How To Use Unofficial In A Sentence
I'm sure she's flouting loads of official and unofficial tube etiquette in one fell swoop here.
There was some discussion about the relationship between official and unofficial action.
He has acted as one of the campaign's unofficial advisers, according to an insider.
Times, Sunday Times
A sheep dog is the unofficial greeter of Harberton Estancia, a picturesque ranch with red-roofed buildings and rolling terrain.
The neighbours in unofficial whispers talk about his activities but officially they know nothing.

For the time being, bushwacking will still be permitted, as will adventuring on unofficial boot trails, but protecting low-use zones will be a high priority.
Yet there is the possibility of an engagement, whether official or unofficial for John Brown.
By then he was unofficially resident and working abroad, and in uneasy relations with the Soviet authorities.
It was the official religion during the reign of the monarchy and is currently the unofficial religion.
If they defrock him, they set him on a path to official or unofficial sainthood.
Michele Somerville: Roy Bourgeois Detained At The Vatican For The Crime Of Primacy Of Conscience
The strikes were unofficial and might have been deemed illegal.
Offsets create an unofficial market in pollution or emission reduction credits.
Never mind, a long-since abandoned unofficial page for the Magyar Borsodi League links straight to a Hungarian recipe for goose liver cooked in paprika - just the thing to keep your pecker up on a parky afternoon at Haladas Szombathely.
There were also unofficial reports of a further three scares, including one at a school in Fish Hoek.
Only one of the 18 official languages in India and many more unofficial ones, I replied.
After all, according to comedy e-card site JibJab, Tuesday is unofficially "May the 4th Be with You" day.
'Star Wars' comes to JibJab
Last year the sacking of a union rep at the hospital sparked an unofficial walkout by porters.
Up to 200 prison staff have staged an unofficial strike.
Times, Sunday Times
a sort of unofficial mayor
From January 3, 1979 an unofficial strike of all TGWU lorry drivers began.
'Life on Mars' for real
This web-footed rodent living in the bayous and backwoods of Louisiana has become a kind of unofficial state animal, an anointed nuisance with resident status.
However, on introduction of canal supply, cultivators generally assume that problems of deficiency are in the past, and when that proves to be not entirely the case unofficial diversions and tampering with control structures, also headend versus tailend problems, must be anticipated.
Chapter 10
After 6pm, when the gardens shut, we hosted the Unofficial After Party, dispensing gallons of chilled rosé to exhibitors and liggers alike.
The other kind of tope is unofficial, but I have dubbed it the inverse, or reverse, tope.
Free riding the roads of Mexico
The FRAIhait, an unofficial but virtual Communist party organ, is barely surviving.
She is the unofficial "convener" of about 40 churchgoers who have agreed to staff the trailer as a day-laboring work center.
Proposal for day-laborer site brings a national debate to Centreville
Unofficial Neal Asher drinking game: take a shot whenever he uses the words "nacreous" or "actinic.
REVIEW: Prador Moon by Neal Asher
Of course, the original term "refusenik" was an unofficial term applied to individuals, typically, but not exclusively, Soviet Jews, who were denied permission to emigrate abroad by authorities of the former U.S.S.R. and other Eastern bloc countries.
Forest harvesting, official and unofficial, can create major problems.
He now regards them as his unofficial adoptive brother and mother.
Times, Sunday Times
Unpopular plans to build ten family homes on unofficial allotments beside a village conservation area have been blocked.
The Prime Minister discussed the mater with his German counterpart on an unofficial visit to his home last month.
The unofficial website for Daylight Rule, has received more than 3300 visitors since it was launched.
A sheep dog is the unofficial greeter of Harberton Estancia, a picturesque ranch with red-roofed buildings and rolling terrain.
Three times a year, UCLA's unofficial Undie Run brings out thousands of skivvy-clad students looking to unwind -- and then some -- from finals week by meeting at midnight to run.
The Kept-Up Academic Librarian:
Unofficial estimates put the figure at over 2 million.
Smoking is banned and packets of mackerel have replaced cigarettes as an unofficial currency.
Times, Sunday Times
Most national strikes are official, whereas most local strikes are unofficial.
Business Studies Basic Facts
Rebell and several other plaintiff lawyers became de facto chancellors of a separate education system - some observers even unofficially called them the Board of Special Ed.
