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How To Use Unrealistic In A Sentence

  • They can sometimes recognize that their obsessions and compulsions are unrealistic.
  • Our analysis shows that proposed cost for the new highway is unrealistic.
  • Too many clubs seem to be spending ridiculous amounts based on projected incomes which are not just unrealistic but beyond the realms of fantasy.
  • It would be unrealistic to expect too much from the mission, based on a ten-day visit.
  • The term rapidly acquired a more general usage and is sometimes used to describe any non-specific unrealistic genre scene by English 18th-century artists.
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  • It is unrealistic to expect the young and naive to feel more responsibility for public expenditure than government does. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think it would be unrealistic if I quickly tried to make them friends within the time restraints of this story.
  • It may be a rather shallow and increasingly unrealistic kind of pash, but it's still there, still cooking away against all sense of reasonable expectation. Joe Cole has the talent and stage for a late-career flourish at Liverpool
  • The plan originally proposed was ruled completely unrealistic.
  • Many new left radicals of the 1960s came to see their hopes for radical social change in the near future were unrealistic. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • If words on a page can’t compete any more with a film as regards creating a completely detailed and filmically accurate presentation of a story*, then writers will start to look for what writing can do that cinema can’t, and try and get at the reality of their subject through using superficially “unrealistic” techniques. Cheeseburger Gothic » Friday writing blog: point of view.
  • The term rapidly acquired a more general usage and is sometimes used to describe any non-specific unrealistic genre scene by English 18th-century artists.
  • It can, admittedly, be hard to distinguish between being idealistic and being unrealistic.
  • But the evidence tells us that harbouring strong hope is unrealistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scheme is expensive, confused, unworkable and unrealistic.
  • What made the drama so compelling was its inexorability and its absence of hope, and a feelgood get-out clause would be lame and unrealistic. TV review: Public Enemies; The Fat Fighters; King George and Queen Mary: The Royals who Rescued the Monarchy
  • TY to everyone who wrote in about reminding people about this feature especially Megan from the Because I Read Twilight I Have Unrealistic Expectations In Men facebook group. Twilight Lexicon » MTV Awards Write In Campaigns
  • The first was that the projected rise in exports was unrealistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is unrealistic to expect that this will have no impact on your relationship. Coping with Stress at Work
  • It can, admittedly, be hard to distinguish between being idealistic and being unrealistic.
  • Demands for a picturesque and playable turf in place by tourist season make waiting for appropriate seasonal temperatures an unrealistic option for most turf managers.
  • But the evidence tells us that harbouring strong hope is unrealistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • That usually meant that his head was full of empty worries and unrealistic plans.
  • MEDICAL dramas are attacked by a doc who says they're unrealistic. The Sun
  • But their persecution complex is unbecoming because it is unrealistic.
  • For such patients, it may be unrealistic to mandate abstinence as a requirement for treatment.
  • But it is unrealistic to suppose that they will act without public stimulus.
  • But the women who gleam from the pages of the glossies set up unrealistic and hard-to-sustain goals.
  • How could these critics of Raphael's unrealistic depictions of the world turn around and paint endless pictures of Ophelia?
  • The first was that the projected rise in exports was unrealistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Variable and fixed costs are traditionally assumed to be linear. Describe why this assumption is unrealistic.
  • A Department of Justice spokesperson rejected suggestions the move was a political gesture which would prove unrealistic when challenged.
  • Their response, however, consists of a pathetic mixture of pious wishes and unrealistic hopes.
  • There are many who feel that the players are being completely unrealistic in their demands.
  • It favours social equality but accepts that economic equality is an unrealistic objective.
  • It is unrealistic to expect the young and naive to feel more responsibility for public expenditure than government does. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is unrealistic to expect them to be able to solve the problem immediately.
  • I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it.
  • It is unrealistic to expect these changes to happen overnight.
  • In fact, over the past few years, consistently close to double-digit inflation, high salary increases, and unrealistic property values have begun to threaten our future economic vitality.
  • As an avid opposer of terrorism, I hope this unrealistic adventure of Prabhakaran, who has been in the forefront of bloodshed in Sri Lanka in the name of creation of independent Elam, will give a lesson to the terrorist organizations world over to give up arms and return to main stream of life. Sri Lankan Army Captures Mullaittivu Town, the Last Citadel of LTTE
  • Forcing small businesses to take on the same costs and tax burdens as national retail businesses is unrealistic, unfair and will "unbalance the playing field" between giant retailers and small-business retailers on the Internet, Mr. Cohen said at Wednesday's hearing. Sales-Tax Measures 'to Cost Us Big'
  • Because of the current shifts and perhaps unpredictable forces in today's labour market, these demands may seem unrealistic.
