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How To Use Unloading In A Sentence

  • A toothed rack was commonly adopted for the automatic screw thread rotational unloading.
  • The worker, employed by stevedoring company Perkins, was crushed by a container while unloading an Indonesian ship.
  • It is looking at a faster turnaround of vehicles unloading waste and collections of items to be recycled.
  • It happened while we were unloading the car and trailer. Christianity Today
  • Spend most of my day unloading, pegging out, then unpegging and re-hanging washing. The Sun
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  • Their range could carry massive shells well past the supply ships unloading more than ten miles out to sea. Whicker's War
  • Unloading the cargo was a slow process.
  • The biggest offenders are security vans, council vehicles and shops loading and unloading goods.
  • However, the capacity of sucrose unloading in 23 DAA fruit, a point at which SuSy activity is maximal in untransformed fruit, was not significantly decreased in the antisense SuSy plants compared to controls.
  • When I was a kid straight out of high school, I went to work for a large supply house unloading trucks and boxcars.
  • After unloading, I decided it would be prudent to park in the lot rather than risk further calamity.
  • He was fascinated by the constant bustle on the docks, of goods trains coming and going, the huge cranes unloading and loading the ships coming from or bound for all corners of the world.
  • The deceased died as the result of the accident which occurred while he was unloading offal into an enclosed pit at the plant in Cahir.
  • The previous day workers blocked vehicles entering and leaving the port and preventing Atlantic Ports Services and Speedline stevedores unloading cargo.
  • Alex limped to the porthole, apparently surveying the scene of unloading beneath him. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • In one he'd questioned the word "essential" in "The Essential Kenny Loggins" greatest-hits album; in the other, he riffed that Bernard Madoff's lawyers were having a hard time unloading an apartment shaped like a pyramid. Earning a Living One Laugh at a Time
  • The percussionists alight from the front seat to do their own unloading. Music in the streets
  • There's a chance they'd both enjoy unloading if you proved a trusted confidante. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, the energy a stevedore expends in unloading boxes from a ship is recycled to him in the form of the money which he uses to buy bread.
  • They started rigging up the aircraft after unloading it from a trailer but the pilot was interrupted twice.
  • He gave me a look that seemed to communicate hostility since he was busy unloading tangerines.
  • We are not chartering, loading or unloading, so we have no demurrage costs to worry about. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Their range could carry massive shells well past the supply ships unloading more than ten miles out to sea. Whicker's War
  • Others were recklessly digging great holes in the footpath between the poplars, and ramming the earth into bags, or nailing together great pieces of driftwood, fished from the river, to form a screen behind the sandbags on the parapet and hold them against the pressure of the current, while carts kept rumbling in and unloading piles of stone and rubble against the wall and screen. The Paris Flood of 1910 | Edwardian Promenade
  • Once inside the symplast, radial transport across the root to the central stele and, subsequently, unloading into the xylem are necessary for translocation to the shoot.
  • Steve was unloading the last wagonload of the day into the truck.
  • For years, unloading your innermost thoughts to a counsellor was de rigueur for those undergoing the trials of celebrity. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said Buchi, who worked at the ranch, was unloading the barasingha deer, a species native to India and Nepal, from a trailer on Thursday with another employee when the animal gored Buchi in the thigh and side. Undefined
  • It would usually be about unloading the dishwasher. Times, Sunday Times
  • The knifeman struck as the woman was unloading her silver BMW estate car on a side street off Chorley New Road on Thursday at about 8.45 am.
  • During last few decades hundreds of people from Kohat and other areas of NWFP were kidnapped for ransom many of them were released after payment of ransom by their families, good number of them were killed by the abductors, but in most of the cases people abducted from settled areas were kept in tribal areas of Pakistan, few of the abducted persons have also succeeded to escape from the prison cells of abductors, ‘last year Farooq Mechanic abducted from Kohat had escaped from the prison located in tribal area adjacent to Peshawar, he had got a chance to enter in a truck after unloading bricks from it, abductors were getting forced labor from prisoners to construct a building in tribal area,’ his agedly sister Madam Kishwar had said. Endless Abductions
  • Severe polycythaemia increases the viscosity of the blood and probably leads to problems with unloading oxygen from the blood to the tissues.
  • While unloading a couple of sacks of lobster for his chef, Vernon asked me if I could help him out with a very sticky situation.
