
How To Use Unrelenting In A Sentence

  • British summers mean we get rain, wind, sun, snow and frost all in the same week but our winters are just so glum, no blizzards just unrelenting dankness.
  • Jersey political shtick stand-up at the Democratic National Convention; the arena that bore his name has gone through several different corporate sponsors since, and is currently a severely brand-infected assaultively unrelenting advertising-delivery module - in which basketball is still played, sometimes - sponsored by Izod. Can't Stop The Bleeding
  • Our intellectual culture demands that every idea or phenomenon be subjected to the unrelenting rigour of rationalism, or excesses of scientism.
  • Pigs are innocent victims of a cruel, unrelenting slaughterhouse industry.
  • In the packed public gallery, Mrs Humes's family, who had glared with unrelenting hatred at him during the hearing, were in tears.
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  • Eventually the brief day begins to feel unreal, an illusory comfort for those who cannot take the unrelenting darkness.
  • Despite sometimes being quite sensible (as Mr. Kenney is trying to be on citizenship, refugees and immigration), it's members of the Frat Pack who are immediately off the mark with the kind of perfervid rhetoric that goes with the Conservative communications strategy: unrelenting partisanship and obsessive control of information. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • So it's kind of cool for me to think of myself as someone who's unrelenting and controlling of situations.
  • The responsibility for unrelenting global crisis and hardship lies more appropriately with a rudderless global financial system drifting hopelessly without a solid anchor.
  • He had been unrelenting with his plan and given no heed to the young lieutenant he had talked to.
  • The noise, monotonous and unrelenting, brought him back to consciousness.
  • Opprobrium from the terraces and beyond was unrelenting.
  • One would expect the relentless cacophony of vulgarities and the unrelenting evocation of disturbing mental images first to shock, then to have a numbing effect on the audience.
  • The Department of Community Affairs is Florida's last line of defense against incessant, unrelenting efforts to overbuild and overdevelop our communities. Stories
  • While most pregnant women face moderate stress, a smaller slice have unrelenting, chronic strain.
  • This was due to poor buildings, old machinery and accumulation of mental and physical fatigue because of the unrelenting nature of the activity.
  • A wonderful message indeed, considering that Mr. Sullivan himself was the chief architect of that inquisitory foray, which he pressed unrelentingly. What Sarah Palin Doesn't Know
  • The midfield pairing provided Rangers with a dynamic, unrelenting sense of purpose.
  • If she did nothing else right now she would tumble backward and hit the hard, unrelenting ground head first.
  • For a place dependent on tourist spending, the unrelenting determination to turn paying customers away is simply beyond rationality.
  • With such a cultural diversity, the meal is a mouthwatering blend of Asian, Italian, Indian and American treats that push the stresses of the hospital to the side and tightens the bonds between colleagues used to unrelenting stress. Kari Henley: Family Meals: The Forgotten Ritual
  • He looked at me, and though his tone appeared unrelenting, I thought I detected a subtle expectation in his expression. BETTER THAN THIS
  • The weight of the oleaginous air they were breathing lightened perceptibly, while the nearest sphacelated fungi seemed to recoil from the unrelenting cheerfulness, a perception that turned out to be anything but imaginary. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • What the committee saw in fact was a course which stood up remarkably well to the almost unrelenting rain.
  • It had been huge, whirling, powerful, unrelenting, with a perpetual fury against anything and everything in the world.
  • Though her book is unrelenting, it is also unignorable. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A part of him refused to entertain the notion that when he reached its edge, he would be confronted by miles of unrelenting desert sand.
  • The Washington Post reports that the wave of violence continued unrelentingly on Thursday.
  • A major factor in determining the outcome was the unrelenting political opposition in the highest quarters.
  • We, the undersigned, wish to express to you our grave concern about the ongoing and unrelenting nature of the crisis in the country.
  • In most circumstances, they are honest mistakes made by writers and editors under the pressures of strict deadlines and unrelenting workloads.
  • She will be remembered as an unrelenting opponent of racial discrimination.
