all up against.
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Master English with Ease
  • The subject on which alone he wanted to talk — his own undivorced position — was unspeakable. In Chancery
  • The character sees no alternative to performing an unspeakable act and, in the end, she's the one who will suffer the most from it.
  • The coroner described the crash as one of unspeakable tragedy.
  • And a vulnerable nation was left undefended against an unspeakable threat.
  • The scale of destruction is unthinkable, and the horror is unspeakable.
  • That is unspeakable and one of the many revolting facts as to why prostitution should be abolished and not legalised.
  • As the youth is guided to his bed, he is assaulted by ‘unspeakable odors’ that seem to be ‘the fumes from a thousand bygone debauches’.
  • This isn't what ‘ineffable’ means: she's using it as a fancy periphrasis for ‘unspeakable’, but its orientation is exactly the opposite.
  • It is, as I have always said, as case of "the unspeakable in pursuit of the unheatable! On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The starvation is an unspeakable horror. Times, Sunday Times
  • See then, upon the whole, how little reason we have to repine at the fall of our first parent, since herefrom we may derive such unspeakable advantages both in time and eternity. God's Love to Fallen Man
  • Even now, as I write, so many hours after the unspeakable incident, my mind still reels in shell-shocked horror and uncertainty.
  • What we saw during the advance confirmed our impressions from the air as to the unspeakableness of the Hun in his methods of dealing with the civilian population. The War in the Air; Vol. 1 The Part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force
  • People - apparently respectable, upstanding people - actually justifying these unspeakable crimes.
  • The march has been described as a creative response to the unspeakable brutality that has gripped the country.
  • That was nearly thirty years ago, and over the years the delusion that an unlimited license to commit an unspeakable evil can be disguised or excused by a display of moral handwringing has become ever less convincing to ever more Americans.
  • In life, we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love.
  • Balls of course, the unspeakable “New friend” David Millimoron and a host of salaried advisers like Gila Sacks, who, at a cost of £1,000,000, tickle his tummy and baste him in aromatic oils. Archive 2007-12-23
  • And this is an unthinkable, unspeakable tragedy that, in my opinion, came out of left field.
  • The intemperance of that high dignitary and his priests filled me with an unspeakable horror and disgust.
  • How to portray convincingly the people at the centre of unspeakable cruelty? Times, Sunday Times
  • Meantime, the young man's life is blighted, his name dishonoured, his family plunged into unspeakable grief. Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police; a tale of the Macleod trail
  • Letters: Unspeakable horrors were inflicted upon Poland during the war, but to tacitly assert that minorities in the Second Republic were not subject to discrimination and the kind of violence manifest in Nazi Germany in 1938 is a sickening falsehood Letters: Alone under a dictatorship
  • Their public personas as ultraconservatives were, instead, their personal overreactions born of self-loathing - as if to prevent anyone from suspecting their ‘unspeakable,’ opposite nature.
  • No report can convey the unspeakable suffering that this war has caused.
  • The text makes reference to the Shem haM' phoras, the ineffable, unspeakable Name of God.
  • Eco-mentalists: The unspeakable in pursuit of the unheatable. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In his art Francis Bacon found beauty in unspeakable horror; his paintings of ravaged, bloodied bodies exposed our mortality.
  • To his unspeakable thankfulness the young man gathered from the chance remarks of one of the speakers that Dick, alive and uninjured, had been brought by Horoeka into the _kainga_ at nightfall, and was now shut up in one of the _wharés_. Adventures in Many Lands
  • The wounds inflicted on minority women can hardly heal especially when they were subjected to such unspeakable crimes.
  • The unspeakableness of abuse has implications at several levels.
  • I wondered about what violence had preceded these unspeakable acts and what violence would follow.
  • The unspeakableness of this drives the AP frantic with alliteration. No bias here, no sirree!
  • Those, therefore, who have excogitated [the theory of] emissions have not discovered anything great, or revealed any abstruse mystery, when they have simply transferred what all understand to the only-begotten Word of God; and while they style Him unspeakable and unnameable, they nevertheless set forth the production and formation of ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • How she felt so unseen and out-of-place, like the silence that fills the void of unspeakable words.
