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How To Use Unseen In A Sentence

  • Aside from the occasional lazy baa of an unseen sheep, you could be the only person on earth.
  • On the taxes proposed she said, "Those concerned by our wish list's ` nanny state 'implications might helpfully redirect their focus to the many unseen measures intentionally adopted by the food industry to shape our behaviour … It seems that without our knowledge or consent we are subject to the pervasive' nannying 'activities of industry. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider's early years.
  • With a quick catch and lift, he passed Michael up and into unseen hands outstretched from the iron wall of the ship, and paddled ahead to an open cargo port. CHAPTER 2
  • To one side of the central playing area is another book with its spine in the air, forming a shelter for six unseen musicians. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The bonus issue brought Democrats and Republicans together in a way unseen all year. Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Barney Frank suggested the executives should be fired.
  • They perform what they call "unseen dance" -- original dances experienced through senses other than sight. The New York Public Library: Dancing in the Dark: Experiencing Dance Without Sight
  • Unseen hands brailed the galley's sails up against their yards. Conan Of The Isles
  • They can exercise a subtle, unseen influence, somewhat like a magnetic field or centripetal force, compelling us inexorably back on ourselves.
  • Thus Philo Judaeus may equate the hy - ponoia of a text with its latent theme, its mystery, its secret, its unexpressed, unseen, nonliteral, or simply intelligible meaning. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Leadership is about man-management, having the respect of the changing room and a lot of stuff unseen by the public. The Sun
  • Many a flower is born to blush unseen
  • Our life is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal.
  • Many languish unseen in studio vaults, in the holdings of amateur and professional archivists and at the Library of Congress.
  • Owned by descendants of the original lessees who took up the station - sight unseen - in 1877, the famous black soil downs carry more than 60,000 cattle.
  • A series of quick clips of previously unseen and unidentified sailors and marines was aired. The Sun
  • With regard to the sinfonie concertante there appears to be a hitch, and I believe that some unseen mischief is at work. The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • He had never heard of me, but he was so impressed by the way I sang “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” that he signed me to the label sight unseen, and selected “Boulevard” as my first single for Columbia, As it turned out, it would be one of the few times that Mitch and I saw eye to eye on the subject of repertoire. The Good Life
  • They saw the pillars of society pulled dowry by an unseen Samson and watched the victims crawling painfully from the ruins. Inflation and War Finance
  • What remains "unseen" is any conclusive evidence that environmental protection causes economic harm, while experience shows that common-sense regulations can stimulate innovation and job creation. EPA Rulemaking to Be Transparent
  • Unflashy and hard-working, he does a lot of the unseen, unrewarded work that wins games.
  • The examination will consist of both seen and unseen passages of both prose and poetry.
  • I desire to live in peace and to continue the life I have begun under the motto 'to live well you must live unseen. Rene Descartes 
  • A sharp iron nail unseen might "dawk" the skin off an unwary hand. The Life of the Fields
  • Carson played many recurring characters, including Carnac the Magnificent, a mystic from the East who could "divine" unknown answers to unseen questions, which were hidden in a sealed envelope which Carnac held to his head. Our Favorite Johnny Carson Moments
  • An eternally flowing river that symbolises life, conveyed through choreography, is an unseen presence throughout the play.
  • Every afternoon, the lepers would gather at the fence to mock the lunatics as they were let out for their exercise, performing their strange dances and shouting at unseen persecutors.
  • Become a stealth assassin ninja. Sneak, kill , and crucially: remain unseen .
  • A boggart is a small imp that lives in a man's house, unseen by any one, doing a little good and much harm. Pepper & Salt or, Seasoning for Young Folk
  • It was to be buried beneath years of dust, un-played, unseen, unremembered.
  • The road was uneven, often concealing deep chasms, all too ready to welcome unwary travelers into the darkness of some unseen cavern far below.
  • Where the blue-bell and gowan lurk, lowly, unseen; Song-Their groves o’ sweet myrtle
  • Children experience developmental problems caused by unseen risks such as known carcinogens and neurotoxins like lead, mercury and pesticides.
