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How To Use Unreality In A Sentence

  • He hardly comprehended what had been happening; the reality and unreality merged together like a nightmare or a melodrama.
  • To his surprise he didn't feel too weak. Light-headed certainly, and with a sense of unreality, but able to walk.
  • Her grand central doctrine of the "allness" of mind and the unreality of matter is a true copy of the "fantastic idealism" of the Gnostics. The Revelation Explained
  • It added an air of eeriness and unreality to the situation that made Joe feel sick to the pit of his stomach.
  • The unreality, we're told, is just for diversion - people understand the difference between movie posturing and the real world.
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  • She wrote: "To possess the world in the form of images is, precisely, to reexperience the unreality and remoteness of the real".
  • This displacement of reality through insistence on the unreality of the war becomes necessary to survive.
  • Enjoying stardom while shrewdly aware of its unreality, she was accessible, loyal, generous, with a pungent sense of humour.
  • It is useless to dub a Frenchman unreal and theatrical when he gaily carries his unreality and his perception of the dramatic to the lucarne of the guillotine and meets imperturbably the most real thing on earth, The Last Hope
  • The evil, disease, sickness and other imperfections that we see and experience, have no reality, _in reality_, but have an _existence_ in _unreality_. Within You is the Power
  • The air of unreality continued when Motherwell decided not to defend a Giovanni van Bronckhorst corner which Lorenzo Amoruso nutted goalwards from a narrow angle, with Wallace touching it into the net on the line.
  • This unreality is boosted by: (1) the plethora of television “reality” shows that suggest that success has little to do with anything but ambition, desire, and immorality; (2) educational institutions that punish those teachers who actually assess student performance realistically and who insist on results; (3) the increasing reliance on tests that measure assorted facts and basic intelligence, but not the ability to think and learn; and (4) greater and greater reliance on pleasing parents and students than upon imparting skills and the ability to think. The Age of Unreality « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Although this bold statement was watered down slightly during oral submissions it illustrates the unreality of the Local Authority's case on foreseeability.
  • In many ways, this movie is entirely unambitious and the ‘unreality’ element is such an old Sci-fi device that I expected it to deliver very little.
  • He does say though that the ‘stunts that wouldn't look amiss in a video arcade’ and he praises him for expertly applying ‘the cold douche of unreality’.
  • It is has a sense of heightened unreality, a deliberateness that gives the characters depth despite occasionally too-smooth dialogue.
  • No Kip, no Martinez, just me and my sensation of profound unreality coupled with crystal clarity.
  • It's a brilliant conceit, using its very unreality to replicate with chilling precision the fear and vulnerability of a situation in which none of us ever want to find ourselves.
  • It was not so clear a morning as the previous one, and a steamy wind on what at sea I should have called the starboard bow, as I pressed forward to the distant hill, had a curiously subduing effect on my thoughts, and filled the forest glades with a tremulous unreality like to nothing on our earth, and distinctly embarrassing to a stranger in a strange land. Gulliver of Mars
  • I mean how grounded in unreality (or how fickle) are these people? Vote now! Wine Person of the Decade [the Naughties] | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • He slung it out in vigorous quotations from his pulpit, point blank at the unreality, and formalism, and pharisaism, and love of this present evil world, which too often underlies the most precise "churchmanship" and the most punctual church-going. To My Younger Brethren Chapters on Pastoral Life and Work
  • Occasionally, some individuals say they have blurred vision, feelings of unreality, faints, blackouts or even epileptic fits.
  • These pictures, all very considerable exercises in the craft of painting, are, for us, tainted by an unreality which can seem pernicious.
  • His deepest fear was that he might confuse unreality with reality, whatever `reality" truly was. THE BROKEN GOD
  • There’s a familiar body of theory that holds porn is valued and consumed precisely because of its unreality — hence, absurdly proportioned women engaging in frenzied, decontextualized copulation with strangers, in scenarios that run the gamut from merely demeaning and objectifying to full-blown grand guignol. The Market for Penetration
  • Therefore of course Zoskie lives in unreality given that Raevmo has such a tight grip on his version. Carry-Over Thread
  • And particularly as a writer of the supernatural, I depend on those dream images to give a certain unreality to real-life situations – and to give a certain inevitability to my unreal situations. January 2008
  • Usually you will find me with my head in a book muttering at the unreality and anachronism in some flouncy, Austen thing.
