
How To Use Unsightly In A Sentence

  • Women suffering from anorexia are still convinced that their thin, frail bodies are fat and unsightly. Conversely, some people who are a great deal heavier than they should be can persuade themselves that they are 'just right'.
  • Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grass-plot, much overgrown with burdock, pig-weed, apple-pern, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilised society, a prison. The Scarlet Letter
  • This kid friendly fairy tale about an unsightly ogre was both heartwarming and very funny.
  • Use a thirty-gallon garbage bin as a laundry hamper… it's waterproof, and hides those unsightly stains and odors.
  • If I don't work out, I turn into a puddle of unsightly pudge.
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  • It led to the removal of a number of trees, and the construction of unsightly water cylinders and pumping houses.
  • A quick scan reveals all 10 little piggies, with no unsightly bunions or hammer toes.
  • A 23 year old woman was referred by her general practitioner with multiple, unsightly lesions on her right pinna, which occasionally discharged pus.
  • The gruelling regime saw him slim to 16st, but he was left with unsightly flabby skin. The Sun
  • Some people say they're unsightly, and that they clutter up the place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wall eye Can appear unsightly, but it is just that the colouring of the iris is white or blue white. Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • Pay attention to detail in the portfolio images and notice if the photographer has neglected unswept floors or left unsightly trash cans in view.
  • Looks unsightly but no serious damage caused. The Sun
  • Excess fat contains an enzyme called aromatase, which converts some of your body's testosterone into estrogen and may lead to assorted abnormalities, such as gynecomastia (unsightly man-boobs).
  • Besides which, they are always kept clean and in good order; you will never find those unsightly barns, and still less the dilapidation which is often met with in the mother land. Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
  • Instead, Costa's histrionics merely inflamed the situation and, after an unsightly stand-off between the two sets of players, there was a hostile undercurrent to the rest of the game.
  • Sun damage can often lead to unsightly dark patches of skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said rubbish on motorways is unsightly and poses a danger to both drivers and animals.
  • Before I finish this letter I must add that as we were finishing our lake walk we came across a large area of litter on a grassy patch under the trees, very unsightly.
  • He also said that gloves minimise skin breakage and unsightly blood & bruising, but do nothing to reduce the impact on the punchees brain. Cheeseburger Gothic » Gettin paid to watch TV…
  • At the back were unsightly old workshops and flat-roofed buildings.
  • In good years, the warmth of the sun as it rises kills off the fungus, leaving the grapes shrivelled and unsightly, but tasting delicious: full of the sugar and glycerine which was left behind.
  • The trees that you plant to hide an unsightly building may grow to become the most agreeable feature of your garden. The Education of a Gardener
  • If you are worried that the warts are unsightly, see your GP about treatment options to help them to clear up more quickly.
  • In dry edible beans, anthracnose causes unsightly cankers on plant stems, pods, and seeds.
  • Some few who had no music in their souls, or no money in their pockets, dawdled about; and the old spectacle of the visitor – wife and the depressed unseasoned prisoner still lingered in corners, as broken cobwebs and such unsightly discomforts draggle in corners of other places. Little Dorrit
  • They are also considering introducing free bikini waxing for men to hide unsightly hair. The Sun
  • I have examined post-Honey photographs of Hipgrave and have yet to see the slightest hint of unsightly stretch marks.
  • However, wind farms are often unpopular because they are unsightly.
  • It can be layered for extra coverage, but it won't build unsightly texture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sun damage can often lead to unsightly dark patches of skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bollards look unsightly with their paints all chipped off.
  • Q: I'm a 57-year-old man with "puffiness" below my eyes, which is unsightly. News - Top Stories
  • Women suffering from anorexia are still convinced that their thin, frail bodies are fat and unsightly. Conversely, some people who are a great deal heavier than they should be can persuade themselves that they are 'just right'.
  • There was no replanting, no trees left standing for reseeding, and areas devoid of pines were left unsightly and environmentally devastated.
  • Wearing a hat over freshly washed hair can leave an unsightly line. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet more are removing rubbish, refurbishing hotels and demolishing or concealing unsightly buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unsightly cast-iron gasometer that gave its name to a hairpin bend is long gone, the train station whose ticket office overlooked another 180-degree corner has been replaced by a luxury hotel, and the famous Tabac is buried during race week under the latticed scaffolding of a temporary grandstand. Monaco grand prix: The race where heroes are made
  • A well-marked case of pseudo-leprosy or ichthyosis, a scalelike affection of the skin, unsightly, obstinate, but possibly curable, and certainly noninfective. The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes
  • Unnecessary and unsightly accretions have been stripped away and the building replanned to accommodate new teaching spaces and laboratories.
