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How To Use Unpack In A Sentence

  • The clergyman and his son pricked up their ears at this, photography being with them only a degree less absorbing a pastime than that of walking; Ron awoke suddenly to the remembrance that his half-plate camera had never been unpacked since his arrival; and the three vied with each other in asking questions about the proposed excursion, and in urging that a date should be fixed. Big Game A Story for Girls
  • Bent double under their loads, the savants spend hours unpacking and repacking their sacks whenever they meet each other.
  • It was such a perfect scene of raw unpackaged travel that I half expected to find Jan Morris or Colin Thubron lurking behind a cast-iron column.
  • You've barely unpacked your holiday suitcase. Times, Sunday Times
  • One group unpacked a sumptuous meal of steaming lasagna and other gourmet delights, along with the requisite bottle of vintage wine.
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  • The women unpack the boxes and distribute the bars. Christianity Today
  • As I sit here unpacking my mental suitcase from this trip, I do feel like I've been a tourist.
  • I had to unpack his boxes and sort it all out. The Sun
  • We unpacked them very carefully and pulled them to pieces and scattered the straw about. The Treasure Seekers
  • After hours of lugging and unpacking heavy boxes, he would freshen up, put on a jacket, and work the floor of the restaurant as wine steward until the end of the night.
  • You've registered, unpacked, and turned off your cell phone.
  • I managed to get rid of the parents, & high spiritedly returned to my room to unpack everything save the suitcase; I even stuck some posters on the wall.
  • I had to unpack his boxes and sort it all out. The Sun
  • It states that people who handle or install unpackaged, electrically initiated, explosives devices and ammunition, must avoid wearing clothing made of material that has high static-producing qualities.
  • For a day or two we were busily employed in unpacking and laying out our property to the best advantage.
  • I haven't got round to unpacking from my holiday yet.
  • She immediately sat down, unpacked her sleeping pallet and blankets and fell asleep.
  • "Totally," agreed Maddie, beginning to unpack right then.
  • We'd barely unpacked the tree when a call came through and before I could blink, they were all armouring themselves up and heading out the door.
  • Have you packed/unpacked your suitcase yet?
  • The default stub calls unpack (), you see, and PHP 6 needs to be told that the second argument to unpack () is a binary string and not a Unicode string. AvaxHome RSS:
  • At Wembley, still seeking low-gear fitness, at times he brought to mind not so much a young Alan Shearer as the old Alan Shearer, a single pummelling shooting boot, to be unpackaged and wheeled about the park like a rust-bound first world war field gun. England's Andy Carroll is not the first with a thirst for success | Barney Ronay
  • Face flushed, smile lavish, he rose to help her unpack the breakfast and partook with no little appetite. EVERVILLE
  • They brought with them the Ashes and were convinced that they would return with the display case unpacked. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has a high oil content, is usually processed locally, and is available to the poor at low cost, especially when unpackaged.
  • Cases were dumped on the ground and unpacked as people dug for nightclothes and changes of underwear.
  • In these buildings stores were massed, porters collected and equipment unpacked and tested.
  • But we've unpacked all the boxes now and done quite well! The Sun
  • Nobody has ever unpacked my suitcase before, frillies and all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kuepper's a troubadour, a wandering minstrel who unpacks his swag at the Great Northern this Sunday, May 8.
  • When she returned from her trips, she simply put the cases away without unpacking them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Die is a term that describes an unpackaged piece of silicon that contains an integrated circuit.
  • So finally I resorted to reading the file into a string, doing a string search for '\x9d\xe3', rejecting matches that weren't appropriately aligned, then unpacking and comparing the code words from the point of the string match. Planet Debian
  • Brackett unpacks the idea of a stable racial essence by analysing Brown's music in terms of a black discursive world set in a particular historical context.
  • They brought with them the Ashes and were convinced that they would return with the display case unpacked. Times, Sunday Times
  • The loadmasters wouldn't unpack personal bags because they were supposed to be leaving.
