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How To Use Unpleasant In A Sentence

  • The carbonation is a little heavier than what I normally expect in a stout, but not unpleasantly so. Miasmatic Review
  • Unpleasant weather conditions prevailed and the players slithering on the greasy surface was a common occurrence.
  • The unpleasant truth is that hiding behind private ownership only hides the fall in value from people who choose not to look.
  • Loman is a rather unpleasant figure throughout much of the play, a boastful blowhard, a bully, a coward.
  • Ms. Miller's imprisonment for civil contempt of court was less a perfect storm — to use one of the press 'hoarier clichés to characterize a grim convergence of unpleasant events — as it was a brownout, a distressing midsummer sign that a full power outage is on its way. The Great D.C. Plame-Out, Or: Novak, Lord of the Journo-Flies
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  • I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions
  • The creature lives in the remote parts of the Upper Amazon and has a “particularly unpleasant habit of infesting humans”, the scientists say. New Species Of Nose-Dwelling Leech Discovered | Impact Lab
  • Measles, mumps and rubella are unpleasant diseases and an epidemic in this country would be disastrous.
  • 'The first principles of commercial activity have retreated to earth's maziest penetralia, where no tides are! is it not so, Skepsey?' said Mr. Fenellan, whose initiative and exuberance in loquency had been restrained by a slight oppression, known to guests; especially to the guest in the earlier process of his magnification and illumination by virtue of a grand old wine; and also when the news he has to communicate may be a stir to unpleasant heaps. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • It is arguably too tight now, making the car seem unsettled on small bumps and unpleasant on larger ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may claim to dislike walking and it is often an unpleasant experience when confined to hard pavements, and busy, polluted streets. How to Lower High Blood Pressure
  • I could smell something, something dampish but not unpleasant. Ancient, Strange, and Lovely
  • It is true, however, my dear Edward, that you have lost your father; but as to this flourish of his unpleasant situation having grated upon his spirits and hurt his health — the truth is — for though it is harsh to say so now, yet it will relieve your mind from the idea of weighty responsibility — the truth then is, that Mr. Richard Waverley
  • Given the combination of ineffable beauty and extremely unpleasant sensations in my stomach and head, I would be quite content to die here.
  • Copper produces a reddish tinge, which is by no means unpleasant compared with the dazzling whiteness of the nickel deposit. Scientific American Supplement, No. 586, March 26, 1887
  • The fallen tree had been moldy and rotten, the smell strong and unpleasant enough to deter most burrowing animals that would normally have occupied the space.
  • At the same time one must not miss the subtilty of the context, nor the unpleasant messages that can be conveyed in the humblest of fashions. Not only are they better capitalists, but better peacemakers too? « Blog
  • The non-smoker though should also be allowed the right not to contract cancer etc… from passive smoking, let alone have to deal with the unpleasantries.
  • While this increase or decrease in many instances is a natural fight of nature against the intrusion of opposing elements into the body, it frequently assumes dimensions that are most unpleasant and seriously impair the health, such as catarrhal conditions, all of which are due to poor or degenerated cells of this tissue. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • Even Ethiopia, situated on a high plateau, which was cut up by mountains and vast canyons that made internal travel difficult, was accessible only from an exceptionally hot and unpleasant desert coast.
  • Mayor Street defends the cuts as an unpleasant necessity due to the city's financial straits.
  • It was a very simple matter to reverse this procedure, generally after some unpleasantness with the appropriate squadron and station commander.
  • Never be tempted to use hairspray: it looks naff, smells horrid and your date will get an unpleasant surprise if they touch your hair.
  • it is unpleasant to be around an ornery man
  • I am sorry that you should think me rash, if the idea of rashness is unpleasant to you -- I will make any other concession in reason rather than quarrel with you. Taquisara
  • Behind the dish's overwhelming dose of lime juice, the broth was tinny and under-salted and left an unpleasant, lingering taste that I associate with the pre-prepared garlic paste you buy in jars.
  • Particularly when used in a figurative sense to refer to having heard something unpleasant.
  • The weather was appalling, and German artillery made life unpleasant for the British.
  • The end of poetry is not an after-effect, not a pleasurable memory of itself, but an immediate, constant and even unpleasant insistence upon itself…. Laura (Riding) Jackson
  • They then rated the unpleasantness of the intrusive thought, their attempts to dismiss the thought from consciousness, and their perceived success in reducing the frequency of the thought.
