How To Use Unsolvable In A Sentence
Her echo bounced from wall to wall, penetrating his ears like an unsolvable riddle.
It is that unique and individual genetic code that is helping law enforcement solve unsolvable crimes.
There are some built-in technical problems that seem inherently unsolvable to me.
There's no single-handed solving of unsolvable murders these days - and no beautiful, blonde dames in distress to be rescued, as in Philip Marlowe's day.
Where they came, where they went, the questions surrounding them (and indeed the women themselves) were unsolvable mysteries.

First, it enables new and innovative approaches to scientific and engineering research, allowing scientists to solve previously unsolvable problems or to provide superior answers.
You could call that "overeducation," or you could call it one more instance of "people constantly creating these real unnecessary neurotic problems for themselves that keep them from dealing with more terrifying unsolvable problems about the universe," or you could call it something else.
This Recording
The number of times the participant attempted to solve the unsolvable puzzle was used as a measure of the person's persistence or residual frustration level.
Your key planet Saturn is compromised by a quincunx from Neptune now putting you in an unsolvable existential dilemma.
Everything around me appeared blurred, the voices were a faint cackle and all the colours swirled in front of my eyes like parts of an unsolvable puzzle.
‘That question remains unsolved and unsolvable,’ Greenberg writes.
But, the seemingly unsolvable mystery is this: Why has the fierce love of wrestling been so unfailing across the ages?
In essence, the human brain has the ability to solve problems that seem unsolvable by intuition.
It also solves a number of supposedly unsolvable problems that Web service developers have discussed over the years.
So the next time you feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities that come with being a security officer or consultant, take solace in the fact that the problems you are trying to solve are fundamentally unsolvable.
Unlike the other threats Nielsen names, he doesn't offer a solution, so he leaves us with his "us versus them" unsolvable problem, which is unacceptable.
However, it is hardly an unsolvable mystery: remember that there were plants with sap, leaves, seeds, spores and pollen in the Paleozoic, long before flowering plants appeared.
It is perhaps this complete unpredictability in fishing that keeps us coming back for more, to solve the unsolvable conundrum: what makes the perfect fishing day?
The Cabinet Office report says papers are delivered after exams should have been held, questions are unsolvable and there are often errors in the marking.
It is the same dream that will comfort us when times get tough, when the valley is deep, when the road is long, when the burden is heavy, when the strain is unbearable, when the hills are un-climbable, when the rivers are un-crossable, when problems are unsolvable.
Byron Williams: THE DREAM LIVES ON
Zen masters often use nonsensical or unsolvable riddles, or koans, to bring about enlightenment.
The Cabinet Office report says papers are delivered after exams should have been held, questions are unsolvable and there are often errors in the marking.
They were then asked to complete an unsolvable geometric puzzle.
Had he known that the problems were "unsolvable" -- in other words, had he been more fully immersed in the subculture of expertise -- he likely wouldn't have even attempted to solve them.
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public finance...had long presented problems unsolvable or at least unsolved
Assumptions of the world as fair and manageable are shattered by an unsolvable mystery that can go on for a lifetime.
Among the army of sleuths and secret agents that populated 1960s TV was a trio of detectives, employed by of a special branch of Interpol dedicated to solving seemingly unsolvable crimes.
Why this is the case is one of life's many unsolvable conundrums.
More broadly, a conundrum is any problem where the answer is very complex, possibly unsolvable without deep investigation.
Archive 2007-03-01
They often come up with solutions for what seemed like unsolvable problems.
The Future of White Boy clubs at FactoryCity the issue of diversity in culture is intractable and unsolvable.
The Future of White Boy clubs | FactoryCity
For anyone of this high level, they would have already graduated from college, be working on a degree of some sorts, working on finding cures to cancer and aids or solving unsolvable math equations.