  • Neither cinema's guileful cultural artifacts nor the somnambulistic, moribund jargon that unpacks them know anything about that.
  • Unpacking the box you find a plethora of connectors and adapters for what ever might float your boat.
  • They radiate good health as they unpack bags of gorp, apples, whole-wheat pitas, and huge water bottles.
  • He says he sometimes feels as if he spends his life packing and unpacking bags, and trying not to wake his family up at 5am. Times, Sunday Times
  • Safety was briefed and stressed from the very beginning as the number one priority when transporting, unpacking, and inventorying pallets.
  • Levin unpacks the technicalities with a skill honed from giving many lectures on the subject, and it is fascinating to read.
  • She often dropped her into the conversation and was particularly delighted by all the pictures she had found while she was unpacking boxes in the new house. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this case he is surely right, but I am left wondering whether the factors in relationships between confessant and confessor that he so skillfully unpacks are felt equally in all types of those relationships.
  • Dear Rachel, all is well here though still lots of unpacking to do. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • I hid the drum behind an armchair, unpacked my bag, put the backpack back in the bottom of the airing cupboard, and stayed.
  • A.O. Scott cannily unpacks the audience for Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge [‘But in New York!’
  • After unpacking my sleeping bag, toothbrush and kettle, I was gasping for a cup of tea.
  • A Monday-night flight back with tailwinds can be under seven hours, landing at dawn - early enough to travel home, unpack, shower and be in the office by 9am.
  • The organization relies on volunteers to pick up donations, unpack donations, pack hampers and work in the food bank on Wednesdays.
  • Escorted to our main deck cabin, Lynne and I unpacked, goggling at our surroundings.
  • After all, it's hard to see how un - could be plausibly reanalyzed as a mere intensifier; more likely this is an idiosyncratic sort of haplology, where the form unpacked stands in for ununpacked.
  • Some of the issues surrounding mental illness have been unpacked in Chapter 3.
  • That helps to explain why speakers who are ready to accept words like unloosen and the like as curious but idiomatic continue to reject unpacked in its ‘full’ reading, even after centuries of common use.
  • Downstairs again she investigated the stove, then unpacked her luggage and put aside things that had to be taken upstairs.
  • I unpacked myself from the carriage and headed off into the noise. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Mark unpacks his bags in the spare bedroom, Morgan opens a bottle of champagne smiling.
  • He unpacked the underwear and shirts from his knapsack into a bureau. IAN AND THE STRIPY BATH PLUG
  • On the other hand, the analysis does not unpack the domestic British economy into its constituent parts or regions.
  • Joe sat on the bed while Martin was unpacking.
  • It didn't make me unpack my bags and cancel my flight, but it was quite an omen.
  • These are areas in which such vocabularies truly are contingent, and unpacking our presuppositions about their finality is a useful practice. Richard Rorty
  • We had originally planned to go for the whole weekend, but Shawn is off for a business trip to D.C. and didn't want the hassle of packing/unpacking/repacking. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • But unpackaged jellied sweets carry no such warnings.
  • After I unpacked everything from my suitcase for couple of hours, I became awfully tired and quickly fell into a deep slumber on my soft comfy bed.
  • We unpacked our bags in a new country, and that became home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dear Heloise: When you are unpacking something (box, toys, appliances), slide off (do not cut) the sturdy nylon/plastic bands used to make the boxes tamperproof. Hints From Heloise
  • We have so much fun from the moment we unpack our bags to the time it is ready to go home again. The Sun
  • But still i had a faint flickering of happiness because we had decided to take the DAY flota back to Coch Sat. morning. no more night flotas for me for a while, so i was thinking how wonderful it would be to get back to coch sat. night and have sunday to unpack, do laundry, and relax for a day before classes started again. Adventures in Bolivia
  • It's not your fault that calculus always coincides with unpacking the dishwasher. Times, Sunday Times
  • A more structured kind of unpacking, which isn't possible in Python as far as I know, is also possible. for each (let {name: n, family: {father: f}} in people) {document. write ( "Name:" + n + ", Father:" + f + "\n");} Planet Python
  • Two shelf stockers were unpacking bags of cat food and meowing repeatedly at each other.