  • Not that it was silent; we would not call it mere silence, that brooding and impenetrable darkness charged with doom unrevealed, which is now our silent night, unrelenting to lonely watchers. Waiting for Daylight
  • The Cold War expressed the unrelenting military and economic pressure that the US exerted against the Soviet Union in its drive to reconquer those territories that had been lost to capitalism.
  • Accordingly, disruptions resulting from human influence combined with unrelenting and lethal antipathy have created an impoverished environment that may not sustain surviving wolf populations into the future. Chris Genovali: The Death Cults Among Us
  • Instead, I'll yabber on about how I enjoyed an extremely hedonistic weekend that was so unrelenting I had to neglect writing entries here for two whole days.
  • The result is a short outro that is just as charming as ‘Runaway’ proper is unrelentingly glorious.
  • His letter to Leghari was unrelenting in its condemnation.
  • In the years thereafter Barr kept up an unrelenting criticism on what he considered slipshod thought among biblical theologians and scholars.
  • He was driven by an enormous ambition and unrelenting ego, making him a living symbol of black self-determination.
  • Polyester leisure suits gave way to polyester tank tops, while feathered Farrah Fawcett hairstyles wilted in the unrelenting airlessness. Editorial: A Clone Too Far | Obsessed With Film
  • The Democratic machinery is unrelenting in going after Palin because it is so easy to do. Palin's PAC forced to correct FEC filing
  • And his cauliflower ears, toothless grin and boneless nose are testimony to his unrelenting quest for simulated perfection.
  • He was driven by an enormous ambition and unrelenting ego, making him a living symbol of black self-determination.
  • The confluence of atypical price spikes, enormous and unrelenting equity extraction, huge churning, and risky late-cycle borrowing terms assure the coming proliferation of underwater homeowners.
  • From beginning to end, it is just unrelenting, one of the hardest courses in America.
  • The co-speaker was Layton Blanchet, one of those iconic, antithetically mixed personalities the American South has produced unrelentingly since Reconstruction. The Glass Rainbow
  • The bougainvillea were an explosion of purple, pink, crimson, and all the shades in between, in the bright, hot, and unrelenting sun. Nomad
  • But the word was not yet spoken which was to undam the pent-up torrent, and bear down with unrelenting vengeance upon the now exulting columns of the enemy. The Ontario Readers: The High School Reader, 1886
  • Not even my occasional corporate consulting was good enough cover for my unrelenting commitment.
  • He looked at me, and though his tone appeared unrelenting, I thought I detected a subtle expectation in his expression. BETTER THAN THIS
  • The diseases of the body explain themselves by their increase; we find that to be the gout which we called a rheum or a strain; the diseases of the soul, the greater they are, keep, themselves the most obscure; the most sick are the least sensible; therefore it is that with an unrelenting hand they most often, in full day, be taken to task, opened, and torn from the hollow of the heart. The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 15
  • In unrelenting, agitated pain, he would wake in the night, delirious, frantic, covered in perspiration. ISAAC CAMPION
  • In July 1932, after thirty months of unrelenting work, Mrs Bryant had persuaded him to book in for a fortnight at Polmayne's Antalya Hotel. THE MAIN CAGES
  • Jordan's unusual mix of hard graft, unrelenting energy and ability to source funds ensured the team's survival.
  • There can be no flubs or hesitations as both men say many lines together, in exact unison, to an unrelenting rhythm.
  • A part of him refused to entertain the notion that when he reached its edge, he would be confronted by miles of unrelenting desert sand.
  • This is the world Elphie encounters as she moves from a life at Shiz University to one of unforgiving and unrelenting segregation.
  • That's just over a year since the dedicated York warrior turned professional in the unrelenting and unforgiving arena of Thai boxing.
  • He was driven by an enormous ambition and unrelenting ego, making him a living symbol of black self-determination.
  • She was in charge; humorous, good-natured, but unrelenting. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • But there is still only one BuzzFlash: unchastened, unapologetic, and unrelenting in its pursuit of justice.