  • But the crowning glory of the book is Richard's unspeakable wife, Cordelia.
  • I am equally sure that those parents feel unspeakable grief once the phone call came that their beloved one would not be returning home.
  • Most of us are familiar with the Holocaust's unspeakable brutalities and degradations.
  • Memorial services happen because for each family with a loss, every loss is unspeakable tragedy.
  • In every instance, rituals of humiliation, of slow torture, of unspeakable bestiality accompanied the killings.
  • Lord hast taken of me; in that unshaken firmness which is given me in my sufferings, in a perfect tranquillity in the midst of a furious tempest, which assaults me on every side; in an unspeakable joy, enlargedness and liberty which I enjoy in a most straight and rigorous captivity. The Autobiography of Madame Guyon
  • Many of his novels resemble the telling of a dream conveyed with all its inconsistencies, its aimlessness; enigmatic narratives, balanced somewhere between the unspeakable and that which must be told.
  • No report can convey the unspeakable suffering that this war has caused.
  • This "unspeakable word" of the Sages of the school of Alexandria, this word, which the Hebrew Kabalists wrote יהוה [IHUH], and translated by אראריהא, [ARARITA,] so expressing the threefoldness of the Secondary Principle, the dualism of the middle ones, and the Unity as well of the first Principle as of the end; and also the junction of the number 3 with the number 4 in a word composed of four letters, but formed of seven by one triplicate and two repeated, -- this word is pronounced _Ararita_. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • These deceitful tactics are plunging mid- and low-income individuals and their families into deeper and deeper debt causing all sorts of unspeakable social vices.
  • Now and then the man in the intervals of his singing patted the dog, and spoke to him caressingly; and the dog looked at him with a gratitude which reached immensity through its unspeakableness. The Lost Dog.
  • Surely one of life's greatest tragedies is that man can always come up with explanations for the unspeakable cruelties people inflict on each other.
  • What an unspeakable blessing there is in intercession.
  • He said publishing the review in full was the only way'some good can come from this unspeakable evil '. The Sun
  • The wailing of police cars about their unspeakable business. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no better way to make something unspeakable than not to name it. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no better way to make something unspeakable than not to name it. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was an act of unspeakable barbarity and cowardice. The Sun
  • Every day there are examples of unspeakable destruction, from the salmon to the redwoods - our lifeblood.
  • cake derator - n., combination of a confectioner's pastry and the Latin word deratoria, meaning "the unspeakable", a professional bakery employee who designs, quality checks, or creates cakes that render the recipients speechless. Signs of Trouble
  • For most, imprisonment at home would equate to unspeakable living conditions, physical torture, and false confessions extorted by threats.
  • I believe the silence was the result of the unspeakableness of what they had experienced and the belief that no one would understand them if they did try to convey it.
  • Just the sound of it fills the world with unspeakable joy.
  • Then did each page as I turned it over bring some fresh recollection of one's unspeakable sense of newness and desolation; the haunting fear of doing something ludicrous; the morbid dread of chaff and of being "greened," which even in my time had, happily, supplanted the old terrors of being tossed in a blanket or roasted at a fire. Collections and Recollections
  • Gunnar has heard rumors of a child exiled from the spirit world from unspeakable crimes, but he knows them to be lies. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Burnsauce Johnson’s Review Forum
  • But soon four hours 'deprivation of the drug gave rise to a physical and mental prostration that no pen can adequately depict, no language convey: a horror unspeakable, a woe unutterable takes possession of the entire being; a clammy perspiration bedews the surface, the eye is stony and hard, the noise pointed, as in the hippocratic face preceding dissolution, the hands uncertain, the mind restless, the heart as ashes, the "bones marrowless. The Opium Habit
  • This unspeakable piece of codswallop pretty much sums up the worst of New York journalism for me.