  • Never worn, but i lost the tag unpacking it ... but still have the box though. Superfuture :: supertalk
  • The girl had conic in while Heather was unpacking; she had said hello and asked if she could help.
  • The package.def files describe how to get, verify the download, unpack, configure, build and install the package software.
  • Her parents nodded and pushed Liv to sit down on the bed with Sid and promptly began unpacking everything from the suitcases.
  • The price for one small lump of crack is around 10 DM, and the drug is often sold unpackaged, being placed directly by the seller's hand into the consumer's pipe.
  • She had, besides, a pleasant morning's occupation before her, in unpacking her three trunks and arranging her wardrobe and her possessions, which were all upon the most liberal scale, for Major Warfield at every city where they had stopped had given his poor little protégée a virtual carte blanche for purchases, having said to her: The Hidden Hand
  • They reached the stables and each person either began unpacking or unsaddling their horse, and some both.
  • We crouched low behind boulders, striving for inconspicuousness while Wehausen unpacked his telemetry equipment to see if any radio-collared sheep were in the vicinity.
  • She unpacked her suitcase and headed for the beach.
  • If you want success, figure out the price, then pay it. It sounds trivial and obvious, but if you unpack the idea it has extraordinary power. Scott Adams 
  • He said that as he was unpacking their suitcases, Linda opened the balcony door and climbed up on the railing.
  • But everything was unpacked and a fire was merrily crackling, and the smell of the meat cooking set his mouth watering.
  • We loosed the horses and unpacked our things as we had always done, and I built our fire and warmed our food as I had each night; but tonight we both knew that this was the last time we should live this way.
  • Trade secrets tumble out when unpacking those thoughts.
  • Dudley, I have no idea how the term "unpack" came to mean "to elaborate," but that's what I think most people mean when they says that they're "unpacking" a statement. Philocrites: Andrew Sullivan on Barack Obama, Jeremiah Wright.
  • The Aussies were frantically unpacking their crates of beer, and in no time all of them had tinnies glued to their lips.
  • Ginny found Bess unpacking her bag in the smallest of the rooms on the nursery floor. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Assuming that nothing in the package description, unpacking instructions and so forth, needs to be updated, that's all you have to do.
  • The code's pretty straight forward with maybe the exception of the 'ballworld' function which is used to unpack the world state with a bunch of ugly car/cadr/caddr/cadddr list accessors and pass as a cleaner set of parameters to a given function. MSDN Blogs
  • Despite having been back for a fortnight, I have only just unpacked my suitcases.
  • I'm being spared the chore of unpacking my suitcase this morning, as it's still in transit.
  • He hadn't even had time to unpack his undercrackers before he found himself rushing to hospital with partner Amy - four weeks before the wee fella was due to arrive. HomePage - The Sun
  • We start after the files have been unpacked by the installation program on the Mega Disk ... Step 1 During the installation.
  • Commingling is defined as ‘physical contact between unpackaged organically produced and nonorganically produced agricultural products during production, processing, transportation, storage or handling‘
  • I downloaded and unpacked the Enhydra tar file, which created a large number of files and directories under the enhydra4.0 directory.
  • After unpacking my sleeping bag, toothbrush and kettle, I was gasping for a cup of tea.
  • She has the tactical nous and the timing to cope with grass and while there is always the danger that she might get overpowered in the latter stages, she should at least have time to unpack her suitcase this time.
  • Last week some of the 87 staff were still unpacking crates and the creatives were faced with pristine white walls ready for all the doodles and idiosyncratic squiggles you'd expect in an advertising house.
  • We sent a variety of unpackaged items to U.S. destinations, appropriately stamped for weight and size, as well as a few items packaged as noted.
