How To Use Unmanageable In A Sentence
Why he should choose to express that interval by fifty, rather than by fifty-two, weeks, may be surmised in two ways: first, because the latter phrase would be unpoetical and unmanageable; and, secondly, because he might fancy that the week of the Pagan Theseus would be more appropriately represented by a lunar quarter than by a Jewish hebdomad.
Notes and Queries, Number 72, March 15, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
It made running the house almost unmanageable.
Times, Sunday Times
When people contact us with unmanageable debt problems, it is rare for them to have just one payday loan.
The Sun
Step 1: Admit that your are powerless over your egos and past glories, that your lives have become unmanageable.
With the invention of the credit card, unmanageable debt is as easy as a magnetic swipe and a signature.
Christianity Today
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There was one great steer in particular, reckoned to be ten or twelve years old, quite a celebrity in fact on account of his unmanageableness, his independence and boldness, which we had frequently seen and tried to secure, but hitherto without success.
Ranching, Sport and Travel
Within that image he unified three unmanageable forces in his life - nature, the muse, and his mother.
But they did so with such disregard for the logistics of the whole that it rapidly proved unmanageable.
The revenge plot is intertwined with a romance between wagon train cutie Emily Hudson (a struggling Tamara Hope) and Jonathan (Trent Ford, not much better), the son of Samuelson who, in what may be the film’s only honest scene, tames an unmanageable horse.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
I felt that weakness and unmanageableness of knee which comes with strong mental anguish, and I sank back impotent upon the baron, whose lingering legs repudiated the pressure, so that we both accumulated miserably upon Grandstone.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
History teaches us that unless these pernicious tendencies are scotched, they grow to become unmanageable monsters later on.
The book now swells to almost unmanageable bulk, but with inevitable casualties.
Times, Sunday Times
Big, unmanageable hair isn't only for summer heat.
Times, Sunday Times
Knowing some of the local politics I am aware that trying to support six chief executives, all with different working styles, may be an unmanageable job.
Like a garden your problems need to be tended if they are not to become tangled and unmanageable.
Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
This is one of the things that has given nervous diseases such a bad name for unmanageableness and incurableness, and that for years made us regard their study as so nearly hopeless, so far as any helpful results were concerned.
Preventable Diseases
Looks sleek and diffuser was good for unmanageable, curly hair.
The Sun
an unmanageable situation
Two loads from the bucket will fill the tank, however two full loads make the bucket unmanageable to lift and control the pour efficiently causing splashing.
Little showed admirable poise trying to manage the unmanageable Red Sox bullpen.
With the tide running, the work of moving the rolling logs became almost unmanageable.
The unmanageableness came from the size of the family.
What you need are huge and unmanageable Visa and store charge card debts, with a few court proceedings and the odd repossession threat hanging over your head.
To be fair, adding them would probably have made the book unreadable and certainly unmanageable.
The Times Literary Supplement
Then the ship would become unmanageable and drift away, with the possibility of getting excessive sternway on her and so damaging rudder or propeller, the
South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
If the actual number of entry-versions exceeds the design assumption by more than 25%,(Sentence dictionary) the system will be unmanageable.
They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.
To be fair, adding them would probably have made the book unreadable and certainly unmanageable.
The Times Literary Supplement
They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.
About two and a half million are reckoned to be floundering in unmanageable debt.
Times, Sunday Times
The signs are that indulged children tend to become unmanageable when they reach their teens.
A further delay in the price hike would increase the budget deficit to an unmanageable level and strengthen inflationary pressures.
He might become more unmanageable.
The unmanageable profusion of tags for people, places, and kinships, distinguishes scientific expertise from other modes of knowledge and authority.
The political bill for a swollen public sector will grow as the financial bill becomes unmanageable.
Times, Sunday Times
They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.
Caregivers identified lack of mobility and loss of bladder control most frequently as unmanageable symptoms.
Generally dry hair is unmanageable, lifeless, dull, frizzy and/or flyaway.
Administering all ten techniques to control spam effectively can quickly become unmanageable.
