How To Use Unpremeditated In A Sentence

  • Then an unpremeditated confrontation developed - perhaps the people doing the tailgating took Mirecki getting out as a challenge or something - but Mirecki didn't put up much of a fight, and the assailants took off.
  • From the commedia dell'arte to Jackie Chan, the pratfall and other seemingly unpremeditated mishaps of physical humor have had a timeless appeal.
  • It was a careless, unpremeditated glance, one of those haphazard things men do when they have no immediate call to do anything in particular, but act because they are alive and must do something. Chapter 1
  • Referring to her essentially intuitive, unpremeditated process of creation, Panesar once described her as a ‘living collage‘.
  • In English Romantic Poetry and Prose, Russell Noyes enlarges upon Shelley's ‘profuse strains of unpremeditated art’.
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  • 26 As we argue in the conclusion of this paper, unpremeditated exploration applies not only to the caprice as the representation of architecture in painting but links the imaginary edifice to narratives of travel in the literary text.
  • I was glad Marcus had made little effort to arrange anything, because what was happening was so obviously unpremeditated. THE DISPOSAL OF THE LIVING
  • That colloquial use of the word “intuition” refers to an unpremeditated insight that just happens to turn out to be true. The Angels and Us
  • It's clear that the male has an immediate advantage to the dating game, merely in his unpremeditated approach, differing radically to the carefully scheduled and pre-rehearsed moves of the female.
  • He admitted one count of unpremeditated murder and one count of soliciting another soldier to commit unpremeditated murder.
  • His curiosity about my vision and experiences served to solicit my unscripted, unpremeditated and fairly stream-of-consciousness truth-telling commentary.
  • "This was not an unpremeditated attack, say the prosecution, and the Crown say this evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates there was cold calculation about the attack upon Mr Turner."
  • We blow hard against teenagers who have unpremeditated sex but do little to ensure they don't pass on their misfortune or mistakes to their own children.
  • It was that name which had precipitated his action, an unpremeditated, wilful and reckless action which had put them outside the law. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • In the same mood, Anonymous by Robert Flynn Johnson (Thames & Hudson £19.95) gives us 220 images by unknown photographers whose images are fresh and unpremeditated.
  • His longest chapter is devoted to the Irish insurrection of 1641, an unpremeditated but also disorganised, unfocused and bloody effort to improve property rights and secure religious freedoms.
  • asked an unpremeditated question
  • I can trust you to see that all these elaborate conceits (which seem imitated from the choice Italian manner, and which I confess have flowed from my pen quite unpremeditated and somewhat to my own surprise) are nothing but a shabby cloak under which I am trying to hide my own palpable laziness -- a laziness which even the higher affections can only render a little restless and uncomfortable, but not dispel. Familiar Letters of William James II
  • With a tired sigh, and with an impulsive movement all her own, unpremeditated, spasmodic, she rested her head upon his breast. Chapter 21
  • This use of our given names had come about quite as a matter of course, and was as unpremeditated as it was natural. Chapter 31
  • How entranced we were in our games, reacting spontaneously and with unpremeditated laughter and tears.
  • The other is unpremeditated, as in improvised comedy.
  • Unpremeditated joint principal offender has the same intent of joint action, the joint duty of caution is therefore the essence of the building of unpremeditated joint principal offender.
  • The unpremeditated crime that Picasso commits to oneself is downhearted, should destroy copperplate depict almost.
  • Like most inexperienced people," ran his notes, "I was astonished at the reported feats of men in war; I believed they were exaggerated, and that there was a kind of unpremeditated conspiracy of silence about their real behaviour. The Research Magnificent
  • The 47-year-old Adiguna is charged with unpremeditated murder and illegal possession of a gun, which carry a 15-year prison term and a life sentence respectively.
  • Was four years of punishment not enough for an unpremeditated, almost accidental, crime? MAJIPOOR CHRONICLES
  • In the world of military intelligence, much time is spent trying to distinguish "blinks" -- unpremeditated random actions -- from "winks" -- deliberate moves designed to communicate intent and draw out a response. Nick Mabey: Sorting Blinks From Winks In The Copenhagen End Game
  • Because at its most effective, this album is kinda everything it should be, and everything we should ask: Something simple, beautiful, and coherent, something that feels remarkably imaginative but entirely unpremeditated.
  • Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny said in recent weeks the country had seen an unprecedented rise in the incidence of unpremeditated violence on our streets.
  • But since the interrelation of consciousness and world in language is rendered so disjunctive as to disengage the easy response, generosity and the unpremeditated seem also impossible.
  • They think the attack last week was unpremeditated. Hideously diverse Britain: the aftermath of a ferocious attack inside a mosque
  • Her first surprise and bewilderment at so wholly unpremeditated an act gave way to consternation as she considered its consequences. Chapter XIV
  • By the time he wrote the letter, Nelson knew the four charges against him: unpremeditated murder for "erratically" driving the Humvee "at excessive speed," carrying a possible life sentence; lying about the looters, up to five years; threatening Burden if he didn't lie, up to three years. THE NEWS BLOG
  • Robert Duval, prosecuting, said: ‘This was a single blow delivered by an intact glass in what was an unpremeditated attack by a man who had been drinking since 3pm.’
  • They looked unpremeditated, as though they were spontaneous, rapidly executed records of fleeting perceptions-like impressions, translated into a shorthand language of stroke and color.
  • A self-described 'accidental and unpremeditated philosopher', he does not belong to any school. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Let your extemporaneous descantings and unpremeditated expatiations have intelligibility and veracious vivacity, without rhodomontade or thrasonical bombast. December 7th, 2005
  • The words poured from William's mouth in an unpremeditated rush.
  • It was a part of him, the breath of his soul as it were, involuntary and unpremeditated. Jack London's Short Story - Planchette
  • In the scientific story, as in the culinary one, long-term outcomes were unpremeditated.
  • At critical moments, it trips them, or causes them to stumble, or impels them to make a rash, unpremeditated move.
  • It was wholly unpremeditated; he had not dreamed of doing it. CHAPTER 11
  • All unpremeditated, she responded to that quick pressure. CHAPTER XXIII
  • Procuratorate within its jurisdiction should deal with the cases of special infringement on human rights due to unpremeditated crime in medical service .

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