How To Use Unnatural In A Sentence

  • There were dozens of glow-in-the-dark stars throbbing there, throwing their unnatural green light down to her.
  • The dramatic spirit of the Italian race seems to communicate itself to the puppets, and they perform their parts with a fidelity to theatrical unnaturalness which is wonderful. Venetian Life
  • The product is sweetened with organic crystallized cane sugar and contains no unnatural stabilizers or preservatives.
  • I wanted to tell the lady in Cairo that she was exaggerating her dress, that it was unnatural and abnormal.
  • The rancho he could not see -- for the covering interposal columns of the cacti -- but through the openings along their tops a black line was visible that had an unnatural look, and a strange film of smoke hung over the azotea! The White Chief A Legend of Northern Mexico
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  • I NOTICE that apart from the widespread complaint that the German pilotless planes ‘seem so unnatural’ (a bomb dropped by a live airman is quite natural, apparently), some journalists are denouncing them as barbarous, inhumane, and ‘an indiscriminate attack on civilians’. As I Please
  • Against any tendency to naturalize evil, Julian sees evil as profoundly unnatural, unkind.
  • Because he's been chronically underweight since before hitting puberty, his body is used to having to survive on unnaturally low weights, but there's a limit to how much it can take.
  • What is it about this particular ceremony that obligates people to travel vast distances, buy expensive casserole dishes, wear unnaturally tidy clothes, and take stupid numbers of photographs?
  • Are photography and surrealism such an ‘unnatural coupling,’ as one observer has recently suggested?
  • His capacity for taking the mickey out of defences was also legendary even though he could be diffident in front of goal in a way that Finney would have found unnatural.
  • I took them off, glad to be rid of the unnatural green tone.
  • The unnatural process of modern recording resulted in a soul album that went against the definition of soul.
  • In some quarters there has been some recrudescence of the _Shakti_ cultus, with its often obscene and horrible rites, and the unnatural depravity which was so marked a feature in the case of the band of young Brahmans who conspired to murder Mr. Jackson at Nasik represents a form of erotomania which is certainly much more common amongst Hindu political fanatics than amongst Hindus in general. Indian Unrest
  • I must admit, for a diet that stresses natural food, some of it sounds a bit unnatural.
  • Her leg was bent at an unnatural angle.
  • It leads to an unnatural style that is forced and wooden.
  • Torches guttered in iron sconces set about the cavern and cabinets emerged at bizarre angles from ancient columns of stone etched with unnatural runes.
  • But, clearly, the division between perdurance theories and endurance theories is somewhat unnatural, because ‘endurance’ theories differ so radically amongst themselves.
  • His head had been steadied straight up in a most unnatural position, with a kind of callipers or steel braces, and he must have been told to "look up and smile" for a full minute. Social life in old New Orleans : being recollections of my girlhood,
  • I have looked at the seeds; I never saw in the British orchids nearly so many empty testae; but this goes for nothing, as unnatural conditions would account for it. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • The above furin-Eda-peptide (II) contains a highly reactive β-turn inducing unnatural Eda-amino acid inserted between the scissile PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • His tour bus bunk was always unnaturally tidy. Christianity Today
  • But there's a kind of queasiness that these are unnatural in some way. Nick Bostrom on our biggest problems
  • He claims to be being completely truthful, despite the interviewer's disbelief and the fact that his face has changed in strange and unnatural ways.
  • It was, of course, a completely unnatural oddity of physics, but the Weak Hole in particular was worse than your average black hole.
  • Brother Jonathan," then just published by Blackwood in three large volumes, was read to him every night for weeks, and greatly to his satisfaction, as I then understood; though it seems by what Dr. Bowring -- I beg his pardon, Sir John Bowring -- says on the subject, that the "white-haired sage" was wide enough awake, on the whole, to form a pretty fair estimate of its unnaturalness and extravagance: being himself a great admirer of Richardson's ten-volume stories, like The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 97, November, 1865
  • It was a vivid reminder that descending the water column in a submarine is an unnatural act.
  • Helena studies a deeply crimsoned rose, almost unnaturally so, and takes a long, wary look at the protruding thorns. The Iron Maiden « A Fly in Amber
  • Furthermore given all appearances, Linear A was most likely made for Minoan and the rules of the script would simply be too unnatural if Minoan did not have highly restricted phonotactics to begin with. Linear A treatment of consonant clusters
  • But it felt so strange and unnatural to me that I wished nothing more than to be back in a modest dress.