  • ‘I don't cope well with the unrelenting demands of professional rugby,’ he said then.
  • This time the chase would be long and hard and unrelenting.
  • The pits furnish a bit of counterpoint crudity to Ms. Bontecou's unrelenting elegance: The lumberyard red ends of the pine two-by-sixes are left showing, and a hacksaw blade lies, as if forgotten, on top. Abstract (Semi) and Phantasmagorical
  • In addition, however, the speaker's unrelenting hyperbole draws attention to the incredibility of his praise of the Sidneys.
  • The vision of grinding poverty, crime, and corruption that it presents is unrelentingly grim.
  • She established her authority with unrelenting thoroughness.
  • Which is exactly how I would have put it, happy as I was to discover these books, too, after so many years of unrelenting cheeriness and pointless plot-iness and overweening cutesiness and, as Phoebe suggests, way too much sugar. Jenny Rosenstrach: Daniel Handler's Summer Reading List
  • It was a cool, unrelenting wind and in places it had scoured the sand from the bedrock and the quartzite gleamed beneath it as white as bone. The Crossing-Place
  • With unrelenting precision and distinct overtones of mockery, Tolstoy dissects the notion that men dictate events.
  • The other problem is the musical score of the film, which thunders and sighs unrelentingly.
  • In a session, the pace is fast and unrelenting – a very good exercise in organizing and prioritizing tasks, working with others (in projects) and learning to do things more and more efficiently as there ‟ s not enough hours in a day, especially when you want to squeeze in some social activity. UCLA and National University of Singapore
  • It was described by one visitor as a "spare, sunless, almost shabby cubicle, as unrelentingly masculine as the lifelong bachelor who occupies it."
  • In the face of severe opposition and unrelenting criticism, the task seemed overwhelming.
  • He was unrelenting in his pursuit of legal mandate.
  • Since women's clay-to-day experience of irritating and offensive usage is unrelenting, this is obviously problematic.
  • Since the Vietnam era, he's been an unrelenting critic of US foreign policy and this book's no different.
  • People who are unrelentingly vilified tend to end up cold and hard.
  • Simpson was known as the Iron Man in his playing days and was a tough, unrelenting prop.
  • While we are renewing last year's faded overall tans, the well-soaked British Columbia landscape will be progressively repainted in photogenic velvet green; emerald variations brushed onto sky-reaching cedars, ground-dwelling ferns and stubborn mosses by the tempests of winter wind and unrelenting rain. Nogales, here we come
  • If there is a criticism to be made, it is that the album is rather unrelenting in its pace, deadening the impact of the later songs.
  • She will be remembered as an unrelenting opponent of racial discrimination.
  • For millennia, Earth had served as an arena, the battleground for an unrelenting conflict between the forces of heaven and hell.
  • "I don't cope well with the unrelenting demands of professional rugby, " he said then.
  • Gnawed within and scorched without, with the infixed, unrelenting fangs of some incurable idea; such an one, could he be found, would seem the very man to dart his iron and lift his lance against the most appalling of all brutes. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • She was the only woman in the homicide unit, and already there hadbeen problems between her and another detective, charges of sexual harassment, countercharges of unrelenting bitchiness.
  • The German efforts were unrelenting, as they were looking for a major coup - and PQ17 was the prize.
  • As night fell, still the backmarkers persisted - ordinary people of all ages and backgrounds went on and on, some running, others shuffling and others walking, the body resisting, the mind rebelling, the inner battle unrelenting.
  • In July 1932, after thirty months of unrelenting work, Mrs Bryant had persuaded him to book in for a fortnight at Polmayne's Antalya Hotel. THE MAIN CAGES
  • He was unrelenting in his pursuit of legal mandate.
  • The unrelenting need for accuracy led to a psychological condition known as dartitis. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you want your Shakespeare in hock to unrelenting beats, populated by pimps and gimps, blow-up dolls and globetrotting MC crews - and performed with more zest than a casement of lemons - this is the transatlantic hiphop party musical for you. Funk It Up About Nothin' - review
  • She will be remembered as an unrelenting opponent of racial discrimination.
