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How To Use Unmade In A Sentence

  • It was of average size with an unmade bed sitting in one corner, a night table, two dressers, a bureau, a desk, a small TV, and a lot of posters on the wall.
  • The roads were unmade tracks. Times, Sunday Times
  • A turn here, a turn there, some miles on unmade roads, and down a steep track to Waller's camp.
  • Local firm Chestnut Developments had wanted to build in the gardens and surface the unmade lane.
  • The skirt is deliberately like that - all bunched up like an unmade bed, ready to show the world a flash of her granny girdle.
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  • One cop found unmade bedding in a bedroom and saw a cupboard locked by a latch from the outside. The Sun
  • It was of average size with an unmade bed sitting in one corner, a night table, two dressers, a bureau, a desk, a small TV, and a lot of posters on the wall.
  • She looked about her at the unmade bed, the shavings on the floor, the rumpled coat, linted from the sheets, a smear of alley mud on the hem. The Dollmaker
  • By day four, I had melted into a slothful recluse: soul and body atrophying, hair matted, bed unmade, depressed and petulant - a real joy.
  • After a moment, which actually is an hour later in reality, John felt absolutely exhausted and wanted to throw his body onto his unmade bed.
  • a rumpled unmade bed
  • In 1974, only a couple of years after Kubrick abandoned "Napoleon" to the snows of time, Burgess wrote a novel, "The Napoleon Symphony," that might have been devised as a reproach to Kubrick for never calling him to enliven his unmade chef-d'oeuvre. How Stanley Kubrick Met His Waterloo
  • It was a standard room, modified by sloppy use: a sweaty, unmade bed and square table, both cluttered with newspapers and magazines.
  • Her eyes traveled longingly to her large, unmade bed that she wouldn't sleep on for another month are two, at least.
  • Young married couples, often owner-builders, were living in garages or half-completed houses along unmade streets.
  • It is about 20 minutes from the beach and is reached by an unmade road. Times, Sunday Times
  • I took the photo with the cards propped up on my unmade bed.
  • At the same time, we also have the ability to know, to cognize, which is also something natural and unmade.
  • The pictures show unmade beds, a squalid sitting room and a kitchen sink piled with dirty dishes. Times, Sunday Times
  • About three miles of unmade road to reach it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Local firm Chestnut Developments had wanted to build in the gardens and surface the unmade lane.
  • Most of these editorial emendations, very few of which are supported by textual notes, would have been better left unmade.
  • I walked past the unmade bunk beds and clothes laying all over the floor.
  • He walked back over to his cot and sat down on the unmade bed.
  • He found that the master bedroom to be in chaos, with an unmade bed and clothes scattered everywhere.
  • She then grabbed a sheet and began spreading it over the unmade bed, tucking the ends underneath the mattress as she went.
  • Dishes and cutlery were scattered on kitchen tables, unmade beds gaped, just as their occupants had abandoned them.
  • The pictures show unmade beds, a squalid sitting room and a kitchen sink piled with dirty dishes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tracey Emin won fame in 1999 with her unmade bed surrounded by soiled underpants, condoms and champagne corks.
  • Her bed was unmade and her rug lumped with clothes.
  • Until this headline, I figured that the whole issue of covering and adorning ourselves had arrived at Katie-bar-the-door, no holds barred, be whatever you want to be, everything from heroin chic to unmade bed. Jean casey | the death of fashion? « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Actors' reputations have been made and unmade on this London stage.
  • Residents fed up with drivers using their unmade street as a rat run have joined forces to stop the problem.
  • In 1974, only a couple of years after Kubrick abandoned "Napoleon" to the snows of time, Burgess wrote a novel, "The Napoleon Symphony," that might have been devised as a reproach to Kubrick for never calling him to enliven his unmade chef-d'oeuvre. How Stanley Kubrick Met His Waterloo
  • R—, a woman with whom I was more than casually preoccupied during my last few months in the city, and who belonged to a top-story, hands-off-you-sodden-peasant Garden District social caste, owned a large, enviable collection of 1970s soul LPs that she had arranged in a kind of rampart around her unmade, canopied, arrantly invitational bed. Living With Music: Bill Cotter - Paper Cuts Blog -
  • The roads were unmade tracks. Times, Sunday Times
  • an unmade bed with tangled sheets and blankets
  • One cop found unmade bedding in a bedroom and saw a cupboard locked by a latch from the outside. The Sun
  • The pictures show unmade beds, a squalid sitting room and a kitchen sink piled with dirty dishes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A blog is made or unmade by one individual, whereas forums depend on the collective participation of many people.
  • The house is at the end of a dirt/an unmade track.
  • They "unmade" sin through humility and obedience, just as the goal in the movie is to "unmake" the ring. The Register's Daily Blog
  • I didn't want my unmade bed to be what people saw, so we bought the room divider.
