How To Use Unshielded In A Sentence
At night, over-lit businesses and unshielded floodlights on hundreds of rental houses keep the sky pale.
The LD50 dose for humans is ~ 400 rads, so we may infer that the environment of Amalthea is such that an unshielded human would receive a fatal amount of ionizing radiation in a matter of seconds.
Because they're high power, interference and hum are very small by comparison, so the wires can be unshielded, and triboelectricity is not a problem.
The four ships began pouring fire and missiles alike into the unshielded rear of their comrades, the gunboat's few bomber's plasma bombs sent huge balls of fire up where ever they hit.
With an unshielded Nokia, for instance, it was possible to walk 4.6 metres into the room with the antenna down, before losing the signal.
However the ribbon cable is unshielded, so you may have noise problems, depending on the environment in which they are used.
Grief lighted a match, and the unshielded flame burned without flickering in the still air.
Because of the natural tendency of each hoplite to seek protection for his unshielded right side in the shield of his companion on the right, the entire phalanx often drifted rightward in its approach.
It is worn on the sword hand's wrist, ostensibly to guard the unshielded part of the arm.
His AC power was transmitted at much higher voltages than the DC alternative, making it potentially lethal if unshielded workers touched live wires.
The symbiont is feeling some kind of unshielded magnetic flux
Time's Enemy
The standard in commercial installations and in new homes where data applications are likely to be found is a jacketed, unshielded cable that contains four twisted pairs.
He had a hygienic beard and a rather blotchy skin, and small unshielded eyes which seemed to be searching for spectacles.
In an unshielded spacecraft, both types of radiation would result in significant health problems, or death, to the crew.
Slowly she unshielded her face and lifted herself to her feet, looking around for the person she heard only a few seconds ago.
The standard phone wire found in a residence is four untwisted, unshielded wires in a plastic sheath.
As each hoplite was unshielded on his right side, he relied on the man next to him for protection, encouraging by necessity a strong sense of unity in battle.
Alexander the Great
‘Sounds here as if you may be using an unshielded cable between the pc and the hifi receiver?’
Marianne V. Moore of Wellesley College says these areas, along with coastal waters, are at higher risk than other habitats in developed areas because they are unshielded and openly exposed to light.
Without the membrane that encloses its fragile components, the molecular machinery of life would be unshielded from the harsh forces of its surrounding environment and would be torn apart before it could do its work.
Officials say the researchers are the first to evaluate data rate handling capacity for overhead medium voltage unshielded U.S. electric power lines.
As each hoplite was unshielded on his right side, he relied on the man next to him for protection, encouraging by necessity a strong sense of unity in battle.
Alexander the Great
We then searched public news accounts, unshielded comnet entries, and any related, declassified material we could find.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
But in Whitson's case, one of the pieces mysteriously hung on too long, sending the Soyuz toward earth catawampus, exposing unshielded parts of the capsule to the seering heat of reentry.
CNN Transcript May 2, 2008
He said mobile phone radiation could heat the side of the head or potentially thermoelectrically interact with the brain, while Bluetooth devices and "unshielded" headsets could convert the user's head into an effective, potentially self-harming antenna.
By not spraying light indiscriminately as is done with unshielded fixtures, the desired illuminance level can be maintained by focusing the light to the proper location and reducing the light bulb's power consumption.
No one can venture more than a hypothetical guess about the effects of living in unshielded space for so long.
Using the methods open to me at the time, I had a choice between fiber optic cable or UTP unshielded twisted pair cable.
Utp Transmission | Surveillance
Opponents of open markets frequently claim that unshielded exposure to foreign competition is destroying the U.S. manufacturing base.
Nowadays, Ethernet runs over shielded and unshielded twisted pair copper, coaxial, and fully EMI-resistant fiber-optic cable.
Plus, at the levels necessary to do that, the radiation would harm any human that is unshielded.