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How To Use Unsavory In A Sentence

  • If anything he is a decent copper and he'll usually only collar unsavoury characters. The Sun
  • Once again we appeal to these unsavoury people to please stop this silly nonsense.
  • The other aspect of her conservatism which seems most unsavoury today is her hostility to feminism.
  • It was a pretty unsavoury incident. The Sun
  • Some were caked with layer upon layer of old food, others burbled ominously with fresh unsavory indelicacies.
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  • Eminent French aviator ordered to the ground and sent home for conspiring with unsavory babu to smuggle undesirables to Katmandu, which is forbidden territory! Jimgrim
  • It was an unsavoury situation for us and I am very disappointed in it.
  • And what opponents of the United States could not be delighted that the current administration, in the name of unrealizable ideals, has made a project of destabilizing the whole world by abandoning friendly countries and allies because it is too delicate and self-concerned to tolerate that they are at times unsavory? Memorial Day Beyond Stone and Steel
  • This path dependency has created a foreign policy where the U.S. props up unsavoury governments which they destruct only years later.
  • With this in mind, 'climategate' - the scandal over hacked emails by prominent climate scientists - looks sinister rather than just unsavory. Information Liberation
  • The CIA says it is confident of being able to screen out unsavory or disloyal applicants.
  • She was a woman who had been described as a grifter, and who had been involved in various unsavory activities. CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2008
  • But there is something unsettling about the menacing threats which have accompanied the protests, a taste of which was unveiled in the unsavoury scenes outside Parliament.
  • We were planting some seeds together in her small backyard when she turned to me in confusion and asked if we could actually eat these food plants if they touched unsavory dirt.
  • Being one of my company's IT representatives, it would have been my unsavory duty to tell Elizabeth that her spiffy new phone was not permitted on company premises.
  • Content Advisor, which provides a way to bar kids from unsavory Web sites.
  • Although the historical characters that make up the cast are a pretty unsavory crew, all thoughts of murder, mayhem, and matricide were still in the future when Agrippina plotted to make her son, Nero, Rome's emperor.
  • The man adores me for goodness sake… how can I taint the way he feels about me by making such unsavoury noises and smells in his company?
  • Some of his commissions have some pretty unsavoury characters with shady pasts.
  • To my shame a reputation bent or maimed defamed the image staid, and disrepute disgraced my case, plagued with infamy and ill repute, a name ablaze by imputation as a most unsavoury reputation won or lost or never claimed. Reputation Never Claimed
  • The whole thing is a little bit unsavoury but is the least-worst outcome.
  • BRIGHTON must have almost forgotten the unsavoury taste of defeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are also two rather unsavoury technical details that must be considered. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to legally avoiding taxes through the use of loopholes, there is also the unsavory problem of illegal tax evasion.
  • Next came reports of unsavoury incidents involving flight attendants and other staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Some of the people visiting the house are very unsavoury characters,’ she said, speaking in 2003 when the Evening Press first exposed the brothel.
  • Since she was a child, Elliott has loved the outdoors, so she's used to braving unsavoury weather conditions.
  • That might have been me, I thought, alarmed by the unsavory jealousy welling up inside.
  • As it plays out in the context of the film, this metaphorical scenario leads Alex into troublesome emotional territory with friends, colleagues and more unsavoury characters.
  • Manufacturers regularly added chalk to bread and more unsavoury unnatural ingredients to other foodstuffs.
  • People are always trying to rid their body and house of the unsavory smells of meat.
  • Then Johnny "Rooster" Byron Mr. Rylance emerges from the trailer, does a line of coke, smokes a joint, downs more alcohol than any mortal could ever consume; you get the picture of one unsavory dude who will and does imbibe anything. Regina Weinreich: Jerusalem on Broadway: No Trip to the Holy Land
  • The eye-catching poster, memorable title and unsavoury reputation of this nasty little flick have kept it alive in the minds of movie goers for decades.
  • Second, Chinese official aid to unsavory governments in order to lubricate OFDI contracts raises governance and humanitarian concerns and, therefore, hackles among developed country governments. StephenGoldsmith: FDI with Chinese Characteristics
  • The sport has long been associated with illegal wagers and unsavoury characters.
  • Eerie sounds emit from the dark, gabled building just about 50 meters from her bedroom window, from which she peeks and stares, trying to decipher what unsavory shenanigans are being committed over there.