  • So-called firewalls that would make sure the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing are unrealistic to say the least. WIL WHEATON dot NET: 1.5: April 2002 Archives
  • Businessmen with their suits and briefcases, mother's with their crying children and overstuffed luggage, it all seems so unrealistic.
  • TV and Hollywood do a good job of entertaining but often portray an unrealistic view. The Sun
  • The premise remains interesting, but the plot is cluttered with schemes and counter-schemes that seem unrealistic at best and pointless at worst.
  • A money moon blurs the line between being generous and making unrealistic promises. The Sun
  • What makes this hypothetical unusual and unrealistic is the unambiguously objective manifestation of intent in the advertisement.
  • Perhaps it was unrealistic to expect dramatic economic changes.
  • They can offer a completely unrealistic price. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was about faith, it was about feminism, it was about a lot of things, but ultimately, we were always showing that marriage was something valuable in a culture that often idealizes it in a spiritually unrealistic way or throws it away as a kind of disposable value, and I think we actually accomplished that. Big Love: A Series Finale Postmortem with Creators Mark V. Olsen and Will Scheffer
  • Most have an unrealistic idea of what they should look like as many celebs have had surgery. The Sun
  • The New Zealand Aquaculture Council believes that the provision is unrealistic and unworkable.
  • Sharon's long standing demand for seven days of total quiet has been so utterly unrealistic it boggles the mind.
  • This is incredibly unrealistic and not terribly conducive to the story itself.
  • Random flukes and quirks such as interlocked arms (which also leave you wide open) keep things spicy, but never feel unrealistic. Computer And Video Games
  • It's unrealistic, but that's beside the point - it's just good entertainment.
  • Identify and uproot irrational beliefs that lead you to place unrealistic demands on yourself.
  • In other words, health reform was a classic bait and switch: Sell a virtually unrepealable entitlement on utterly unrealistic premises and then the political class will eventually be forced to control spending. The Massachusetts Health-Care 'Train Wreck'
  • First-time investors have unrealistic expectations and little knowledge of the dangers inherent in backing young companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • This relationship was unrealistic, and doomed from the outset, came between Wilde and his art, and became his ruination.
  • But throughout the past half-dozen years there has been a stubborn tendency to flirt with unrealistic ambitions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Believe it or not, this was a pejorative term, implying unrealistic ambitions.
  • Religion is very important to many Americans as part of civic culture, and to pretend that government is completely uninvolved is quite unrealistic.
  • Some of our expectations about the speed of recovery of our emotions are totally unrealistic. Know Your Own Mind
  • SDN: By infiltration, or subornation of associates, or just not being an unrealistic and or naive person such as yourself. The Volokh Conspiracy » Assassination, Self-Defense, and the Koh Speech
  • The figures suggested by Trives are grossly inflated and completely unrealistic having regard to the exigent circumstances.
  • The lack of materials meant that teachers must either use lecture and recitation or spend unrealistic amounts of time scrounging for materials and planning creative lessons.
  • Believe it or not, this was a pejorative term, implying unrealistic ambitions.
  • Some in the medical establishment dismissed it as a manipulative, sentimental weepy and criticised it as unrealistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be unrealistic to expect such a process ever to be completed.
  • On what might seem an unrelated note, the performance of American stock analysts was woefully inadequate in ferreting out and making public the all-too-obvious weaknesses in the mortgage securitization field, and the greed of all too many institutional investors in seeking “quick and unrealistic profits” was a major factor in creating the circumstances that led to the mortgage meltdown and the current recession. Writing the Whole Enchilada « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • A retired paramedic today claimed that ‘unrealistic’ Government targets were forcing ambulance crews to drive unsafely so they get to 999 callouts within the expected time limit.
  • It would be unrealistic therefore to see implementation as an event but more as an ongoing process of experimentation and development.
  • A money moon blurs the line between being generous and making unrealistic promises. The Sun
  • But the Americans were quite unrealistic about the time needed for so difficult an undertaking. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • The project was probably doomed on the drawing board by an unrealistically ambitious plan.
  • As well as being badly written, it is too long, too vague, too pompous, too rhetorical, too unrealistic and too boring.
  • When he did acknowledge her existence he talked in dismissive and unrealistic terms.
  • It would be ideal if all sexual congress took place between consenting couples in love but unfortunately this is unrealistic.
  • It is unrealistic to expect the country to have the amenities that urban areas have.