  • However, intellectuals can alter the course of unnatural disasters such as government.
  • This food comes minus the usual slicks of oil and unnatural colourings.
  • And the mixture of pain and illness with splendor and festivity, is so unnatural, that probably it is to that we must attribute that a young woman is no where so hardly judged. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Burly runs at Crow, knife and arm raised, Crow easily side-steps the attack and snatches Burly's wrist twisting it around behind the wide man in a most unnatural position.
  • They show unattainably good cooking, but, no coincidence, also unnaturally ordered kitchens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thou mayst do this if thou wilt, pater non deperit filiam, nec frater sororem, a father dotes not on his own daughter, a brother on a sister; and why? because it is unnatural, unlawful, unfit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • These fabulous characters use their extraordinary and unnatural physical and psychic powers on the side of either good or evil.
  • Light shone around her, constant, as constant as daylight, but infinitely harsher; it was unnatural, artificial.
  • He was a small man, not ill-made by Nature, but reduced to unnatural tenuity by dissipation-a corporeal attribute of which he was apt to boast, as it enabled him, as he said, to put himself up at 7st 7lb without any ‘d — — nonsense of not eating and drinking’. Doctor Thorne
  • It is a precious boon to be rid of such an unnatural and ominous belief as that in the final disemboguing of the dead by sea and land, the tumbling of the rocks, the falling of the stars, and the everlasting torture of the condemned in a prison of fire. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • One thing I've noticed about clothing construction in the stores is the unnatural waistline, whether it's skirts or slacks, and how unflattering it is. The Value of Clothing in Creating a Mood
  • Once he was sure he was out of eyeshot of the tobacconist he dropped the pack of cigarettes, unopened, into one of the discreetly placed rubbish bins surrounded by unnaturally flourishing pot plants.
  • Replication only occurred in highly artificial, unnatural conditions.
  • A look out the window confirmed that I was indeed in the Twilight Zone, as huge, unnatural snowflakes fell to the ground.
  • But the johns0 guide for this also puts the audio at a higher and unnatural pitch: playing NTSC discs on PAL equipment often results in jerky / juddery artifacts, Forum
  • To her he must have seemed unnatural or inhuman. Bomber
  • Such unintentional romances signal the "unnaturalness" of celibacy, for the priest cannot resist the call of love and desire once exposed to the right woman. The Little Professor:
  • We found efforts at forced collaboration awkward and unnatural for most organizations.
  • The ceaselessness of the _Volpe_'s pitch and plunge wore at him: unable to find even an hour's respite to recover his energies, Matteo could keep nothing down, found it impossible to maintain his balance, and felt the ship's unnatural motions -- irreconcilable with any human cycle -- begin to ravage him. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • Children were not allowed to attend public schools and many were illiterate; reading and writing being ‘unnatural’ technologies that would corrupt the children.
  • The plot is a complex intercontinental ‘quest for the father’ which inexorably transforms itself into a manhunt where said ‘father’ turns out to be a murderous, unnatural genitor.
  • Her eyes were unnaturally bright.
  • For a drug is an unnatural thing; something which interferes with nature. Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
  • Times of greeting and sharing in a public context, especially with strangers or distant acquaintances, are unnatural and sometimes painfully uncomfortable. Christianity Today
  • For if the dead appear to the living mainly in the hours of darkness, it seems not unnatural to imagine that the bright points of light which then bespangle the canopy of heaven are either the souls of the departed or fires kindled by them in their home aloft. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • That it was contended by a senior star who is famous for having said ‘does that mean we are all unnatural actors? †™ is a different story altogether.jemima. [email protected] The Times of India
  • And doctors' surgeries be audited like a family bathroom, to save harmful, unnatural chemicals being sluiced around these places of healing?
  • Indeed, for him or her, heterosexual behaviour is unnatural.
  • Increased waterway traffic could increase pollution, whilst floatels could involve higher noise levels and the unnatural use of floodlights, which could disturb wildlife, possibly altering natural breeding behaviour.
  • In the wasted bodies of those who have suffered starvation, the muscles are shrunk and unnaturally soft, and have lost their contractibility; all those parts of the body which were capable of entering into the state of motion have served to protect the remainder of the frame from the destructive influence of the atmosphere. Familiar Letters on Chemistry
  • What is unnatural is the denial to me of the potential to fulfill those desires.