  • At the other end of the ‘globus intellectualis,’ nearest, not to earth and sense, but to heaven and God, is the personality of man, by which he holds communion with the unseen world. Theaetetus
  • When it was time to file out the side-door into the courtway, she would linger at prayers, then slip out another door, and unseen glide up Chartres Street to Canal, and once there, mingle in the throng that filled the wide thoroughfare. The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories
  • For his villain-in-chief, however, Garner repurposes a name filched from the Norse pantheon - originally, Nastrond signified the underworld Shore of Corpses, but in Garner's Alderley he is the unseen Great Spirit of Darkness, moving against the child protagonists by means of minions like the "svart alfar". Blogposts |
  • The play was virtually unseen for 200 years, cast off for smuttiness and "perversity".
  • Bizarrely the poster shows a jolly, alfresco party, possibly by an unseen pool.
  • I watch the shadow of the blade Slide underneath the surface, slicing through Creamy intricate unseen connections.
  • Mentally ill people burst from tents yelling at unseen terrors. Times, Sunday Times
  • We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider's early years.
  • It doesn't take long for the action, adventure, and adrenaline to pull you into the distant valleys with "their spidery networks … of unseen trails" where you will begin to the feel "bandoleers of ammunition digging into" Mellas's neck, and the "mud sucking on his boots. The Book on Vietnam
  • So they went around the house trying to use their wits to outdo each other to cause damage and destruction hitherto unseen.
  • The trembling women were smitten into an ecstasy of bewildered fear (as one of the words, 'affrighted' might more accurately be rendered), and his consolation to them, 'Be not affrighted, ye seek Jesus,' suggests that, in all the great sweep of the unseen universe, whatsoever beings may people that to us apparently waste and solitary space, howsoever many they may be, Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Mark
  • Light pours down at the ceremonial end from an unseen clerestory set into the roof where it steps up to offer nobility.
  • In the silence - observed by everyone but Ruth, who gave a talk each evening - I felt unseen, unacknowledged.
  • Red couches - almost unseen amidst the browns, beiges, mossy greens and taupes of the late '90s - are making their way into living rooms across the U.S.
  • In the spray perpetual rainbows are fixed in position as though their unseen feet were nailed to the base of the cleft.
  • There was barely time for the two boys to escape unseen.
  • This is not barely affirmed, concerning these primitive Christians, but spoken of them as their high praise and encomium; as being a discovery of the refinedness, excellency, and greatness of their spirits, who could so far lift up themselves above sense and sensible things, as to place their highest and most vigorous love upon an unseen Object. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • One of the recurrent characters in his works is, in fact, a murderous gunslinger at the ready, pistol pointed toward an unseen target outside the frame.
  • She is the unseen hand telling us what we think about fashion. Times, Sunday Times
  • I managed to slip out the room unseen.
  • We bought the table sight unseen and were pleased to find it was perfect for our kitchen.
  • A spare, sinewy ascetic, he gazes at the crucifix with an emotional intensity unseen in paintings of the early 1470s.
  • The spires of San Francisco are lost in a bank of fog to the south, and beyond, unseen but not unfelt, lies Silicon Valley.
  • Over her new narrative the kehua hang unseen, 'folding and unfolding their shadowy wings like fruitbats'. Times, Sunday Times
  • By some unseen force, he began to levitate into the air.
  • The channel told him not to bother sending it, rejecting it sight unseen. Times, Sunday Times
  • A further benefit is that the winter months see greater cloud cover, making it easier for allied land forces to operate unseen.
  • All these she studied long and carefully, while the dancing glow of the firelight played over the child's delicate flesh, and it extended its little arms in the pleasant warmth, holding them up, as in act of adoration, towards those gracious unseen presences, still, apparently, hovering above the flood of instreaming sunshine against the ceiling overhead. The History of Sir Richard Calmady A Romance
  • The pull of a mystery that needs to be solved, or of an unseen and looming threat that needs to be thwarted is alluring for many readers, and for me, combining that with either an epic, urban or alternative fantasy setting is better than ice cream and cake. MIND MELD: What's Your Favorite Sub-Genre of Science Fiction and/or Fantasy?
  • What Young sees in Sites Unseen, Shimon Attie's European installations between 1991 and 1996, is a deliberate attempt to repeople a decimated landscape.