  • To this end, the municipal government has enacted law on the removal of unsightly, long lay-off "half a project.
  • A rapidly expanding use of the technology is in the removal of unsightly warts and cysts.
  • Yet more are removing rubbish, refurbishing hotels and demolishing or concealing unsightly buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • At size 18 my figure was in proportion but losing so much weight left me with unsightly loose, saggy skin on my stomach. The Sun
  • Use this cooling, mentholated gel in the shower gently to slough away dead skin cells and any unsightly peeling. Times, Sunday Times
  • This would allow pedestrians and drivers alike to enjoy their towns without a barrage of unsightly and often unnecessary signage. Times, Sunday Times
  • It solves the problem of trying to hide away messy cables and unsightly stereos.
  • As well as being sore and unsightly, sunburn causes premature ageing and puts you at risk of skin cancer.
  • The land is not designated for housing, and I understand the fence is extremely unsightly.
  • It's an easy way to remove unsightly lines in newly built properties. The Sun
  • Work will commence shortly and will include the removal of the unsightly narrow grass margin on the city side.
  • They are unsightly, unhygienic, and at times unsafe.
  • As so many balconies are used during the cold months for unsightly storage, this is one trend that we hope will gain ascendancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sun damage can often lead to unsightly dark patches of skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • More and more men each year are deciding to get disembarrass of unsightly back and chest hair through the use of optical maser hair removal.
  • Perhaps this is the reason why it remains uncared for, unsightly, filthy and unhygienic.
  • If you go a bit off course or have an unsteady hand, simply use a concealer to erase any unsightly errors. The Sun
  • The council claims the new wall is replacing existing concrete post and rail fencing, which was unsightly and which had become overgrown with weeds.
  • I interplant it with daffodils so that when they are done flowering goutweed overwhelms the otherwise unsightly leaf straps of daffodils.
  • If you go a bit off course or have an unsteady hand, simply use a concealer to erase any unsightly errors. The Sun
  • This unsightly ‘car park’ should be turfed and landscaped.
  • On the front of the case, we have a door that can open and close to hide any unsightly beige optical drive faceplates.
  • Their grouse: expansive windmill-farms look unsightly!
  • Her left cheek bears a deep and unsightly scar; not the result of a violent punter, but a run-in with another prostitute.
  • We buy a crumbling house, invite half a dozen builders in to demolish its interior walls - then grumble about the stour, the noise and the unsightly skip in the garden.
  • If you have an ugly suite, chances are you've also inherited some unsightly tiles.
  • In dry edible beans, anthracnose causes unsightly cankers on plant stems, pods, and seeds.
  • They are also considering introducing free bikini waxing for men to hide unsightly hair. The Sun
  • It seems crazy to force electricity users to pay huge subsidies for intermittent, unsightly wind and solar power. Times, Sunday Times
  • This can cause unsightly hair loss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sun damage can often lead to unsightly dark patches of skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • If they have been regularly pruned there should be lots of new shoots at the base and you can cut back to these - it feels as though you are destroying the plant but left unpruned they soon become straggly and unsightly.
  • Downton residents are up in arms after the firm redeveloping the old tannery erected ‘unsightly’ containers for wheelie bins in front of the historic building.
  • The warm and wet conditions are perfect for mould and as well as looking unsightly it can worsen breathing difficulties and asthma. The Sun
  • Dead and unsightly leaves can also be snipped right back. Times, Sunday Times
  • God only knows why anyone would want to conquer such an unsightly, ill-favored land. Much Ado About Marriage
  • As the blooms dry, minor imperfections are magnified and make the dried blossom appear unsightly.
  • Chlorinated water also can give light-colored hair an unsightly green hue.
  • Despite their pleas to both the council's environmental and waste management departments to remove the unsightly mounds the group has been told nothing can be done because the litter is on private land.
  • If your hips, buttocks or thighs start to have an unsightly rippled look, use Celutrol's massage glove.
  • First, the douce residents of the New Town complained that giant wheelie bins planned for their streets were just too unsightly to be tolerated.
  • Unnecessary and unsightly accretions have been stripped away and the building replanned to accommodate new teaching spaces and laboratories.
  • Russian vine is climbing out of gardens - where it may have been planted to hide an unsightly fence - and scrambling over the surrounding trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was considered unsightly, and always covered with either a cement render or a skin of brickwork.
