How To Use Unoffending In A Sentence
It is true the people at the Cascades had suffered much, and that their wives and children had been murdered before their eyes, but to wreak vengeance on Spencer's unoffending family, who had walked into their settlement under the protection of a friendly alliance, was an unparalleled outrage which nothing can justify or extenuate.
She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
With both hands she shoved the blade back and side-kicked the startled man forcefully, crushing him against an unoffending door.
Attacks on unoffending furniture, equipment, or surroundings are so commonplace as to be hardly worth mentioning.
After the rehearsal, I caught Gabriel before he left the room, making a point to be extra-polite and unoffending as possible.
With a bitter glare at his scarred right hand, he heaved on the rope and sent the unoffending log scooting another length across the ground.
Could it be the fact that on more than one occasion, litter louts (with the emphasis firmly on the louts) have chucked drink cans and the remains of their take-aways over my unoffending garden wall?
The result was a most deplorable tragedy, by which an estimable and unoffending lady was killed by a rifle bullet.
This description of a traffic accident is unoffending.
Was the world, with all its climates, made in vain for thy helpless, unoffending victim?
Melvin glared up at the unoffending blue sky with a growl.
Mully's revised sentence was to stand on the gallows for an hour with a rope around his neck, receive 39 lashes, have an unoffending ear cut off and, much less painfully, be banished from Connecticut.
In the tradition of Jazzanova, ‘Brazilian Love Affair’ is an unoffending song for lounging on a couch; but it isn't heavy or deep enough for the dance floor.
Unable to forget a gruesome killing from the past, she dwells on a set of murder site prints each night before bedtime over a glass of bourbon and some unoffending Sheryl Crow.
Opening the door with somewhat more force than necessary, she collected the other box of busted appliances, slammed that same unoffending door, and made her way back inside.
With the exception of the School Of Rock-inspired opening, the kids in the film (mainly Gertie) are harmless, cute and unoffending.
an unoffending motorist should not have been stopped