  • I had been playing peep-bo with the unseen, and the tables were turned. Mr. Standfast
  • Since the shots aren't taken from the intended perspective, the people in them appear to be holding unseen objects in the air.
  • She was used to being unseen and unnoticed, not to people jumping around her as if she was royalty.
  • Visitors can participate in an interactive computer game testing their potential as a secret service officer, and watch unseen film footage and out-takes of several stunts.
  • We have our very basic nature still intact, eating, sleeping and procreating but it is the unseen internal struggle for knowledge that makes us the truly remarkable beings that we are.
  • The untold story has emerged as a result of the auction of previously unseen footage of the couple's visit to the Greek capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ahead and to the right were rolling miles of a pahoehoe sea, bounded by the unseen Pacific 3,000 feet below, with countless craters, fissures emitting vapour, and all other concomitants of volcanic action; bounded to the north by the vast crater of The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • We are fed and kept like a farmer keeps animals, always with the unseen and unfelt threat of death and sale.
  • But why not save yourself a lot of aggro and transfer the task to the junior consumer him-or herself - with a little unseen adult tweaking, and the occasional outright veto, to steer them in the direction of sound nutrition?
  • A common response to such an acausal happening is a sharpening of attention, a sense of the closeness of something unseen.
  • A huge volume of space that includes the Milky Way and super-clusters of galaxies is flowing towards a mysterious, gigantic unseen mass named mass astronomers have dubbed “The Great Attractor,” some 250 million light years from our Solar System. The ‘Great Attractor’: Exactly What is the Milky Way (and Neighbors) Speeding Towards at 14 Million Miles Per Hour? | Disinformation
  • They believe that things like Ebola, smallpox, and atomic energy all contain powerful, unseen spirits called djinns—from which we take the English word genie. Blowback
  • Painted about 1832, it casts Sumner in the romantic pose of an aspiring artist, palette and maulstick at hand, his distant gaze both engaging and poetic as he looks toward unseen worlds.
  • If the users do not trust the watchers they will look for ways to sneak past the guards unseen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our life is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal.
  • Then there is the unseen financial investment agents make in young players. Times, Sunday Times
  • Breaking away from the roofline of a condemned Gothic-style church, a goat-headed being with gray wings took flight, cutting from building to building in short trips as if it wanted to remain unseen. Crossed
  • A hundred other unseen locks and keys, oaths of secrecy, and cryptonyms stood in my way.
  • We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider's early years.
  • And he could see the lines of the half-miler Benny Vaughn, and Hosford and Atkinson, the whole team, all the lifelines going off in all directions, most of them still moving like his, putting down little tracks toward some unseen goal, some moving target of achievement, some semblance of wealth, some jot of immortality, or perhaps just some measure of repose. Again to Carthage
  • And I — what would I not have given for a bit of friendly wilderness, where, unseen, I might vent my joy in some mad freak, such as idiotically biting my hand; turning a somersault, or slashing at trees, in order to allay those exciting feelings that were well-nigh uncontrollable. How I Found Livingstone
  • The tempest's mocking elf Points to the shipman thus the unseen shelf He strikes on, only when the timbers start. The Dark Tower
  • The media buy into the scam because such scare stories about unseen threats make good headlines.
  • This paper will contain two seen and two unseen passages of classical Persian prose for translation into English.
  • Having already established that our Spartan heroes kill pretty much anything that comes within screaming distance, the industrial music cranks up while we watch as Greek butchery is taken to a visual level hitherto unseen: Asian and Middle Eastern baddies carved up like Easter hams. Top 10 Movie Montages » Scene-Stealers
  • Today's volunteer Army is engaged at a pace unseen since the end of the draft 30 years ago, and worldwide commitments magnify the stress on the force.
  • Triple glazing keeps the heat in, as does all the other unseen insulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • In such sullen darkness, even a white person might half-hear duppies moaning in the unseen reeds. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • It seemed a glow to him, a warm and trailing vapor, ever beyond his reaching, though sometimes he was rewarded by catching at shreds of it and weaving them into phrases that echoed in his brain with haunting notes or drifted across his vision in misty wafture of unseen beauty. Chapter 11
  • It revolved clockwise in some unseen orbit, then counterclockwise, immediately before a loud cracking, like summer thunder, filled the air.
