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How To Use Unsettled In A Sentence

  • It is arguably too tight now, making the car seem unsettled on small bumps and unpleasant on larger ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Using 40 players has not helped and the change of manager unsettled the team. Times, Sunday Times
  • Children often feel unsettled if their parents divorce.
  • The weather will remain unsettled for the rest of the week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Using 40 players has not helped and the change of manager unsettled the team. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Public opinion in March, 1861, was so unsettled, the popular mind so impressible, that a spirit of discontent soon began to spread over the loyal States on the part of those who had hoped for what they termed a vigorous administration. Twenty Years of Congress, Vol. 1 (of 2) From Lincoln to Garfield, with a Review of the Events Which Led to the Political Revolution of 1860
  • That brief confrontation with Luke Calder had unsettled her far more than the incident in the garage, if she was honest.
  • The corporate bond market remains unsettled, with junk spreads widening again this week.
  • The legal rules are unsettled, and will cause some confusion with the advent of satellite television.
  • Generous with encouragement for preservation, the Colonial Office was stingy with funds to pay for policing vast unsettled areas.
  • However, with all the turmoil we've been experiencing in the past two months, the moving around and general unsettled life we've been leading we never quite managed the first schedule, let alone the second.
  • He had passed an unsettled life in continued exile up to his eightieth year; having been harassed with many contumelies and injuries, he had endured with difficulty a miserable and anxious existence, in continual trepidation; famine had driven him out of the land whither he had gone, by the command and under the auspices of God, into Egypt. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Things are very politically unsettled at the moment.
  • The jet stream took a more southerly track again last week and low pressure brought unsettled weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • the richness all around unsettled him for he had expected to find poverty
  • There remained various issues that lay beneath the smiles of the newly named Zimbabweans, unsettled problems that were left to fester deep in the hearts of many in the country.
  • He was unsettled by the reaction to his initial internal inquiries about the legality of the flexible underfloor system on the new Ferrari. Times, Sunday Times
  • The phonetic form and spelling and the derivation are alike unsettled, the uncertainty of the latter involving that of the former.
  • Added to this is a general feeling of economic uncertainty - with military action looming and Wall Street unsettled, Americans are adopting a cautious view towards non-essential spending.
  • An urgent and then melancholy opening was unsettled by dark bass trills and a menacing fugal theme, only to be undone by the second movement's disarming simplicity. Pianist Till Fellner ends Beethoven sonata cycle with restrained refinement
  • They shuffled some more and looked about, uneasy, unsettled, on edge.
  • Britain's unsettled political scene also worries some investors.
  • Will the weather remain cool and unsettled in the week ahead? Times, Sunday Times
  • But behind the picture-postcard facade, residents of the rural community of Bradfield, on the outskirts of Sheffield, have become increasingly unsettled.
  • The earthquake unsettled the rocks up the mountain.
  • They will smell her smells and could become unsettled and upset. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • The forecast for the end of week and start of the half-term school holidays is for the unsettled weather to continue, but eventually improve as the wind changes direction. Cold winds and snow forecast for UK
  • Ó Rathaille continued to lead an unsettled life, spending periods of time in Kerry and Limerick.
  • His effective rhetoric reassured a country unsettled by the tumults of the 1960s and 1970s and perceptions of American decline.
  • Accordingly, the Respondent decided that the bank did not owe the appellant any money in unsettled bills.
  • Children tend to get unsettled if you keep on changing their routine.
  • For 800 of those 850 pages I was transported, absorbed, unsettled and delighted; but scunnered by the cop-out.
  • The employee arrives here unsettled and is unlikely to be able to devote full attention and energies to the assignment.
  • This will continue into Friday, and next weekend looks very unsettled with further rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a legal question is not answered by standards deriving from legal sources then it lacks a legal answer-the law on such questions is unsettled.
  • This unsettled and windy spell looks set to linger through much of this week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Harried by constant fire and unsettled by the universal presence of landmines - the main cause of casualties - the Russian army has been thoroughly demoralised.
  • The date was postponed several times due to the unsettled issue of taxation.
  • Police immediately called for backup feeling that the scene was becoming too unsettled.
  • Meanwhile, Collins's case remains unsettled, and only chipping paint and crumbling steps indicate the havoc inside her house.
  • It all added up to a sense of dislocation, a feeling of being removed from the ‘real’ world: isolated and unsettled.
