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[ US /ənˈmɝsɪfəɫ/ ]
[ UK /ʌnmˈɜːsɪfə‍l/ ]
  1. having or showing no mercy
    the merciless enemy
    a merciless critic
    gave him a merciless beating

How To Use unmerciful In A Sentence

  • The sad fact is that if the Democrats had tried to make a big issue of the matter the press would have criticized them unmercifully for spoiling the 100th birthday celebrations of a great man with their petty partisan politics.
  • Oh, you are not, a'n't you?" said Murphy, seizing me by one of my ears, which he pulled so unmercifully that he altered the shape of it very considerably, making it something like the lee-board of a Dutch schuyt. Frank Mildmay The Naval Officer
  • And the ones who have husbands henpeck them unmercifully.
  • In the parable of the unmerciful servant the story is told of a man who owed his master millions.
  • Uncle Sebastian used to tease Mother and Daddy unmercifully that all they could produce was girls.
  • When he came back to Ireland a few years later he got an unmerciful slagging leaving him extremely sensitive to any mention of Howard Jones or any 80s synth pop for that matter.
  • Next day, Blue Bear and Green Bear were very angry - and stood on the great steps of the glass palace and 'rubbished' the Yellow Bears unmercifully. Once Upon a Time in Wales...
  • Whereas before I spent most of my days trying to escape the unmerciful teasing and mistreatment by the Mormon children and the weirdoes in my own family by reading Torah all day, I now began spending all of my days escaping the same things by reading about the occult interpretations of the Torah. Roseanne Archy
  • Harpax is unmercifully "chaffed" by Simo and Ballio. The Dramatic Values in Plautus
  • Britpop, on the other hand, isn't just dead but a festering zombie corpse, its ribcage dangling out of its chest, unmercifully massacring every Quadrophenia revivalist and ill-advised brass section left parping in its wake.
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