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How To Use Unnecessary In A Sentence

  • There are a few plotlines and characters - Sophie's mother in particular - that are somewhat redundant and unnecessary.
  • She made one or two snide remarks about their house which I thought was a bit unnecessary.
  • There is no doubt that unnecessary complexity can stifle growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • This seems like an unnecessary attention-seeking tactic, making sure we notice a particularly sleazy line.
  • But he railed against subsidies for ethanol producers and other provisions of the bill that he called unneeded, unnecessary, unwanted sweeteners ' ' to win votes for the package. Tax-Cut Bill Draws Wide Support in Senate
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  • Organizing your finances and time helps you become more productive and responsive and ensures you avoid unnecessary pitfalls, such as incurring wasteful late fees. - Home Page RSS
  • Cultural practices have survived or fallen only in part because of their effect on the strength of the group, and those which have survived are usually burdened with unnecessary impedimenta.
  • Selling alcohol at truck stops is an unnecessary temptation for drivers.
  • Animal welfare organisations said that many of the tests are unnecessary or could be performed on human volunteers. Times, Sunday Times
  • This experience makes a pilot scheme unnecessary.
  • To kill animals for meat represents such an unnecessary taking of life. Phoenix From the Flame
  • An unnecessary signal: the radios had been dead since the crash landing.
  • To reclaim your disk memory, you need to clean up these unnecessary and unwanted files.
  • The way many estate plans are currently worded could cause them to backfire, either by triggering unnecessary state estate taxes or even accidentally disinheriting a surviving spouse. Does Your Trust Need a Tune-Up?
  • Why would we want to proceed with a course of action that is unjust, unwise and completely unnecessary?
  • Women are foolish to expose themselves to unnecessary risk. The Sun
  • Duplicate customer records in a database can hurt earnings through unnecessary mailings.
  • Heaping blame on each other between the police and the Lusaka City Council over the issue of the Lusaka street vendors is uncalled for and totally unnecessary.
  • And this means that the theories of universally acting psychical repression, of the unconscious, of the endopsychic censor, of the significance of resistance and amnesia, of the employment of highly complicated and phantastic symbolism, of the manifestations of sexuality and so forth have been made use of in a high-handed, uncalled for, unnecessary and unscientific manner to prove the truth of the thesis with which the author set out upon his journey. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • We always try to avoid any unnecessary complications.
  • In may instances even a recompile is unnecessary.
  • This is avoidable and unnecessary suffering. Times, Sunday Times
  • They could also receive an unnecessary tax bill. The Sun
  • The use of the word 'gay' in this trailer as a slur is unnecessary and does nothing more than send a message of intolerance about our community to viewers," GLAAD president Jarret Barrios said in a statement. Vince Vaughn Trailer Pulled After Complaints From GLAAD
  • A few unnecessary flights of melisma aside, the Best R&B Performance class works too; it includes songs by Marsha Ambrosius, Ledisi, Kelly Price & Stokely, Corinne Bailey Rae and Charlie Wilson. The Grammys Again Defy Common Sense
  • Why are you running such unnecessary risks with a great relationship? The Sun
  • This Saturday you can avoid hundreds of unnecessary calories by skipping the pigskin (literally and figuratively) and saying yes to fitness.
  • Given their love of luxe, Leos tend to overindulge in delectably unnecessary high-fat and sugary goodies.
  • The TV documentary claimed his London clinics offered unnecessary and unproven treatments. The Sun
  • In an article last October, I described how my wife and I planned to chop around £800 a month from our expenses by cutting back on unnecessary luxuries, frills and trimmings.
  • Most of the 74 opinions are also lengthy and convoluted, larded with unnecessary detail and footnotes, and containing inappropriate swipes at the work of the other justices.
  • It will analyze the effects of implosions during non-nuclear mock-up experiments - simulations that will render actual weapons stockpile testing unnecessary.
  • Unnecessary anxiety has been caused by media hysteria and misinformation.
  • Both sets of norms rest ultimately upon a fundamental principle of proscription concerning the infliction of militarily ' unnecessary suffering '.