  • September 11 th has brought mostly unpleasant changes, including curtailment of civil liberties and threatened perpetual war.
  • The treatment has a whole host of extremely unpleasant side-effects including weight gain, acne, skin rashes and headaches.
  • The massive cleanup in New Orleans includes some unpleasant, some might say downright disgusting, jobs.
  • But then, of course, we all know that Miss Robinson is a very unpleasant rude woman.
  • The visuals of the two of them put over a mood of desperation and unpleasantness that doesn't come over in the records so much - its better just to hear it.
  • You see, most human beings," and he ran a hand down his Neanderthaloid body, "find me unpleasant to look upon. The Man Who Used the Universe
  • Yet he saw consequences the most unpleasant in this rumour of her attachment; and though he still privately hoped that the behaviour of Mandlebert was the effect of some transient embarrassment, he wished her removed from all intercourse with him that was not sought by himself, while the incertitude of his intentions militated against her struggles for indifference. Camilla
  • It's a pretty unpleasant experience when a company you've invested in goes bust and you lose your entire investment.
  • He told me of one disciplinary action where students had to carry timber in bare feet across an oval, which had a lot of bindi-eye in the turf (bindi-eye is a particularly unpleasant little prickle which blooms around October in these parts).
  • The rabbit ballotine was so plain as to be almost unpleasant.
  • Plus an unpleasant whiff of effluent as in the previous week's remorseless attacks on Cherie Blair, not for anything she's said or done but for the way she looks.
  • People thank you for a thankless job that is at times very unpleasant, to say the least.
  • The lightness of the first film had hardened into a frantic, unpleasant quality - it's easily the worst of the series.
  • Negative emotions, such as the feelings of hatred, meanness, low self-esteem and confidence, and pessimism, create an unpleasant person and a bleak destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • I know that many in the tabloid media can be downright nasty and unpleasant, but I didn't think this would happen!
  • His Perseus is grumpy, whiny, and unpleasant, and not nearly the hero that could earn a place amongthe stars. Ray Subdues CLASH OF THE TITANS | Obsessed With Film
  • Hydrogen bromide is a colorless, corrosive, nonflammable gas with a sharp, unpleasant, pungent odor. Those computer models…
  • Cannot you recall many a wry face; cannot you remember how unpleasant the after sensations when stern, but kind mothers forced a nauseous decoction called "senna" down your widely-gaping throat? In Eastern Seas Or, the Commission of H.M.S. 'Iron Duke,' flag-ship in China, 1878-83
  • False humility and its obverse, arrogance, are equally unpleasant.
  • ‘This film features the character as a terrible and unpleasant person,’ Roth said adding that he regards himself as an angry man.
  • Normal turns may be made with the use of ailerons alone and satisfactory turns may be made with rudders alone, although yaw developed may be unpleasant to passengers.
  • The latter causes an unpleasant sour or acidic taste. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had a pharmacopoeia of drugs he could offer them -- all tried, tested and, apart from some unpleasant side-effects, generally successful. GRACE
  • One unpleasant aspect of the commercial invasion of Italy by the Teuton was his liking to live there, and consequently the amount of real estate which he was collecting on the Latin peninsula -- so much that the lovely environs of Naples were fast becoming a German principality! The World Decision
  • Sold some books and was ripped off by the unpleasant second-hand bookseller.
  • he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest
  • I'm alarmed that people over the age of 16 can act so unpleasantly towards their fellow humans, but I suppose that makes me naive and thin-skinned.
  • The point, of course, is that these people are wrong in their analysis of the relationship between human beings and non-human animals, not that they're unpleasant.
  • These days, with long lines, invasive x-rays requiring near-nudity, constant delays, smaller, more crowded planes and the threat of terrorism, the flying experience is frustrating and challenging enough without some buffoon sitting next to me making the flight even more unpleasant. Andy Ostroy: Ostroy's List of Air-Travel Don'ts
  • Because she's in Auckland, and because it had been planned that I was going up there this coming weekend, I felt that I had to confront the issue right now, and avoid any unpleasantness later in the week or when I got up there.
  • Fixed payments allow you to plan where your money goes, preventing unpleasant surprises from interest rate rise - and probably help you to sleep better at night.
  • Anything that's going to mess with the infrastructure now that it's so delicate and fragile could cause some unpleasantries.
  • The minerals in the water made it unpleasant to drink.
