How To Use Unshapely In A Sentence
To die in childhood or infancy is to be deprived of a natural life span; such a death makes one's life a stunted and unshapely affair.
a stout unshapely woman
Suddenly our jagger, ever on the look-out, called loudly, and pointed to a singular and unshapely object, which rose and sank ....
The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, April, 1880
Exposure of the unfixed cartilages to the atmosphere even for a couple of hours also made them crooked and unshapely.
We'd give away free make up to cover any facial blemishes caused by illness, baggy unshapely clothes for those days when you're feeling down and nasal spray that actually works and doesn't make your eyes water.

Elsewhere, Herbert describes demons as hybrids of unshapely human bodies and animal natures.
To die in childhood or infancy is to be deprived of a natural life span; such a death makes one's life a stunted and unshapely affair.
Instead of passion for writing, a weariness that weighed down each word and distorted the prose into something unshapely.
The camera cuts to the stubbed-out cigarettes in Laurel's food bowl, to the half-empty liquor glasses, to the half-drunk, unshapely men; we get Stephen's eye moving around the room.
There was a row of mis shapen, unshapely, fat, old bottoms, outlined in stretchy pants.
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A pause in the soliloquy; a glance at the prostrate form; another, which interrogates the scene around, taking in the huge unshapely trunks, their long outstretched limbs, with the pall-like festoonery of Spanish moss; a thought about the loneliness of the place, and its fitness for concealing a dead body.
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Even when we were in middle school, where we were at the peak of our adolescence, complete with mini pink volcanoes distorting our facial features and unshapely figures, her skin was spotless, and she remained as skinny as ever.