  • Do you agree with the author that his dismemberment was an attempt to purge himself of "unsavory" thoughts and deeds? The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester: Questions
  • However, I forgive him for having the courage to go after some rather unsavory plot developments, no holds barred, and not flinch from the nastier things his protagonists do. Is it just another children's story that's been declawed?
  • Upon entering my MIL's house we noticed a huge bowl on her dining room table with unsavory looking brown water and a slimy kind of grayish white thing floating in it. George Burns Had It Right - SpouseBUZZ
  • Not to mention chassidm and even rebbes associated with even more unsavory things, so that there has to be glatt food in prison for the heimish criminals, and so on. Your Moral Leader
  • In the morning when I arose, I found my hoofes shriveled together with cold, and unable to passe upon the sharpe ice, and frosty mire, neither could I fill my belly with meate, as I accustomed to doe, for my master and I supped together, and had both one fare: howbeit it was very slender since as wee had nothing else saving old and unsavoury sallets which were suffered to grow for seed, like long broomes, and that had lost all their sweet sappe and juice. The Golden Asse
  • The whole thing is a little bit unsavoury but is the least-worst outcome.
  • According to Rodriguez, this kind of pileup can lead to a host of unsavory health problems. Brownsville Herald :
  • A large, yet relatively clean city, it carried a certain benevolence that took it a step above its more unsavory neighbors.
  • Yet, that unsavoury incident enlivened the game. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bright fluorescent lighting, self service, general uncleanliness and unsavoury smells are all part of the attraction and charm.
  • He references unsavory baseball aids used through the years - doctored balls, corked bats, amphetamines - and tries to claim them as precursors to steroid use.
  • ‘Some of the people visiting the house are very unsavoury characters,’ she said, speaking in 2003 when the Evening Press first exposed the brothel.
  • So to the traditional medical approaches of bleeding sick patients nearly to death to rid them of undesirable ‘humours’ Willis added unsavoury concoctions of semi-toxic metal salts.
  • Annie is living in an orphanage run by Miss Hannigan, a mean-spirited unsavoury character.
  • But when India's comptroller and auditor general reported in November, just a few days after Obama's visit, that mobile phone operators had been undercharged nearly $40 billion for allocations of 2G frequency bands in 2008, and leaked telephone conversations suggested the existence of an unsavory nexus among politicians, business and the media, the national mood really soured. India's mood darkens as corruption undermines nation's self-confidence
  • Generations ago Dysarts had been shot very conventionally at ten paces owing to this same debonair resistlessness; Dysarts had slipped into and out of all sorts of unsavoury messes on account of this fatal family failing; some had been neatly winged, some thrust through; some, in a more sordid age, permitted counsel of ability to explain to a jury how guiltless a careless gentleman could be under the most unfortunate and extenuating appearances. The Danger Mark
  • Reader's warning: this article uses unsavory language and is not recommended for virginal ears.
  • These books keep a moral background while revealing the more unsavoury side of certain characters.
  • The unsavoury football history between the two countries at both club and international level makes crowd trouble extremely likely.
  • Some were caked with layer upon layer of old food, others burbled ominously with fresh unsavory indelicacies.
  • Dogs evidently scare birds away unintentionally by their rowdy and unsavoury behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unsavoury reputation of the place as a drug-peddling hub could be one reason.
  • His has been a career of excesses and extremes - two Majors victories to showcase his rare ability, but too many unsavoury moments.
  • His behaviour was legal, if unsavoury, and has, as far as I can tell, absolutely no relevant bearing on his candidacy, unless he's campaigning on a platform of outlawing exhibitionism.
  • Although outsiders view the pairing as sordid and unsavoury, the couple cling together, finding solace in this unlikely romance.
  • The club has an unsavoury reputation.
  • Some of his commissions have some pretty unsavoury characters with shady pasts.
  • As it plays out in the context of the film, this metaphorical scenario leads Alex into troublesome emotional territory with friends, colleagues and more unsavoury characters.
  • After a while they could smell something really awful and soon had a lot of unsavory brown slop swishing around their feet, as the bag had ripped apart and the waste material had melted from the heat.
  • Google "miniskirt" today and unsavoury material will crop up on the first page. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • If whoever bought it had an unsavoury reputation it wouldn't do much harm to the seagulls or Brent geese.
  • So to the traditional medical approaches of bleeding sick patients nearly to death to rid them of undesirable ‘humours’ Willis added unsavoury concoctions of semi-toxic metal salts.
