How To Use Unmusical In A Sentence
too unmusical to care for concerts
And she was very unmusical and I remember her going to a concert at the Albert Hall, we had a box at the Albert Hall my family did, to hear a promenade concert just to see if she disliked music as much as she thought she did.
I don't refer to their vocalization, which is distinctly unmusical for a songbird, and is frequently described as close to the unpleasant sound of a very rusty hinge.
One for the birds in Ajijic, Mexico
It's like music is almost unmusical, it's like a weapon, it's got this contrary undercurrent.
In the darkness, he heard Fletcher's voice, as unmusical as ever.

Particularly in the Third, he and the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra are let down by the boxy recording, which swallows orchestral detail and produces unmusical balances.
Treleaven lasts the course, but he's an unmusical, inaccurate singer.
Noise can be described as any loud or unmusical or disagreeable sound that is prolonged and can be damaging or deafening to the ear.
have never thought about this as I am so totally unmusical, a bit like Steve Martin's character in ‘the jerk'. Although having said that, I love music.
After the show one is eager to agree with Paul Bowles (as quoted by Ondaatje): ‘The Singhalese are probably the most unmusical people in the world.’
Now as then, the sheer beauty and clarity of his piano tone is what first strikes the ear, a deep-centered, warmly rounded solidity that never permits the slightest suggestion of a forced or unmusical sound.
I have always thought that the people born and reared, as Bernard was, among the Mourne Mountains and their surroundings have anything but an unmusical accent.
The Life Story of an Old Rebel
Their calls have been described as unmusical and harsh.
There is a sense, therefore, in which we must declare the principles to be two, and a sense in which they are three; a sense in which the contraries are the principles-say for example the musical and the unmusical, the hot and the cold, the tuned and the untuned-and a sense in which they are not, since it is impossible for the contraries to be acted on by each other.
On the other hand, the DTH muses were a disappointment, surprisingly stiff and unmusical, although Lenore Pavlakos was a striking and beautiful Leto, making her birthing contractions into musical things of beauty.
Brian Kennedy grew up in an utterly unmusical family.
We are shown how the supposedly unmusical Freud rendered his analysis in exquisitely musical terms, and how the Freudian notion of ‘working through’ an analysis can be thought of as providing variations on a theme.
They're too young, too inexperienced and, by the look of their work, unmusical.
I don't quite know how it happened because I'm from a family that's completely unmusical.
One bright spot is simply that hard-core rap has knocked out such unmusical predecessors as heavy metal and punk.
She always turned up on time and sang with full voice - but only in Italian, regarding other languages as unmusical.
A slightly unresolved project, but Lundy is incapable of anything unmusical.
Despite the fact that many mathematicians are completely unmusical and few musicians have any interest in mathematics, there is a persistent piece of folk knowledge that the two are connected.
Neumeier's work is self-indulgently long, banal, unmusical both in its choice of scores and in its response to them, intermittently pretentious and uncertain in tone.
Their songs were too long, and were made up of loops created on the laptop utilising the most unmusical discordant sounds imaginable.
When I waded out into the shallow water toward their rushy home, the old birds became quite uneasy, circling about above me like the red-wings, and uttering a harsh blackbird "chack," varied at intervals by a loud, and not unmusical, chirp.
Birds of the Rockies
My taxi ride from the airport was interrupted by a group of protestors who walked into the middle of a junction and sat down, blocking six lanes of traffic and provoking an unmusical symphony of car horns.
His voice was harsh and unmusical.
As one partook in the invitation to ‘push buttons to rock out,’ even the most unmusical of people could become genius music makers.
Graduating from the very unmusical department of political science and international relations at Columbia University, Yang's career in singing was inspired by his grandmother.
How many congenitally unmusical youngsters were seduced into thinking they were congenital geniuses by Peel's enthusiastic, sinusitic, cod-Liverpudlian encouragement?
She sings rather unmusically
It's odd that feeling that seizes when I enter my office and see the DSL modem's lines flashing in a slow unmusical pattern.
In 1973 an American naturalist spent a few nights in a tree, blowing solos on a small unmusical instrument known as a varmint call.
The Song of The Dodo
They are so unbelievably horrible, so appallingly unmusical, so dogmatically insensitive to the magic of the art, that they qualify as crowned heads of anti-music, even as the impostor popes went down in history as ‘anti-popes’.
the unmusical cry of the bluejay
The man corresponding to this would also have love of victory, and would be self-willed and unmusical.
My first point's that it's intrinsically unmusical.
He also taught us in standard 5, and one of the penalties of being kept in after classes ended was having to listen to him giving violin lessons to unmusical pupils.
This musical has a different feel to it, because the cast is trying to tell a story all through song, which makes some of the singing sound very unmusical.
As we walked into the Leas Club a loud, unmusical tune struck up.
She spoke in a high but not unmusical note, very quickly, and with timid glances to either side of her collocutor.
Eve's Ransom
Their songs were too long, and were made up of loops created on the laptop utilising the most unmusical discordant sounds imaginable.
The songs of woodcreepers are simple and unmusical.
Few things are so unmusical as the voices of rooks, yet a home with a rookery is a very peaceful place.
The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
Lainey had a terrible voice, unmusical and sharp.
Particularly in the Third, he and the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra are let down by the boxy recording, which swallows orchestral detail and produces unmusical balances.
Lainey had a terrible voice, unmusical and sharp.
It is banal, orotund, unmusical, and stuffed with wads of unnecessary jargon.
You can imagine my dismay in discovering that not only does the movie Moulin Rouge contain absolutely no nudity but the characters sing unmusical rock songs like Up Where You Belong and Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Ever wanted to play a musical instrument but are convinced that you are totally unmusical?
We don't generally like to use the word ‘metal’ because it kind of has a heavy connotation that's kind of unmusical to a lot of people.
Baraka's intentionally unmusical, discordant notes possess a unique and parodic music as he moves in his delivery of ‘It's Nation Time’ through speech, scream, and song.
One bright spot is simply that hard-core rap has knocked out such unmusical predecessors as heavy metal and punk.