  • Claire Denis's "Trouble Every Day" is more unsettled mood piece than conventional blood bath, although its carnal interludes are some of the grisliest episodes in the entire genre. Psychos and Suckers
  • She is quick to point out that her childhood was not unhappy, just unsettled.
  • The weather is forecast to remain unsettled until the middle of next week. Times, Sunday Times
  • England was still deeply unsettled. Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
  • They remain unsettled at fullback after releasing Henderson. In Green Bay, they've got Favre and inexperience
  • Nevertheless, the experience left me slightly unsettled and reinforced the knowledge that simply looking different would play a major role in how I am perceived and treated in Guyana.
  • The state of the laws is still unsettled in Russia.
  • United, for a time, were deeply unsettled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather is forecast to remain unsettled until the middle of next week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain's unsettled political scene also worries some investors.
  • This may have arisen, not merely from their paucity, but from the unsettled signification of the term orange, as well as from improperly calling these pigments reds, yellows, &c. In these days, however, orange pigments are sufficiently numerous to merit a chapter to themselves; they indeed comprise some of the best colours on the palette. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • I pitied the hapless patient and commiserated with the unhappy house officer, unsettled by the echoes of my own mistakes.
  • Ski resorts across Europe are smiling with relief as the weather has turned colder and more unsettled. Times, Sunday Times
  • His mere presence unsettled batsmen, who could be sure that the slightest mishit would be snaffled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only the unmistakable lilt of his mid-European accent gives a clue to his unsettled past.
  • The crew had its first training session in February, a four-day ordeal which was deemed a success despite windy and unsettled conditions, with winds getting up to 38 knots at times.
  • It was also a very unsettled time. A Channel of Peace
  • The issue of illegitimacy of space that Eklavya has occupied in government schools though historical is now an issue that would be dangerous to leave unsettled.
  • There are thirty years 'claims of escuage unsettled, and there is Sergeant Wilkins, the lawyer of Guildford, whom I will warrant to draw up such arrears of dues and rents and issues of hidage and fodder-corn that these folk, who are as beggarly as they are proud, will have to sell the roof-tree over them ere they can meet them. Sir Nigel
  • Will the weather remain cool and unsettled in the week ahead? Times, Sunday Times
  • Cyclonic weather with a depression centred over the UK can cause unsettled conditions in both winter and summer.
  • Britain's unsettled political scene also worries some investors.
  • Showbusiness gave the youngster a chance to escape into another world, away from the frustrations of an unsettled childhood.
  • At night they lay on hard beds without pillows and, behind their closed eyelids, their unsettled thoughts ran in opposite directions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore, certification is an acceptable and conciliatory method for determining a state court's opinion regarding an unsettled or disputed question of law.
  • These unstaid dimensions, argue unsettled dispositions. The Gentlewomans Companion
  • an unsettled lifestyle
  • The employee arrives here unsettled and is unlikely to be able to devote full attention and energies to the assignment.
  • But at least the unsettled theme does bring higher than average temperatures and limited frosts. The Sun
  • Your romantic life is probably unsettled during this period too. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed unsettled, as if trying to cover a lot of territory, possibly looking for a mate.
  • In early modern Europe, conditions of daily existence were still very unsettled. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • He had an unsettled childhood and, like many ambitious Egyptians of limited means, in 1937 he chose a career in the army.
  • And in unsettled times, there's always the option of cheering oneself up by playing ‘who have I outlived?’
  • Laid crops and unsettled weather put the brakes on harvest for many growers this week.
  • By the weekend most areas will have unsettled and cooler conditions with the changeable trend extending to the end of the month. Times, Sunday Times
  • People wish to be settled; only as far as they are unsettled is there any hope for them. Radio
  • The first five terms above, included in the index, connote a feeling of being emotionally unsettled, off-balance or anxious, which are standard reactions to stressful events.
  • Dr. Vincent, an old family friend, takes Paul fishing in order to help ease his mind, but Paul remains unsettled and decides to return home.
  • Martine says: ‘Twenty-five years have passed and we always said that in this very unsettled world, the spirit of Krashny is one of solidarity.’
  • The other, tall, meagre, with long grizzled hair and a wild unsettled look about the eyes, was a man of science; had written works well esteemed upon mathematics and electricity, also against the existence of any other creative power than that which he called "nebulosity," and defined to be the combination of heat and moisture. The Parisians — Volume 05
  • Saudi Arabia mourns King Fahd, a traditionalist in changing times, and it pledges loyalty to Abdullah, heir to a stable government and an unsettled state.
