
How To Use Unseal In A Sentence

  • It was a plain white envelope, unsealed and unmarked in any way.
  • Mr Horner testified that the potted meat had been supplied unsealed but wrapped in brown paper and sold to several people, none of whom fell ill.
  • his doom is as yet unsealed
  • Vice Chancellor Donald Parsons , who ordered the unsealing, said Mr. Hurd faced "irreparable harm" if the letter was made public before he had a chance to plead his case before the Delaware Supreme Court. Fight Over Hurd Letter Drags On
  • A separation and drainage layer, of a coarse-grained material such as sand, can be constructed to isolate the unsealed pavement from the underlying saturated soils.
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  • According to police affidavits unsealed two weeks after the fire, other residents told police that McLeod had talked about burning down the building earlier that night and bragged about having "torched" it afterward. Barre/Montpelier Region
  • I was not suggesting that these rationales necessarily would be released unsealed and underacted nor that they would necessarily be sufficient for court review in the released version. The Volokh Conspiracy » Fascinating Interview with DNI McConnell about New FISA Legislation:
  • The police described finding Mr Islam, Mr Afzal and Mr Kazi handling unsealed postal ballots in a deserted warehouse in the city.
  • He handed a small metallic round canister to Adam and put another to his mouth after unsealing it.
  • He enclosed a letter with the parcel, keeping it unsealed so as to put in stamps for its possible return. THE OPEN DOOR
  • On Friday, a Miami-Dade circuit court judge unsealed a 2007 confidential settlement agreement where KPT agreed to pay Banner $557,000 to replace defective drywall with the condition that Banner "not make statements regarding any perceived or actual smell or health risks relating to Knauf Tianjin plasterboard," to any firm, person, or news media outlet. Documents Shift Attention to Manufacturer in Drywall Case
  • Once the bids are unsealed, that is not something that can be replayed," said Abid Qureshi, a lawyer for secured lenders. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Those who wished to participate were provided with a questionnaire package in an unsealed envelope.
  • I unseal the hatch and am met with another burst of cold air.
  • The letter is "unsealed," but it just sets on the porch -- no one wants to accept its contents. Chuck Gutenson: Yellow Ledbetter's War Commentary?
  • Alan reached inside his pocket and pulled out an unsealed envelope.
  • Earlier this month, he won a stay of the unsealing decision, which means no outsider will see the letter until the Delaware Supreme Court decides the appeal. Fight Over Hurd Letter Drags On
  • It's brown, approxi-mately twice as long as it's wide, unsealed. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Madison opens the unsealed envelope and removes the single sheet of paper inside.
  • I asked him to now unseal his deck of cards, discard the jokers and any advertising material, and I told him I'd do the same with my own new deck of cards.
  • Each volunteer took turns unsealing the predictions, which were then given to the mayor to be read.
  • It was a ritual that we in Ireland became familiar with in recent years, as streets were emptied of cars, drains and manhole covers were checked and sealed, snipers were put on rooftops and in all unsealed windows.
  • I look forward to "unsealing" more records, (personal & governmental), so that general citizens have more information on which to decide how elected officials and government operate on their behalf. Sound Politics: Dotzauer Divorce File Hearing
  • However, the bays and taxiways were unsealed and unsuitable for the operation of aircraft; in the wet season they would be completely inaccessible.
  • Though this envelope was never unsealed, three Post employees acquired skin anthrax from handling the letter, which seemed to spread skin anthrax to anyone who touched it.
  • How about if 2,000 will die if the tunnel floods unsealed?
  • Kjarian turned, lifting his arms so as to unseal the door.
  • The findings herein have importance to maintenance practices for unsealed roads.
  • I had spoken as if Lyle could at some future moment be ` unsealed " - recovered, reclaimed, rejoined. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Any smooth flooring supplied unsealed should be sealed for use in a bathroom - instructions are supplied by the manufacturer.
  • The ritual was complete. The gift was unsealed. The lesson was coming.
  • Stack writes that when two Mormons have their wedding "sealed" for eternity in the temple, Monson said, that unsealing or canceling this "is the saddest and most discouraging responsibility I have. Prophet to Mormon men: Put a ring on it
  • His tool kit includes equipment for unsealing and resealing envelopes, miniature microphones, and wiretapping equipment.
  • The Feds today unsealed the charges, which were initially handed down last week by a federal grand jury in New York.
  • Beyond Mt. Hagen, however, the road is unsealed and single carriageway as far as Tari.
  • PSD are far too frequently pities for their poor investigative skills and the fact that they keep their exhibits in unsealed bags under their desks … no property management system, just loose on the floor, obviously. on December 1, 2009 at 4: 45 pm 24/7 Inspector The Stereotyped World of WIN. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • His tool kit includes equipment for unsealing and resealing envelopes, miniature microphones, and wiretapping equipment.
  • They all unsealed their helmets and opened their visors.
  • The next step is the hearing next Wednesday [May 17], which involves some sealed documents and whether they should be unsealed, which is our view. Breaking the Law?