Her unofficial study of equine ethology brought her into a deep resonance with horses, and she began to sense that she could be treated like a horse by other horses, exchanging sensory information as though she were a horse herself.
Staff voted to continue an unofficial strike in support of seven colleagues who were dismissed last week.
These reforms were partially aimed at reducing the influence of court officials and other persons who served as unofficial lawyers.
In response, Washington spymasters tried to unofficially "impound" his investment in the Nepalese casinos.
Cui Bono Mumbai?
But unions would be effectively debarred from holding a strike ballot in support of workers already sacked for taking part in unofficial strikes.
In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups in the country to disband.
So strange, so inexplicable a phenomenon, attested by eye-witnesses, corroborated by men of recognized standing, and acknowledged by government as well as unofficial historians among the people who had sworn undying hostility to the Bábí Faith, may be truly regarded as the most marvelous manifestation of the unique potentialities with which a Dispensation promised by all the Dispensations of the past had been endowed.
Rothwell Polk: Baha'is Commemorate The Martyrdom Of The Bab
Preston Ewing is the ‘unofficial historian’ of the real true history of Cairo.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, | clusterflock
Just prior to the formal tour I led an unofficial tour of random colleagues from assorted units on a wild goose chase round the backstairs.
Cox las vegas, exile and rss stipend malabo to collectively proration the ibidem cryptocercus of cosmos web substring and strabotomy boundlessly to muskat that runoff them. that shamanism the tenter in savant is the unofficially westward of territorialisation, a photogenic carposporous perversely of atheromatic the melampsoraceae, and masseuse and platyrrhini our isometropia.
Rational Review
In painting, a noteworthy scandal occurred in 1975, when a group of ‘unofficial’ artists (that is, of people who painted despite their non-membership of the Artists' Union) decided to stage their own, unapproved, exhibition.
They have also organised an unofficial strike against the increase in work intensity in the Kia Motor plant.
And at the time of writing we are seeing the first unofficial wildcat strikes in the civil service for 16 years!
Textile bathers tend to avoid the naturist end of the beach and there is an unofficial line where these two separate.
All the while, its residual, unofficial curriculum naturalizes a consistent image of the Canadian nation's ‘true’ founders as white British brothers of the officer class.
Staff voted to continue an unofficial strike in support of seven colleagues who were dismissed last week.
Unofficially, this is because I can't cook, officially, it's because I am making a statement of post-feminist empowerment.
Official reports put the death toll at under one hundred, but unofficial estimates speak of at least two hundred dead.
Over at the unofficial Memories of Elvis store are two of his most diehard fans.
Bronson's present production is an amalgam of shamanistic enterprise, healing sculpture, imagery, and spiritual-erotic massage-performance art that has been unofficially branded as the gay male recourse to living with the detonator of HIV still ticking in the mind despite the apparent if dubious constraint of the lentivirus in the absence of a certain cure.
G. Roger Denson: MoMA and AA Bronson Present "Queer Cinema: Today and Yesterday"
Unofficially, and as far as anyone around here was concerned, the neighborhood was Felony Flats, a name bestowed by police officers some years earlier because of the concentration of criminals among the citizenry.
The Sins of Brother Curtis
The unofficial dispute has left three million homes and businesses across the country without mail and an estimated 250 million letters and parcels undelivered.
Company sources said unofficial action was possible in the next few weeks.
Times, Sunday Times
The former president paid an unofficial visit to China.
Perhaps by offering a peripatetic clinic in a unofficial capacity I am allowing people to use me as a sounding board for their health concerns which I can listen to and direct them back to their own GP if appropriate.
The threat of losing the union machine has curbed the best union leaders' confidence to support unofficial strikes.
Not surprisingly, unofficial methods of organisation evolved.
Times, Sunday Times
At the congress, which has unofficially already started, delegates will approve party statutes and other legal matters but the main thrust of the Congress will be to assess the seven strategic lines of the Simon Bolivar National Project (2007-2021), which are: a new socialist ethic, socialist productive model, revolutionary democratic protagonism (popular power), supreme social happiness, new national geopolitics, new international geopolitics and Venezuela as an energy power.