  • Most people who give disputed evidence in court find it a deeply stressful and unpleasant experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you nibble enough, your nail bed becomes misshapen over time, so you get ridges and bumps and all sorts of other unpleasant side effects. Times, Sunday Times
  • * Thus, in "The state was made, under the pretence of serving it, in reality the prize of their contention to each of these opposite parties," it is unpleasantly doubtful whether the writer means (1) _state_ or (2) _parties_ to be emphatic. How to Write Clearly Rules and Exercises on English Composition
  • Gruesome and downright unhygienic as the use of such objects now seems, it may be surmised that in the twenty-first century it will be thought equally unpleasant that the best wigs and toupees of the 1960s were made of human hair.
  • I found him thoroughly unpleasant, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
  • The important notes of this classic dish should be caramelised apple and crumbly pasty, but instead, there was an unpleasant sharpness, which came from either burned sugar, or apples left in lemon juice too long, or both.
  • a thoroughly unpleasant highly exceptionable piece of writing
  • They take a really unpleasant photo of you with the world's cheapest digital camera and edit it so that it makes you look like you're gurning, then they laugh and show it to their friends before printing it onto your pass.
  • The unpleasantness of this schism seems to have had a salutary effect on Tennent, who was more responsible for it than anyone else.
  • Instead, the words conjure up unpleasant memories of mom's experimental eggplant lasagna and certain rubber-like meat substitutes.
  • The moisture removing feature of our air conditioners keep the air clear, but the unpleasant feeling underfoot is much more difficult, if not impossible, to get rid of. Safety Japan
  • It is time to put behind all the disappointment and unpleasantness of the past 12 months, and get ready to begin the New Year with a resolution to always look at the brighter side of life.
  • The rainy season is over, with its dull, monotonous grey skies and unpleasant humid rain.
  • The unpleasant salty or soapy taste may be masked in flavored or alcoholic beverages.
  • Yet the building seemed ancient and strong, a part of the roof was battlemented, and the walls were of great thickness; lastly, I observed, with some unpleasant sensations, that the windows of my chamber had been lately secured with iron stanchions, and that the servants who brought me victuals, or visited my apartment to render other menial offices, always locked the door when they retired. Redgauntlet
  • The nagging pain around the swollen gum had become increasingly unpleasant, and sensitive to the slightest touch. Times, Sunday Times
  • But colleagues at the Grantham and Kesteven Hospital recall unpleasant happenings at the nurses' home which they shared with Allitt.
  • It should hardly need mentioning that the welfare of users demands that all interiors be free of products that emit unpleasant or noxious fumes. A Philosophy of Interior Design
  • The gardener had had to spray gasoline on them to facilitate combustion, and the smell was unpleasant.
  • Banished from the official organizational history, the memory of these unpleasant side effects lingers in the form of unhealthy core beliefs.
  • ‘The only unpleasantness was a slightly oily feeling on your body when you got out of the water,’ he said.
  • On the contrary, they consider it unhealthy and unpleasant, and they try to banish it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some people love hot weather, but I find it oppressive and stifling and generally unpleasant.
  • A half-century ago, long before the word "bridezilla" was part of our lexicon, saleswomen at Becker's Bridal had a secret language they used to cope with unpleasant brides. One 'Magic Room' That Links Generations of Brides
  • To some observers there seemed something unpleasantly appropriate about the fact that his recreational passion at Sagamore Hill that summer of 1903 was the so-called point-to-point “obstacle walk,” the one rule, the only rule, being that the participant must go up and over, or through, every obstacle, never around it. The Path Between the Seas
  • (Potteries usage)Incidentally, in the lead-in to the Elmes quote, the word minging is used; for those who, like myself, were wondering how it's pronounced, it rhymes with singing and is Scots in origin, meaning (according to the OED) That smells bad, stinking; (more generally) unpleasant, foul. WORD 4 WORD.
  • When we think of an awfully odiferous place of unpleasant scents, the words ‘monkey house’ instantly come to mind.
  • Wall paintings can also be damaged, as well as all the interior woodwork and seating being rendered filthy and unpleasant.
  • They dismiss conventional medical treatment with anticholinergic drugs as inconvenient, unpleasant, and temporary, and they say that patients usually stop using anticholinergic drugs because of a dry mouth.
  • There's a lot of pain, suffering and general unpleasantness in this world.
  • My catalogue of unpleasant happenings continued.