  • Medcroft's unspeakable checked suit; and the eyeglass was a much more obstinate, untractable thing than he had even suspected it could be. The Husbands of Edith
  • I felt a sudden flush and the child in my womb moved, stirred by the earth, the blood-red clay, Southern dirt laden with maltha, gilsonite and iron, feeding the unspeakable hunger. Change Me Into Zeus’s Daughter
  • Phantasmagoria portray the unspeakable, they rise above the written language.
  • Ethan's face was convulsed with unspeakable rage & confusion.
  • Japan going a-whaling is, to borrow from Oscar Wilde, the unspeakable in pursuit of the almost uneatable .
  • There are 1,900 people who have committed unspeakable crimes. The Sun
  • The first care of the two unspilt friends was to extricate their unfortunate companions from their bed of quickset — a process which gave them the unspeakable satisfaction of discovering that they had sustained no injury, beyond sundry rents in their garments, and various lacerations from the brambles. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • For years people have struggled with the idea that their favourite novelist was an unspeakable racist or their beloved composer a Nazi sympathizer.
  • But when the unspeakable happens and one of the group dies, the rest are left floundering. The Sun
  • The clown is the character who engages our sympathies, who speaks for us, who says and does the unspeakable, the undoable - and, in doing so, becomes a lightning rod for our emotions.
  • I hate to think of all the vile unspeakable things he did.
  • Handing down a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment, the judge said it was an ‘evil and foul’ murder of ‘unspeakable savagery’.
  • Please drop whatever you're doing and throw your weight behind the campaign to put a stop to these unspeakable abuses.
  • It was an act of unspeakable barbarity and cowardice. The Sun
  • unspeakable happiness
  • My sisters and I understood very little of the unspeakable reality he sought to describe.
  • This is the kind of unspeakable inhumanity we are all up against.
  • We may again observe the correspondence between the change of dialect and change of tone in stanzas nine and ten, the increase of artificiality coming with his literary English and culminating in the unspeakable "tenebrific scene. Robert Burns How To Know Him
  • 'Eco-mentalists: The unspeakable in pursuit of the unheatable.' On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Where can you meet the sanctimonious priest who knows more than he's letting on, the drunken father making a toe-curling speech at his daughter's wedding, or the schoolboy with unspeakable personal habits?
  • God from whom it comes, yet to be guessed at by the soul from the unspeakableness of its delight when at length it is with the only that can be its own, the one that it can possess, the one that can possess it. Unspoken Sermons Second Series
  • How unspeakable, then, it struck her, that worldly arrangements should contribute to the forlornness of one's natural state!
  • The first care of the two unspilt friends was to extricate their unfortunate companions from their bed of quickset -- a process which gave them the unspeakable satisfaction of discovering that they had sustained no injury, beyond sundry rents in their garments, and various lacerations from the brambles. The Pickwick Papers
  • And besides, the real reason you want a hard case is because of the unspeakable things that happen to cases in airports.
  • The lives of everyone involved are unraveled: from Carlin Leander, the fifteen-year-old girl who is as loyal as she is proud, to Betsy Chase, a woman running from her own destiny; from August Pierce, a boy who unexpectedly finds courage in his darkest hour, to Abel Grey, the police officer who refuses to let unspeakable actions -- both past and present -- slide by without notice. The River King: Summary and book reviews of The River King by Alice Hoffman.
  • If this is so, then writing becomes a problematic activity. If the writer uses words connected to the world, then cannot express an unspeakable experience.
  • Not for the first time, the rhetoric of equality and brotherhood was employed in the service of unspeakable evil.
  • The pizza was unspeakable, the strawberry cheesecake cloying. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the film, overweight teachers recover painful gym class memories, as a reenactment flashes of a 1950s-style gym teacher making children perform unspeakable tasks like push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks before he informs them with blood-curdling severity, “Okay, boys and girls, today we’re gonna play a game called dodgeball.” FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • The judge described the offences as nauseating and unspeakable.