  • The heat eases this week with more of an unsettled look across all parts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weather is set to remain unsettled this week. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Met Office has predicted an unsettled period of weather with rain and wind.
  • She was about to lead the three-year-old in from the paddock when another horse in the yard unsettled him and he bucked, kicking Blanche under the jaw and knocking her unconscious.
  • He summarized the state of deaconess issue as follows: The possibility of ordaining women to the diaconate is still an unsettled question in the Catholic Church. Milwaukee News Item #1: Married Catholic Priests « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • The crisis has unsettled financial markets and brought dire predictions of revolution or civil war from some politicians.
  • The status of contract personnel on the battlefield and the guaranteeing of continuing service in combat are murky and unsettled questions.
  • But the officers remained angry, unsettled, and ill-disposed toward his message.
  • The boundary questions still remain unsettled.
  • I never much liked it; I was always unsettled by its glaring untruthfulness.
  • Birkirkara started the title showdown in great fashion, completely overcoming Flyers Depiro II who looked quite unsettled during the first set. MaltaMedia
  • In a journal entry about the coming exhibition, he aptly describes how his art has helped soothe a troubled and unsettled past.
  • I found it a disturbing remembrance, and I shuddered a little to shrug it off, feeling distinctly unsettled and out of place, drifting without support for an instant, like the falling leaves.
  • Lebrecht offers excellent broadbrush readings of the 10 symphonies, gives a full (at times too full) account of Mahler's career as a conductor – if he had never composed a note, his place in musical history would have been secure for this alone – and explores his unsettled private life as the child of a loveless marriage whose own young wife Alma then cuckolded him. Why Mahler? by Norman Lebrecht and The Ninth: Beethoven and the World in 1824 by Harvey Sachs
  • Added to this is a general feeling of economic uncertainty - with military action looming and Wall Street unsettled, Americans are adopting a cautious view towards non-essential spending.
  • Unsettled weather will stretch from the middle Mississippi Valley to the southern Middle Atlantic States.
  • The issues facing the Arab League summit in Algeria this month will remain unsettled until the key players define a common stance, reports Dina Ezzat
  • Children often feel unsettled if their parents divorce.
  • I met Brian just six months after he came out of captivity, and I was struck by how unsettled he seemed.
  • She has lived an unsettled life since then, though she does have a job and a relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since then, interest in the question has continued with an undiminished level of unsettled contentiousness.
  • The employee arrives here unsettled and is unlikely to be able to devote full attention and energies to the assignment.
  • Some reservations closely followed traditional Ojibwa boundaries, while others were established in previously unsettled areas.
  • I needed to hear words that only he could say, words that would shake me out of my unsettled state of mind.
  • Whenever he came into a new territory, he established what he called his chamber of claims, a most convenient device, by which he inquired whether the conquered country or province had any dormant or disputed claims—any cause of complaint—any unsettled demand upon any other state or province—upon which he might wage war upon such state, thereby discover again ground for new devastation, and gratify his ambition by new acquisitions. IV. On the Refusal to Negotiate with France
  • That earlier activity ran parallel to the beginnings of modernism in French art, with artists like Manet and Degas responding to the anxious and unsettled urban environment they inhabited.
  • The one assumption I hope to have unsettled in these pages is that any particular novelistic genre in itself embodies a metaphysical or transcendent approach to the real.
  • Nevertheless, it enjoyed four successful series, providing a rich seam of satire and some much-needed light relief during a particularly unsettled period of Britain's recent past.
  • The weather is forecast to remain unsettled until the middle of next week. Times, Sunday Times
  • With oil and gas priced in dollars, a stronger greenback unsettled energy companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • We operate today in an extraordinarily unsettled financial environment dominated by leveraged speculation and U.S. foreign liabilities of unprecedented amounts.
  • The issue of optimum oxygen concentration for neonates in intensive care remains, even now, unsettled.
  • Further north and northwest more unsettled and breezy weather will prevail with rain at times, but also some drier brighter interludes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today will be unsettled in the north and west, sunnier in the southeast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ski resorts across Europe are smiling with relief as the weather has turned colder and more unsettled. Times, Sunday Times
  • It made his stomach churn, already unsettled from the shifting g-forces of the shuttlecraft. Archive 2010-04-01
  • The last couple of days have been a much needed break from a hectic and unsettled work schedule, with time to make models, shop for some rather nifty new speakers with a sub woofer that makes the house shake, read, play some Animal Crossing, watch telly and squeeze in the odd snoozle or two. La Dolce Vita
  • When the light went on, a dozen or so large flies began buzzing around the room, which unsettled him.