  • Forces of religion and nationalism can be rapidly mobilized by governments, however unsavory, against even well-intended invaders.
  • The eye-catching poster, memorable title and unsavoury reputation of this nasty little flick have kept it alive in the minds of movie goers for decades.
  • We were planting some seeds together in her small backyard when she turned to me in confusion and asked if we could actually eat these food plants if they touched unsavory dirt.
  • Apart from the slightness of the story, however, the real disappointment is that the movie teaches a vaguely unsavoury lesson: you can't give up a fine catch just for love - it needs to be for money and love.
  • It could also include activities that harm the environment, involvement with unsavoury regimes and testing of products on animals. Times, Sunday Times
  • But together they present a sordid picture of a man who used his status as a minor celebrity to seduce a bevy of women, often in unsavoury circumstances.
  • But there is something unsettling about the menacing threats which have accompanied the protests, a taste of which was unveiled in the unsavoury scenes outside Parliament.
  • I find that I can't say much about this to Gill, beyond agreeing that our increasingly unsavoury reputation is one that our politicians and parts of our culture undoubtedly deserve.
  • He ordered me to start using lanolin cream on my breasts, unsavory as it may seem. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
  • Besides a rack for kitchen utensils, there is only a stand on which are six large brown dishes with food for sale — salt shell-fish, in a black liquid, dried trout impaled on sticks, sea slugs in soy, a paste made of pounded roots, and green cakes made of the slimy river confervae, pressed and dried — all ill-favoured and unsavoury viands. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • A few unsavory types hung at the far end of the long dark bar, and a couple of sharks were playing pool in the side room.
  • There are also two rather unsavoury technical details that must be considered. Times, Sunday Times
  • The salad was unsavoury.
  • Most likely the stranger is just one of those unsavory fellows who waylay innocent travelers and such, and does not wish to be known to us.
  • It is very unsavory (Scottice: wersh); and no matter how much one may eat, two hours afterward he is as hungry as ever. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
  • True though it is that Roy Cohn was an unsavory piece of work, what do we learn about him from being told by Louis that he is "a polestar of human evil … the worst human being who ever lived"? Seven Ways of Looking at 'Angels'
  • There were many people who disliked Charles and who made unsavoury insinuations about his private life, but Maria knew that behind the raffish exterior existed a tender, sensitive man.
  • A more unsavoury set of characters and stories is hard to imagine. That noise you hear is the sound of millions of TV sets being turned off every time it comes on while the kids are in the room.
  • In the early hours of each morning you had to tread with caution, because spillage was common and the air was often filled with a rather unsavoury perfume.
  • While doing so he delivered a warning about unsavoury characters and departed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heads turned as I sped headlong towards the front doors, and I attempted not to make eye contact with any of the unsavoury characters who haunted the shopping centre.
  • The club has an unsavoury reputation.
  • The man adores me for goodness sake… how can I taint the way he feels about me by making such unsavoury noises and smells in his company?
  • After a while they could smell something really awful and soon had a lot of unsavory brown slop swishing around their feet, as the bag had ripped apart and the waste material had melted from the heat.
  • There were no jeers, no boos ; no songs of an unsavoury nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can't help thinking that if Chuck were alive, he would have handled this unsavory, unneighborly encounter much better than I, for he was an expert at defusing tense situations.
  • St. Clair is an unsavory fellow, and his desires are not likely to appeal to a man of honor," replied Ellis, with a short, bitter laugh. Hagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice
  • An unsavory regime, probably, a threat to conquer major portions of the globe, not likely.
  • On the Sunday before an election, the windshields of churchgoers at fundamentalist churches will be papered with fliers alleging something unsavory about a candidate.
  • Annie is living in an orphanage run by Miss Hannigan, a mean-spirited unsavoury character.
  • The church's only stipulations were that the original unsavoury title, Graverobbers From Outer Space, be changed, and that the entire cast and crew be baptized in a Hollywood swimming pool.
  • And as parents or guardians of young people it's important that we stay aware of what's happening out there, no matter how unsavoury.
  • The same practice of self-protection is evoked in locations where tour guides take tourists from Hong Kong and China to unsavoury haunts which arrange live sex shows.
  • In literature and drama lessons there is an increasing exposure to unsavoury material and language.