  • Authorities say when they had last recontacted the pilots, the pilots answers were so vague, they were ordered to take the plane through a series of unnecessary maneuvers to prove it was under their control, not hijacked. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2009
  • They had arranged to meet in front of the library on the day war was declared, to voice their opposition to what they believed was an unjust and unnecessary conflict.
  • It is unnecessary to juxtapose the legal and relational aspects of covenant theology. In all three covenants, personal relations are premised upon just legal relations.
  • Given their love of luxe, Leos tend to overindulge in delectably unnecessary high-fat and sugary goodies.
  • His innings are exercises in valour yet absent of unnecessary venturousness.
  • I wonder if the experts are truly cognizant of the unnecessary chasm that separates the layman from the cultured.
  • It is unnecessary to rehearse the details of the case against him.
  • Would we feel relaxed about unnecessary deaths in custody because most policemen do a good job? Times, Sunday Times
  • As he declined the invitation it is unnecessary to consider further what would have been the effect of such a joinder.
  • Sometimes a little lie helps to strengthen relationships, or to avoid unnecessary conflicts and tensions. Sometimes omitting certain truth serves to protect ourselves and others. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • In a free market society, ruled not by a dogma, but by the mammon, it was unnecessary.
  • That's how you know you're totally contented with another person, when you don't need to fill the void with unnecessary babble.
  • I will not offer any criticism of the sentiments or idiom of this stanza, for what irked me was the word ‘flippertigibbets,’ which seemed an unnecessary orthographical variation intended only to catch attention it did not deserve.
  • Once this was done, and the buildings cleared of unnecessary accretions, the architect was left with an enormous double-height volume, requiring a new first floor, and a smaller vaulted one with a chamber above.
  • From the outset a policy was adopted which aimed at eliminating unnecessary jargon and the mystique normally associated with computers.
  • I have to imagine false start and unnecessary roughness penalties would come into play. chappy Says: Matthew Yglesias » The Unpredictability of Quarterbacks
  • Yet there were many problems behind the scenes which contributed to the unnecessary friction and helped lead to the final disgraceful scenes. The Sun
  • We must stop setting them a bad example by following policies that are unnecessary, and cruel.
  • I want to refocus our curriculum to get rid of unnecessary extras and change our discredited exam system. Times, Sunday Times
  • As production becomes rationalized and routinized over time, the skills and hence high wages of the city labor force become unnecessary.
  • Who would decide what constituted an unnecessary level of fat in various foods.
  • It will analyze the effects of implosions during non-nuclear mock-up experiments - simulations that will render actual weapons stockpile testing unnecessary.
  • This our Peeress declined as unnecessary , alleging that her cousin Thornhill 's recommendation would be sufficient.
  • Conclusion Motorman can know in time the runing of electric locomotive avoiding to unnecessary failure. It is featured as easy in using and flexible in operation.
  • He is accused of performing hundreds of 'unnecessary, inappropriate or unregulated' operations. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is unnecessary to adduce proofs that the major part of this catastrophe was pre pared by German diplomacy, military as well as civil, at Brest Litovsk. My Life
  • | Private Reply heaters are totally unnecessary, i have found, and anyone that blows money on nob type insulation is a fool. About Ajijic, food, music, people, and the "social life"
  • She asked me to pass on her apologies for being testy in comments threads, which I'm sure are wholly unnecessary in any case.
  • Using good judgment in dietary choices can also help to diminish unnecessary adverse effects. 3 Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • There is one fact which no one can misunderstand, the while -- that after the defections under which you have suffered, and under your known want of military stores, an incursive war from the mountains appears ferocious -- both revengeful and cruel -- when every one knows that time will render it unnecessary. The Hour and the Man, An Historical Romance
  • Besides, as often remarked, it is a human figment which is not commanded, and is unnecessary and useless; for the holy The Smalcald Articles
  • Further elaboration is needless and comments are unnecessary, we know. Noble Simplicity and the Liturgiologist Edmund Bishop
  • Loved Smackdown and i am excited about John Morrison's potential but i wish the writers would just leave poor Vickie alone, JM calling her abig fat pig was so unnecessary and made it all feel very awkward. Blog updates
  • You can swivel the kneepad to do obleiks, it works the entire abdominal muscle, reduces unnecessary stresses… blahblahblah. AbCoaster | Impact Lab
  • There was a soldier placed at the door with a drawn spado in his hand, to prevent our stirring out, which was quite unnecessary, as we knew not where to go if we had been at liberty. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • A growing trend – they pull these pseudo-scientists from Creation Institutional Colleges that exist solely to debunk real science in the name of religious mythologies from the Bible (Noah’s Flood for instance), which conveniently align with most of the Republican Party’s greedy little plans to accumulate unnecessary wealth. Think Progress » Rebuttal To Gore Movie, Enthusiastically Embraced By The Right, Grossly Distorts Scientific Facts
  • What's more in the circumstances the protests are uncalled for and absolutely unnecessary.