  • The sculpture, or plate, or fountain, or bust, is forgotten, is lost: has unmade itself through some unknown agency of fate. Cellini's Salt Cellar
  • In their awkward approaches to the line and aw-shucks attitudes about gutter balls and unmade spares, they represent the complacent, non-competitive face of so many bowlers today.
  • Tarmac lane with short steep section leads on to rough unmade road.
  • One cop found unmade bedding in a bedroom and saw a cupboard locked by a latch from the outside. The Sun
  • In the past, winners of the prestigious (as everyone short of an adjective refers to it) prize have included such interesting items as unmade beds and pickled cows.
  • Well, there's no reef at El Gouna itself, so each morning would-be divers climb into a minibus and head off down a dusty unmade road to a small scruffy dock where Dive Tribe's day-boats await.
  • The house is at the end of a dirt/an unmade track.
  • She ensures that not a speck of dust is found, not a bed is left unmade and not a flower remains unarranged.
  • The house is at the end of a dirt/an unmade track.
  • The two visit the empty houses of their good friends and leave the gifts there, woven amongst the foliage of house plants and resting on the pillows of unmade beds.
  • His bed was unmade, his nightclothes strewn across the floor, and a small, worn book laid on the table beside the bed.
  • Opposite the ziggurat of technology was a single unmade cot.
  • I need a 4x4 because we live at the end of an unmade road, which is otherwise inaccessible in winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • These laws are made and may be unmade by Act of Parliament, like any other.
  • The fantasy of the undecorated house is Tuesday morning as it is actually lived, not as we would like other people to imagine it; it is the idea of energy, of chaos, of motion, of mess well, mess within very circumscribed and aesthetically pleasing limits: children lying in a pile of books, artfully unmade beds, one piece of clothing strewn across a couch. The Rise of the Personal
  • The first significant expense, though, was tarmacking the unmade road from the entrance to their land to the farm buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • His face was seamed with wrinkles, and he generally dressed as if he were an unmade bed.
  • The house is at the end of a dirt/an unmade track.
  • She left behind her what one friend called ‘a trail of unmade beds.’
  • We do need to finally lay the dead to rest, to accept that mistakes were made that cannot be unmade, and to accept that the ‘blame game’ at this point in our history would be a futile exercise.
  • Again, if the United States be not a government proper, but an association of States in the nature of contract merely, can it, as a contract, be peaceably unmade by less than all the parties who made it?
  • The meticulous arrangements of fabric are as far from an unmade bed as you can imagine, and they pack a double punch.
  • The bugs, thought to cause asthma and other allergies cannot survive in the dry conditions in unmade beds. The Sun
  • Her bed was unmade and a pile of clothes was on the floor, which is so not Libby.
  • We are two miles from a road and it is reached by an unmade forestry track. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are jars of tea leaves, a basketball, an unmade bed, desk, shelf, mirror on the mantelpiece.
  • He went upstairs to the master bedroom and sat on the edge of the unmade bed.
  • But countless makeable plays have gone unmade and been ruled hits by generous official scorers.
  • And because I was a dork and didn't do it right away when I took the clean sheets out of the dryer, my bed is unmade.
  • The pictures show unmade beds, a squalid sitting room and a kitchen sink piled with dirty dishes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea was to make the title of the record the complete opposite of the cover of the album [where Kemmis is portrayed sitting on an unmade bed in a dingy hotel room].
  • The roads are unmade and flooded due to the thunderstorms. Times, Sunday Times
  • My bed is um, kind of unmade at the moment, which some people will go ballistic about, but I don't really care - mainly because I've been at home the whole day and I really ever only make my bed when I go out. News
  • Whatever the cause, the anger, and bitterness and frustration drips from the walls; the front desk snaps at the guests, the housekeepers snap at the front desk in the hallway outside my room, I heard a maid apologizing to a guest for his unmade room -- "it's the front desk's fault, they always send people up before we're ready" and the bartenders and bellhops snap at everyone. Paul Carr: The Strip Diary, Day Eight: I'd Rather Be Abused at the Riviera Than Set Foot in Donald Trump's Hotel
  • She stood up, too hastily, all of a sudden interested in neatening the bed she had left unmade for days.
  • But an unmade bed cannot serve as a cultural bedrock. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gwen favoured nobodies - among whom she clearly counted herself - because, I think, they came to her anonymous and unmade-up.
  • I found photo albums and home videos strewn all over the family room floor, picture frames on the walls akimbo and beds unmade.
  • The roads are unmade and flooded due to the thunderstorms. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the strike, even high rollers in Atlantic City's casino hotels slept in unmade beds and ate with plastic forks as managers stepped in to serve them.
  • The people are no wiser nor can they adjust themselves to the change of conditions brought about by the creation of all this new money; yet if "unmade" or lost, the entire volume of the nation's wealth would be contracted. Frenzied Finance Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated
  • The pictures show unmade beds, a squalid sitting room and a kitchen sink piled with dirty dishes. Times, Sunday Times

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