  • She was curious about the functions of a famulus, and he readily supplied her with a long list of the mostly unpleasant activities he was regularly required to perform. A Corridor in the Asylum
  • This means that sensory experiences that are not unpleasant or dangerous are experienced as discomfort or pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spain routed Ukraine 4-0 in the opener, but appeared headed for an unpleasant surprise after conceding an early goal against Tunisia. - Spain subs impress early, eke out 1-0 win over Saudi Arabia
  • Augusta is a tall, thin girl with a pinched face with an unpleasant expression.
  • Freud concluded that both neurotics who had been exposed to shock and children who had been exposed to distress were attempting to master their unpleasant experiences by repeating them in dream and play.
  • We are, unfortunately, stuck with the huge, unpleasant, and often downright ugly school buildings that we have.
  • But do not administer hellebore to such persons as are laboring under empyema connected with abscesses, haemoptysis, and intemperament, or any other strong cause, for it will do no good; and if any thing unpleasant occur the hellebore will get the blame of it. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • It is hard not to think there was something unpleasant afoot. Times, Sunday Times
  • But on the other hand, you can read books about the politics of the effort to discredit him. His cause was obviously unpleasant to the status quo.
  • Having the bank foreclose on you must be one of life's more unpleasant experiences, especially if you have measured your success and place in society by the pile of things you own.
  • A mother I knew was going through a really unpleasant time with a stroppy teenage son. Positive Parent Power
  • He's extremely unpleasant but he knows how to present a front to the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • And if we've become unthinkingly certain of these unpleasantries, we can be doubly certain that the combination of the two is unthinkably unpleasant, right?
  • Most deodorants are odor maskers that cover the unpleasant odor with a more appealing one.
  • I suppose you never lose the sensitivity and the rawness that an unpleasant comment can bring to you.
  • Unpleasant weather conditions prevailed and the players slithering on the greasy surface was a common occurrence.
  • Hutchinson, with a vast conceit of her superior holiness and with the ugly censoriousness which is a usual accompaniment of that grace, demonstrated her genius for mixing a theological controversy with personal jealousies and public anxieties, and involved the whole colony of the Bay in an acrimonious quarrel, such as to give an unpleasant tone of partisanship and ill temper to the proceedings in her case, whether ecclesiastical or civil. A History of American Christianity
  • It's the idea that basically, the increment to wages that a worker requires to leave him indifferent between performing two tasks -- one which is more unpleasant than the other -- that's what you call a compensating differential. Steven Levitt analyzes crack economics
  • Why do the lavatories always smell unpleasant? Times, Sunday Times
  • Eventually some of the remarks got a bit unpleasant and the ability to comment was temporarily suspended to allow everyone time to cool off.
  • But it was equally unpleasant to drift aimlessly through the blackness of space, all the while abiding either the fortuity of happening upon errant matter or the slow, foreordained approach of death.
  • Rather, ‘feelings’ refers to a very specific quality: pleasantness, unpleasantness, or neutrality in an experience.
  • As for Miss Mundy, I did not see enough of her to judge whether she could be a possible murderee, but she struck me as being an unpleasant type of girl. Here Lies Gloria Mundy
  • Then, the hostler was told to give the horse his head; and, his head being given him, he made a very unpleasant use of it: tossing it into the air with great disdain, and running into the parlour windows over the way; after performing those feats, and supporting himself for a short time on his hind – legs, he started off at great speed, and rattled out of the town right gallantly. Oliver Twist
  • (Even the hypnotizing black mammoth would lumber off on hearing those words, not wishing to be hit by the unpleasant drenching from a big bowl of water which would come next). Cruelty to Animals
  • The overall feeling was a strange mixture of sensations, not altogether unpleasant.
  • Jack Straw, a man so unpleasant that even his son shuns his policies (although, the fact that he was dobbed in for cannabis possession by his own father may have something to do with it), was defending—probably ineptly and with a lie in every sentence—the government's Iraq policy, when Walter Wolfgang "heckled" him (if Jack thinks that's heckling, he should see a crap stand-up gig in Glasgow). Archive 2005-09-01
  • The gardener had had to spray gasoline on them to facilitate combustion, and the smell was unpleasant.
  • Many of the streets were not sealed and with lots of horses and carts there was a lot of horse manure on them, and when a nor'wester blew it was most unpleasant with the dust and the manure smell.