  • The hair should be taken from as near the scalp as possible and using the method detailed here there should be no unsightly hair loss. Miracle Micronutrients
  • These will help to close unsightly large pores. Times, Sunday Times
  • With his gammy knees, so scarred and unsightly - he opted out of wearing a kilt at the opening of France 98 - he was in discomfort as he hirpled up a set of steps in Zagreb's Maksimir Stadium four nights ago.
  • In a little time, when the roots of the plant had taken up the moisture, the unsightly blotches began to be extinguished in a living verdure.
  • Had you retained this lattice, the ceiling above would have required replastering, as the unsightly remedial works would have been visible through the grid.
  • This is the sharp end of practical conservation work, literally healing the mountain of unsightly erosion scars and gullies.
  • Don't succumb to strange unsightly trends because some over-hyped it-girl is wearing a pelmet skirt.
  • Sound means you can listen to tunes without having to look at unsightly big boxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can act as a windbreak, screen unsightly areas, and provide shade where needed.
  • Sun damage can often lead to unsightly dark patches of skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gruelling regime saw him slim to 16st, but he was left with unsightly flabby skin. The Sun
  • In a little time, when the roots of the plant had taken up the moisture, the unsightly blotches began to be extinguished in a living verdure.
  • A spy tells Lowdown that after handing out tube after tube of the decay-preventing dentifrice to passersby, the 'Apprentice' team enlisted a plump 51-year-old woman to haul the unsightly empty boxes back to a nearby truck and haul back armsful of sparkling-new boxes. 05/20/2004
  • It can be a real nuisance and looks unsightly. The Sun
  • Women are reported to have liposuction to slim down tubby toes, or unsightly misshapen bones whittled smooth by laser.
  • deckle" for its own sake, and to leave books on hand-made paper absolutely untrimmed, with ragged edges that collect the dirt, are unsightly, and troublesome to turn over. Bookbinding, and the Care of Books A handbook for Amateurs, Bookbinders & Librarians
  • Brutal, gory, and dumb, Brotherhood of the Wolf is a mess - not, however, an unsightly one.
  • Even previously stable β (V) chocolate can wind up with the same unsightly film after temperature fluctuations break down the crystal structure, or melt and reharden a thin layer on the surface. The Physics of Chocolate
  • The stadium is an unsightly, uncomfortable, and uncongenial place to watch or (so players say) play baseball; it was designed primarily with football in mind.
  • When did that unsightly neck flab get there? Times, Sunday Times
  • By now readers will have guessed that I am addressing the vexing question of roadside vending, and why, in spite of decades of attempts to eradicate what is illegal and most times unsightly, the authorities have failed.
  • His skin was covered with unsightly blotches.
  • As late as the 1930s, adherents strove to transform unsightly round heads into long, dolichocephalic ones.
  • Here was a problem that amounted to rather more than an unsightly flaw on the face of the splendid facade of classical physics.
  • It seems crazy to force electricity users to pay huge subsidies for intermittent, unsightly wind and solar power. Times, Sunday Times
  • An exaggerated fraenum in the centre of the inside upper lip may cause an unsightly central gap between the upper incisors.
  • Some people say they're unsightly, and that they clutter up the place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Insofar as this is a human foible, a mere unsightly blemish on the doctrine of RC, I give it a lot of slack.
  • Also pay special attention to alleyways that can often be a wind trap or a store for unsightly rubbish.
  • They are also considering introducing free bikini waxing for men to hide unsightly hair. The Sun
  • It is told by the horse, an unfortunate creature, a skewbald, gelded by a groom because of his unsightly, unacceptable coloring. Celebrities
  • At first we see only what is uprooted and ploughed in, -- the daisy drabbled, and the violet crushed, -- and the first trees planted amid the unsightly furrows stand dumb and disconsolate, irresolute in leaf, and without flower or fruit. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865
  • Travellers who were running a paving company from a disused pub car park turned it into an unsightly rubbish dump.
  • In just scorne of such unsightly and ill-Pleasing surly sluts, who imagine none to be faire or well-Favoured, but themselves The Decameron
  • Harlow and Easton had 'sloshed' a lot more whitewash on to them they were mere formless unsightly lumps of plaster. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
  • An unsightly groin swelling might be a hernia, while an enlarged neck can be an overactive thyroid gland, especially if the patient has bulging eyes. The Sun
  • The former apse, with its rich mosaics and stained-glass windows, was left standing, partly for nostalgic reasons, partly to hide the friary, which would have looked unsightly without it.
  • Perhaps there is an unsightly electricity pylon just out of camera shot?
  • In this form of germ warfare, Botox removes those unsightly furrows between your brows, the crow's feet at the corners of your eyes, and even the worry lines on your forehead.
