How To Use unshrinking In A Sentence
- Our brave front withstood unshrinkingly the heavy fire of rifles and cannon concentrated upon it.
- What Sayre admired was not some vague nobility that she found among the London exiles, but their unshrinking and ongoing commitment to radical goals.
- She sat down beside him on the old bench and looked unshrinkingly in his face.
- They have prepared themselves unshrinkingly to meet and firmly to sustain any conflict in which this declaration may involve them.
- Most fascinating are the unshrinking encounters with frontline workers. Times, Sunday Times
- He saw that her glance was perfectly direct and unshrinking.
- He's opinionated, frank and unshrinking in both his criticisms and his defense of players, coaches and referees.
- Invoking the spirit of our forefathers, the army asks your unshrinking support, to the end that the high ideals for which America stands may endure upon the earth.
- Posing difficult questions and challenges, Rogers unshrinkingly probes the consequences of standing for Truth in a world of ambiguities.
- But it also unshrinkingly shows the viciousness of terrorism and the three-dimensional reality of victims who might otherwise recede into facelessness.