  • But cadastral surveys, by carving the land up into unnaturally straight-edged blocks (first on paper and then, where possible, in the soil itself), assigning (or denying) rights to it in terms of commercial ownership, and buttressing the lines on these maps with the power of state-sanctioned law, sought to transform and appropriate not only control over territorial organization but the land itselfand thus the foundation of Africans 'social organization and culture. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • My characters always have lots of aunties, one of whom my hero always has unnatural feelings for, or very natural feelings for.
  • Can any one say, after hearing this "Canzonetta sull 'aria," that it is unnatural to melodize conversation? A Book of Operas Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music
  • His voice sounded unnatural and stilted, but I barely noticed as I thought about making out with Dmitri against the rough bark of the tree in the forest.
  • But the fat's unnatural shape doesn't fit into receptors in our enzymes and membrane structures; so they aren't efficiently metabolized.
  • This unnatural act unhinged a stranger sitting next to me who looked on in amazement as he passed the same bus stop he had stood at five minutes previously.
  • It seems unnatural for a child to spend so much time alone.
  • The ground scrunched unnaturally beneath his feet; the landscape disappeared from glaring brightness into shadows.
  • Ultimately, it also proves the primitively atavistic nature of human beings: that altruism is an unnatural societal construct and that self-interest is the natural impulse of the human animal. Marshall Fine: Movie Review: Inside Job
  • It seems forced and unnatural, as if it's something he knows he's supposed to be saying instead of a phrase he uses all the time.
  • Clearly, keeping animals packed together in unnatural conditions is conducive to the breeding and mutation of viruses. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is the big idea behind chivalry or expecting a man to do things that might seem unnatural to him?
  • The opinions I formed of the characters at the beginning had evolved very considerably by the end, and yet nothing in the way the film progressed ever seemed forced or unnatural.
  • After an unnaturally long pause Constance became aware of this.
  • My guide is mainly for pal-ntsc where the pal video almost always have that higher and unnatural pitch due to being speeded. most people dont notice or care about 4\% speeded up sound for ntsc-pal anyways. playing NTSC discs on PAL equipment often results in jerky / juddery artifacts, Forum
  • The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird.
  • And as for the acquaintances they've got back home, they find the newfound attention somewhat forced and unnatural.
  • Rather, it is a "metamaterial": an intricately constructed array of tiny silver wires embedded in aluminium oxide, which does weird things to the light waves that hit it, bending them in odd ways and sending them in unnatural directions. It's official: the new black is very, very black
  • After all, who wants to be unnatural or abnormal? Coping with Stress at Work
  • Then I feel my arm bend unnaturally in the unbudging grip of the chockstone. 127 Hours
  • A couple weeks later, I was in Aimee’s living room, with several UC-Irvine grads (Genevieve and Alice Sebold — pre-Lovely Bones), mapping out potential teams; we finally decided on the Natural Deaths vs. the Unnatural Deaths. More about Los Angeles : Jeffrey McDaniel : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • The darkness was unworldly, he thought; objects blurred into each other, colors shifted to become unnatural.
  • the child's unnatural interest in death
  • It is a positive approach and unlikely to result in the speaker talking in an unnatural way.
  • Indeed, there seems to be an unnatural attraction be tween wetlands and development similar to that between trailer parks and tornados.
  • Bread wheat was the accidental ‘unnatural’ crossing of einkorn and then emmer wheat with another species.
  • We were confronted by an almost Martian environment of stark rock in a wide assortment of hues and a silence completely unnatural to our modern world of beeps, buzzes and designer cell phone rings.
  • I promise you the effects he writes of succeed unhappily; as of unnaturalness between the child and the parent; death, dearth, dissolutions of ancient amities; divisions in state; menaces and maledictions against king and nobles; needless diffidences, banishment of friends, dissipation of cohorts, nuptial breaches, and I know not what. Act I. Scene II. King Lear
  • Thank heaven! we meet with few minds like that of Sir Charles Verville; such a degree of savage insensibility is unnatural. The History of Emily Montague
  • Manufacturers regularly added chalk to bread and more unsavoury unnatural ingredients to other foodstuffs.
  • And securing both requires unnatural acts. Christianity Today
  • During the last few months, I'd had visions of him running away, scared and shamed by my unnatural passion.
  • Both routes of feeding were physically unnatural and all I wanted was that exhilarating feeling of smelling, tasting and savouring food in my mouth again.
  • The intensity and constant focus on the blood, the whippings and the degradation was so excessive that it seemed to me to be unnaturally fetishist.