  • Then I had to wait some three years, and the attitude in hospital and lack of administrative efficiency was unpleasantly conspicuous.
  • I always put a pinch of baking soda in brittles or I find them tooth-breakingly unpleasant. Peanut butter crispy bars | smitten kitchen
  • The nagging pain around the swollen gum had become increasingly unpleasant, and sensitive to the slightest touch. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's really quite unpleasant about other people and she's as mean as hell.
  • For the last six years, he has found himself reviled and disparaged by most of America, with every transgression in and out of the ring adding to the image of an unpleasant human being.
  • Many arthritis sufferers benefit greatly from the pain relief provided by anti-inflammatory prescription drugs, but they can suffer unpleasant side effects, such as gastric irritation and stomach upsets.
  • The details are too well chronicled to be dismissed as exaggeration, or set aside as a necessary unpleasantness in the struggle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dry wines can cause unpleasant sour or even bitter tastes if served with desserts.
  • We figured someone had tried to produce an extra virgin olive oil version, as it had an unpleasant green tinge; it also lacked a generous glug of milk, or, better still, buttermilk, to give it a creamy edge.
  • It is impossible to make any description, either of the most pleasant or of the most unpleasant, of the raspberry or of colocynth. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
  • You can use slurries to thicken larger quantities of liquid, such as soups, but this can create an unpleasant, overly gelatinized texture; roux is the recommended thickener for soups. Ratio
  • It's an unpleasant, manipulative trick, but actually pales in comparison with the moral vacuity of the concluding episode.
  • When I was in danger, they twanged unpleasantly inside me. My Fair Succubi
  • This means that sensory experiences that are not unpleasant or dangerous are experienced as discomfort or pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forecasters said the UK would take on a tropical feel, with sticky and muggy weather making conditions unpleasant.
  • The wealthy Pellisi's voice was dripping with unpleasantness and dislike.
  • But you will need to persistently remind yourself of this fact as you persevere today's unpleasant conditions as well as our "bouncy" showery weather in the coming days. Forecast: Temps up and down with rain around
  • The deceit herein is that, in reality, the world of work has been, for the most part, an extremely unpleasant world in which to live - until quite recently. Feminist Fabrication
  • But men have also reported unpleasant online encounters.
  • The vacuum has an unpleasant smell.
  • Orders were given to bar the door against the convict gang who had come to discharge their unpleasant duty, and while all were busy decking out the unconscious corpse in gayest attire, none paid any heed to me bending over the fire with the motherless child, journeying fast to join its dead parent. Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands
  • It gets more and more grim and relentless, and its hero more and more unpleasant.
  • It isn't hurting all that much, but the itching is periodically enthralling in a remarkably unpleasant way, and the clogged Eustachian tube is an uncomfortable pressure. From Twitter 07-13-2009
  • The medicine left an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • I found it to be a very unpleasant experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plain if deeply unpleasant fact is that history's hard men are not deterrable by the flimsy threat of eventual prosecution. A United Nations Court For Gadhafi?
  • They have an unpleasant odour and taste. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • It is hard not to think there was something unpleasant afoot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did he have an unpleasant experience with a traffic warden or his local constabulary? Times, Sunday Times
  • Focus is gliding effortlessly away from the pavement and rising quietly and smoothly to cruising speed in the complete absence of both smoke and unpleasant noises. Times, Sunday Times
  • Travel sickness, or motion sickness, is an unpleasant, temporary disturbance of your sense of balance and equilibrium that occurs while travelling by sea, road or air.
  • There are unpleasant people out there who like to spoil it for everyone else.
  • The government, which often fudges numbers, doesn't want you to know the truth, just as your parents shielded you from many of life's unpleasantries.
  • He had said he would drag her through every court in the land, which sounded unpleasantly threatening.
  • This causes the stottie to become rather unpleasant and damp.
  • Since there is no airflow forcing the heat into the rooms, there are no drafts or unpleasant air currents, and wall and ceiling surfaces stay cleaner.
  • His eyes are opened by a contemporary who owns nothing but appreciates beauty, and the revelation revolutionises their previously unpleasant relationship.
  • Their faults can be as large in scale as their virtues, and an excessively negative Leonian can be one of the most unpleasant human beings imaginable, displaying extreme arrogance, autocratic pride, haughtiness, and excessive hastiness of temper. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Because people associate Hobbes with unpleasantness, nastiness, and life-and-death contests, they start to use the phrase to refer to any choice that has some of those characteristics.