Meanwhile the monstrous and unmanageable dreams about Sethe found release in the concentration Denver began to fix on the baby ghost.
Lack of proper ballast made the ship unmanageable and he dropped her port bow anchor and radioed for help.
Granted, the people in the academic ranks do feel a certain degree of unmanageableness about it, as it is their own right, however, it would be very myopic of them if they cut themselves completely off from the Wiki-wise movement.
It will not be eager to initiate those steps which would enable that society to function in unmanageable or unexpected ways.
When one of these moods overtook her, she became unmanageable.
The house becomes unmanageable and she moves to a bungalow.
Times, Sunday Times
It will not be eager to initiate those steps which would enable that society to function in unmanageable or unexpected ways.
Surely this calls for a return to physical discipline to halt the endless slide into an unmanageable society.
People were visiting the house every day, sometimes in unmanageable numbers.
For those things, whose unmanageableness, even when represented on paper, makes one gasp with a sort of amused horror, were manned by men who are his direct professional ancestors.
The Mirror of the Sea
When one of these moods overtook her, she became unmanageable.
Next day, before you get started, he's well-nigh unmanageable.
Chapter XI
Two decades of shark conservation efforts in the area are producing an increasingly unmanageable situation.
Times, Sunday Times
‘The cases which are coming into court in almost unmanageable numbers are the tip of the iceberg,’ he said.
In the fire of an argument words are it's fuel, choose your words wisely. If you throw in wood or paper, the fire will burn evenly then put itself out. But if you throw oil or gasoline, the fire will spread fiercely and unmanageable. Anthony Liccione
However, the number of organizations this produces is unmanageable, and it also tends to emphasize differences rather than similarities.
Your servant gives me a dreadful account of your raving unmanageableness.
Clarissa Harlowe
There is growing evidence that the lifestyle of the modern-day wealthy footballer is unhealthy, unmanageable and out of control.
Times, Sunday Times
The signs are that indulged children tend to become unmanageable when they reach their teens.
With hordes of people converging on these malls at once, the traffic situation becomes unmanageable leading to endless traffic jams and chaos.
Maybe the Met has simply become too unmanageable.
Times, Sunday Times
Some councils are already finding the situation unmanageable.
Times, Sunday Times
Evidently, if the proposal is followed strictly, the resultant tariff structure will be inconsistent and unmanageable.
Under such management, the rod may come to be the only alternative to absolute unmanageableness and anarchy.
If the pack has become too big and unmanageable, the dominant male must spend all his time trying to control it.
People with frizzy or curly hair often find their hair unmanageable.
He, too, turned his glance from her, biting his lip to hide the insincerity of his smile, irritated at her unmanageableness, and in his heart valuing her more highly that she was so hard to win.
The Emigrant Trail
Despite the apparent attractions, however, diseconomies of scale can easily put the firm at a disadvantage by making it too big and unmanageable.
Counselors are also available to help patients with ongoing issues that may have become unmanageable as a result of their illness.
Every day imposed the same unmanageable burdens whether he was in the Oval Office or campaigning in Terre Haute.
O: A Presidential Novel
Game collapsed after running out of cash, leaving it with an unmanageable pile of debts.
Times, Sunday Times
The ancients strongly expressed their sense of the unmanageableness of these words of the spirit by saying, that the God made his priest insane, took him hither and thither as leaves are whirled by the tempest.
Uncollected Prose
Councillors were concerned that around 60 lorries per day and hundreds of cars will place an unmanageable strain on the town's roads.
Sales plummeted and the company's debts became unmanageable.
Times, Sunday Times
74 per cent of teachers found the paperwork was unmanageable.
It has to be beautiful and slightly wild without becoming unmanageable and disorganised.
But by then, of course, the problem would have become unmanageable.
Child-protection staff are expected to respond to unmanageable workloads.
They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.
Having a few hundred pounds outstanding can soon become unmanageable as interest charges pile up.
Times, Sunday Times
That had forced them into taking on unmanageable debt.