  • ‘I saw plenty of ballot papers with crosses on them and I saw unsealed envelopes that were of A5 size,’ one of the constables said later.
  • Getting a sympathetic judge to "unseal" a political opponent's divorce papers and publicizing any weird or dirty details therein has been Obama's very best trick to winning elections these past few years. Latest Articles
  • Realizing that the Theban king has made a terrible mistake after speaking to Teiresias, Creon unseals the cave too late to save the girl.
  • Have successively held the posts of unseal technician of plant of empty cent facility, engineer, assistant factory director.
  • They all unsealed their helmets and opened their visors.
  • Any contract that has a seal after the name of the signer is a sealed contract, and every other is called an UNSEALED, ORAL, or VERBAL contract. Up To Date Business Home Study Circle Library Series (Volume II.)
  • Lebanon is girding for the unsealing of indictments by a U.N. tribunal in the case of Hariri's murder, which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah and maybe also the Assad regime. Don't Bank on Beirut
  • The mystery over the rumors concerning Kirk's private life, when now combined with his lies about 'unsealed' divorce files that are not in fact 'unsealed and remain secret, raise grave questions about Kirk's judgment, integrity and fitness to be a candidate for statewide office. Senate Guru: Mark Kirk and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Summer
  • Coughing and spluttering, I reached up to unseal the airtight locks on the compartment.
  • Wilpon had opposed making it public while settlement talks with the trustee were ongoing, but agreed to an unsealing after the talks broke down. NY Mets Owners Hit With $300 Million Madoff Lawsuit
  • Soon after Frederick left Finnardi unsealed the envelope.
  • As for Israel, the fall of Mubarak - and the unsealing of Egypt's border with Gaza - pose a security disaster equal to the destruction of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq. Why the Mideast revolts will help al-Qaeda
  • The place seemed as an open tomb, an unsealed sepulcher, a deathly resting place, quietly awaiting corpses to crowd its halls and fulfill its purpose.
  • Kirk claimed that his Virginia divorce files were "unsealed" and open to the public. Senate Guru: Mark Kirk and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Summer
  • ‘The use of 4x4 vehicles and trail motorcycles on unsealed routes is considered inappropriate and discordant.’
  • One man testified that the potted meat had been supplied unsealed but wrapped in brown paper and sold to several people, none of whom fell ill.
  • The system utilized a screw-threaded plug which, by being screwed and unscrewed vertically at the rear of the barrel, sealed and unsealed the breech for loading with powder and ball.
  • Her voice overflows with unsealed emotion and verbal excess.
  • We've got to unseal all our sealed indictments and make arrangements to pick up everybody we've named in them. BLACK EAGLES
  • Somewhere in those 80 million pages or in the military archives that current Guatemalan president Álvaro Colom has promised to unseal is the evidence that could finally bring Ríos Montt and his cronies to justice. John Feffer: Not-So-Magical Realism
  • He unsealed the letter
  • Indeed, the morning the verdict was unsealed, I had announced what was in the envelope.
  • She then proceeded in unsealing the second letter.
  • Gas could leak from the unsealed core, while working in water could also result in leakage.
  • Pushing a pram over the unsealed roads and carrying a billy of milk was quite an adventure.
  • The place seemed as an open tomb, an unsealed sepulcher, a deathly resting place, quietly awaiting corpses to crowd its halls and fulfill its purpose.
  • I dropped the other articles of paper on the counter top, while I opened the unsealed envelope.
  • Another 12 team reps are in the studio and won't know the results until the envelopes are unsealed.
  • Great Sandy National Park (Fraser Island Section) is not presently listed as claimable under the Act. A network of roads and tracks exist, with approximately 1,000 km of unsealed sand tracks and 44 km of gravel roads, most of which are ungazetted and established originally for forestry purposes. Fraser Island, Australia
  • Madison, WI (OpEdNews) October 11, 2007 – According to James H. Fetzer, founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, on September 12, 2007, the day after the sixth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC), Federal Judge George B. Daniels of the Southern District of New York signed a court order "unsealing" a 9/11 complaint filed by Dr. Judy Wood against the National Institute of Standards and Technology on April 25, 2007. 9/11 Scholar files "Qui Tam" lawsuit against NIST
  • He states that He has "unsealed" this "Wine", thereby disclosing spiritual truths that were hitherto unknown, and enabling those who quaff thereof to "discern the splendours of the light of divine unity" and to "grasp the essential purpose underlying the Scriptures of God". The Kitáb-i-Aqdas
  • Plant workers told inspectors that pressure in the tank should have been zero, but ‘spiked’ just before the attempt to unseal it.
  • Other matters that had been on today's agenda included requests by the U.S. Attorney's Office to have Loughner submit handwriting samples; a request by defense attorneys to bar release of Bureau of Prisons records on Loughner; and motions by The Arizona Republic and 12 News to unseal search warrant materials and documents that have been filed under seal to date. Suspect in Tucson shooting pleads not guilty
  • His tool kit includes equipment for unsealing and resealing envelopes, miniature microphones, and wiretapping equipment.
