How To Use Unoccupied In A Sentence
an unoccupied apartment
We'd been keeping the bookplates in an unoccupied corner in a reasonably neat pile.
A batter becomes a runner when the third strike called by the umpire is not caught, providing (1) first base is unoccupied, or (2) first base is occupied with two out. - Pierzynski's heads-up play keeps Sox alive
The mountains remained mostly unoccupied until the slaves were emancipated in 1838.
In one case a bed, which fortunately was unoccupied, was scattered with broken glass.

The length of this chain, the breadth and thickness of the joist, its height from the floor, and the circlet of chain on the neck, were accurately measured; and it was thus shown that the chain unoccupied by the circlet and the joist was a foot and a half longer than the space between the shoulders of the man and the joist above, or to that extent the chain hung loose above him; that the circlet (which was fastened so as to prevent its contraction) rested on the shoulders and breast, the chain being sufficiently drawn only to prevent being slipped over his head, and that there was no other place in the room to which he could be fastened except to one of the joists above.
Dred; A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. In Two Volumes. Vol. II
Many of the unoccupied seats have been put down to a new anti-corruption law.
The Sun
I hope this table is unoccupied.
Working his way round the side of the house, he finally found the perfect spot to enter, the windows were dark, the rooms unoccupied above and below.
Seeds, when ripened in the fruit, are disseminated, that is to say, scattered on the surface of the ground, to sprout in spots as yet unoccupied and fill the expanses that realize favourable conditions.
The Life of the Spider
Meanwhile, through its Household department, Flux is one of the few to cover unusual risks such as thatched homes and unoccupied properties.
Archive 2008-04-01
Casting a sharp glance in my direction, he paced off some metres, stamping past a series of unoccupied benches, to drum out his male fury next to some poor couple who had been sunning themselves in peace up to that point.
The problem this document will experience is a lack of acceptance based on its vague view of 'unoccupied'. In The Line Of Duty
He has also said that she is liable to pay for the weeks the room was unoccupied.
The Sun
In both occupied France and the unoccupied zone, anti-Jewish laws were enforced zealously.
I was unoccupied during the summer vacation.
He said: There are an enormous number of apartments in the Bay at the moment which are unlet and unoccupied.
Archive 2008-06-01
This is best done by not using 'unoccupied', 'abandoned' and 'vacant' interchangeably. In The Line Of Duty
Some departments have been able to identify such structures with a uniform marking system, differentiating them from 'unoccupied' structures and highlighting potential firefighting hazards. In The Line Of Duty
Programmable thermostats regulate backup heating and cooling systems, reducing demand when the house is unoccupied or residents are asleep.
The enemy can be further confused if fake embrasures are painted onto walls using black paint, and if unoccupied buildings are made to look as if they have been prepared for defence.
The move marks a bitter blow for the shopping centre's owners who will see the call centre and the former Garons banqueting suite unoccupied as well as the old C & A store.
Cavernous and rambling, possessed of uninterrupted views of the Coney Island parachute jump, and with what my cousin still calls "ripply walls" (faux stucco), the place had sat unoccupied for a few years except for all of my grandparents' furniture, my grandmother's clothes, bags of long-forgotten photographs from the Old Country taken right before Hitler marched into Poland, and a jar of two year old gefilte fish sitting in the (thankfully still running) refrigerator.
Elissa Altman: Why Brooklyn Needs to Be Careful
From the first inroads of the whites upon what the Indians considered their lawful possessions, although by them unoccupied -- namely, the territory known as Kan-tuck-kee -- up to the year which opens our story, there had been scarcely any cessation of hostilities between the two races so antagonistical in their habits and principles.
Ella Barnwell A Historical Romance of Border Life
The Stryker Brigade is especially vulnerable to long lines of communication, unoccupied battlespace, and bypassed enemy forces.
However it remained unoccupied for a number of years and had fallen into a derelict state.
He there spent all his hours, unoccupied by the duties of his abbatical office, in the transcription of books and the nobler avocations of an author.
Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
The house itself was of course unoccupied, but this shed, formerly a blacksmith's forge, was now turned into a "dosshouse," kept by a retired Captain named
Creatures That Once Were Men
Throughout the meal many tables remained unoccupied.