  • A glance at any science text tells us that monogamy is utterly unnatural, unless of course you're a swan.
  • It is natural for all substances other than air to be assimilated into the body through digestive organs, but injecting a certain substance directly into blood vessels is unnatural.
  • The book Unnatural History of the Sea cites a study of deep sea fishing in the North Atlantic. "3,600 to 5,400 miles of gillnet are in constant contact with the bottom there," author Callum Roberts writes. Ghost Killers In The Deep Sea
  • Unnaturally warm in his hand, the shell rejuvenated Shemsen completely.
  • Madame Tallien, who is supposed occasionally to dictate decrees to the Convention, presides with a more avowed and certain sway over the realms of fashion; and the Turkish draperies that may float very gracefully on a form like hers, are imitated by rotund sesquipedal Fatimas, who make one regret even the tight lacings and unnatural diminishings of our grandmothers. A Residence in France During the Years 1792 1793 1794 and 1795
  • The children themselves, who came along for a snack of polony a bright pink, toxic-looking lunch meat that they all seemed to love and cheese, had the unnatural quietness of kids who had spent too much of their lives sick and in pain. No Place Left to Bury the Dead
  • This is unnatural behaviour for the planet. Times, Sunday Times
  • The image looks blurry, and the image jitters unnaturally sometimes as though pan and scan is in effect.
  • Each is presented as an unnatural detachment from ordinary emotions: erotic love, love of country.
  • She also said taunts and jibes about her old, unnatural look had been upsetting. The Sun
  • Daring speculations fail; the struggle in unnatural competition with men of large capital, or dishonourable dealings, wears out at last the overtasked frame — life is spent in a whirl — death summons them, and finds them unprepared. The Englishwoman in America
  • The guy gave an unnatural smile, pocketed his glasses and locked the door.
  • Notwithstanding all exaggeration, Lylly was really a man of wit and imagination, though both were deformed by the most unnatural affectation that ever disgraced a printed page.] -- he, in short, who wrote that singularly coxcomical work, called _Euphues and his England_, was in the very zenith of his absurdity and his reputation. The Monastery
  • Kirstie could only gape, caught between outrage and an unnatural desire to laugh.
  • They are not at the stage to rationalise the unnatural situations the serials depict.
  • My head felt like a cannon ball; my feet had a tendency to cleave to the floor; the walls at times undulated in a most disagreeable manner; people looked unnaturally big; and the "very bottles on the mankle shelf" appeared to dance derisively before my eyes. Hospital Sketches
  • It seems unnatural for a child to spend so much time alone.
  • She gave him a bright, determined smile which seemed unnatural.
  • The reader knows who the baddie is as John Baker cleverly moves from the goodie to the baddie, to a boyfriend of one of the murdered women and to a woman who has an unnatural attraction to the baddie.
  • The medical profession's eagerness for scientific advance had impaled it on the horns of a dilemma, forcing an unnatural choice between science and morality.
  • I produced a batch of my personal pancake recipe, then moved on to making a fruit sauce that could be used instead of an unhealthy, unnatural maple syrup.
  • The dialogue sounded stilted and unnatural, perhaps because of the translation from the original Russian.
  • It seemed awkward and unnatural to stand and walk, but I did it; I clambered out of the cave, into the harsh sunlight.
  • The plaintiff has here unnaturally wrested the words beyond their natural import.
  • Venom began to glow an unnatural green color as the room seemed to darken and time slowed as Bloodlust joined her sister with her own inhuman red illumination.
  • While I have not changed my position on the unnaturalness and just plain wrongness of getting up early, I can see that there are some advantages in terms of one's productivity and recreation and so on.
  • Naturally - or, rather, unnaturally - this process was articulated on the page as amnesia: "When I came to consider the matter, the truth was that my memory had been fraying at the edges for some time; the grey waters of Lethe undercutting its soft cliffs, so that my bungaloid recollections - which, no matter how tasteless, had the virtue of being owned outright, not mortgaged - tumbled on to the beach below. The Guardian World News
  • By 1984, half the supply of spruce, pine, beech and oak had some degree of unnatural damage.
  • It was very cold, which seemed unnatural for late spring.