  • The name waxwing refers to the bright red bead-like tips of the secondary feathers on its wings, which look like drops of sealing wax but which several hundred years ago were seen as flames from hell carrying all manner of unspeakable epidemics. WWF - Environmental News
  • Most of the paramilitaries who committed unspeakable acts against innocent victims now walk free. Times, Sunday Times
  • Babylonic smoke, working up his sketches into certain unspeakable pictures, with which the world will be astonished, or otherwise, at the next Royal Academy Exhibition; while I, for whom another fortnight of pure western air remains, am off to well-known streams, to be in time for the autumn floods, and the shoals of fresh-run salmon trout. Prose Idylls, New and Old
  • There are 1,900 people who have committed unspeakable crimes. The Sun
  • Legal language, however, cannot remain silent in the face of unspeakable injuries.
  • The unspeakable awfulness of September 11 affected stock markets across the world and gutted the international aviation industry.
  • In the midst of his unspeakable pain, he served. Christianity Today
  • Admittedly there can be no denying the horror, the unspeakable horror of what had transpired at the Cathedral nearly three years ago.
  • There is a sacredness in tears. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and unspeakable love.
  • The strength of good literature is that it can explore the unsaid and the unspeakable.
  • And he carries to us a prophet's "burthen" of unspeakable import, and in words to which all through the Christian ages the soul has responded as to the words of the Holy Spirit. Messages from the Epistle to the Hebrews
  • There is a sacredness in tears. They are messengers of overwhelming grief and unspeakable love.
  • The first care of the two unspilt friends was to extricate their unfortunate companions from their bed of quickset — a process which gave them the unspeakable satisfaction of discovering that they had sustained no injury, beyond sundry rents in their garments, and various lacerations from the brambles. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • As a medical man he had access to the drugs required to carry out this unspeakable crime. The Sun
  • Officials acting on our behalf committed unspeakable cruelty on a man already wrongly imprisoned for 17 years.
  • Oh, David M's post, 'ecomentalists: The unspeakable in pursuit of the unheatable?'. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Meanwhile, the unspeakable work of clearing the fatberg from the sewer continues. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adding to her confusion is the revelation that the current film is a remake of a doomed polish production that was never finished due to an unspeakable tragedy … Inland Empire: Laura Dern: Justin Theroux: David Lynch: DVD: Synopsis | SciFi UK Review
  • Coulda been an ET kidnaping dream I guess ... someone doing unspeakable experiments with syringes and speaking giberish ... Cheeseburger Gothic » Havsy’s cake shoppe.
  • The movie lifts the lid on this seething cauldron of unspoken, unspeakable shame, takes a good long peep within and then drops the lid again with a clang.
  • How to portray convincingly the people at the centre of unspeakable cruelty? Times, Sunday Times
  • We rise together—me and Kavia and all those unspeakable images, the click, puff, click, of them trying to rescuscitate Grams with the paddles, the tink of a stethoscope against the bedrail. Vivian Rising
  • From the opening stateliness of an Imperial ball, waltzing with his wife Stephanie his face almost jumps off his head as jolts of unspeakable urges take him, her and us by surprise.
  • The fact that the extremists and autocrats have had to resort now to unspeakable violence shows how much they have failed to win the war of ideas.
  • Did the first world war veterans who suffered unspeakable horrors expect compensation?
  • Before long, an unspeakable hell of gunfire, death and destruction surround you.
  • On her parted lips a mysterious, an unspeakable question trembled.
  • Several witnesses swore our newlyweds had a sustained ashrieking argument just before the unspeakable happened.
  • This was a terrible place where unspeakable things were done, but the facade was magnificent: a truly Sublime monumental rusticated Classical composition which powerfully symbolised its intimidating function.
  • It is the unspeakableness of things that Whitman most commonly dramatizes.
  • Famine anywhere is a tragedy, but when it is caused by a country's government it is an unspeakable crime.
  • No report can convey the unspeakable suffering that this war has caused.
  • Eco-mentalists: The unspeakable in pursuit of the unheatable? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The Japanese had built up earlier in the century an almost universal conviction that surrender was the unspeakable disgrace, for a fighting man; until very late in the war, hardly any of their troops surrendered unwounded.