  • You've barely unpacked your holiday suitcase. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stripping the IM force down to leader Tom Cruise -- aided and abetted by Paula Patton, Simon Pegg and new recruit Jeremy Renner -- and paring the story down to a struggle to prevent a megalomaniacal terrorist from triggering WWIII, the film under the direction of animation vet Brad Bird, here making his live-action debut unpacks some of the baggage accrued in the previous installments to become a lighter, wittier exercise in epic action. Dan Persons: Cinefantastique Spotlight Podcast: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
  • In such a case a cracker's actions are obvious: he suppresses the anti-debugging tricks and dumps the unpacked and decrypted application code.
  • For weeks he'd barely unpacked boxes from the move because he'd been on the road with the band. The Sun
  • Some of the issues surrounding mental illness have been unpacked in Chapter 3.
  • Then there was the long task of unpacking, labeling, tagging, and re-packing every single can of pickles.
  • After she unpacked her bags and organized her belongings, Wendy decided to put her shower on hold and stroll around the ship.
  • The women unpack the boxes and distribute the bars. Christianity Today
  • What they want is one or two books a week which sell in thousands, pretty much as fast as they can unpack them.
  • Claudia, alone, unpacked and changed into old jeans and trainers.
  • Astor was just about to reclaim his travelling bag and unpack when the phone began to ring.
  • Joe sat on the bed while Martin was unpacking.
  • Complete package: unpack it, plug it in and let it burn.
  • After unpacking a few things we drove into the village which was just under a mile away and bought some provisions including bacon and sausages from the famous butchers there.
  • Where is that perfect place where monogrammed damasked linens, and flowers were changed daily, and one fretted lest one forgot to sufficiently tip the second footman who had so unobtrusively, so expertly, unpacked one's bag, shined one's shoes, pressed rumpled clothes and drawn one's bath? Michael Henry Adams: Why I Hate dogs: Useful Advice for Summer Guests and Hosts
  • The park is packed with fab free family fun - all you need to do is turn up, unpack and enjoy. The Sun
  • Cases were dumped on the ground and unpacked as people dug for nightclothes and changes of underwear.
  • While on a drive to repossess a refrigerator from a customer who can't keep up with her payments, Obi unpacks the morality of crime in the new South Africa.
  • Pity Desdemona spends so much of that play in her nightie, he clucked, unpacking his goodies. Exit the Actress
  • If you're headed off into deep, unpacked snow for a backcountry excursion, unharness your pet, for deeper snow requires too much extra effort for pulling.
  • The Torah is condensed wisdom you can unpack and unstuff over time, she says. A tweet feat: Quran goes on Twitter for Ramadan
  • But as I was saying - we listened to an awful lot of odd radio while we were moving and unpacking and looking for the stereo aerial.
  • Gak - still need to unpack and do laundry.
  • Once decanted into the new abode, I love unpacking and arranging stuff.
  • By the day of the party, Rowena and Sammy were entirely unpacked, the apartment was tidy, and the food preparations were on schedule.
  • And if you don't want to get caught, prepare for a diet of unpackaged fruit and vegetables, raw meat and potatoes.
  • When you've unpacked your presents, don't leave the empty boxes for valuable goods outside your dustbins where they can be seen.
  • On the floor in his bedroom is an unpacked suitcase. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cosh and the teargas, he said, were left over from his evening job as a bouncer, and he had just forgotten to unpack them before travelling.
  • Most of our boxes are unpacked now but there's chaos everywhere and it's a slow process of getting everything sorted out.
  • Right after the subroutine we use it to create a format string to unpack the output from fdisk.
  • But we've unpacked all the boxes now and done quite well! The Sun
  • If we unpack this comic moment we find the elements of Eliot's The Waste Land used to different purpose.
  • The bales of stamped paper remained unpacked at Castle William; no man being bound to open and distribute them.
  • I haven't had a chance to unpack yet.
  • After unloading the cars, unpacking, changing into sleepwear and finally sinking into the mattresses, all members of the crew were knocked out with the exhaustion of being on the road.