  • An unsettled weather forecast is unlikely to diminish the crowd any further. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the league backing off its demand to link revenues with player costs, the players responded by accepting a salary cap during negotiations that took place in nearby Niagara Falls, N.Y. Still unsettled is where to set the cap. - Players wonder what took so long for NHLPA to accept cap
  • We accept the outcome of the inquiry, without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters.
  • But Friday looks to be increasingly unsettled with heavy winds and further lashings of rain right across the UK. The Sun
  • Sam took the award for his portfolio ‘Colombia on the brink - the escalating war’, a series of images documenting the current unsettled times in South America.
  • The finding prompted the theory that the boy king was murdered by a blow to the head during the unsettled period of his reign.
  • The afternoon of 2 February 1918 was humid and unsettled in Melbourne, with a slow-moving low pressure trough crossing Victoria.
  • In Kleist, the notion that language can tell a coherent story about its own signifying capacities is unsettled as even the most rudimentary distinction between form and content proves to be at once too specific and too abstract. Article Abstracts
  • ‘Workers were unsettled when it began vibrating and made strange noises,’ a spokesman for police in the eastern city of Chemnitz said.
  • Today will be unsettled in the north and west, sunnier in the southeast. Times, Sunday Times
  • That brief confrontation with Luke Calder had unsettled her far more than the incident in the garage, if she was honest.
  • Nevertheless, the controversies over literary openness are far from being resolved, and many related issues remain unsettled.
  • He is an unsettled, jittery man who mostly speaks in fragmented sentences because his mind is like a chess board, it is always working on several things at a time and it is most often a few steps ahead of his conscious ability to recognize what his mind is doing. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » “How can I make a character with mental disorders work?”
  • The lightness of his eyes unsettled her.
  • And even the Soviet photographs, which were intended to depict an improving economy, leave the viewer unsettled, with so much left unsaid.
  • About 1190 Bernard of Pavia uses freely the expression, which became classical, "impedit contrahendum et dirimit contractus", and further he enumerated the impediments: "sunt autem quæ matrimonium impediunt xiv", but his list is not definitive; the technical names of each impediment remain for some time longer unsettled. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • In her first grand slam event since Paris she ran into the resurgent Polish-born German Lisicki, whose blasting serve unsettled China's new star, who was adjudged by some commentators to be still weary from her efforts in France. Wimbledon 2011: Li Na loses way and husband as Sabine Lisicki triumphs
  • I have been overwrought & unsettled in mind by apprehensions, & that is a thing that is not helpable when one is in Mark Twain, a Biography — Volume II, Part 2: 1886-1900
  • By the weekend most areas will have unsettled and cooler conditions with the changeable trend extending to the end of the month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further rain spread from the southwest and that set us up for an unsettled weekend. Times, Sunday Times
  • United, for a time, were deeply unsettled. Times, Sunday Times
  • He blustered on about my trespassing gall, how I'd unsettled his half-starving cattle.
  • The rest of December may also stay largely unsettled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The employee arrives here unsettled and is unlikely to be able to devote full attention and energies to the assignment.
  • They should be playing their fab new single Everybody's Gonna Be Happy and, if we're immensely fortunate, our Dad will not appear in the doorway sounding a little unsettled.
  • My life is really unsettled, my friends have much more settled lives than I do at this point.
  • Although you're under pressure from others and about unsettled situations, you feel the need to be alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The issue of odd perfect numbers remains unsettled, however.
  • However, one thing is certain, there is unsettled weather aplenty ahead.
  • This unsettled and windy spell looks set to linger through much of this week. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boundary questions still remain unsettled.
  • Battle on some unsettled disputes may need to be fought afresh
  • The lecturers, who were seeking a 3.25 percent increase, had been withholding grades and were threatening rolling strikes while their dispute remained unsettled.
  • We are in a transitional and liminal time: this makes everything unsettled and awkward, and most of us feel tremendous unrest and a sense of urgency.
  • Sadly though there are times when even the neediest, one-sided relationship with an unsettled too-big-for-Big-Vase clogger reaches its tipping point. A Robot Replica Of Fiona Bruce
  • It is still raining and unsettled; applying crucial sprays like T2 fungicides and first blight sprays has been frustrating.
  • In London, tech, telecom and media stocks were bearing the brunt of the sell-off as investors looked for safe havens in the current unsettled climate.