Times, Sunday Times
So we have those areas that are unoccupied being patrolled by anti-looting squads with assistance from the military.
The Ralok were explorers and liked to find abandoned or unoccupied planets and terraform them to be suitable for colonization.
The unoccupied rsp. occupied states, colored in blue-red rsp. yellow-green, touch each other without energy gap exactly at the above-mentioned six k-vectors.
Haddock Links
The game also offers the ability to spawn directly into certain vehicles if they're unoccupied, which is a nice touch.
Ars Technica
A man wearing a balaclava approached an unoccupied parked van and fired two shots into it.
You'll have a double cabin to yourself, but pay less because you won't know which one until you board the ship and the purser directs you, basically, to whichever cabin is still unoccupied.
Each will remain unoccupied tomorrow and carry the name of a victim of the 1989 tragedy.
The Sun
Large numbers of unoccupied children threatened the social fabric, and ‘churches began to acknowledge that they could not provide sufficient education to keep pace with their recognition of the need for it’.
Their just cause is to be able to live freely in their own country, unoccupied by foreigners.
Following earlier reductions in the staff the offices in our basement were unoccupied, but used for storing old files.
Over the 4th of July I was breastfeeding my son in a public place in Nashville, down an unoccupied hallway, with my mother sitting beside me (blocking the view from the main hallway), and I was covered up with a hooter hider.
Bare Your Boobs In The Air! Like You Just Don’t Care! | Her Bad Mother
The group's main political activity was squatting in unoccupied houses, which they subsequently defended in street battles with police.
The great expanse of unoccupied land available for squatting throughout southeastern Australia implied that the sheep could be left to wander.
The first couple of rounds would be conducted offsite in nonaligned unoccupied countries and the finale held in Afghanistan to announce the new government.
Michael Hughes: Saving Afghanistan Requires Smashing Dangerous Delusions
But I have been gazing forlornly at my unoccupied bird bath since I was given it for Christmas.
He scried the main library to be sure it was unoccupied and went out, locking the door to the private rooms behind him.
Conqueror's Moon
There were no unoccupied taxis in the street and the crowds outside the airport bus terminal would have filled several buses, but I found a cabby there who was willing to take us to the airport for twice the usual fare.
But then the money ran out, and the houses lay unoccupied.
Times, Sunday Times
Also, I noted that many of these individuals were lonely, isolated, unoccupied in either vocational or avocational ways, and were established in daily habits that marked them as mentally ill.
an unoccupied telephone booth
Any piece of the urban landscape is subject to enemy reoccupation if it is left unoccupied or is not cordoned off by friendly forces.
I am sure the removal of these trees will make the general appearance of the house increase in cheerfulness; and I can now only recommend you strongly to take care that your rooms are well ventilated, by the windows being always opened in fine weather, whenever the rooms are unoccupied, for, I repeat, though you laughed at my former assertion, that a free circulation of air is essential both to health and happiness.
The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
Vichy governed the French colonies and the southern part of France unoccupied by German troops and claimed that it was neutral in the war.
A chain hoist helped raise a heavy pile of green oak, barn siding and pine flooring up into this formerly unoccupied Kentucky coffee tree.
Do we want to tell others when we're going abroad and how long the house will be unoccupied?
Times, Sunday Times
The claimant was one of a team maintaining the gardens of some unoccupied council houses.
Times, Sunday Times
Then amid a thousand jokes the tiffin-baskets were brought out, and we had a royal lunch while the tiger was "padded" -- i.e., placed on one of the unoccupied elephants; and finally we got us back to camp, where the rest of the day was devoted to dinner and cheroots.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 100, April, 1876
Suddenly, a whole new planet was accessible; and not only accessible but available, unoccupied, deserted.
But he kept himself to himself, and many in his street thought his house was unoccupied.
The Sun
Anyone who had the opportunity to sell an unoccupied house in the past nine months and didn't is a fool.
Times, Sunday Times
In an age of unaffordable housing, people can pay as little as 25 a week to live in unoccupied buildings in exchange for protecting the property.