  • The protesters chose an airport that only serviced unnecessary short-haul flights. Times, Sunday Times
  • The amazing part of the detraction is that a lot of these are the same arguments why weblogs were unnecessary and irrelevant. Gillmor on Fire
  • The singers are miked only for the dialogue, but their excellent diction makes the supertitles unnecessary, bringing out mad rhymes like "You very imperfect ablutioner" for "The Lord High Executioner. Taking Gilbert
  • In estimating the agglutinin content or _titre_ of a serum, testing disinfectants and for many other purposes, it becomes necessary to prepare a series of dilutions of the material under examination, and in order to avoid unnecessary expenditure of labour it is convenient to adhere to some definite scale of increment, such for example as the following: The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • The whole idea of the proposed redevelopment of the centre is farcical, unnecessary and at odds with what many people really want.
  • Those scruples and that refinement against which he warned her, she herself thought might be overstrained, and to gratify unnecessary punctilio, the short period of existence be rendered causelessly unhappy. Cecilia
  • As such, it's an unnecessary, and disingenuous, attempt to repolarize American literary culture. I Need a Remedy
  • They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.
  • The system is morphing faster than the program can track, but I'm eliminating the unnecessary code strings.
  • Thereby, color space compression is unnecessary when outputting an image from each output device, and output images from output devices have the same color tone.
  • It also blamed the sometimes unnecessary inclusion of Mexico from preventing more meaningful Canada-U.S. bilateralism. The SPP: Three's Company or Three's a Crowd?
  • She made one or two snide remarks about their house which I thought was a bit unnecessary.
  • The camera lens and flash are also covered by glass to prevent unnecessary scratching of the lens.
  • All forms of bloodsports are an unnecessary distraction from genuine wildlife conservation.
  • It is redundant and unnecessary, just like most government programs.
  • Hats off to the Proms for avoiding unnecessary duplication and ensuring maximum diversity. Times, Sunday Times
  • I strongly feel that your campaign stirs up unnecessary resentment towards a service that has received a constant bombardment of criticism.
  • His either/or choice was arbitrary and unnecessary, and he hurt his organization as a result.
  • Consequently you end up with a load of unwanted, unnecessary tat like a novelty stand for your mobile phone, an after-shave that smells like cat pee, or a six-pack of socks in fluorescent, lime green.
  • Lose not time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. 
  • We would have sat in companiable silence popcorn chewing excepted, conversation unnecessary. Swallow
  • With household budgets under such pressure we must be wary of introducing unnecessary new regulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The approach enables larger cannulae to be used for easier stone extraction, however, and avoids unnecessary trauma to the liver.
  • For Stephen to lose his life over fraudulent benefit claims is a complete waste and so unnecessary.
  • While it may seem like an unnecessary extra step, the make-up pros wax lyrical about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are a couple of moments that see the 3D element used to its potential but on the whole it feels like an unnecessary gimmick. The Sun
  • For a facial or a small body liposculpture, he said, heavy sedation is unnecessary.
  • The key to your success is to ensure your originality shines through, so try to avoid unnecessary complications with friends or co-workers. The Sun
  • Hunting with dogs is a cruel, barbaric and unnecessary pastime.