  • The Day Job just got particularly intense, I'm still unpacking from the move, and I'm trying to get my greenhouse and outside growing areas set up for a television interview at the end of the month. "...moments before its skies rained down on me."
  • Returning to her mother's modest beach house after decades of estrangement, she stops for a moment as she unpacks to listen to the pounding surf.
  • ‘We unpacked and went on a week's holiday only to receive a call from my father telling us that someone had overshot the bend and hit one of our outer walls, causing enough damage that meant it had to be partially rebuilt,’ he said.
  • Even though he is surrounded by P.R. people, he continues to seem so unpackaged - so unrepresented.
  • Anna was unpacking her clothing, her suitcase resting on the bed nearest the window.
  • I mean, wow, the true scale of the AIPAGT didn't hit me until I unpacked my suitcase for the final time last week and fished the final Trophy from my luggage.
  • This prime number can be unpacked into the original source code for DeCSS, the software that decodes the DVD encryption scheme.
  • To unpack this, I would add that the color of ITC Garamond makes it weak and spindly on the page, something we really don't care for today.
  • I unpacked my sleeping bag and spread it on the metal floor at the back of the vehicle. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • Under David's guidance, participants set to work building a scene out of this story, unpacking the fears and desires of the key characters and allowing for audience interventions.
  • I unpacked myself from the carriage and headed off into the noise. Times, Sunday Times
  • I scoop her up and carry her through to my bedroom, where we sit on my scarlet bed and I hug her needily, in silence, nose buried in blonde corkscrew curls, while Mr Frog starts unpacking his holdall. Wolf
  • I haven't had a chance to unpack yet.
  • The halfling began unpacking his bag atop another desk, pulling out energy bars and bottles of Coke. Dreams of a Dark Warrior
  • Got home fri, unpacked * most* of my stuff ... left for canterbury sat morning, got there at lunctime. Abutterfly Diary Entry
  • He unpacked the doll carefully from its box.
  • To install, first unpack the Logwatch source files and cd into the resulting directory.
  • Wilcox's essay usefully opens the collection by unpacking some of the diverse meanings of the key concept evoked in its title, ‘representation.’
  • Packing and unpacking your suitcase may seem like a pain, but a 145-pound woman burns approximately 132 calories an hour doing so.
  • I don't unpack my bag because something can always happen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unpack London shopping in a haphazard fashion so that new flat looks lived in.
  • I unpacked my sleeping bag and spread it on the metal floor at the back of the vehicle. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • It seems eminently sensible to let the destinations come to you, without unpacking more than once. The Sun
  • I feel uneasy, a bit nervous, and very eager to get the move done now and all these boxes unpacked.
  • It didn't make me unpack my bags and cancel my flight, but it was quite an omen.
  • So today Robyn and I bought a bookshelf, put it together, discovered it was too wide to fit in the space we wanted, unpacked the skinnier but VERY HEAVY bookshelf next to it, moved the skinnier but VERY HEAVY bookshelf into the original free space, which involved some creative shoving from the floor*, repacked that shelf, put the wider bookshelf into the new space thus created, and proudly placed my books into its bottom two shelves. Advice to "just" get an electronic reader will be soundly ignored.
  • The job will be done soon, my text and poetry books unpacked and ranged along new shelves where I can get at them once more.
  • We unpack the picnic baskets: springbok bobotie, snoek pâté and grilled boerewors for the carnivores; spinach quiches, salads and cheese for the vegetarians. Times, Sunday Times
  • The moment one begins to unpack the box though, to explain the simplest text, where it comes from, where it goes, one begins to see the parenthetic and digressive manner of imbrication of text and context.
  • Five more weeks to wait for my postponed operation, so I have a dilemma about whether to unpack my overnight bag or not. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the confined space of the houseboat, the hustle and bustle of excited children made it impossible for Lindsay Keating to unpack her shopping in a logical sequence.
  • Switching the fan overhead to full speed, Rachel unpacked, put everything in her heated wardrobe.
  • She said her aunt is so nervous that she hasn't even unpacked her bags from the first operation.