  • Justice is utopian and unrealistic. Christianity Today
  • It was a false prospectus; they knew it was unrealistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Liberals are consoling themselves that incoming presidents often set unrealistic goals. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, over the past few years, consistently close to double-digit inflation, high salary increases, and unrealistic property values have begun to threaten our future economic vitality.
  • In Corean, we just say Hanguk or even refer to Choson, but changing the country's English name to those would be even more unrealistic than a simple letter change. RENAMING THE HAN.
  • One view sought the origin of the crisis in the abstract and unrealistic demeanour of the rapidly evolving, mathematised neoclassical theory that was incapable of answering important economic policy questions.
  • Of course, as in any stylized comedy, the characters are slightly unrealistic.
  • Since glow-worms, fireflies, electric eels and many fish exhibit a similar phenomenon, the statement is not unrealistic.
  • Rhetorical arguments, often unrealistically extreme, hold sway.
  • Many economists consider full employment an unrealistic goal.
  • Technology watchdogs and campaign groups such as Friends of the Earth and ETC Group initially called unrealistically for a total ban on synthetic biology, even though it lacked a workable definition. The Guardian World News
  • Those who cannot manage the unrealistic expectations of some parents should perhaps find an alternative career. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the disease model point of view, moderation of addictive behavior is an unrealistic goal for a true addict.
  • For instance, compared to depressed people, emotionally healthy people have an unrealistically rosy outlook.
  • The film is spoilt by unrealistic contrivances of plot.
  • Protected prices remain unrealistically high; businesses in the protected industry continue to offer jobs. Ricardo's Difficult Idea Eludes Wonks, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Indeed, the fiction of an Australia blithely indifferent to America is the single-most unrealistic aspect of the film.
  • Calls for the city to be even more continental are perhaps a bit unrealistic, she says.
  • Our analysis shows that proposed cost for the new highway is unrealistic.
  • People are unlikely to receive these maximum ambient exposures simply because it would be unrealistic to lie in the unshaded sun all day without moving.
  • There are many who feel that the players are being completely unrealistic in their demands.
  • We feel that we must conform to these unrealistic, fairytale like images.
  • It is unrealistic to believe perfection is an attainable goal.
  • Those concerns include problems such as gazumping, unrealistic guide prices, inaccurate property information and perceptions that ‘phantom bidders’ are employed to force buyers to raise their bids.
  • As many commenters have quite rightly pointed out, people are well capable of recognising other forms of entertainment as unrealistic; to somehow single out porn smacks of wowserism rather than any reasoned argument. - Comments
  • It would be unrealistic therefore to see implementation as an event but more as an ongoing process of experimentation and development.
  • Nor, given the prescriptive nature of franchise specifications, did it make unrealistic promises. Times, Sunday Times
  • The advertising industry has often been criticised for the unrealistic way it portrays women and older people and for failing to reflect ethnic diversity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our analysis shows that proposed cost for the new highway is unrealistic.
  • They are remote and unrealistic ivory-tower idealists, corrupt self-seekers, secret subversives, or simply too weak to resist villainy.
  • This simplified figure fails to show the interrelationship between those two processes and unrealistically diagrams the recombination as reciprocal.
  • Many critics have lambasted the female characters in his plays as two-dimensional and unrealistic portrayals of subservient women.
  • Imagine, an almost god-like blue penis who can: increase in size split image multi-task read his past and future teleport to anywhere in the universe stay in non-air atmosphere create protective-shields move objects probe human minds immaterialize himself destroy matter shoot ligtning anti-gravity also smart and intelligent can neither lead nor satisfy his wife unable to stay faithful to his woman cannot solve the world's problem with his power unable to stop or at least delay the cold war never even try to do something cannot handle his own emotions well has nothing better to cry than his own wife's cancer / accusations dare not face the reporters and public then betrays to kill his good friend who sided with him and used to fight with him cannot choose between proper right and wrong almost becoming a wimp hiding away in another planet wasting time away when people asking him for help had to rely on pretending to be the world's bad guy saving the world in his own convenient way he definitely fails as a hero then again, we know the Cold War ended without any nukes fired so the so-called "general good of man-kind" of killing millions to save billions is to serve what purpose other than evil itself? ya you may tell me the story was written during the cold war so the ending was an imaginative end to it but then as an audience, a person of modern time, i feel it is outdated and unrealistic about its ending, same feeling as watching War of the Worlds where the super-intelligent aliens die of bacteria its just how i feel, well batman may suck and has no power, but at least he tried.
  • Some people think that the idea of a fairy tale romance is unrealistic, that it sets too high a standard and leaves you feeling disappointed in real-life, workaday relationships.
  • To be fair, Miles was a genius and it is unrealistic to expect that sort of creative energy from anybody.