  • I sometimes think she is a sort of living phenomenon intended to represent all the passions -- a genuine Pandora's box -- a piece of patchwork made up of the odds and ends of all animals in creation -- a sort of menagerie in herself, where the dove and the kite, the serpent and the sparrow, the gilded butterfly and the unsightly bat, the gluttonous sloth and the air-feeding chamelion, are all exhibited. Alamance; Or, the Great and Final Experiment viii, 9-151, [1] p.
  • Not only is this unsightly, it is also a health hazard and has been seen as showing a lack of respect for the community in general.
  • An unsightly building in the centre of Hockley which was once an iron foundry is set to be demolished and replaced with a new block of offices.
  • It can be a real nuisance and looks unsightly. The Sun
  • Nothing is more unsightly than watching someone talk and chew their food at the same time.
  • Their homes and galleries may be all the soul desires; but the instant they venture on the streets of the city, they have left the realm of beauty for an unsightly dominion, where the utilitarian makes the world hideous and survives, and the idealist is banished or exterminated. What Communities Lose by the Competitive System
  • Prune flowering trees in spring, after blooming, to correct unsightly problems.
  • Pelmets and valances can further emphasize a particular style, as well as hiding any unsightly tracks.
  • Broken bones knit, wounds heal often without scarring or permanent disability and those that do scar, although unsightly, leave less of a mark than scars on the mind.
  • In others, the way the upper and lower jaws meet can cause teeth to look unsightly and lead to an incorrect bite. Orthodontic treatment may be able to correct this.
  • Taking the car again as an example: uncoated cars would last only a year or two before rust rendered them unsightly and unsafe.
  • The city government has decided to clear the streets of the unsightly pedicab in the interests of humanity and prestige.
  • Apart from the redness and scaliness being unsightly, cracked, dry skin is a surefire route for infection.
  • At the present time the river bed, situated in the village is almost dried up and is an unsightly mass of dried algae and slime.
  • Although the lumps look unsightly, the sprout buttons are still perfectly edible. The Sun
  • The bit that covers my hips digs in too which causes an unsightly bulge to top it all off. The Sun
  • The boy didn't appear to be concussed, but the gash was a deep one that would leave an unsightly scar if not stitched well. Broken Symmetry
  • However, the project has already prompted a barrage of protest from people who object to unsightly turbines on the land.
  • A well-marked case of pseudo-leprosy or ichthyosis, a scale - like affection of the skin, unsightly, obstinate, but possibly curable, and certainly noninfective. The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes
  • In addition, they create a clean edge to a planting scheme and disguise the unsightly lower section of many herbaceous perennials.
  • When you wear heels, you place pressure on the forefoot, which may lead to bunions, hammertoes, neuromas, corns, or calluses -- all unsightly and also painful. Leora Tanenbaum: How to Wear High-Heeled Shoes and Walk at the Same Time
  • It removes unsightly discoloration, to restore wood to its natural colour.
  • Often they are opposed by the community because they are deemed either unsightly or a hazard because of radiation emissions.
  • They are also great for hiding unsightly manhole covers or moving around when you get bored, to give the garden a different feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clinical research, meanwhile, showed that a particular immunosuppressant that inhibits NFATc1, a drug called cyclosporine A, has a rather unsightly side effect: excessive hair growth. Biosingularity
  • Yet more are removing rubbish, refurbishing hotels and demolishing or concealing unsightly buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the lumps look unsightly, the sprout buttons are still perfectly edible. The Sun
  • A corner of the bluff rose savagely from the river -- a monstrous mass of naked rock, scarred and battered of the centuries; hating the river that gnawed it ever; hating the rain that graved its grim face with unsightly seams; hating the sun that refused to mate with it, whereof green life might come forth and hide its hideousness. CHAPTER 25
  • It will also burn the wood if placed on a picnic table, leaving unsightly scars. Times, Sunday Times
  • Large clumps are best supported with pea sticks or a purpose-made plant support placed around the plant as it emerges in spring and which, although unsightly at first, will soon be hidden by foliage.
  • As so many balconies are used during the cold months for unsightly storage, this is one trend that we hope will gain ascendancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Climate control is seamlessly integrated and hardly noticeable as air diffusers circumscribe the house with fully integrated track lighting, eliminating unsightly air vents and making credible use of space. Ellsworth Residence by Michael P. Johnson Design Studio
  • Between them they collected hundreds of sacks of crisp packets, food cartons, drinks cans and other unsightly litter.
  • Join Humanity in the 21 st century and rid your vanity of unsightly fur!