  • And this requires controls that make opinions unnecessary. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • “The bruises indicate alot ”——the word emphasized for my sake——“of unnecessary force.” Death, Deceit & Some Smooth Jazz
  • Undue fear of smallpox, a virus that, if it appears at all, will spread slowly - has stoked unnecessary fear and led to a panicked call for a vaccine which can cause harmful side affects.
  • Edmon, who called the AOC's position "unnecessary second-guessing," was joined by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge David Wesley in voting to transfer the money from the construction fund. BLACK ENTERPRISE
  • Indeed, Jindal felt Congressional Dems voted on a stimulus bill they hadn't even read - though Jindal's criticism of the same package didn't show that he'd read it either, claiming it was "larded" with pork but I started laughing when Jindal began listing the projects he thought were unnecessary and wasteful, such as mag-lev rail projects and volcano monitoring. Jindal's Condescending Response Elicits Douchechills
  • Since the president was unavailable, I spoke with her assistant to arrange an appointment. unnecessary repetition.
  • Plus why oh why did they introduce unnecessary twittering birdsong on one track?
  • To give them the real thing is unnecessary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Psychologists call it the ‘thrill factor,’ the urge that drives high achievers, often in the public eye, into taking unnecessary risks with their reputations.
  • But passion is born and though undesirable, unasked for, unnecessary like cancer, it takes root.
  • I reiterate to the House that this bill is unnecessary, unwarranted, and dangerous.
  • So just remember to shave off that last unnecessary word when using acronyms and initialisms, and you'll be fine.
  • The original reading is, not a _spendthrift's_ sigh, but a _spendthrift_ sigh; a _sigh_ that makes an unnecessary waste of the vital flame. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Ramses opened his mouth to reply; Emerson, who knew his son's tendency toward unnecessary loquacity as well as I did, replied for him. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • After some difficulty in "dodging" the sentries, which General Simpson, with his most unpopular and unnecessary policy, insists on placing everywhere, we reached the Fourth Division just as the Guards were marching down to their places in reserve. Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol
  • This creates additional advantages: cable duct systems can be integrated and heat sources can be contacted directly with the machine bed, in order to render active climate control unnecessary.
  • The public can help by getting their pets spayed and neutered, which is the key to stopping pet overpopulation and ending unnecessary euthanizations at the shelters. News for
  • How much has that unnecessary pounding taken out of New Approach? The Sun
  • To retain four uncapped spinners could be regarded as unnecessary and Ellison may already have been considered surplus to requirements along with Ripon-born opening batsman John Inglis and reserve wicketkeeper Matthew Thewlis.
  • Campaigners say added sugar offers no nutritional value and is a source of unnecessary calories. Times, Sunday Times
  • It had taken the people of Chaldis the whole of three months to build new homes, remove a square mile of forest, plant some unnecessary crops of exotic and luxurious fruits, re-lay a river, and demolish a hill which offended their aesthetic sensibilities. Tales of Ten Worlds
  • I know that it is unnecessary to rip animals to pieces to preserve the balance of nature.
  • The surgeon examined the wound carefully, palpating the thigh well beyond the extent of the lesion, paying what I thought was unnecessary attention to the rest of the limb.
  • Beginning this procedure early enough in the course of carpal tunnel syndrome should yield a good result and avoid unnecessary encumbrances on a pregnant woman.
  • They are often unnecessary and expensive - when borrowers can simply defer payments and renegotiate the lending terms.
  • They can be quite menacing and are totally unnecessary. Times, Sunday Times
  • The organization has promised to eliminate cumbersome and unnecessary bureaucracy.
  • And this requires controls that make opinions unnecessary. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • They force them into unchosen activities, pushing them into unnecessary competition in areas they care or don't care for, straining kid's friendships and taking the joy out of everything.
  • Making an immediate move seems imprudent and unnecessary.
  • This will be appreciated by the candidate and prevent any unnecessary bad feeling that would affect the outcome.
  • The mystery at its heart is never very gripping, and the final twist seems both unnecessary and tame - a kitten's mew instead of a tiger's snarl.
  • In such cases, the X-ray leads to unnecessary discomfort, expense and emotional distress.
  • It seems to me that this is a totally unnecessary imposition by government on neglected and over bureaucratised rural villagers.
  • Georgia, coined the phrase ‘unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain.’