  • And it was diagrammed in most unsavory strokes the manner in which a mere bug, "vibrated up" to untenable proportion and lacking the volition of a higher creature, must be paired with a human to become an effective hybrid; further, it recorded of towns laid waste by the man-bug hybrids. Perquampi
  • This month, British Sandwich Week coincides with National Smile Week, which raises the unsavoury prospect of a full seven days of being gurned at by people with their gnashers coated in egg mayonnaise.
  • All manner of unsavoury genies have been released from bottles in which they slumbered quite safely; they are not easily returned.
  • Another shop in our village has been the easy target for a robbery by some unsavoury characters.
  • Content Advisor, which provides a way to bar kids from unsavory Web sites.
  • All the books under review rightly qualify this unsavoury reputation with mention of Afghan hospitality. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I donned your assassin's hoodie, shanking various unsavoury noblemen and escaping via precipitous rooftop parkour.
  • I was exposed to a lot of unsavory things at a very young age, but till today I think it still fascinates me how I handled them. What are the Children Listening to?
  • The sport has long been associated with illegal wagers and unsavoury characters.
  • Given how many unsavoury boxers populate the world of boxing, it was great to have a world champion untainted by any scandal - and British to boot.
  • Apart from the slightness of the story, however, the real disappointment is that the movie teaches a vaguely unsavoury lesson: you can't give up a fine catch just for love - it needs to be for money and love.
  • Bright fluorescent lighting, self service, general uncleanliness and unsavoury smells are all part of the attraction and charm.
  • On either of these unsavory dishes, with a biscuit and a glass or two of Rhine wine, he cared not how sour, he called feasting sumptuously. Stories of Authors, British and American
  • The fears of a night of chaos appeared to have been averted and, despite a few unsavoury scenes, it looked like a corner had been turned. The Sun
  • Mentioning it as a disease which is generally acquired under unsavory, but avoidable, circumstances and you are suddenly a mocker of dying children.
  • The Queens Street car park, near to Tavistock Street, has a bit of an unsavoury reputation locally and many owners are reluctant to park there.
  • The church's only stipulations were that the original unsavoury title, Graverobbers From Outer Space, be changed, and that the entire cast and crew be baptized in a Hollywood swimming pool.
  • The two major characters personify nearly every unsavory characteristic inherent in human nature.
  • Yesterday's verdict - delivered far quicker than prosecution team members anticipated - brought to an end the unsavoury saga of the Fuddruckers nightclub stabbing.
  • The world, in short, inclines to appear an ill-lit mine, wherein one quarries gingerly amidst an abiding loneliness (as with Pope and Ufford and Sire Raimbaut) -- and wherein one very often is allured into unsavory alleys (as with Herrick and Alessandro de Medici) -- in search of that raw material which loving labor will transshape into comeliness. The Certain Hour
  • Afterwards, many unsavory characters had started frequenting the place, finding it a perfect spot for their less than legal activities.
  • My impression is that you have an unsavory combination of spurious regression and multilinear overfitting, creating quite a unique witches brew, the statistical properties of which are not understood by the authors. Rutherford et al [2005] Collation Errors « Climate Audit
  • There's something unsavoury about tax exiles. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could also cover pollution, involvement with unsavoury regimes and animal testing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who knows how many unsavoury and criminal characters are here now because of them. The Sun
  • Time had come to plan for the day she'd no longer want to sleep on the ground, swing a pulaski or argue with violent unsavory types. Excerpt: Deep South by Nevada Barr
  • The tar descended in warm and sluggish streams, trickling over my forehead, dropping from my eyelids, rolling over my cheeks, sealing my mouth, gluing my ears to my skull, identifying itself with my hair, pursuing the path indicated by my spine beneath my shirt, -- in short, enveloping me with a close-fitting armor of a glutinous and most unsavory material. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 47, September, 1861
  • an unsavory reputation
  • The unsavoury reputation of the place as a drug-peddling hub could be one reason.
  • The sight of royal blue encouraged many snide remarks from staff and customers alike; though unfortunately this was nothing compared to the unsavoury heckles in regards to my facial decoration.
  • Whether they will be allowed to evict their unwelcome, unsavoury, tenants, from belfries and elsewhere, is another matter.
  • Then the damning evidence piled up and his journey from superstar to common cheat proved as swift as it was unsavoury.
  • To get it, she opened her doors to a number of unsavoury characters who might have been better left outside. CHRISTINA QUEEN OF SWEDEN: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric
  • In the early hours of each morning you had to tread with caution, because spillage was common and the air was often filled with a rather unsavoury perfume.