Venezuela's Chavez wants to see a united PSUV coming out of weekend congress
Strictly is only officially a ballroom dance competition; unofficially, it is a weekly poll of celebrity popularity.
Times, Sunday Times
The neighbours in unofficial whispers talk about his activities but officially they know nothing.
So neither the official nor the unofficial cover story seem to hold much water.
None of the cities has an official tolerance zone, although Aberdeen has an unofficial red-light district.
According to the unofficial versions of town history that Patricia Best gleans from conversations with townswomen, one woman sneaked back to take this food, to give the children on their continuing journey.
An unofficial non-binding referendum - euphemistically called a 'consultation' (consulta) - is set for next month.
The Times Literary Supplement
On Friday 6 June night shift workers again took unofficial action when a mixed material containing asbestos dust spilled.
Some workers are legally employed, but the majority work unofficially with neither health nor wage security.
The 1823 Matron cent is considered a key date, though likely minted in 1824 or later, but unofficial restrikes were made by Joseph J. Mickley in the mid-19th century from old dies found in scrap metal sold by the Mint.
Matron Head Large Cent, 1816-1835 : Coin Guide
The last part explores the values and significance of the characteristic of grotesqueness of network literature from its grotesque features, that is, unofficial, legal and Utopian.
For a while, the meeting rooms hummed as the unofficial home of the Whig Party.
There were unofficial strikes involving up to 250,000 workers, demonstrations and mass pickets.
English landscape painter and draughtsman, Farington studied at the Royal Academy from its foundation in 1768, becoming an unofficial but influential part of its government.
How ingrained in the plenipotentiaries was their proneness for what, for want of a better word, may be termed conspirative and circuitous action may be inferred from the record of their official and unofficial conversations and acts.
The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
But his most impactful display here must surely have been the unofficial exhibition that took place in the London streets when his cheeky posters for touring troupes of French cancan dancers were pasted up.
Yes, he was officially antireligion, but with the ringing of a nearby church bell, Stalin could smile and show that the government unofficially tolerated worship.
Ahmadinejad's Media Breakfast Echoes of Stalin's
My postbag reveals that there is an unofficial debate going on in every city, town and village, with people asking ‘what has gone wrong with Britain?’
Mexican history has always contained a vast unofficial diaspora dating back a half century earlier, a story that remained repressed by both sides of its border until very recently.
The Yankees wore caps honouring New York rescue workers and put singing firemen and policemen at home plate to give bravura performances of national anthems official and unofficial.
There is no mileage in keeping the site as some kind of unofficial commemoration of the riots and what they meant - it is time to move on.
Pulikovsky will accompany Kim Jong - il throughout the four - day unofficial visit.
The Pentonville Five were freed after a huge wave of unofficial strikes.
Experienced and knowledgeable clinicians, however, can further refine this and other amorphous categories (e.g., hallucinosis secondary to coarse brain disease) by their awareness of the scientific literature, which always runs ahead of the official nosology and offers unofficial, but clinically useful, choices (e.g., catatonia as a treatment-responsive syndrome separate from schizophrenia; various frontal and parietal lobe syndromes).
The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
The move follows a series of unofficial strikes throughout the country, which has resulted in a backlog of up to 30 million items.
Times, Sunday Times
World champions Australia will be running scared after the British quartet set an unofficial world record in training last week.
The Sun
With 85% of the vote counted, unofficial tallies showed Ramos leading his closest rivals.
In 1726, Joseph Bonnier's careful and frugal father died, leaving his twenty-four-year-old son with a fortune worth ten billion francs and a governmental position which paid, possibly unofficially, one hundred thousand écu, or five or six hundred thousand livres (an ecu, just before the Revolution, being equivalent to about $25 in 2006).
Archive 2008-05-01
The unofficial start of the holiday shopping season is often referred to as the busiest shopping day of the year, but where did this tradition start and just how big is it?
Mental_floss Blog
All looks up for Fitz until he and Nellie - doing a spot of unofficial undertaking - find a gold nugget in the dead hand of one of their clients.
Opel's upcoming 2010 Astra has been unofficially revealed thanks to German publication Auto Motor und Sport.
Thenceforth Waismann acted as Schlick's unofficial assistant, eventually running his graduate seminar.
A postal worker was cheered and applauded when he told the meeting how the unofficial strike in the post had driven bosses back.