  • It is unrealistic to expect the young and naive to feel more responsibility for public expenditure than government does. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, a participation rate of 100 percent is unrealistic, given that participation rates for even the most open-handed European programs are well below this maximum.
  • Other managers emerged as intrapreneurs, applying emotion management to drive change, and this relaxed the unrealistic requirement that virtually every influential organizational actor must support and drive change.
  • Of course the loss of one life is too many, but it would perhaps have been unrealistic to wish for quite such a favourable outcome.
  • Remember that unrealistic goals only set us up for self-loathing and failure. Times, Sunday Times
  • | Reply if they want to curve piraracy they can start by not celling a round peice of plastic at nearly twice the price as another round peice of plastic say what you will about devlopment costs but honestly who would pay that much for it? and buying a new computer is unrealistic for some people because they buy parts not whole computers EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Vista Prices Made Official
  • I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it.
  • Which is to say, he gets caricatured as this far-out-there left-winger with totally unrealistic and crazy views because of the aforementioned atheism, a perspective still widely disliked and mistrusted by many Americans. Matthew Yglesias » The Costs of Ideological Correctness
  • Long-term playability is not a matter of extra features, such as a tournament bracket or puck colors, but whether the puck moves around in a realistic fashion, whether it takes skill or luck to get a goal, and if unrealistic puck movements spoil the fun. Macworld
  • Expecting any commander who is overly supervised in garrison to suddenly become an agile, adaptive leader in a field environment is unrealistic.
  • While her circumstances were certainly sad, it is quite clear that she was doomed more as a result of her unrealistic thinking, her internal state, than because of her unhappy externals.
  • Making a game unrealistically difficult will only frustrate a player.
  • Many economists consider full employment an unrealistic goal.
  • Mainstream economists, when faced with this knotty problem, reply that there is nothing wrong with using models with unrealistic assumptions - as long as the models accurately predict events.
  • It is unrealistic to put undue pressure on ourselves by saying we are the best.
  • We've already had too many near misses because of USDA's unrealistic, inaccurate and unscientific evaluation of the true risks of FMD, which is the most contagious disease known to cattle." encourages producers and consumers to urge their members of Congress to take steps to stop USDA from lifting essential FMD protections. OpEdNews
  • Most things that suffered from "overhype" actually sucked, rather than "couldn't meet unrealistic expectations", which is just a euphemism for sucked. Too much hype?
  • But medics say this is unrealistic. The Sun
  • Consumer watchdogs in York have warned residents to steer clear of emails making extravagant claims about unrealistic earnings.
  • Is it unrealistic to expect a holiday romance to last? The Sun
  • But if we carry on as we are, it will be frittered away on grandiose schemes and unrealistic projects.
  • There was one girl who longed, seemingly in an unrealistic way, to become a fashion designer.
  • It is unrealistic to suppose constitutional reform could ever be motivated exclusively by an unpolluted pursuit of the ideal, but the country deserved better than this. Constitutional reform: Alternative currents | Editorial
  • He promised to quickly tackle the ‘sensitive’ issue of ‘unrealistic expectations’ in levels of government services before they led to ‘disappointment and unreasoned hostility’.
  • When he did acknowledge her existence he talked in dismissive and unrealistic terms.
  • ‘It would be unrealistic and impractical to expect the HSA to provide a constant presence in every workplace,’ said Minister Kitt.
  • The city has unrealistic pretensions to world-class status.
  • But the idea of full-blown solar power stations is unrealistic in the foreseeable future.
  • Tom spoke unrealistically of getting a full-time job that paid an enormous sum.
  • The intention by the local authority to build 2 000 new houses is unrealistic.
  • Signing up to six players and offloading as many as ten in a single summer is probably unrealistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The advertising industry has often been criticised for the unrealistic way it portrays women and older people and for failing to reflect ethnic diversity. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a panel depicting Saint John in the Desert, logical proportion and perspective are disregarded, and colour is limited, unrealistically, to red and green.
  • But the evidence tells us that harbouring strong hope is unrealistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • It does not mean seeing the world through unrealistic rose-tinted spectacles. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • Now Coun Montaut has condemned the plans as being totally unrealistic and devastating for everyone.
  • The above analysis is based on an unrealistic assumption of perfect knowledge of future treatments.
  • Forecasts of its demise are based on unrealistically low economic growth estimates.
  • She expected - maybe unrealistically - to remain unidentified, and is now worried about the impact on her family, career and personal life. Craigslist personals trigger an unintended spotlight
  • This takes us back to the importance of irrational ideas and unrealistic expectations. Coping with Stress at Work
  • It's not just that the plot is unrealistic, it's that it simply doesn't work structurally.