  • I haven't attended a circus since and can only surmise what sort of unspeakable terror I experienced that day, its memory locked deep within the vault of repression that sits just east of my heart.
  • Far from it being a preventative war, and that's the way they sold it, it inaugurated a century of the most unspeakable violence in human history.
  • This idea was unspeakable in polite society, but it probably played a part in Dole's defeat.
  • ‘First of all, we must believe in the unspeakable incommunicability of the trauma,’ she said.
  • For proof whereof the wise and pacific Solomon could no better represent the unspeakable perfection of the divine wisdom, than by comparing it to the due disposure and ranking of an army in battle array, well provided and ordered. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • And then dog did something unspeakable, all over the marble floor. Times, Sunday Times
  • This puts him in a bit of a bind because the politically-unspeakable answer here is that there are no good solutions anymore.
  • The ground beneath the abbey was honeycombed with a series of caves that became the scene of countless orgies and unspeakable rituals.
  • He sat in her box at the Opera; he translated the conspicuously unspeakable passages in all of the lively but naive comedies; he ordered her champagnes and invented hors d'oeuvres so neoterical in character that even the Her Weight in Gold
  • But when the unspeakable happens and one of the group dies, the rest are left floundering. The Sun
  • They were victims of something unspeakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sight of people committing acts of unspeakable brutality against others fills a hole in some of us. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • If by 'Aeron chair and did something unspeakable to me which he called "deprogramming"', you meant that it was a seat-less Aeron chair, and you were ball-flogged James Bond-style by Ira Glass, then I'd like to hear more about the experience... Clothes-Minded: You Are What You Wear
  • In their own happiness they love to superadd the luxury of thankfulness to the bounty of a being to whom they owe all, and to swell the tide of their own emotions by meditation on his infinite and unspeakable perfections. Voltaire
  • The wailing of police cars about their unspeakable business. Times, Sunday Times
  • The characters all speak in melodramatic, incomplete sentences as if they knew unspeakable horrors, but this tactic merely delays revelations that turn out to be quite dull.
  • Throughout the film, Mettler asks directly: how do you speak the unspeakable, describe the indescribable, and more precisely, film the unfilmable?
  • The English country gentleman gallop after a fox - the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.
  • With that, the adorable little demon disappeared in a puff of sulfurous smoke leaving behind only a feeling of unspeakable dread.
  • In the early period of Peruvian history the people considered the crime “unspeakable:” if a Cuzco Indian, not of Yncarial blood, angrily addressed the term pederast to another, he was held infamous for many days. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • We are enjoying your story with our usual unspeakableness; and I'm right glad you threw in the shipwreck and the mystery -- I like it. Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 3 (1876-1885)
  • It is an unspeakable act of violence carried out by unspeakably nasty vicious bloodthirsty thugs.
  • Most of the paramilitaries who committed unspeakable acts against innocent victims now walk free. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was up at the crack of dawn doing something unspeakable to the turkey, but the kids were up anyway.
  • This sort of Kantian ‘anthropology of right’ reflects a vision of the unspeakable quiddity of the individual, where we are forever unknown to ourselves and live on the surface of our being.
  • He is widely believed to have fueled the war in support of one of the fighting parties, to which he committed ragtag militias that perpetrated unspeakable atrocities.
  • The English country gentleman gallop after a fox - the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable.
  • The king had unspeakable majesty.
  • It's a dangerous world out there; hordes of fanatical evildoers are bent on committing unspeakable crimes against us.
  • Some things are unsayable, but maybe you try to articulate the unspeakable in music.
  • I love to write, but I feel an unspeakable dread when faced with editing.
  • If we want to be defended from the unspeakable cruelties of the terrorist by methods that are too ghastly to be permitted, we want the cover-up of those methods. Matthew Yglesias » Death at Gitmo
  • The sight of people committing acts of unspeakable brutality against others fills a hole in some of us. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • The old Herald, moral and earnest, was metamorphosed, with supreme irony, into the unspeakable Sun.