  • It was not unnatural that Welhaven should look upon the corybantic music of Wergeland as the source and origin of an evil of which it was really the symptom; he gathered his powers together to crush it, and he published a thunderbolt of sonnets. Henrik Ibsen
  • Likewise the bonnet seems unnaturally long and the sweeping running boards belong to another era. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a horrible brassy, golden colour which looks unnatural and harsh. The Sun
  • It is absurd to declaim about "expatriation" and to declare such a movement forced and unnatural. History of Liberia Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science
  • The figure's unnaturally elongated legs and awkwardly distended fingers seem a bit too mannered.
  • There was an unnatural silence and then a scream.
  • Apart from that, many people who only weight train walk around in a most unnatural manner, with a constipated look on their face.
  • Did her behaviour seem unnatural in any way?
  • And they all held the unnatural bright green of early spring.
  • The idea of ownership of land is unnatural to a guy who has spent most of his life in the ownerless ocean.
  • Miscegenation, he says, is "essentially unnatural and destructive", and mixed-race children "are the most tragic victims of enforced multi-racism".
  • That's three out of four women who are then painted as being abnormal, unnatural and dysfunctional.
  • Re: Hence, the benefits of a secular society, where we can incessantly dick with the intersection between the “nihilistic, unnatural, [and] antihuman” and the City of God, the better to make life in the here and now not suck. Matthew Yglesias » Iceland Bans Strip Clubs
  • His beard was already threaded with grey stubble and his skin had an unnatural pallor.
  • It was more than the sheer unnaturalness of the strange man (It was a man, wasn't it?)
  • He rolled on one shoulder and saw the waxen face of the shirtsleeved man, neck folded unnaturally to the side, tongue blue. The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters
  • For such a large house, it was decidedly unfilled and looked almost unlived in; it was unnaturally clean.
  • The scriptwriter's Danish, right, and because they haven't corrected his dialogue a lot of it sounds really stilted and forced and unnatural.
  • He knew something was seriously wrong when his hands, feet, and nose started to grow unnaturally.
  • unnaturalness" is due not to the individual but to the relationship itself. Sex and Common-Sense
  • Amanda... quite aside from her tiredness, she seemed unnaturally abstracted. ON A WILD NIGHT
  • He looked extremely fatigued; there were bags under his eyes and his hair had several unnatural cowlicks in it.
  • I quite agree, except I chose to hide behind my facade of dyed hair and unnatural lashes while pretending to not understand and therefore was spared the embarrassment of giving my unsubstantial opinions.
  • Even if one becomes homosexual through a gradual development of sexual tastes, the deviance is no more "unnatural" than if one develops a taste for bletted medlars and a dislike for apples. Archive 2009-08-01
  • The unnatural act is not just the opposite of the natural, but one we are invited to deplore. Times, Sunday Times
  • By 1984, half the supply of spruce, pine, beech and oak had some degree of unnatural damage.
  • Heading back, we come upon a group of kids walking with buckets full of berries, their lips and a wide ring beyond purpled with berry juice, their teeth appearing unnaturally white as they smile and wave.
  • Throughout time it has been recognised as a terrible and unnatural crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alcohol induces unnatural feelings and makes people act out of character; it's very easy to find oneself in a frightening situation.
  • Pitch variations, or the absence of them, can also make synthesized speech seem unnatural and hard to decipher.
  • To her he must have seemed unnatural or inhuman. Bomber
  • Leaning forward on this weird machine seems unnatural at first. The Sun
  • But do not allow yourself to think that it is unnatural or wrong to feel the way that you do. Times, Sunday Times
  • She held in her hand an orchid, its structure that of an odontoglossum, but of a delicate green colour heavily splashed with scarlet -- a weird and unnatural-looking bloom. Tales of Chinatown
  • But do not allow yourself to think that it is unnatural or wrong to feel the way that you do. Times, Sunday Times
  • The white dress was no longer motionless, and in the unnatural stillness of the hot night Mrs. Powell heard the distant, scrooping noise of a hinge revolving slowly, as if guided by a cautious hand. Aurora Floyd. A Novel
  • This malignant and terrible contortion, combined with the low forehead, blunt nose, and prognathous jaw, gave the dead man a singularly simious and ape-like appearance, which was increased by. his writhing, unnatural posture. A Study in Scarlet
  • The pitfall is that if some story aspect is already working, stretching can create distortion: characters that pass edgy and go straight to unnatural or unsympathetic, conflicts that no longer fit the tone or intent of the story, etc … Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Weapons of Mass Instruction
  • Throughout time it has been recognised as a terrible and unnatural crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unnatural but popular division between righteous and unrighteous anger can get many people in a theological and practical muddle.