Times, Sunday Times
Leaving lights on in unoccupied rooms and keeping electrical appliances on stand-by.
The Sun
The draft document will have more of an impact of firefighter safety if it can narrow its focus from 'unoccupied' to 'abandoned' and In The Line Of Duty
He untacked his horse and left it in an unoccupied stable.
The disabled cubicle was unoccupied, and a rather large gentleman pushed his way through to use it.
Times, Sunday Times
I hope this table is unoccupied.
Any piece of the urban landscape is subject to enemy reoccupation if it is left unoccupied or is not cordoned off by friendly forces.
The building, a former textile mill, has been unoccupied for a number of years.
Note 32: It is difficult to determine whether there is an unoccupied hook at the top of the cabinet above the portative organ. back
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
unoccupied hours
So that's how bored and unoccupied I was when I happened to come across this artist while surfing (being unbelievably bored).
Honest people cannot understand how it is possible that national committees and the enterprises of housing economy run by them tolerate long-term nonpayment of rent, that thousands of apartments are unoccupied for long periods, and that the troubles connected with acquiring an apartment are being misused for speculative aims, for the illicit enrichment of some people at the expense of others.
Making the History of 1989
If the premises are unoccupied a copy of the Notice should be left in a prominent position.
The eight electrons in the valence shell occupy the bonding and non-bonding levels, leaving the anti-bonding levels unoccupied.
But then, as to that house at Barchester, the dignified prebendal mansion in the close — might they not be allowed to leave it unoccupied for one year longer — perhaps to let it?
Framley Parsonage
That we should build condos that remain unoccupied?
How They Roll In Florida « PubliCola
My holiday snaps from Italy last summer were also on the site, which would be useful information for criminals about when my house is unoccupied.
Times, Sunday Times
The staff room was unoccupied when Dion made his way to the large sofa near the corner of the room.
Data from four plots were omitted from the analyses after a territorial boundary narrowly overlapped the southeastern corner of the unoccupied zone in 1994.
It was simply the thirteen states, through their delegates in Congress, dealing with the unoccupied national domain as if it were the common land or folkland of a stupendous township.
The Critical Period of American History
They found parts of it unfinished, with some of the 500 buildings unoccupied.
Times, Sunday Times
We formulize them thus: add body to body and sphere to sphere, until the imagination wearies; and still there will remain beyond, a void, empty, unoccupied
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
But it was unoccupied that he might fill a higher seat prepared, waiting for, and needing, not the undying part but the everlasting whole; for we are not _whole_ till we drop our dust!
Senatorial Character A Sermon in West Church, Boston, Sunday, 15th of March, After the Decease of Charles Sumner.
The biggest proportion of insurance claims on unoccupied houses comes from burst heating pipes.
Times, Sunday Times
He was alone and heading back to the home of his girlfriend, Charlotte, when the car mounted the verge and hit a tree in the garden of a pair of unoccupied cottages.
The pub building has been unoccupied since the business closed almost two years ago, and had fallen into disrepair.
It wasn't proof positive that the house was unoccupied, but I figured Cheetham was too stressed out just now to ignore his phone.
The average family add 55 to their electric bill each year by leaving lights on in unoccupied rooms.
The Sun
Normally, there was this girl, Nicole, who I was convinced was secretly stalking me, and she would always sit next to me when Natalie or Lauren left the other part of the seat unoccupied.
On Friday morning there was scarcely an unoccupied seat in the cafe.
Times, Sunday Times
There's no force more destructive than a pack of unoccupied children.
Suddenly, a whole new planet was accessible; and not only accessible but available, unoccupied, deserted.
The house was unoccupied at the time of the explosion.
Unoccupied houses that are staged aren't selling as well as those with people in them.
He got sucked into trouble and appeared before the courts on charges of failing to stop after an accident, burgling an unoccupied building and kicking a car.
But even here, on the Island, the makeshift homes of the country's dispossessed fill every space unoccupied by sunbeds and volleyball nets.
unoccupied areas of France
Wearing sunglasses and a dark suit, he found a seat in an unoccupied row.