  • While my decision was motivated solely by his promise to lower the price of chocolate milk in the school cafeteria, apparently he was also a staunch conservative with a strong pro-life stance, and it was only after the Chief Inspector strapped me into an Aeron chair and did something unspeakable to me which he called "deprogramming" that they finally allowed the piece to air. Clothes-Minded: You Are What You Wear
  • Here again, the emblem suggests a chain of catastrophic, unspeakable events triggered by irresistible emotions.
  • I agree on all counts -- especially about The Big Snit, which is unspeakably awesome in its awesome unspeakableness. Boing Boing: July 9, 2006 - July 15, 2006 Archives
  • But today, we most often hear the word martyr used to describe Islamic radicals who commit unspeakable mass atrocities against innocent people while dementedly chanting “Allahu Akhbar, Allahu Akhbar, Allahu Akhbar” “Allah is greatest” to drown out what little is left of their conscience. HOW EVIL WORKS
  • Unspeakable" in the dictionary means the same as "unutterable" -- but the former is always used to mean something base or vile, while the latter usually means some rapturous or divine thought or emotion. Grammar & Composition
  • May I commend you brother, for the unspeakable truths you have revealed to the average unknowing Canadian.
  • It is an unspeakable act of violence carried out by unspeakably nasty vicious bloodthirsty thugs.
  • The starvation is an unspeakable horror. Times, Sunday Times
  • The conditions of the camp were appalling and sanitary arrangements unspeakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no better way to make something unspeakable than not to name it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some railbird satirist near the wire bawled "Go!" as the unspeakable riot swept past in dust-clouds. The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul
  • We must be sure they pay the full price for their unspeakable crimes. The Sun
  • It is this absence, this unspeakableness, through which sexuality is regulated.
  • Desert landscapes with unspeakable monsters hiding in grandiose mysterious structures, a dread and a trembling for an amateur adventurer and a professional curiosity for Sean Connery-like types. H. P. Lovecraft "At the Mountains of Madness" and other masterpieces of terror
  • Or were the crimes she committed so unspeakable as to be beyond forgiveness?
  • They were victims of something unspeakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he succeeded in waking us up, we had been completely incoherent, raving about caves and pigeons and dark unspeakable evil.
  • In life, we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love.
  • Evolution issues will continue to be resolved at the state court level ... in short, barring unspeakable terrorist acts or some sort of natural disaster, the next four to eight years are going to look a lot like right now, but with more science guys hanging around in government offices and nominally fewer closeted-gay sex scandals in politics. Archive 2008-10-26
  • an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room
  • Watching this unspeakable romcom made me want to tumble off the red plush seats, curl up into a foetal ball and mew like a maltreated kitten.
  • The unspeakable in pursuit of the unheatable! john mcdonald On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Nor did it recognise my utterly unspeakable brilliance at mooting, preferring plummier students, I noticed. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Since you cannot describe what you have done, I would call belching loudly to interrupt our class an unspeakable act. The View from Saturday
  • No report can convey the unspeakable suffering that this war has caused.
  • The language of "unspeakableness" has practical problems and theological ones.
  • In the midst of his unspeakable pain, he served. Christianity Today
  • The visual impact of this film cannot be overstated; every shot captures a moment of ineffable beauty or unspeakable horror.
  • There is something unspeakable seeking dominion over the world, the cowled figure thought as he perused a series of floating globes before him. WORLD OF WARCRAFT STORMRAGE
  • We must be sure they pay the full price for their unspeakable crimes. The Sun
  • The Princess Élisabeth, sister of the unfortunate Louis XVI, is almost the only figure which emerges unsullied from the unspeakable corruption of the French Court under Louis XV. The Ruin of a Princess
  • As a medical man he had access to the drugs required to carry out this unspeakable crime. The Sun
  • His beautifully judged film matches the moments of comedy with glimpses of the unspeakable tragedies that can send a life into tailspin.
  • His drawings were made in the worst possible adversity, amid unspeakable cruelty. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when he sees his creation emerge and his expression shatters into a look of wonder, heartache and unspeakable joy, we are still sorry for him. Archive 2008-02-01

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