  • The next witness, Edward Newcomb, who had also been party to the fraud, further described the forging of election documents and the placing of McClellan tickets in unsealed envelopes.
  • The bee sequence involves two of the stranded characters being encased inside the cell of a honeycomb, with the effect of sealing the cell being achieved by filming the cell being unsealed and then running the film backwards.
  • It took a while to unseal the boulder from the entrance but he managed to move the thing out of the way.
  • By the mid 1970s, the antiquated well canales of Mykonos were also finally "unsealed" for renovations. American Chronicle
  • The blue asbestos was completely exposed and unsealed when the coaches arrived in the interior department.
  • And first he laces to his feet the shoes of gold that bear him high winging over seas or land as fleet as the gale; then takes the rod wherewith he calls wan souls forth of Orcus, or sends them again to the sad depth of hell, gives sleep and takes it away and unseals dead eyes; in whose strength he courses the winds and swims across the tossing clouds. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • Judge refuses to unseal testimony in Polanski case Entertainment News: Celebrity gossip blogs, photos, videos & stories
  • If we sent our letters in unsealed envelopes then anyone who gained possession of the envelope would be able to read its contents.
  • To maintain confidentiality, participants received the questionnaires in an unsealed envelope, which they then used to seal their responses upon completion.
  • It clearly says on it that it will self-destruct some time after you unseal the package.
  • To unseal and develop students' capacity, teachers design series of examples to discover problem and strengthen important assure, which are directed by teachers and completed by students .
  • New York's Gambino crime family might have hit a new low by allegedly introducing underage prostitution into its operations, authorities say, but just as shocking to some was the appearance of a female among the list of defendants in a federal indictment unsealed Tuesday. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Wednesday, April 21, 2010
  • Madison opens the unsealed envelope and removes the single sheet of paper inside.
  • According to court documents unsealed last week, some of the Russian agents spent more than 10 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars schmoozing American academics and policymakers, glad-handing for little more than casual gossip and shoptalk. Russia’s Spy Game
  • Police found the trio handling unsealed postal ballots in a deserted warehouse in the city during a late-night raid in June 2004, the hearing was told.
  • The study also found there to be a number of existing practices in unsealed road design and maintenance which are environmentally unsustainable.
  • unsealed goods
  • Problems range from garages which are too small for their cars, to cracked ceilings, inadequate loft ventilation and unsealed cavity walls.
  • So at the end the police had managed to persuade James into letting his mother unseal the envelope.
  • After rumbling along various obscure roads (some sealed and some unsealed, reminding me why it's not a good idea to clean the car just before a country drive) we decided that heading to the nearby You Yangs would be a good idea.
  • Otherwise, all you have to represent the church are the officious suits in the conference room overly concerned with recording devices and coldly "unsealing" her from her family and church for all eternity. Undefined
  • Do not try to "unseal" the door by using a hair dryer, cigarette lighter, ice pick, screwdriver, propane torch or portable heater. Philadelphia Business News - Local Philadelphia News | The Philadelphia Business Journal
  • the letter arrived unsealed
  • With a headlamp as his only light, Maslyn unseals an environmental door to reveal what he calls an easy entrance tunnel - half a meter wide - the size of a dinner platter. Cavers Explore Mysterious Hidden Wonders
  • Judge refuses to unseal testimony in Polanski case - USATODAY. com Judge refuses to unseal testimony in Polanski case
  • “J” pennibs, obtained from same department of same firm: an old sandglass which rolled containing sand which rolled: a sealed prophecy (never unsealed) written by Leopold Bloom in 1886 concerning the consequences of the passing into law of William Ulysses
  • Note & report any voting equipment that is unsealed, that is taken out of public view or w/o 2 pollworkers of different parties being present. OpEdNews - Diary: Voting Day Open Thread-- Post reports, observations, Thoughts Links
  • James then turned the envelope over to the back and started unsealing the last bit of the unseparated paper.
  • I'm going to need you to unseal the security you've no doubt got on the back room.
  • The FBI indictments are to be unsealed today, which will once again excite the many people who likes to confuse the word “indictment” with “conviction.” Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » Leading Off
  • Somewhere in those 80 million pages or in the military archives that current Guatemalan president Álvaro Colom has promised to unseal is the evidence that could finally bring Ríos Montt and his cronies to justice. John Feffer: Not-So-Magical Realism
  • Tina took one glance at the unsealed den and unslung her crossbow, ‘Whoever's in there come out with your hands up!’
  • Each student received an unsealed envelope containing the measures.
  • We've got to unseal all our sealed indictments and make arrangements to pick up everybody we've named in them. BLACK EAGLES
  • I think that, given that McCain is whining about his military record being "denigrated", he should be called upon to have those records unsealed and released. McCain Campaign Accuses Obama Camp Of Coordinating With Webb To Attack McCain

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