  • When Ehomba finally awoke and ascertained the true position of the fog-obscured daystar, he found himself unsettled in mind. Carnivores of Light and Darkness
  • But it is a bit unsettled on rough roads. The Sun
  • However, some have said that he does not possess the qualities required for leading the company, particularly as it is in an unsettled state.
  • Bookkeeping accompanied by signed receipts would memorialise and facilitate credit transfers that remained unsettled for many years.
  • But his usual easy-going charm seemed to have temporarily deserted him, and she found him terse, uncommunicative, clearly unsettled by her absence.
  • During a brief Q & A session after the screening, Perry tried, unsuccessfully in my opinion, to justify the elements of the movie that left me unsettled.
  • These factors include your medical problems, your current unsettled living conditions and the fact that you are an ex-asylum seeker, who was granted refugee status in January 2000.
  • Until very recently Texas was an unsettled frontier.
  • A spokesman for South Yorkshire Police said none of the passengers on the bus was hurt, but many were unsettled at the sudden unscheduled detour.
  • I look forward to seeing the DPP and the KMT cooperate to resolve unsettled human rights cases and bring justice to former political prisoners.
  • Sources claim staff have become unsettled by regular ownership changes.
  • These are extraordinarily uncertain and unsettled times.
  • The situation at point guard likely will remain unsettled unless Brady Heslip can come in as a freshman and lend some stability. Atlantic Coast Conference
  • As I have said, the question of long-term abnormalities in behavioral and emotional development is still unsettled. Shouldn’t I Be Happy?
  • It was an unsettled, nomadic period in his life.
  • an unsettled state of mind
  • I expected to feel euphoric after finally fulfilling my lame ambition, but instead I was unsettled.
  • It has created a kind of automobilism -- if the word may be allowed -- of mind and manners, an inclination to be perpetually "on the move," too much pressed for time to do anything at all, permanently unsettled, in fact to be _unsettled_ is its habitual condition if not its recognized plan of life. The Education of Catholic Girls
  • His mere presence unsettled batsmen, who could be sure that the slightest mishit would be snaffled. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the contrary, our current courting practices - if they can be called that - yield an increasing number of those aging coquettes, as well as scores of unsettled bachelors.
  • On the two nights in question, Mr Weekes was very unsettled and nothing could be done to calm him.
  • The bill justifies this premise by reference to ‘the uncertainty and unsettled character of all human knowledge.’
  • Miners with interests in Australia were also unsettled by the potential disruption to production from a tropical cyclone in the northwest of the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain's unsettled political scene also worries some investors.
  • This unsettled all aircrew before they even started training at the Operational Training Unit.
  • With just over a week left of the meteorological summer and the bank holiday weekend approaching, the unsettled conditions are likely to continue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Travis has purged himself by killing this street scum, but his fate is unsettled and his ‘heroism’ is still in question.
  • Further north and northwest more unsettled and breezy weather will prevail with rain at times, but also some drier brighter interludes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unsettled political situation has meant that the frequency and level of protest action (by both Maoist and other political groups) has increased.
  • As long as this is an unsettled legal question, the concept of cyberspace will be a relevant one.
  • It was a question of whether Bournemouth could keep up the furious pace, while the odd miscued clearance also unsettled the home fans. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stranger looked very unsettled by this, and just glanced around helplessly for a moment.
  • Devalorization of cultural capital caused by this disparity in salaries in a segmented labor market unsettled the positive correlation that existed between cultural capital and income and engendered a status reversal.
  • The jet stream took a more southerly track again last week and low pressure brought unsettled weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bent was honestly distressed at his own state of mind: he had feared that Harry Spink would "unsettle" Mr. Blandhorn, and, instead, it was he himself who had been unsettled. The Seed of the Faith.
  • Overlanders are celebrated as key figures in local pioneer legends, which, typically, emphasise the perils of travelling unprotected through unsettled country and their bravery for doing so.
  • unsettled territory
  • It was the sort of idea that might easily decondition the more unsettled minds among the higher castes–make them lose their faith in happiness as the Sovereign Good and take to believing, instead, that the goal was somewhere beyond, somewhere outside the present human sphere, that the purpose of life was not the maintenance of well-being, but some intensification and refining of consciousness, some enlargement of knowledge. Brave New World
  • We are in a transitional and liminal time: this makes everything unsettled and awkward, and most of us feel tremendous unrest and a sense of urgency.
  • In the unsettled world today, many Australians are looking for a direction.
  • Storm clouds are turning ominously dark as global markets become more unsettled by the week.
  • We accept the outcome of the inquiry, without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters.

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