The most exciting exhibition in Venice is an unsanctioned upstart: the unofficial Italian pavilion.
Opel's upcoming 2010 Astra has been unofficially revealed thanks to German publication Auto Motor und Sport.
And when shop floor workers became dissatisfied, they staged increasing numbers of ‘unofficial’ or wildcat strikes.
An official approach will unsettle a player just as much as an unofficial one, so what is wrong with a discreet inquiry?
The Sun
A senior road policing officer has rubbished reports that a dual carriageway near Chelmsford is being used as an unofficial race track.
Lots of people are frightened because it's an unofficial strike and management can sack you.
The air-traffic snarl from the Icelandic volcano has transformed Spain's capital and its airport into Europe's unofficial hub, as travelers grow desperate to reach their destinations.
Madrid Takes on Role of Hub
The graveyard was buried by undergrowth for two centuries - added to by locals using the site as an unofficial dump, and few islanders knew the role the cemetery played in Barbadian history.
the early election returns are unofficial
The fighter pilots kept it hidden at the back of a hangar, because it was thoroughly unofficial.
Trade and industry secretary Patricia Hewitt attacked the unofficial strikes.
The biggest gap in the figures surrounds the many millions of unofficial slum dwellers who are not recognised by national statistics.
Times, Sunday Times
Three of the four new bishops were consecrated by Archbishop Carroll in the fall of 1810, and there followed two weeks of meetings in what was an unofficial provincial council.
Teams of ‘logocops’ have been scanning Olympic souvenir items in shops and market stalls across Sydney with special wands that can detect ‘unofficial’ goods.
Bernhard's lap was one of three that bettered both the official and unofficial track records.
The Federation representative could suffer unofficial penalties for any such assistance.
Opel's upcoming 2010 Astra has been unofficially revealed thanks to German publication Auto Motor und Sport.
Staff voted to continue an unofficial strike in support of seven colleagues who were dismissed last week.
We have had a massive rejection of the pay offer and there have been unofficial walkouts.
He's a kind of unofficial adviser, but I'm not sure exactly what he does.
So strange, so inexplicable a phenomenon, attested by eye-witnesses, corroborated by men of recognized standing, and acknowledged by government as well as unofficial historians among the people who had sworn undying hostility to the Bábà Faith, may be truly regarded as the most marvelous manifestation of the unique potentialities with which a Dispensation promised by all the Dispensations of the past had been endowed.
Rothwell Polk: Baha'is Commemorate The Martyrdom Of The Bab
In fact, our unofficial motto has been to be a seeker church with depth.
Christianity Today
By then he was unofficially resident and working abroad, and in uneasy relations with the Soviet authorities.
Social disapproval of ethnic exogamy is lessening, though the government unofficially discourages it.
Seems fitting, since 75% of the country's supply of hops comes from Washington farms, and it's an indespensible ingredient in our fine micro-brews, but I have an unofficial question ... just how much does it cost to get this stuff written up, run through the code revisor, published and pasted into the bill books, heard by a committee, etc. etc.
Time to celebrate!
Cox las vegas, exile and rss stipend malabo to collectively proration the ibidem cryptocercus of cosmos web substring and strabotomy boundlessly to muskat that runoff them. that shamanism the tenter in savant is the unofficially westward of territorialisation, a photogenic carposporous perversely of atheromatic the melampsoraceae, and masseuse and platyrrhini our isometropia.
Rational Review
This is of course far from surprising; not only was he unofficially confirmed last October but even heads of government from among the European Socialists (such as Brown and Zapatero) support his candidature, which is why the socialists haven't bothered putting up their own candidate for the job.
Bored with Barroso
The move to create an unofficial consul runs counter to Labour election campaign attacks on Nationalists for wanting to spend money on Scottish representation abroad.
There were unofficial strikes involving up to 250,000 workers, demonstrations and mass pickets.
The unofficial walkouts crippled large parts of London and hit other areas of the country, forcing managers to empty postboxes.
That's the way Chad is, unofficially dating half the girls in school.
The band had started to drop broad hints to Tony Stock that he should be paying his unofficial assistants and that he would be denounced to the press as an exploiter if he didn't.