  • Unrelenting and pitiless in their quest for fun, they snuff out their torches and shout louder while walking upon the poor squire.
  • No wonder then that the players, especially the home team, felt tense because spectators were unrelentingly severe on players who did not perform according to expectation.
  • The Brazilian wilderness provided images for nature in its ferocious, unrelentingly brutal aspect.
  • But aside from the occasional wobble in his unrelenting vampirophobia, he's a bit… one-dimensional.
  • If this all sounds unrelentingly grim I promise you it isn't.
  • The absence of unrelenting selling pressure may eventually stabilise land prices and stem the deterioration in balance sheets.
  • Unrelenting tosh, it mixes dodgy accents with over-ripe dialogue, hammy performances and the kind of pell-mell pace that leaves little room for subtlety or reflection.
  • The brown waters of the tidal Thames rise to the abrupt, rock-armoured base of the sea wall, topped by an unrelenting five-foot-high concrete fortification and a long, landward, manicured grass slope. Country Diary: Canvey Wick, Essex
  • Improbable as it may seem — the tide of serial-killer dramas that TV writers churn out has been unrelenting — the L & O episode about the killer of 19 young women managed a raw suspensefulness, thanks to nimble plot complications involving DNA evidence and a mesmerizing performance by Terrence Howard in the role of Deputy DA Jonah Dekker. The Perps Keep Coming
  • Packed wall to wall with hammer head chords and unrelenting adrenalin filled feel good tuneage.
  • It looks like Hillary's unrelenting campaign of latent racism and demonizing Obama – unethical claims of victory and scapegoating of Obama as supressing votes in MI and FL – while pumping up on testosterone to morph into the most macho candidate since Regan is a formula to win her margin over the short term. Gary mayor: 'This should all be over shortly'
  • When the Nationalist Party won on the slogan of apartheid, "baaskap," then the moment to deal with this problem in a tough and unrelenting way had arrived. BLACK REACTION TO APARTHEID, 1948-1973
  • The couple were a Calvinist pastor of the most unrelenting kind and his equally intransigent spouse.
  • She was in charge; humorous, good-natured, but unrelenting. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • His unrelenting disagreeableness he sometimes tended a local bar and would throw out friends who didn't spend enough makes this account somewhat less compelling that it might have been—you can dislike someone for the length of a magazine feature, but it requires real stamina to stomach Larry Hillblom through a whole book. Overnight and Underage
  • At sea, the punishing U-boat campaign continued, and the war in the Atlantic was cruel and unrelenting.
  • In the face of the unrelenting growth of global interdependence, there is a strongly felt need, even in the midst of a global recession, for a reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth. Archive 2009-08-01
  • It assaults the listener with an unrelenting powerhouse of guitars that has not dated, sounding as innovative and fierce as it did ten years ago.
  • Indeed, if you do not, I would suggest that most of the latter half of the book would be unrelenting in its dullness.
  • Yet refuge personnel have been unrelentingly doing all they can to help revegetate the remaining islands, with good results: brown pelicans and other birds have returned to nest successfully in recent years. Jamie Rappaport Clark: Coastal Refuges Face Destruction
  • In the face of severe opposition and unrelenting criticism, the task seemed overwhelming.
  • Two unrelenting weeks of grim art house movies will reduce the stoniest heart to jelly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Faced with a cruel and unrelenting system of numbers that mocked him, he invented a new one!
  • Natalia was struggling to contain herself, a torrent of emotions wanting to burst forth and unleash themselves with unrelenting mercilessness.
  • Once you get past this blemish, Minority Report is an unrelenting movie about the cruel uncertainty of both life and the future.
  • She made you the unrelenting, hard and cold businessman that they called iceman, today.
  • He believed their newly formed government should be strict, orderly, and unrelenting.
  • Pilate is out of his league as he faces Jesus' strong resistance, mysterious mercifulness and unrelenting compassion.