  • The malware is in Unreality Mag's third party ad server - it's a rogue ad in rotation with regular ads, so you don't always see it, but if you visit Unreality Mag often enough, you'll find it. Top Ten A.I. Characters (redux)
  • It is useless to dub a Frenchman unreal and theatrical when he gaily carries his unreality and his perception of the dramatic to the lucarne of the guillotine and meets imperturbably the most real thing on earth, Death. The Last Hope
  • Adding to the sense of unreality was a semipublic spat Wednesday between U.S. Golf Looks for Its Lost Bearings
  • The falseness, the unreality of perpetually putting on a public face and concealing personal suffering have clearly taken their toll.
  • That sensation of disembodiment—pleasurable during a kiss, aversive when you first suffer the death of a loved one—is common in first experiences, as are feelings of heightened reality or unreality.
  • She recognized the symptoms: the fuzzy warmth, the sense of detachment, the strange air of unreality. CHAMELEON
  • More than anything else, this wretched film has about it an intense air of unreality.
  • To his surprise he didn't feel too weak. Light-headed certainly, and with a sense of unreality, but able to walk.
  • This lack of genuine relationships with other human beings is characteristic of the unreality of Capitol Hill.
  • Enjoying stardom while shrewdly aware of its unreality, she was accessible, loyal, generous, with a pungent sense of humour.
  • To his surprise he didn't feel too weak. Light-headed certainly, and with a sense of unreality, but able to walk.
  • Still, ideology scores high marks for the true believers who isolate themselves in a bubble of unreality.
  • Thoughts have some characteristics of fancy, of freedom, even of unreality, which are wanting to the prosaicness of heavy material things. The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps
  • The theme of unreality runs throughout his work.
  • And I totally have an essay in me for eventually about the characterization of violence -- from comic-book unreality to splatterpunk to cinema verite -- in the movie version of The Watchmen, and what it means thematically. Monkey? What are you doing?
  • Just as dreams do, memory makes me profoundly aware of the unreality, the evanescence of the world, a fleeting image in the moving water.
  • But the Church can keep 'needling' at some of the fundamental attitudes (just how did we get here, to a situation in which the unreality of a lot of our financial life simply spirals out of control?) University of Chichester, Lecture Question and Answer session
  • Everything took on a dreamlike sense of unreality, and faded into blackness.
  • There seems to be an air of unreality, as though the war were a million miles away.
  • In the immediate aftermath of a terrifying event, many people report a sense of unreality.
  • The utter falseness and deception that pervade the campaigns of the two parties have imbued the proceedings with an air of unreality.
  • No Kip, no Martinez, just me and my sensation of profound unreality coupled with crystal clarity.
  • Those who love kitsch and enjoy the unreality of stage musicals will adore the colours, because they're fully in bloom.
  • It is apparent that William Dudley and Ben Bernanke have succumbed to a common affliction among economists known as "unreality syndrome. For Americans Who Eat or Drive, Inflation Is a Reality
  • But they have about them an aura of unreality that leads one to ask, with added urgency in today's global climate of financial and political insecurity: Will the children in their charge, formed as they are by directing their own learning, be able to attend to anything that is "uncreative" and American Thinker
  • An air of unreality hung over the whole ceremony.
  • Since the death of William Granville a touch of unreality had crept into everything. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • People - and by no means professional philosophers only - often have experiences which they describe as astonishment at the fact of existence, awe in the face of 'Nothingness', apprehension of the unreality of the world or the feeling that whatever is impermanent must be accounted for by what is indestructible. Inside Higher Ed
  • In Washington, I'm not sure we have virtual reality, I think what we have up here is virtual unreality, which is a bad thing because it enables you to almost dehumanize problems and turn them into words and rhetoric and labels. President On Economic Plan Passage Anniversary
  • A subcategory consists of words that originally suggested unreality: fantastic, incredible, unreal, fabulous.
  • Through the dense fog of unreality that whirled over her, she tried to fathom how this could be. THE UNORTHODOX MURDER OF RABBI MOSS
  • No Kip, no Martinez, just me and my sensation of profound unreality coupled with crystal clarity.

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