  • He had undone the buttons of his shirt, exposing an unsightly expanse of white flesh.
  • While she may not be in the first flush of youth, she is hardly an unsightly wreck, and the faults she highlights about her body loom large to no one except her.
  • Unsightly aluminum air ducts intrude into the cozy but cramped reading alcove.
  • Use of the new product had significantly improved the level of healing and reduced the unsightly scarring associated with bad burn injuries.
  • They are also of the opinion that the mast is unsightly in a high amenity residential area, and that it is extremely high.
  • Photos of ugly babies and unsightly spouses have never met a kinder pair of eyes than yours.
  • You don't have to live with unsightly damage to wallcovering, nor must you repaper an entire wall because of it.
  • This year they hired a part time by-law officer to aggressively enforce bylaws such as unsightly premises.
  • They are also considering introducing free bikini waxing for men to hide unsightly hair. The Sun
  • They feel this pear shape is unsightly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, there's a genius-sounding treatment called thermocoagulation, which uses microwaves to zap unsightly veins on the legs and face. Times, Sunday Times
  • And because of its design there is no unsightly bulge like a nasty knicker line. The Sun
  • At the back were unsightly old workshops and flat-roofed buildings.
  • The biggest problems appear to be litter on the streets and dogs fouling the footpaths, both unsightly.
  • Together with their messy tangle of wires they further despoil the view through The Village already made unsightly by the telecom company's previous assaults.
  • There are already existing continuous glucose monitors, but these tend to be devices which comprise of a needle-like sensor and an external unit which protrudes in an unsightly way from the skin.
  • Sun damage can often lead to unsightly dark patches of skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was felt that vehicles parked on the land would present an ‘urban and unsightly intrusion into an attractive riverside location’.
  • Remove unsightly hairs between brows and under the brow's outer edge. The Sun
  • This is unsightly, unhygienic and, given the present climate of contagious illness, positively unhealthy.
  • In the midst of what was an unsightly melee, the loose ball asked for any takers, and Flo was first to stick out a leg and prang it in off the underside of the crossbar.
  • The highlight of my day came when a woman with wonky eyes, an unsightly coldsore and hair like an unbrushed retriever approached me.
  • That is to say, if any spaces exist between adjacent luminaires, light will shine through the apertures or spaces resulting in an unsightly and unworkmanlike appearance of the finished assembly.
  • Last month the Evening Press backed a move by York Police to flush out graffiti vandals who daub walls and buildings in our city with their unsightly scrawl.
  • But lately it's pinched his toes and left unsightly blisters, and now he finds himself venturing off to New York to see if it can be refitted.
  • A disfigurement is severe if a reasonable person viewing the plaintiff's face in its altered state would regard the condition as abhorrently distressing, highly objectionable, shocking or extremely unsightly. NY Court of Appeals
  • The mainstream press regarded the whole unsightly mess with a combination of horrified distastefulness and eager anticipation.
  • And it included even his clothes and boots and collar, the ridiculous hat upon the peg, the unsightly "brolly" in the dingy corner. The Centaur
  • Once out and completely cold, store in the fridge where it will firm up, but do not cover or it will sweat, the surface breaking out into unsightly droplets of moisture.
  • Bunions - Poorly fitting shoes and heredity are the primary causes of bunions, an unsightly bump of bone on the side of the big toe joint.
  • The sedge-roots might have been unsightly along the water's edge, but there were morning-glories, all colors, all shades -- oh, such morning-glories as we of the city never see! Balcony Stories
  • We also needed to hide some unsightly shelving.
  • It is characterised by unsightly lumps and bumps which collect in the thighs, buttocks, hips and upper arms.
  • He got himself involved in an unsightly tangle with the home striker and both were sent off.
  • At first it appeared to be nothing more than a rusty, unsightly, metal wall with several tall pillars guarding the front.
  • Men often seek to have unsightly hair or skin blotches removed.
  • Well, we hear it can be injected into your armpits to prevent unsightly perspiration, and into your hands to stop your palms sweating.
  • It's only a matter of time before societal ills, unhappy marriages, unsightly fatties and the concerns about those concerns, are a thing of the past.
  • And because of its design there is no unsightly bulge like a nasty knicker line. The Sun
  • Her short red hair was crudely shaped in a wedge and her pallid cheeks and small chin were peppered with unsightly acne.
  • These will help to close unsightly large pores. Times, Sunday Times
  • A drink satisfies thirst and the coaster prevents unsightly ring marks on your desk.
  • Remove unsightly hairs between brows and under the brow's outer edge. The Sun

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