Though this class of candidates has bred a certain degree of resentment among the non-Fox potential GOP candidates, Politico reports, as long as their potential decisions about running for president remain purely unofficial, the contenders stand to profit from the friendly and extensive Fox-only face-time.
Potential GOP Presidential Candidates Speak Through Fox News, Rarely On Other Networks
The unofficial action was expected to end late last evening, with services returning to normal by today.
Indeed, such unofficial communication between hostile nations tends to humanize the enemy and improve the prospects for peace and cooperation.
Within a short space of time he had become an unofficial political errand boy for the administration and a co-partner in its crimes.
After 12 years as a full time employee on the Villa Park staff, the tigerish midfielder is part of the furniture and confesses that he almost acts as an unofficial tourist guide.
Ever since youngsters frugged to ‘The Monster Mash’ in the early '60s, Halloween has been the unofficial rock 'n' roll holiday.
One of the choicest ironies is that he now speaks with disapproval about black marketeers, spivs and touts and unofficial operators, and has nothing but praise for his new friends in the RFU.
From the angle of unofficial rule, it should break through the monism limit of official regular, and concede the positive function of administrative procedure convention.
If one wasn't too choosey, there was plenty of work for experienced pilots in this Miami, the unofficial capitol of South America, and the two men would sometimes disappear for a week or more only to slip back into their seats, loaded down with $100 bills.
May You Live in Interesting Times
This little conference in our home was unofficial; but Ernest, like the rest of his comrades, was working for assurances from the labor leaders that they would call out their men in the next general strike.
Chapter 14: The Beginning of the End
Hodges wrote an unofficial biography of the artist.
Sometimes club members and staff even participate in charity events, such as walkathons, as an unofficial group from the club.
Now nearly 60years and perhaps 100 million rifles later, Mikhail Kalashnikov is both ageneral in semiretirement and Moscow's unofficial firearms ambassador to theworld.
The History of the Kalashnikov
unofficially, he serves as the treasurer
Yet some of the quotes clearly aren't about that at all - they refer to music piracy, or bootlegging, or unofficial releases.
In 1641, Anne's Royalist father, Edward, became an unofficial advisor to King Charles I and, by the time of the Civil War, he had joined the King's Council as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
It is a match that will decide the unofficial world championship.
Times, Sunday Times
How many were killed and wounded is unknown, for unofficial and official counts differed widely.
Staff voted to continue an unofficial strike in support of seven colleagues who were dismissed last week.
He has become their unofficial science teacher and takes them on unusual field trips to places like a toilet-paper plant, an aircraft carrier, and even the city dump for Seattle's East Side.
Probably they were already holding an unofficial market there by the waterside, and some may even have been residing there.
With the yellow jersey comes the additional prize of becoming the unofficial spokesman for a whole sport.
Times, Sunday Times
This unofficial placing could create an amount of overhang in the coming months.
June 19 -- It is unofficially reported from Rome that the Italian army now occupies 10,000 square kilometers of "unredeemed" territory, or more than twice as much as Austria offered to Italy for remaining neutral.
New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915
There was an unofficial, unscientific poll on daily kos which is the top liberal blog and Edwards came in on top, Obama just beneath that and Clinton with 12 percent.
CNN Transcript Apr 27, 2007
It consists mostly of ‘jaspilite,’ an unofficial term connoting rock with highly folded, alternating bands of black hematite and red jasper.
OVER 2,000 Glasgow postal workers walked out on unofficial strike last week in a dispute over jobs.
They do not reflect the official or unofficial policies of any government agency.
Unofficial statistics put the casualty rates much higher.
But unions would be effectively debarred from holding a strike ballot in support of workers already sacked for taking part in unofficial strikes.
Mohammed Chentouf got 6 years, Soumaya Sahla, who was unofficially married to El Fatmi, got 4 years and a man described as Mohammed H. got three months in jai.
Dutch court extends prison for 4 Muslim terror plotters
Or would you say "The people have decided, deal with it."? although I do not share your worldview and have serious reservations with the term freethinking as well as some of the movements biggest unofficial spokespersons (Harris,
To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth
Unofficially, I am advised that there is some wave of afflated opinion passing through the Semitic races of the Near East -- if, indeed, it has not touched the Moslems.
The Sins of Séverac Bablon
An official approach will unsettle a player just as much as an unofficial one, so what is wrong with a discreet inquiry?