  • Meanwhile in Cardiff, an unpleasant political became a still more disagreeable labour situation rather quickly.
  • You betray relationships and friendships, and that's an unpleasant thing to do.
  • he had been unpleasantly surprised
  • it might be unpleasant, though
  • I wondered if Actaeon had done anything to deserve his unpleasant fate. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Reminded of unpleasant reality, public opinion swung to censure the offending speaker. WEEKEND FOR MURDER
  • It had been, they agreed, an unpleasant experience, so much more horrifying in reality than in a movie. UNTO THE GRAVE
  • I was so unpleasantly occupied, for some time after her departure, with the knaveries said to be practised among the dense cover of the Windmill Wood, that I did not immediately recollect that we had omitted to ask her any particulars about her guests. Uncle Silas
  • It is a miracle that these dirty and unpleasant Chinese chain restaurants survive.
  • To emphasize my apartness from these ballerinas, I disfigured my body into unpleasant shapes.
  • I recently had an unpleasant encounter with a guy who drives a tow truck.
  • You could go back perhaps, he hasarded, still thinking of the very unpleasant scene at Westland Row terminus when it was perfectly evident that the other two, Mulligan, that is, and that English tourist friend of his, who eventually euchred their third companion, were patently trying as if the whole bally station belonged to them to give Ulysses
  • When that fails, the young man has an unpleasant encounter with his family.
  • It was a very simple matter to reverse this procedure, generally after some unpleasantness with the appropriate squadron and station commander.
  • The extreme unpleasantness of the mammogram is systematically and deliberately underplayed by the proponents of mass screening.
  • Publicans have been besieged with complaints about unpleasant smells in their establishments since the ban on smoking in public places was introduced last month.
  • extremely unpleasant
  • Negative emotions, such as the feelings of hatred, meanness, low self-esteem and confidence, and pessimism, create an unpleasant person and a bleak destiny. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The experimental conditions included a baseline restful state followed by hypnotic relaxation alone and by hypnotic relaxation with suggestions for altered pain unpleasantness.
  • Part of that freedom means actually taking the unpleasant decisions of having to support a security infrastructure and the apparatus necessary to find out who is plotting against us.
  • No one wanted that, and there was strength in the human desire to avoid unpleasantness at any price until the last possible instant. 21 DOG YEARS
  • A drug called colchicine sometimes is used, but it tends to cause unpleasant side effects (nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea) in about Undefined
  • The word "pot" to me had the quotation-marked ring of moms and teacher trying to sound hipper than they really were, which was unpleasantly close to a description of myself. Jonathan Franzen: I Keep Pot In My Freezer
  • Handing the belt to his son Blade, he sat on a bench clearly contemplating his new heel status and the unpleasantness that went along with it.
  • This appalling litter problem is mainly caused by the unpleasant habit of so many people now who eat their meals in the street, swill them down with a can of drink and then finish off with the inevitable cigarette.
  • To tell someone they are unwelcome is unpleasant and potentially hurtful and not something I would often do.
  • Onset of action is rapid and side effects include local irritation and unpleasant taste.
  • Yet many women know very little about this unpleasant and unwelcome condition.
  • The director, one gathers, wants a Paris Commune purified of all its difficult and perhaps unpleasant associations, a kind of utopian model to hold out to today's radical protesters.
  • Pubic lice or crabs are unpleasant, but once diagnosed are thankfully easily treated.
  • The smell, however, lingered on for a while and despite the baking sunshine, at week's end there still was a whiff of unpleasantness in the air.
  • He felt an unpleasant tightness in his wame, though he was not surprised to hear it. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • The group seemed very irritable after that unpleasant sleep and they moved sluggishly around the desert.
  • These camera are so tiny that grips are less of any issue for me, and as long as there is some kind of thumb hook, it's really not unpleasant to handhold them at all.
  • Why do dogs do the squashiest, most unpleasant turds that hide in the grass and spread themselves in the indentations on the bottom of your shoe, but don't start smelling until you get indoors and then render the place uninhabitable until you've left every window open for a month? News
  • Much of nature's factuality strikes us as both messy and unpleasant but no less fascinating thereby.
  • It evidently became quite hostile and unpleasant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cabin or "cuddy," which had been surrendered to them by the fishermen who were now outside, was a diminutive place, smelling unpleasantly of fish and burnt grease. Frank Merriwell's Reward

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