  • Maybe she would skip dinner and simply go to her cabin, unpack her things and get an early night.
  • But in the time of the Talmud, most meat was sold fresh and unpackaged.
  • Kim sighed and opened the car door, not bothering to unpack the luggage from the trunk.
  • For someone who landed a role opposite the gorgeous Rekha even before he had unpacked his suitcase, life in tinsel town has been a roller coaster - with plenty of ups and downs.
  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus, for example, can now detect protected Zip archives, scan the email body for the password and then unpack and check the attachment for viruses.
  • First went Anoushka, who had barely unpacked her bags before she was taking baths in front of a still sheepish Cameron and signalling her readiness for wild, wanton sex.
  • We have so much fun from the moment we unpack our bags to the time it is ready to go home again. The Sun
  • His task is to deliver a just-in-time store, steering a crew of about 20 unpackers, stockers, sweepers and fix-it people.
  • Your next step should be to choose fresh, unpackaged food. Sloan Barnett: A Landmark Day in the Life of a Toxic Chemical: Interview With Ken Cook of the EWG
  • It unpacks the assertions made by his books and movies.
  • Dock No. 1. Wanli will pack the goods into the container, and unpack at destination.
  • What I propose to do in this essay is to unpack both the question and my own responses to it.
  • This investigation unpacks the frames of reference and modes of identification that cultivate preferences and expectations in regard to age, gender, and romance in screen cultures by way of a paradigmatic case.
  • The global category needs to be unpacked to incorporate local heterogeneity of agricultural and social form as a precursor to understanding situated processes of change.
  • During a routine business trip, security personnel insisted on completely unpacking and repacking all of his carry-on bags.
  • March 25th, 2009 at 5: 25 pm health small group tri pembroke pines florida says: health small group tri pembroke pines florida … astatine hailstorm unpacked treating found … Think Progress » “Frist told reporters
  • So far I have these: 1. Unpack the blender, keep it on the benchtop and learn to make verious smoothies and cocktails 2. Go through my to read/reading pile and cull books that I have been "reading" for a lengthy period of time by admitting I don't want to read them or am not enjoying them and remembering all the books I really wish I had time to read. The resolutions list
  • They unpacked the shopping and put it away.
  • I've got * dozens* of figurines and statues and right now my one bookcase is already full (of books, even), so while I'm really quite in the mood to unpack it all and be properly moved in to the office, I'm utterly stymied by having nowhere to * put* most of the doo-dads. Cats & work
  • A lot of ground has been covered in unpacking the issues central to achieving this market-led strategic change.
  • Alanis unpacked everything from their bags and sighed heavily.
  • Mother took a week to pack, and unpack, to go panting down-stairs to the corner drug-store for new tubes of tooth-paste and a presentable sponge, to remend all that was remendable, to press Father's flappy, shapeless little trousers with the family flat-iron, to worry over whether she should take the rose-pink or the daffodil-yellow wrapper -- which had both faded to approximately the same shade of gray, but which were to her trusting mind still interestingly different. The Innocents A Story for Lovers
  • After the European Juniors, she will barely have time to unpack her bags before flying out to Florida, where she will join a top college's athletics programme.
  • Other translators of his work have phoned me, thanking me for unpacking some of his more enigmatic sentences.
  • With the kitchen looking somewhat homey and organized Mary Jane moved back into the living room and decided to make it more liveable, by unpacking more boxes, and moving some of them to where they would eventually be unpacked.
  • He says he sometimes feels as if he spends his life packing and unpacking bags, and trying not to wake his family up at 5am. Times, Sunday Times
  • Improved User Experience - Setup Squeezer improves download performance and reduces user frustration with rapid unpacking.
  • We unpacked them very carefully and pulled them to pieces and scattered the straw about. The Treasure Seekers
  • They will also take up and re-lay loose floor coverings and pack and unpack fragile items such as glass and china.
  • No doubt you'll want to unpack and have a rest before dinner.

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