  • But it feels like an unnecessary political point for a series that already has so much going for it. The Sun
  • There was neither time nor resources to drill such soldiers in elaborate tactics and discipline, and for the most part their function made this unnecessary.
  • The organization has promised to eliminate cumbersome and unnecessary bureaucracy.
  • This is a terrible act of cultural vandalism and totally unnecessary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other goals such as dampening unnecessary exuberance and over-leveraging, and avoiding asset price bubbles can also be added to the objectives of macroprudential policies. Raj Nallari: New Thinking on Macroprudential Regulations
  • The unnecessary use of any of the following words -- 'subliminable,' 'snippy' or 'recount' -- will result in an invitation not to return," she said. Leader Of The Pack
  • If it is unnecessary or there are other alternatives to multimedia, then, do not use it.
  • My second pointer may seem absurdly unnecessary; I assure you it is not.
  • There could be a serious loss of efficiency through unnecessary duplication of resources if these activities were to be fragmented. Collins Dictionary of Economics
  • A somewhat unnecessary prolog and epilog has now been tacked on, but not tackily, smoothly enough that it didn't ruin the story. Will You Go See Avatar?
  • Lose not time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. 
  • The incurrence of a defect on “unnecessary inspection” serves as a reminder to talk to yourself when putting anything down, even temporarily. QUALITY IS PERSONAL
  • I do think the article was offensive, inaccurate, poorly timed and unnecessary.
  • Although U/V, ozone and protein skimmers were known, reference books often claimed they were unnecessary.
  • Then came the shale gas revolution, rendering much of that capacity unnecessary. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is, however, unnecessary to discuss this question until our anthropometrical knowledge of prostitutes is more extended and precise. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • The objections against the application were, that should Congress comply with it, others of a similar nature would he made; that if the lines of the army were com - pleat, which ought to be insisted upon, such extra aid would be unnecessary; that the condition of the finances would not admit of new demands; that the adoption of such a measure would seem to exclude the idea of mak - ing the exertions of particular States for their own de - fence an object of publick charge, except in cases which had been specially provided for by Congress. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • [Page 156] the poorhouse, the result of centuries of deterrent Poor Law administration, seemed to me not without some justification one summer when I found myself perpetually distressed by the unnecessary idleness and forlornness of the old women in the Cook County Infirmary, many of whom I had known in the years when activity was still a necessity, and when they yet felt bustlingly important. Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
  • But Marianne abhorred all concealment where no real disgrace could attend unreserve; and to aim at the restraint of sentiments which were not in themselves illaudable, appeared to her not merely an unnecessary effort, but a disgraceful subjection of reason to common – place and mistaken notions. Sense and Sensibility
  • He admitted causing unnecessary suffering to protected animals and was jailed for 12 weeks. The Sun
  • Treatment is usually unnecessary unless they become large and cause pressure symptoms, in which case surgical removal may be required. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it tends to be an overcorrection or an over-management of this risk rather than an entirely unnecessary creation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several of the other cases relate to allegedly unnecessary Caesarean hysterectomies carried out some years ago.
  • While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.
  • But the one thing that gets the goat of the players more than anything is his unnecessary dummies during matches. The Sun
  • It had been unnecessary to tell him so bluntly that his physical presence repelled her. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Page xxiii view page image: tor himself had corrected in some other place: and where he had rendered a Chinese title improperly, it hath been set right from better authorities: two or three instances have occurred of this kind, wherein it was thought unnecessary to detain the Hau Kiou Choaan :
  • The tendency to categorize black sportsmen and women differently from the rest is faintly racist and, I believe, totally unnecessary.
  • For those who can still put two and two together, the Ft. Hood killings look like the beginning of a long term bloodletting in our country, an unnecessary travail we will be forced - Articles related to Gandhi, State Dinners, and the Global Family
  • For example, after a heart attack or cardiac surgery, minor muscular chest aches and pains may be misinterpreted as evidence of angina, leading to unnecessary worry and disability.
  • Ferguson, whose models shaped government policy, said other culls should not have been adopted and only led to the unnecessary slaughter of healthy animals.
