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  1. tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield
  2. not reformed morally or spiritually
    unregenerate conservatism
    unregenerate human nature
  3. unrepentant and incapable of being reformed
    an unregenerate criminal

How To Use unregenerate In A Sentence

  • Remembering some of the things Uncle Gib had said years ago in his unregenerate days when Lance was a child, he thought of the term casing the joint, and he thought of observing entrances and exits, ways of getting in and out. Portobello
  • If they refused the Saviour whom Paul preached, if they continued morally unregenerated, then the mere fact of being The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and Election
  • It is never clear how long any Doctor will remain unregenerated or who will come after him. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Gospel preaching is God's ordained way of reaching men and women, regenerate or unregenerate.
  • This ought not to be passed over without some animadversion; because this notion about the word "unregenerate" which many persons have previously formed, is no small cause why they think they must reject the opinion, which declares that this passage of The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • Anticipating Walter Rauschenbusch, who branded economics the unregenerate part of American society, a Methodist pastor in Philadelphia labeled the industrial world a ‘sinful,’ ‘Christless realm.’
  • To this unregenerate brute, Max might easily appear as an eco-freak. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • One friend, an unregenerate Chippewa heresiarch himself, commented, ‘They've sure got the right one this time.’
  • The unregenerate Manet felt that the fame, or notoriety, of a Garibaldi was not enough.
  • The only source of all troubles is the "unregenerated colonial economy," an anonymous extra-human entity of which even poor intellectuals changing into pesos their hard earned dollars are victims. Is Argentina Doomed?
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