  • Throughout the essentially tender tale of the brothers reacquaintance, swamp-life in the lumber mill is unrelentingly savage.
  • In the unrelenting drizzle of budget minutiae about enterprise allowance credits and reliefs, here was a clean and simple New Idea.
  • It was not the simple pietism of the shtetl that they remembered; it was the unrelenting poverty and the violent revolutionary struggle that they recalled in their poetry. Yudica.
  • Vincent Hunter's film is as unrelenting and tough as the true meaning of loneliness.
  • The psychopathological of an diabolically is guinean on the boustrophedonic of the car parking birmingham it is unrelenting of, as toppingly as the loggia senecan of the bise that incessant it. Rational Review
  • On the other hand it is perpetually polluted, unrelentingly crowded, the weather is atrocious and the roads are horrific.
  • While much of what has unfolded this past month has no doubt helped build a safer environment for actors, much of the scrutiny -- the rush to judgment, impassioned and often ill-informed critique, unrelenting media attention - has also made it harder for those same actors to concentrate on their work. Barbie Zelizer: Let Broadway's Spider Man Finish What It Started
  • A poignant exhibition in the parliament building shows the mass murder, deportations, collectivisation, forced atheism and unrelenting propaganda inflicted on Lithuania under Soviet rule.
  • You're looking at a man with an unflagging passion for racing and an unrelenting will to win.
  • There are also enough indications that DVDs are here to stay - a thriving piracy market and unrelenting police crackdown, notwithstanding.
  • As a consequence of an unrelenting drawdown of fossil fuels, our species faces the daunting prospect of a transition from the overshoot phase toward collapse.
  • The novel received wide critical acclaim and Motley's harsh, unrelenting realism invited comparisons with Richard Wright and the revered naturalists Theodore Dreiser and Frank Norris.
  • First off, Frazier forced Ali to fight by applying fast and hard unrelenting pressure.
  • The world of business is a harsh and unrelenting one: a constant struggle for survival and profit in which the weak or the inflexible go to the wall.
  • The movie brilliantly brings out the A-student egotism of this unrelenting, literal-minded young woman.
  • This carceral city seems, superficially, reminiscent of the Utopia of unbroken visibility and unrelenting surveillance envisaged in Bentham's Panopticon.
  • But for my American palate, the combination of endive and frisée was too unrelentingly bitter.
  • The climb continued unrelentingly well into dusk all the way to the Sultana estate, where our second night's stay had been arranged.
  • The guerrilla campaign of mass violence continued unrelentingly on Sunday.
  • He had rendered an unrelenting battle against the social evils which was taken up by his disciples later.
  • Since the 1973 OPEC oil embargo, U.S. Presidents and congressional leaders have unrelentingly promoted energy independence.
  • Because Michaels is such an unrelenting artist – she bejewels every square inch – The Winter Vault ends up giving us everything but space. BookBrowse Previews April Books
  • Her book, which first appeared in French in 2008, combines three strands: a study of events; a detailed account of the social, economic, religious, cultural, political and administrative context of 12th-century Syria and Egypt; and an unrelenting investigation of what she calls the "discourse. The Crusaders' Favorite Muslim
  • Democratic machinery is unrelenting in going after Palin. Palin's PAC forced to correct FEC filing
  • Now that his destination was in sight, he could barely remember the rigors of the trail the rivers he and his squire had forded, the unrelenting pace he'd set for himself to get here in good time.
  • The reaction by its political opponents to this stand was one of savage and unrelenting hostility.
  • His breathing was frightful and the unrelenting ache in his legs grew harsher with every stride.
  • That and the unrelenting heat and undulations made for a tough cycle leg, which he completed at his pre-race estimated time.
  • The result is a poetry in which the physis and mnemosyne — rerouted through the Keatsian image — ventriloquize his (and, perhaps, our own) deep-seated desire for an existence unburdened by the rigors of philosophical discourse or by the unrelenting ironic awareness of its impossibility. The Voice of Critique: Aesthetic Cognition After Kant,

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