  • The sport has long been associated with illegal wagers and unsavoury characters.
  • The problem is, on screen I look like an unsavoury character let loose at the monument. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was the most chilling aspect of this entire, unsavoury incident. The Sun
  • It was an unsavoury situation for us and I am very disappointed in it.
  • Our Saviour had before taught how necessary it was for him that would apply himself to Christ and his religion, to weigh and consider things beforehand, how great and difficult things he must undergo, lest when he hath begun in the undertaking he faint and go back; he apostatize, and become unsavoury salt. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • I find that I can't say much about this to Gill, beyond agreeing that our increasingly unsavoury reputation is one that our politicians and parts of our culture undoubtedly deserve.
  • How is it, then, that a man so unequivocal in his own yardstick for cultural superiority in all things, despite admitted unsavoury elements, suddenly equivocates like a fox when asked about censorship?
  • Dogs evidently scare birds away unintentionally by their rowdy and unsavoury behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • ’ ‘That which I know, ’ quoth Sancho, ‘is that I felt a little unsavoury scent, somewhat rammish and man-like, and I think the reason was because she had sweat a little doing of that exercise. The Fourth Book. IV. Of the Pleasant Discourses Continued between Don Quixote and His Squire Sancho Panza, with Other Adventures
  • Heads turned as I sped headlong towards the front doors, and I attempted not to make eye contact with any of the unsavoury characters who haunted the shopping centre.
  • Then the damning evidence piled up and his journey from superstar to common cheat proved as swift as it was unsavoury.
  • The Queens Street car park, near to Tavistock Street, has a bit of an unsavoury reputation locally and many owners are reluctant to park there.
  • an unsavory scandal
  • A more unsavoury set of characters and stories is hard to imagine. That noise you hear is the sound of millions of TV sets being turned off every time it comes on while the kids are in the room.
  • There were no jeers, no boos ; no songs of an unsavoury nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • The salad was unsavory.
  • Another shop in our village has been the easy target for a robbery by some unsavoury characters.
  • There were no jeers, no boos ; no songs of an unsavoury nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe his mother's unsavory lifestyle explained his reluctance to return to Telarosa. HEAVEN, TEXAS
  • Nearly 1,000 cameras are monitored from an undisclosed location, yielding reports about unsavoury activity to police and nightclub bouncers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A documentary about this addictive stuff called paan which is sold at roadside stands in India and which is regarded as an unsavory but common habit. I need more ears because I’ve discovered podcasts «
  • The unsavoury episode continues to maintain great interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yesterday's verdict - delivered far quicker than prosecution team members anticipated - brought to an end the unsavoury saga of the Fuddruckers nightclub stabbing.
  • Come now Jeff, as a well-known boofhead with an unsavoury reputation for bullying – Archive 2007-06-01
  • Millwall were knocked out of the Carling Cup by Liverpool amid unsavoury scenes both on and off the pitch.
  • After months of in-fighting between FIFA's rulers when football's name was sullied by unsavoury allegations, the top players have proved that ultimately the game is all about them and the fans.
  • Filtering systems generally search for keywords on web pages or e-mails, examine images to identify human skin tones, and monitor domain names and server addresses to screen out those considered unsavoury.
  • The extra police on duty dealt with the unsavoury incident efficiently and the match proceeded without interruption.
  • Agbonlahor would prefer to draw a line under the unsavoury incident. Times, Sunday Times
  • An unsavory regime, probably, a threat to conquer major portions of the globe, not likely.
  • These books keep a moral background while revealing the more unsavoury side of certain characters.
  • People are always trying to rid their body and house of the unsavory smells of meat.
  • The world, in short, inclines to appear an ill-lit mine, wherein one quarries gingerly amidst an abiding loneliness (as with Pope and Ufford and Sire Raimbaut) -- and wherein one very often is allured into unsavory alleys (as with Herrick and The Certain Hour
  • It was a complex and unsavoury arrangement whereby a price was put on each prisoner's head. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many houses were infested with mice, flies, and other unsavoury creatures.
  • How she had bridled at his unsavory opinion of her.
  • The decision, which reverses defense attorney Sam Adam Jr. 's opening promise to jurors, means an early conclusion to a trial that has revealed years of high-level wheeling and dealing that the prosecution labels racketeering and the defense calls Illinois politics as usual -- unsavory, perhaps, but hardly criminal. Lawyers say Blagojevich won't testify at corruption trial

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