How To Use Unmindful In A Sentence

  • It was as if he stood within a burning barn and rejoiced at the heat, unmindful of the peril to himself and Svanja. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Yet this condition is always annexed to the confederation, that if man be unmindful of the covenant and a contemner of its pleasant rule, he may always be impelled or governed by that domination which is really lordly, strict and rigid, and into which, he who refuses to obey the other [species of rule], justly falls. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • According to the union, while it is not "unmindful" of GuySuCo's financial challenges, it has noted the lengthy list chronicling mismanagement by the Sugar Corporation, which GAWU submitted in its Memorandum to the Arbitration Panel. Stabroek News
  • Sympathising with the labourers in quarry fields, they say, women workers engaged in the work are unmindful of tiny stone chips embedded in their skins.
  • The government, NGOs and the people have to work equally to eradicate the perpetrators of terror in the name of religion unmindful of whether it is the majority community that is being threatened or any of the minority communities.
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  • But so unmindful is she of her own interest, that she seems in part to have lost her very being, so forgetful is she of herself. The Letters of St. Teresa
  • That gentleman raises a head, unmindful ground asks: " You is this brandy true?
  • Lapsing into Kerryspeak, the senator goes on to recount that he was ‘not unmindful of this duality of meanings’ when his campaign adopted Hughes's phrase.
  • If young novices are sloppy or the aged monks appear unmindful, this is not for you to judge.
  • while thus unmindful of his steps he stumbled
  • Each in his respective operations must never be unmindful of them, lest he invite ‘government to be destructive of these ends.’
  • He seemed to be furiously attacking a tissue with a pen, unmindful of the fresh cuts and bruises on his arm. Sanguine Pizza
  • The Court is not unmindful of the State's dilemma; it is caught between the proverbial rock and hard place," Maricopa County Superior Court Judge J. Arizona Is Ordered to Allow Pot Sales
  • Yet, unmindful of the calumny and criticism heaped on her by an uncharitable press and a still more uncharitable society, MS bravely travelled that long and difficult road from Madurai to Rashtrapathi Bhavan.
  • You were unmindful of the Rock that bore you; you forgot the God who gave you birth.
  • ‘We are not unmindful of the costs of anything in government,’ he said, following a meeting with US special envoy Richard Haass.
  • The fresh air really helps,’ says Anjali, a homemaker from Indiranagar, unmindful of the crowd at the park.
  • Unmindful of the chill in the air, people lazed around sipping sundowners and munching ‘masaledar’ stuff, waiting for the party to begin.
  • We dashed across the open spaces and down the slopes unmindful of possible snakes in the grass, until we reached the woods. CHAPTER IX
  • In the eyes of the elderly, youngsters are often seen to be wastrels who are frittering away their time in frivolous pursuits, unmindful of precious time slipping away inexorably.
  • Everytime you raise up your head unmindfully, you see me watching you. As soon as our sights join, I bury my head and look away as if nothing had happened.
  • As I gaped in pain at him, he spoke on, seeming unmindful of the blow he had just dealt me. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • At this moment may I be totally forgetful of myself, and remain utterly unmindful of my own person.
  • Many people were unmindful that the foundation for economic recovery from the ‘bust’ of the late 1980s was laid by the NAR and PNM regimes.
  • Apparently unmindful of Mercer's crack about the fries, fast-food giant McDonald's was also beguiled by the song and approached the Shins to use it in a television commercial, for French fries.
  • You can see many, many examples of a slow, but steady progress and at the same time, we're not unmindful for a minute of the losses of our own men and women in uniform and those that are injured.
  • not unmindful of the heavy responsibility
  • Apparently unmindful of its own shortcomings, the RBA points a finger at entrepreneurial excesses and regulatory oversights of others.
  • Troke, ungalled by his irons, unmindful of the groans and laughter about him. For the term of his natural life
  • Whilst his hours were passed in studious retirement, the empress, resolute to achieve the generous design which she had undertaken, was not unmindful of the care of his fortune. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • It's also interesting to see Jiro next to Ichiro, who looks just like Jiro but doesn't have the Gemini chip, making him reckless, uncaring, and unmindful of the presence of others.
  • In truth few have worshipped at that altar and gone forth into chosen ways unmindful of her history, unimbued with her love, or untrained in stating facts — those readily correlated by one and all — such as it has been the effort here to record, some possibly through filial affection a little tinted but in the main void of any intent at exaggeration or misrepresentation. The University of Virginia
  • ‘We are not unmindful of the dangers to human health and to life itself, and we will bring the full rigours of the law against anyone who is apprehended,’ the spokesman added.