  • If he does, Horne, who eschews unrealistic targets and makes no extravagant claims, will return home a contented man.
  • Family obligations, too much debt, unrealistic expectations, all of it can cause tension and stress.
  • Soon he would be back playing for Everton, and to a standard that had some wondering, unrealistically, whether he might even be recalled to the England squad.
  • The arguments by the erratic billionaire that automatic limits on congressional terms would create more efficient government are simply unrealistic.
  • These overoptimistic forecasts encourage savers to expect unrealistic bumper returns. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a scene of utter and complete stupidity, totally unrealistic and outside the honesty and accuracy previously depicted, the movie just self-destructs.
  • She expected -- maybe unrealistically -- to remain unidentified, and is now worried about the impact on her family, career and personal life. Chris Lee scandal: Yesha Callahan, the woman who met him on Craigslist, tells her story
  • It is unrealistic to ask rich students to love the spirit of poverty and live as the poor.
  • Its main drawback is that it is based on the unrealistic and simplistic assumptions of two countries producing only two goods.
  • He will resign if he is forced to accept an unrealistic budget he can not commit to.
  • prices at unrealistic high levels
  • Romeo and Juliet is definitely unrealistic in my opinion, but I will stop now, otherwise I will just blabber on about why I think it's not too good.
  • It is partly to do with unrealistic goals. Times, Sunday Times
  • the storyline is wildly unrealistic
  • The European Union's executive has proposed a new tax on bank transactions as the centrepiece of the EU's first €1trn budget, triggering a row with Downing Street, which dismissed the proposal as "completely unrealistic". 'Tobin tax' called for by EU in seven-year blueprint
  • It is unrealistic to expect these changes to happen overnight.
  • However, a participation rate of 100 percent is unrealistic, given that participation rates for even the most open-handed European programs are well below this maximum.
  • Much of the bond rally now is built on exaggerated fears of deflation and unrealistic hopes that the Fed will buoy the market by buying bonds.
  • There's something vaguely smug about a filmmaker crafting a wholly unrealistic portrait of America and then criticizing us for being as violent as the people in his movie.
  • his expectations were unrealistically high
  • It is unrealistic to think that anyone with a direct interest could in practice have brought that judicial review to expose unlawful acts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The questions raised by the uncountably infinite number of both unrealistic and implausible alternate viewpoints of diversity demand answers. Archive 2007-06-01
  • This has created unrealistic demands on women and has led to a divorce rate of nearly 50 percent.
  • Because of the recurrent nature of low back pain, talk of a ‘cure’ is unrealistic.
  • Indeed the large insurance groups et al which allow these unrealistic sums to be paid are in many ways making the UK less competitive by the year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Businesses have complained they are being forced to carry unrealistic floats in their tills to keep up with customers' demand for change to feed the meters.
  • His lefty politics had a bristling integrity, yet weren't so extreme as to be inaccessible or unrealistic.
  • Okay, so admittedly that may be a fanciful and unrealistic goal.
  • The arguments by the erratic billionaire that automatic limits on congressional terms would create more efficient government are simply unrealistic.
  • So long as no English king conceived the unrealistic ambition of conquering Scotland, there was no reason for that to change.
  • The lack of integration is partly attributed to the unrealistically low forward estimates of public expenditure outlined in the Government's first budget.
  • Isn't there something embarrassingly unrealistic about the fuss made over a couple of decent performances and acceptable results in recent days? Times, Sunday Times
  • The first half of 1990s was a boom period when prices were zooming even to ‘unrealistic’ levels.
  • There are individuals that have busted their butt in fabricating these items because some Manager has set unrealistic milestones and schedules but what did they get out of it nothing and a lot of them just quit or retired because they had enough. Trying To Spin The Facts - NASA Watch
  • It is also less likely to be hijacked by frivolous requests or by demands for unrealistically large quantities of material by one particular lobby group.
  • Krugman said the Real was priced "unrealistically" at current levels. MercoPress
  • This disjuncture between the process of ‘impersonal research’ and the ‘sudden intrusion’ of the historian's personality during writing is unrealistic.
  • I believe such dichotomies are misleading and unrealistic.
  • As in the console versions, you're also able to add top and side spin to the ball while it's airborne, which may seem a little unrealistic, but it makes the game more enjoyable.
  • Everyone here is a wisp of a person, broken down by time, unrealistic dreams, or their own personal TKO's.
  • With an abundance of crises and challenges do we have unrealistic expectations of our corporate leaders?
  • It does not mean seeing the world through unrealistic rose-tinted spectacles. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice

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