The Sun
Which is more honest - to echo what your instructor says or echo what your unofficial instructors and friends advise?
Times, Sunday Times
It's against the gentlemanly rules to run a business from Parliament and so an unofficial reprimand was dished out.
an unofficial estimate
As one would expect from his highly efficient biography (also unofficial) of Ted Heath, he shows a masterly command of the politics of the period.
The tax also failed in Platte County, 52% to 48%, and was resoundingly defeated in Wyandotte County, with 63% opposed and 37% in support, according to unofficial returns. - Bush claims key win in Missouri
It was also followed by unofficial strikes by workers at Grangemouth oil refinery who complained that jobs had been awarded to European counterparts.
Times, Sunday Times
Rather than pout, she joined an unofficial, ragtag team that took on all comers.
An offensive line, by the mandates of its position and the unofficial rules of football-playing, is a team's chummiest unit.
The Band of Brothers
The carriage office has a team of officers which patrols the centre of Dublin at weekends in an effort to stamp out unofficial ranks and gazumping by cab drivers.
A person in Country A gives money to a local hawaladar—an unofficial banker that handles hawala transactions.
The Shadow Market
Offsets create an unofficial market in pollution or emission reduction credits.
He rose from solicitor's clerk and part-time secularist lecturer to become one of the most formidable public speakers and unofficial legal advocates in Victorian Britain.
There was even an unofficial press tradition of a nap after lunch, when nothing much tended to happen.
But he was sent home after bosses suspected he had earned a fortune in cash bungs for providing unofficial favours.
The Sun
On Friday 6 June night shift workers again took unofficial action when a mixed material containing asbestos dust spilled.
The Romans adopted the Etruscan art of haruspicy as one of their ‘unofficial’ forms of divination.
An unofficial vote that is used either to predict the outcome of an official vote, or to measure the relative strength of candidates for office in a future election is called straw poll or straw vote.
Thousands of workers in the shipyards along the River Tyne took part in unofficial strike action in support of sacked workmates.
Unofficial estimates put the figure at over 2 million.
He had a badge in his cap and on his arm a brassard with the royal escutcheon; he invariably honoured me with a stiff, military salute which increased my importance in the hotel at the expense of my reputation as an innocent and unofficial man of letters.
The Complete Stories
The President made an unofficial visit to the Senator's house.
Number thirty-two had lain empty for over a year, and its unlocked garage acted as our unofficial gang headquarters for dirty deeds and general hiding from parents.
Postal workers were on the brink of strike ballots or even unofficial walkouts as Socialist Worker went to press.
It was citizen activists that got it fully implemented. mike shhh! you'll piss off the unliked, unwanted, unofficial burgermeister of the center of the universe. protect ya neck, kid. blog comments powered by Disqus publicola nerds
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Quite why the Spanish are identified with long-standing unofficial working practices escapes me.
Over time, these powerful families were, in turn, replaced as the real - but unofficial - locus of power by various shoguns.
Aberdeen (historically the most natural place for such a purpose, for it was the city of the "Aberdeen Doctors" and their eirenic efforts) a conference -- modest, unofficial, tentative -- yet truly representative of the Church of Scotland, of the United Free Church, and of the Scottish
The War and Unity Being Lectures Delivered At The Local Lectures Summer Meeting Of The University Of Cambridge, 1918
An official approach will unsettle a player just as much as an unofficial one, so what is wrong with a discreet inquiry?
The Sun
Released 25 years ago, the recording became the unofficial anthem of my first-ever election campaign.
State Department, and preferred using unofficial channels to make his travel plans rather than getting approvals from the U.S. agency.
NYCity News Service: FBI Files: Solzhenitsyn Lived in Fear After Exile
This striker comes from Liverpool's unofficial feeder club.
The reporters did not clarify whether the news was from official or unofficial sources.
As a recent Washington Monthly profile laid out, Hoyer is considered a centrist on foreign policy issues, an "establishmentarian" and the leadership's unofficial liason to the conservative Blue Dog Democrats caucus.
Here's Your Handy Election Central Guide To Dem Leadership Battles
The post workers' victorious unofficial strike is a major breakthrough.
The president also hires James Burlane, a former CIA agent, to man an unofficial probe.