  • So much there was to see, so much remains unseen. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • The interior light suggests an unseen presence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Stead began moving his hand down the leg. At each probing pause I mentally named the unseen bone: radius, carpus, metacarpus. Firehorse
  • He planted the two harps in front of the orchestra, on either side of his rostrum, and banished bells and drums to the unseen backstage.
  • A sudden impression of the magnificence of this church, its vastness filled with dusk, a few wax tapers scattered along the nave; in the far distance a lit-up altar throwing its light up into the vault of an aisle, showing the shimmer of golden coffering; the crowd circling unseen. The Spirit of Rome
  • If the users do not trust the watchers they will look for ways to sneak past the guards unseen. Times, Sunday Times
  • unseen problems
  • The Freytag Pyramid In Freytag-ese, Die Hard unfolds thusly: NYC cop John McClane arrives in LA to reunite with his estranged wife, Holly (exposition), but terrorists raid her office tower, taking everyone hostage except McClane (inciting incident), who escapes unseen and starts picking off the goons (rising action). Scott Brown on Why Hollywood Needs a New Model for Storytelling
  • In formal psychoanalysis, you lie on a couch and the therapist sits unseen behind you.
  • Unseen counterproofs by Renoir, French Old Masters and bronzes from the Rijksmuseum are the highlights in New York and London this month
  • It takes four years to loop around the Sun, although it has a very odd, almost chaotic spin quite unseen in any other asteroid.
  • Unlike deliberately constructed visions, the myths we live and work by often remain unseen, residing incognito in our daily rituals, rites, customs, and metaphors.
  • The glassy lake began to ruffle itself below her, feeling the pulses of its interfluent springs, or sending through unseen sluices word of nightfall and evening winds to all its clustering companions that darkened their transparent depths in forest-shadows. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864
  • Ross, sensing that he's been dismissed, nods and gives his father a meaningful glance, unseen by Tristan.
  • She tries to sense the household imp, that unseen menace, but it must be scared by the commotion of guests. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • How she felt so unseen and out-of-place, like the silence that fills the void of unspeakable words.
  • Millions of pounds worth of paintings are left unseen in the art gallery vaults because there is not enough display space.
  • Last night being Saturday, Big Brother wasn't on at 10 pm - it was the weekly omnibus with ‘unseen’ footage.
  • It's a pride that comes across most potently in a beautifully staged scene where Stanley listens unseen while his sister-in-law denigrates what she calls his animalistic, subhuman behaviour. Brandon Sun Online - Top Stories
  • Suffering ex-servicemen are everywhere, but largely unseen. Times, Sunday Times
  • A portrait bust of George Gershwin is shown on a pedestal, and dance music emanates from an unseen source.
  • Hereward could not help remembering the traditions which were recounted by the fathers of his tribe, in the deep woods, of Hampshire, and which spoke of invisible huntsmen, who were heard to follow with viewless horses and hounds the unseen chase through the depths of the forests of Germany. Count Robert of Paris
  • Simultaneously, faith also helps believers deal with present unseen forces that threaten.
  • My cigarette smoke is miniscule compared to the pollution that clings to our innards and outers from factories and traffic and from the unseen dangers caused by radio waves or electricity.
  • But he had been criminally negligent and should have foreseen the strong possibility that he might end the life of his unseen human target. Times, Sunday Times
  • What had actually happened was that she had encountered an unseen, unmarked washout across the road more than three feet wide.
  • Musicians scuttled between a cattle pen at the front of the stalls and the unseen stage rear. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many international genre films remain unseen or get very limited exposure in this part of the country. MIFFF Debuts In Seattle | SciFi UK Review
  • For me, a performance is in front of a microphone, over the radio, to an unseen audience.
  • The main physical feature of the hill are the two great corries which are gouged out of the eastern flanks of the hill, the dark side of the mountain which is relatively unseen, and unfrequented.
  • And if we fail to produce this constellation of past and present, the past will remain but a negative, unseen, unread, and unredeemable.
  • This time your efforts won't go unseen. The Sun
  • Out in the open, the hunter is a sitting duck for unseen wild animals.