Not only are the houses shoddily built with some of the walls on the brink of collapsing, but the unoccupied houses are being plundered by vandals who steal the doors, windows and other fittings.
At a time when there are a lot of houses unoccupied in the Killarney urban area, there is massive speculation with some companies and individuals owning anything from five to fifty houses.
a seat (if he can find one unoccupied, which is highly improbable), and there write out his "notes," as I am doing at this moment.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 26, September, 1880
Conclusions - Children classified as unoccupied are almost certainly living in poverty as well as experiencing relatively high risks of mortality.
He knew of the caravan site, found two insecure unoccupied vans, slept there and took items of low value.
In an attempt to provide fire chiefs, line officers and firefighters with a safety plan for fireground operations, a great debate to define 'unoccupied' needs to first be resolved. In The Line Of Duty
Routing the supply ducts from the machine room over unoccupied bathrooms or storage areas provides another 10-point reduction in radiated noise level in occupied spaces.
It occurs to me that a horse with this curious mania for binding cinches or cinching binders -- or, in other words, a cinch binder -- will be as willing to indulge in his favourite sport with the saddle unoccupied as otherwise.
Ma Pettengill
As I undertsand it Gaza has no right to exist being formerly egyptian, occupied by Israel after the 6 day victory and now "unoccupied".
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
But even here, on the Island, the makeshift homes of the country's dispossessed fill every space unoccupied by sunbeds and volleyball nets.
We stopped at one unoccupied corner near the gate, in front of a drugstore, with the two boys shielding me from view.
The raiders broke in the front door of the building, which is unoccupied at night.
We raked out the bo'sun from his afternoon nap, and he and a withered old lascar jammed a hemp fender between the chain and woodwork, so their slumbers ought to be more peaceful; now they are getting a temporary change to a berth amidship, which is unoccupied as far as Marseilles; in it they will hardly feel the motion.
From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
The Magistrates caused cottages and workshops to be erected on a piece of unoccupied land near Edinburgh, where the street appropriately called Picardy Place now stands, ” the greater number of the weavers having come from Picardy in France.
James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography.
By the time the film was about to begin, nary a chair was left unoccupied.
And when I'm unoccupied, I can never think of anything to do, or the lists I have of things to do don't appeal.
After taking an extensive survey of the place, I returned to the first gate, and seeing a large shop, open to the street, unoccupied, I took possession of it, and requested the young man above mentioned to read part of a Canarese tract which he had in his hand.
Old Daniel
A chain hoist helped raise a heavy pile of green oak, barn siding and pine flooring up into this formerly unoccupied Kentucky coffee tree.
He stood alone in a small, unoccupied steel room; a row of soft cushion and hard plastic chairs lined the far wall.
Having thus surveyed and located the mines now worked by the present occupants, and secured to them their titles in fee simple, without rent, regie, or seigniorage, let us now consider the proper policy as to the vast unoccupied public mineral domain.
The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
Abolitionist, or a Fourierite, as his companions were in some degree or other likely to be, he was willing, as a generous and unoccupied young man, to lend a hand in any reasonable scheme for helping people to live together on better terms than the common.
Hawthorne (English Men of Letters Series)
A witness told the task force that the elephant appeared to have been "kneecapped" in the first bursts of fire after it crushed an unoccupied telephone booth.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Do you really want them on in unoccupied rooms, pumping out CO2?
Times, Sunday Times
The buffalo player may only move his pieces one space directly forward as long as that space is unoccupied.
Next in order of British interests stands the right of pre-emption to all healthy, fertile, "unoccupied" lands of the globe not already in possession of a people capable of seriously disputing invasion, with the right of reversion to such other regions as may, from time to time prove commercially desirable or financially exploitable, whether suitable for British colonization or not.
The Crime Against Europe A Possible Outcome of the War of 1914
The sense of unoccupied power had begun to render him restless, and it was with elation which might have appeared tinctured with ingratitude by those who did not comprehend the mysterious workings of his untranquil ambition, that he prepared for his return to that foreign land where he could enjoy advantages for the prosecution of his art-studies unattainable in a young country.
Fairy Fingers A Novel
The unoccupied house started to decay