  • Tyler Sudley would break out, addressing the teacher, all unmindful of scholastic etiquette, a flush of pleasure rising to his swarthy cheek as he thrust back his wide black hat on his long dark hair and turned his candid gray eyes, all aglow, upon the cadaverous, ascetic preceptor, "ain't Lee-yander a-gittin 'on powerful, _powerful_ fas' with his book? The Moonshiners At Hoho-Hebee Falls 1895
  • With a desperation that was madness, unmindful of the pain, he hurried up the slope to the crest of the hill over which his comrade had disappeared — more grotesque and comical by far than that limping, jerking comrade. LOVE OF LIFE
  • Unmindful of the rain and the stink, several drove down, specially to catch the sight of rain lashing the lake, and yes, get themselves drenched to the skin.
  • She kept the end in her hand as she turned to Alexander and wrapped it around him, unmindful of the white flames that licked her arms as she reached behind him. Crimson Wind
  • Both the countries are unmindful of the consequences of a war, oblivious of a conventional war turning into a nuclear one as both the Third World poverty-stricken nations possess the demonic nuclear weapons.
  • Mainstream distributors are unmindful of the huge dedication that composers still bring to the genre, breathing new life into classic works by directors such as Chaplin, Keaton, Eisenstein and Gance.
  • They are known and recognised too as the most generous workforce in the land when it comes to assisting charitable and deserving causes, and the company cannot be unmindful of that.
  • The memel unobvious is not preclusive to blankness unenthusiastically, entozoic, prosaically effectual unmindfulness saviour. were pomaded to adactylia ineffectually, trickiness grandly, offense out cheerily irritatingly an walleye if they so nigerian, unintelligently mean if the imaging was to brioche. door redefinition to systematization fulfillment with the psychokinesis of the komondor at ctu, callous chromatically the rattling of the arles. Rational Review
  • On 24th Street, youngsters dressed in red lounge on the steps of McDonald's, unmindful of wandering mariachis, Christians proselytizing in Spanish and old women selling roses and tamales.
  • He went about his work, unheedful of the jests, ungalled by his irons, unmindful of the groans and laughter about him.
  • This is a circumstance worthy of notice; for it clearly shews, that he was not unapprehensive of meeting with resistance from the natives, or unmindful of the necessary preparation for the safety of himself and his people. Narrative of the Voyages Round The World, Performed by Captain James Cook
  • The multimillion-dollar question: do you stick to your knitting, unmindful of all the e-hubbub, or do you join the dotcom fever you can't lick?
  • Even myself, whose interest in matters maritime is limited to say the very least, is not unmindful of the tourism boost the provision of a modern marina would provide for our town.
  • And she had a smile in her eyes, and a laugh on her lips; and her temper was not hasty, nor was she unmindful that men give the law and women ever obey. THE SICKNESS OF LONE CHIEF
  • The steady decline in our democratic culture, sinking to new levels of vulgarity, does unite neocons with traditional conservatives – though not with those libertarian conservatives who are conservative in economics but unmindful of the culture ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Further to Andrew Ferguson on Behavioral Economics
  • Protestantism sat at ease, unmindful of schisms, careless of proselytism: Dissent was an inheritance along with a superior pew and a business connection; and Churchmanship only wondered contemptuously at Dissent as a foolish habit that clung greatly to families in the grocery and chandlering lines, though not incompatible with prosperous wholesale dealing. XII. Mr. and Mrs. Glegg at Home. Book I—Boy and Girl
  • unmindful" was printed as "unmindul" of gauging the quantity of water traveling along an important drain Farm drainage The Principles, Processes, and Effects of Draining Land with Stones, Wood, Plows, and Open Ditches, and Especially with Tiles
  • Before the fortnight was over, Lady Ongar was sick of her house and her park, utterly disregardful of her horses and oxen, and unmindful even of the pleasant stream which in these Spring days rippled softly at the bottom of her gardens. The Claverings
  • He went unmindful of consequences, innocent again, eager to be surrounded and nurtured by her. DANSVILLE
  • He began to work relentlessly unmindful of his health.
  • Many people, including the educated, are unmindful of or oblivious to the disturbance they cause to others while speaking over their cellphones.
  • The atmosphere is one of bonhomie and hundreds of onlookers, unmindful of the heavy downpour, savour every moment of this unique ritual.

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