  • A large, leather blind was fixed over its head so all it could do was squeal and grunt, plus strike with a forehoof at any unseen humans trying to touch it. Deuces Wild
  • The jungle surrounds us on every side: a wall of green which hums with the buzz of cicadas and a million other unseen insects.
  • There were materialists who wholly denied the existence of that unseen spiritual cosmos of transmigration.
  • Many a flower is born to blush unseen
  • All around the courtway were flower-boxes in the windows; down below, the fountain cheerfully bubbled and gurgled, and from clear off in the unseen rumbled the traffic of the great city. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • The daylight that penetrated the depths illuminated a hitherto unseen and strange world.
  • An unseen director appeared to be propelling her downstage left, towards her predecessor. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • And that allows social problems to fester and grow unseen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Love is a fire which burns unseen.
  • Mathematics tends to be invisible, unseen, yet we build our lives and our technology upon it.
  • Love is a fire which burns unseen.
  • What's unseen is what the shopkeeper would have done with the money had the vandal not broken his window. Hurricanes and Broken Windows, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Unseen in the wild night, the occasional wisp of smoke drifted among the trunks.
  • You don't brush it away and allow it to approach again, this time unseen. Times, Sunday Times
  • In its supposedly classless society, it is the ability to speak English which acts as an unseen filter separating the winners from the losers, the haves from the have-nots.
  • Its most immediate effect was upon unseen chemical happenings inside cells.
  • On land, an unseen cicada had begun its shrill noise.
  • The evening really belongs, however, to the unseen Kieve who can make inanimate objects skim through the air, and who finally has Gary Wilmot as a choric tramp locked in a trunk only to reappear seconds later at the back of the stalls. The Invisible Man – review
  • The doors to the deck were shut against the weather so she thought she could get ashore unseen.
  • Neither realized that they were puppets dancing at the end of strings held by an unseen hand. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I suspect they were 'dined' at a fancy restaurant and shown these brochures and, like many others, bought the property sight unseen. Stories
  • Derelict London is a strangely beautiful gallery of the obscure and unseen places in the great capital - one of the most original and talked about sites of 2004.
  • Two excellent texts guided the discussion of slave activities as ‘seen but unseen.’
  • 'unseen hand' was at work to 'jettison' the truth in the sensational case. Latest News Online - Express Indian
  • The codfish backed me up at every step, and other codfishes swam the green sea, with hats doubtless brought from unseen coral caves. Set in Silver
  • And sitting here surrounded with roses and with that languorous lilt in her ear, Crystal felt as if she too were under the influence of some unseen Mesmer, who had lulled the activity of her brain into a kind of wakeful sleep even while her senses remained keenly, vitally on the alert. The Bronze Eagle A Story of the Hundred Days
  • Then an unseen computer effects some kind of razzle-dazzle and selects nine of the 14 marks to compose the skater's scores; even the judges don't know whose scores went into the final tally. Starr Gazing: The Problem With Figure Skating
  • Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heartthe music of the ripples.
  • The centre of the ring, which is 12 billion miles wide, is offset slightly from the star, suggesting that gravity of unseen planets is dragging it askew.
  • Conservatives tend to thrive on a sense of besiegement, a belief that they're surrounded on all sides by enemies seen and unseen who must be destroyed.
  • It was as black as anthracite and dense with stars, like gems flung upwards by some unseen hand. RESCUING ROSE
  • Her dark russet hair was tied back, and her soft brown eyes were concentrated on some unseen thing.
  • Astrometry can also detect small wobbles in the motions of stars that may reveal unseen companion stars or large planets.
  • But there were also signs of things to come: recordings of scantily clad ladies, violence, spectacles such as parades, and “unseen” sights, like dancing American Indians, or everyday life captured in “exotic” locales of East Asia, or in Mexico. The English Is Coming!
  • Baudelaire the poet has a special daimonic vision insofar as the poet has insight into the daimon described by Hesiod as unseen by the one being influenced.
  • I shall not divulge the shocking ending lest one judge the whole movie sight unseen, which could be fatal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Stead began moving his hand down the leg. At each probing pause I mentally named the unseen bone: radius, carpus, metacarpus. Firehorse
  • The previously unseen footage is equally revelatory.