  • Solowka thinks Charman was unnaturally suspicious of anyone connected with the music business.
  • Putting the emphasis on the final syllable of Sotomayor is unnatural in English (which is why the president stopped doing it after the first time at his press conference), unlike my correspondent's simple preference for a monophthong over a diphthong, and insisting on an unnatural pronunciation is something we shouldn't be giving in to. Terrance Heath: Sotomayor and the Vulcan Standard, Pt. 2
  • Such a world sees thought as a process unnatural enough to cause perspiration.
  • I listen out for unnatural noises, analyse the stewardess's voice for any tremors of concern and, in the unfortunate event that I find myself sitting over the wing, scan the metal parts for signs of wear and tear.
  • Yet more than 350 years have elapsed since any of our monarchs died of unnatural causes. Times, Sunday Times
  • She crawled outside to spot a lone figure speeding away - something bent like an aged crone, smoky hair streaming out behind it as it loped with unnatural speed.
  • It was wheat bread with unnatural green shrubs inside.
  • Small of stature and simian in appearance , these creatures possess surprising strength and unnatural agility.
  • an unnatural death
  • The unnatural act is not just the opposite of the natural, but one we are invited to deplore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Avoid purple prose, that is over complicated or unnatural or archaic language.
  • The saddle felt as if it was trying to perform an unnatural act, which I resented. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are so many of us, like one in ten, that we can't be even called abnormal or unnatural.
  • How any Christian allows their children to be dosed up with all sorts of completely unnatural drugs is beyond me. 9-year-old child Given Marijuana for Medical Reasons
  • Also similar are the supernatural elements to both games as the mystery of the title relic inevitably leads to the discovery of some unnatural force that threatens the world. If You Liked Uncharted 2 |
  • His face turned an unnatural shade of purple.
  • It was too monstrous, too unnatural an act. BLOOD AGAINST THE SNOWS: The Tragic Story of Nepal's Royal Dynasty
  • She impulsively threw in the last, so to speak a catchall, because the penultimate charge was more than a bit doubtful, Chuck’s not having performed unnaturally in bed, and in fact the previous one had slim support, for she had never seen his gun if indeed he had one. The Houseguest
  • It was indeed but a passing trance, that only made me feel with renewed acuteness so soon as, the unnatural stimulus ceasing to operate, I had returned to my old habits. Chapter 4
  • These unnatural cravings, called pica, may indicate a dietary mineral deficiency and are very rare.
  • The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird.
  • So you pretend to be absorbed in a book, or take an unnatural interest in the wine bottle label, which you have now read 36 times and even played anagrams with the word ‘Chianti’.
  • Amanda... quite aside from her tiredness, she seemed unnaturally abstracted. ON A WILD NIGHT
  • Finally there are the everyday bits and pieces of life on earth in the new millennium — a smorgasbord of climate change, natural and unnatural disasters, the political ergotism presently infecting America, animal news, poetry, technology, good books and better gossip. Archive 2009-12-01
  • But his mind rejected the idea that his dault was a personal coward, as something which was monstrous and unnatural. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • It was very cold, which seemed unnatural for late spring.
  • He called the next day, and we talked for a long time, though there was something strained and unnatural in it.
  • The dialogue sounded stilted and unnatural, perhaps because of the translation from the original Russian.
  • An isolated man is immensurable; he is also unpicturesque, unnatural, untrue. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
  • But to go on from this, as Dr Guest and some of his followers have done, to the subjection of the whole invaluable vocabulary of classical prosody to a sort of _præmunire_, to hold up the hands in horror at the very name of a tribrach, and exhibit symptoms of catalepsy at the word catalectic -- to ransack the dictionary for unnatural words or uses of words like "catch," and "stop," and The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • They intended to keep their relationship a casual free-and-easy friendship, they were not going to be so unmanly and unnatural as to allow any heart-burning between them.
  • The surgeon is isolated by his deed, his unnatural callousness lit by a cold clinical glare.
  • Fire suppression builds up an unnatural accumulation of fuel that creates conflagrations far more implacable and catastrophic than nature's fire.
  • All the talent in them went into the songs and the dialogue was left to stretch unnaturally between show-stoppers.
  • He tries TOO hard to look GQ - laughable how he ALWAYS throws his suit jacket over a shoulder for just that "jaunty" look when in fact he grew up as a gangbanger, it's so unnatural. Christine Essels CD 2 Party in The Valley

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