Times, Sunday Times
Having made trial of the strong arm of the mob as an instrument for putting down the Abolitionists, and been quite confounded by its unexpected energy and unmanageableness, Boston was well disposed to lay the weapon aside as much too dangerous for use.
William Lloyd Garrison The Abolitionist
In such cases there is a history of unmanageableness at home, and, if the child is old enough, at school, of running away, destructiveness, lying, and very often pilfering in the home.
Yet the very size of the projects too often makes them unmanageable and means only a handful of companies can compete to deliver them.
Times, Sunday Times
It is not viable to create agenda items which partners will find irrelevant or unmanageable.
That said, head office still seems to be populated by an unmanageable number of monkeys.
Her hair is coiffed and gelled, rather than bushy and unmanageable.
But this time around caring for each individual needs was not that easy, and his once tame land started to grow unmanageable and wild.
Parents may find that a troublesome teenager becomes unmanageable.
Owners of unruly hedges or unmanageable gardens need fear no more thanks to a pair of four-legged lawn mowers now available for hire.
Without a proper thinning, my hair is a catastrophe of unmanageableness.
The medium -- to which is assigned the greater portion of every singer's work -- becomes "breathy" and hollow, the lower tones guttural, the higher tones shrill, and the voice, throughout its entire compass, harsh and unmanageable.
Style in Singing
These theaters of anxiety illustrate collective helplessness in the face of unmanageable man-made, natural or supernatural forces.
Adding to this a diversity of businesses makes the company unmanageable.
MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
Owners neuter male dogs and cats when the flow of testosterone in their bloodstream generates either unmanageable behaviour or unwanted offspring.
History teaches us that unless these pernicious tendencies are scotched, they grow to become unmanageable monsters later on.
I have heard it said that you were eased out of Washington, perhaps at British suggestion, because your independence made you unmanageable.
And it's proved so unmanageable that you can now hardly move for government appointees reviewing how to keep the business on track.
Times, Sunday Times
In the fire of an argument words are it's fuel, choose your words wisely. If you throw in wood or paper, the fire will burn evenly then put itself out. But if you throw oil or gasoline, the fire will spread fiercely and unmanageable. Anthony Liccione
All those unfulfilled needs and desires are bursting out of you in a way that is both overwhelming and unmanageable.
Times, Sunday Times
Both his mastery of the irascible and unpredictable George II and his control of a previously unmanageable Parliament were portrayed in countless broadsides and prints as the arts of a veritable political conjuror.
I would say my life had become unmanageable, and I was having problems with both the medications and the alcohol.
Consumer groups and MPs have warned that people could be storing up problems for the future, with rising interest rates making debts unmanageable.
'She's a some camstairy (unmanageable) wife, that grannie o' yours, 'said Mr. Lammie, when Robert returned the shilling with Mr.. Falconer's message,' but I reckon I maun pit it i 'my pooch, for she will hae her ain gait, an' I dinna want to strive wi 'her.
Robert Falconer
The establishment of a national parliamentary assembly antedated the period of union with Denmark (1397-1523); for it was in 1359 that King Magnus, embarrassed by the unmanageableness of the nobility and obliged to fall back upon the support of the middle classes, summoned representatives of the towns to appear before the king along with the nobles and clergy, and thus constituted the first Swedish Riksdag.
The Governments of Europe
In the fire of an argument words are it's fuel, choose your words wisely. If you throw in wood or paper, the fire will burn evenly then put itself out. But if you throw oil or gasoline, the fire will spread fiercely and unmanageable. Anthony Liccione
So "Marse Henry" had put him on the 200 acre Oglethorpe plantation as apprentice to training of the farm horses whose large unmanageableness he found more manageable than the dainty china of the banker's house.
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Georgia Narratives, Part 1
In recent years Nimbin has gone from having four full-time doctors to just Dr Oxlee, who says his workload has become unmanageable.
So when they decided that their family home had become unmanageable because of their age, they wanted to stay near by.
Times, Sunday Times
But Zimbabwe's economic slide in recent years shows that he is finding both relationships increasingly unmanageable.
The reality is that the situation is unmanageable.
Times, Sunday Times