  • Over the crest of the hill they entered what was in effect an ambush, walking into'a hurricane of machinegun fire from unseen positions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen unsaleable in the world.
  • Appropriately titled Hiding In Full View, Alison Watt's recent paintings focus on swathes of lyrically convoluted fabrics that appear to screen unseen depths of melancholic reverie. This week's new exhibitions
  • He must somehow increase the profile and standing of groups of volunteers whose role in prison life is largely unseen and unsung. Times, Sunday Times
  • As if I had witnessed the disintegration of a previously unseen object. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • The machine took flight and landed on its skis and continued to be piloted by some unseen force toward a cropping of baby trees further down the slope.
  • It features a referee giving an unseen player a red card. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the switch is thrown, an unseen power will attack his nervous system and he knows the pain will be unendurable. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • Something unseen may be working itself out. Christianity Today
  • Gibney and Ellwood have transformed 100 hours of raw unseen footage into archival verite; using actual film to tell the story. Cynthia Ellis: Ken Kesey Rides Again in Magic Trip
  • Answering the unseen interviewer, three peasant women reply, matter-of-factly, yet smiling, "I'm not sure what happiness means."
  • I had the strong sense of an unseen presence in the room.
  • The aim was to creep, unseen, up-current of a target ship and release the mines. American Connections
  • It moves out of my reach, as if some unseen hand has pushed the cigarettes away from me.
  • He must choose a "pir," or spiritual guide who may represent the Unseen Mystics and Saints of Islam
  • And, in this brainish apprehension, kills The unseen good old man. The plays of William Shakespeare. In fifteen volumes. With the corrections and illustrations of various commentators
  • He was killed by a single shot from an unseen soldier.
  • Not what stands above ground, but what lies unseen under it, as the root and subterrene element it sprang from and emblemed forth, determines the value. Paras. 1-24
  • The trees and bushes around her began to rustle and the water began to ripple again, like some unseen being was swimming.
  • Unseen powers are crossing their meshes here around us, -- and, what am I-- Powers? The Bride of Fort Edward
  • And there was all that talk of war, war against an invisible enemy, an unseen speck on a parched landscape.
  • I would be leery of committing my company to employ hundreds of Indian workers, sight and skill unseen.
  • But nothing's worse than driving into an auto repair shop, sight unseen, and being fleeced.
  • I took the bus to the neighbouring parish and told an unseen, unknown priest all that had happened.
  • And that allows social problems to fester and grow unseen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unseen birds sang in the trees above us.
  • And beneath this thick canopy the unseen deep would literally "boil as a pot," wildly tempested from below; while from time to time more deeply seated convulsion would upheave sudden to the surface vast tracts of semi-molten rock, soon again to disappear, and from which waves of bulk enormous would roll outwards, to meet in wild conflict with the giant waves of other convulsions, or return to hiss and sputter against the intensely heated and fast foundering mass, whose violent upheaval had first elevated and sent them abroad. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • I did kick against an upjutting rock here, and fall upon a great and unseen boulder there, and so was shaken very quickly to a sound knowledge that I trode the hard and actual earth; and had no true dealings with unreal matters. The Night Land
  • Static warfare prevented observation of anything beyond the front line by ground forces, which could not hope to outflank the enemy to observe unseen.
  • The voice of an unseen stage-hand called thunderously to an invisible "Bill" to commere quick. Jill the Reckless
  • In Rupert Brooke the inspiration of the call obliterated the last trace of dilettante youth's pretensions, and he encountered darkness like a bride, and greeted the unseen death not with a cheer as a peril to be boldly faced, but as a great consummation, the supreme safety. Recent Developments in European Thought
  • Mice move about unseen in the space between floors and ceilings, using ducting for electric cables and water pipes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The exam consists of an essay and an unseen translation.
  • Unseen in the Vancouver dugout, manager Jack McKeon barked commands into a transmitter.
  • But unseen is the loss of whatever would have been done with the money instead of replacing the window. Economic Attribution Error, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Astrometry can also detect small wobbles in the motions of stars that may reveal unseen companion stars or large planets.

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