  • He lied us into two hideously unfair tax cuts; he lied us into an unnecessary war with disastrous consequences; he lied us into the Patriot Act, eviscerating our freedoms.
  • Make no mistake, Feingold's motion to censure is not a foolish nuisance interrupting your busy lawmaking schedules, not an unnecessary distraction from the great work of appealing as unspecifically as possible to enough disgruntled Republicans that we can eke out a tarnished and compromised numerical victory in November. Frank Dwyer: Senators: Stand with Feingold
  • Things are tight and there is little space for unnecessary expenditure.
  • This means many unnecessary deaths for British patients from treatable conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you invent a non-existent problem, you can always manufacture an unnecessary solution.
  • Adam's next problem was how to obtain a translation of the document and Goering's letter without arousing unnecessary curiosity.
  • The regulation has also been blamed by an official inquiry for contributing to unnecessary hospital deaths. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this is so, a proprietor can object to unnecessary repackaging even when it causes no harm to the specific subject matter of the right.
  • Envy was a civilised emotion, attendant upon some degree of security and the possession of things strictly unnecessary to survival.
  • Consequently, unnecessary things like pausing to eat or micturate are out.
  • He refused to be dragged into unnecessary political controversy and instead reposed his trust in the discretion of his voters who all are celebrated writers drawn from 22 languages of India.
  • The review should also address the bottlenecks in the planning system that are causing unnecessary delays and costs to the construction sector, the CIF said.
  • Justice Breyer himself has called such cases a rara avis, which is why having a “presumption” in most cases is, essentially, unnecessary. The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Ambiguity, Empathy, and the Role of Judicial Power:
  • All the memories of those six months of deceit, of broken pledges, of unnecessary humiliations, of petty unpoliteness from a half-educated, half-bred, conceited, and arrogant people fell from us like a heavy knapsack. Notes of a War Correspondent
  • Our diplomats are instructed to avoid unnecessary irritants and purely rhetorical hostility.
  • You've caused us all a lot of unnecessary worry.
  • In the leaner 1990s that headquarters glamour is increasingly seen as gluttony - an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy and overheads.
  • The hope is that Sol Campbell's return, which is at least two weeks away, will render such expenditure unnecessary.
  • These products are not only unnecessary, but may cause irritation and rashes. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • But that medallion is headed out again and I'm not about to jinx its mojo by doing something so unnecessary as cleaning it. Stop! You Can't Do That! - SpouseBUZZ
  • Looks like the "middle ground" is where the quantum mystics hang out and propose unnecessary quantum explanations for well-understood chemical mutation processes based on an extremely vague analogy between photon capture in chlorophyll and base pair mutations in DNA. A Voice from the Middle Ground
  • Or was it that by supporting something the Obama crowd clearly wants as demonstrated by their opportunistic and entirely unnecessary amnestying of the existing Haitian illegals Abrams hopes to gain traction for something which really matters to him: Israel. “Neocon’s Neocon” trading Haitian deluge here for Israeli favors?
  • In writing this report I have omitted all unnecessary details.
  • If there are employees taking unnecessary sickies, then take action but do not make judgements before you have completed your research.
  • On their new album, "Dunya," the gussying-up seems unnecessary: With Prince, James Brown and Afrobeat as influences, Mr. Tanga is best when he lets loose, which should mean an electrifying performance. Rock, Rhythm and Blues
  • the purpose of intervention is to prevent unnecessary duplication of lawsuits
  • In an attempt to clean out old and/or unnecessary files, I accessed my Winzip files.
  • To the extent that civil unions will duplicate marriage, then extending that privilege is clearly unnecessary.
  • Though confusingly three different and variously incompatible recordable DVD formats are created resulting in some unnecessary duplication of effort, zounds!
  • In due course this strategy would have the advantage of making unnecessary the continuation of American economic aid to Western Europe.
  • The treatment of hypothyroidism is usually simple, and referral to secondary care is unnecessary.
  • Now, the idea there, as I understand it, is to avoid unnecessary duplication between submissions.
  • Traffic is travelling at a slow rate with back ups developing that are unnecessary.
  • Do not be cajoled into buying something totally unnecessary. The Sun

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