  • Powell smiled a shark's grin and stretched, feeling the coolness of the gun nestled under his shirt snug against his lower back, then went to the window and looked out into the steady rain; the parking lot sat quiet except for a couple of young preppies quickly unloading golf bags from the back of their dripping station wagon. Motel 6
  • While I was on deck watching the unloading of the cargo, he joined me for a moment. THE BLACK OPAL
  • They had shed their clothes and put on white overalls and headscarves and they were unloading and chopping up and sewing fabric to make pyjamas or bandages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Street stalls of changers, merchants with money; crates unloading - fish, sugar - by Spaniards and Danes; dragomen emitting unrecognizable tongues: such swirl over Charles in our genre-esque scene.
  • Customs duty, inspection charge at unloading port, discharging charge to be borne by buyer.
  • Workmen at the docks were unloading the crates from the tugboats and cruises.
  • Did you reckon in the time needed for unloading the cargo?
  • When new items arrive in the depot they are placed randomly on the shelves to speed up unloading. The Sun
  • Ama went through the door of her house still in enough of a drunken daze to forget that her father was not the kind to let her get to her room before unloading on her.
  • Nothing describes life on Cape Cod better than a picture of a lobsterman unloading his day's catch, or identifies London like a shot of a bobby up to his neck in evening traffic.
  • Short-term measurements were carried out in the drivers' breathing zones by drawing polluted air through a charcoal tube during unloading.
  • Dozens of ships might need unloading at any one time. The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy
  • Loading and unloading ships is dirty and fatiguing work.
  • A crane was already unloading crates and pallets.
  • The railroaders look after the ‘logistics’ of unloading, stockpiling and keeping tabs on inventory and weights.
  • Short-term measurements were carried out in the drivers' breathing zones by drawing polluted air through a charcoal tube during unloading.
  • After unloading the empties, my dad will unharness Pat, give him a rub-down and his dinner. Family life
  • None of them spoke as they followed suit, mutely unloading the weary, nervous shen of cargo and tack, then hobbling them and setting them free to graze.
  • There was still a lot of shellfire when we got there and we had to drive the boats as far up the beach as they would go and then start unloading the lorries and jeeps and supplies into the sea, all the time with shells exploding overhead.
  • Pain relief may result from diminished muscle cocontraction rather than from so-called medial compartment unloading.
  • The first place winner was Tridekon, a company based in Eden that has developed a hydraulically-driven, telescoping swing auger for unloading grain from semi-trailers.
  • Unloading the cargo was a slow process.
  • Robert Ehrlich proposed unloading the Maryland Independence, the 112-foot state yacht.
  • Graduating from high school in 1956, I went to work unloading freight from trucks and boxcars for $40 a week.
  • Remember; unloading your firearm means unloading it completely, so there is no ammunition in the chamber or in the magazine.
  • She relished the physical labour of unloading hay, drying nettles for protein, cleaning tack and riding for half the day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having a taste for "ghastliness," I had rather longed for the wounded to arrive, for rheumatism was n't heroic, neither was liver complaint, or measles; even fever had lost its charms since "bathing burning brows" had been used up in romances, real and ideal; but when I peeped into the dusky street lined with what I at first had innocently called market carts, now unloading their sad freight at our door, I recalled sundry reminiscences I had heard from nurses of longer standing, my ardor experienced a Hospital Sketches
  • A smaller delivery van from a wholesaler was just moving into her unloading yard.
  • The port authority has been adamant that a split train unloading system was not an option.
  • By the time he was fourteen he was a full fledged docker staggering under the crates his boyish frame hauled from the ships unloading at Algeciras.
  • I brushed it aside and wiped my hands on my jeans before unloading my stuff from my bag.
  • This variation of a traditional hitch rack allows you to carry three to four bikes in an upright position, making the loading and unloading of bikes a breeze.
  • Plus, there's the loading and unloading time, and the stop-and-go traffic. Metro track work on Blue, Orange lines scheduled on two busy fall weekends
  • Footage captured by the camera and shown in court clearly showed each tipper lorry unloading the waste material.
  • He kept his silence, at least until they'd parked the car and were unloading the gear. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • We'd like to alter the unloading port from Tokyo to Osaka.
  • Many budget airlines have fast turnarounds, with airlines unloading their passengers and quickly reboarding.
  • It would usually be about unloading the dishwasher. Times, Sunday Times
  • The henchmen had finished unloading the drugs, so the boat navigated off into the darkness once again.
  • Sometime this year the North will start unloading and replacing spent fuel from a large reactor at Yongbyon.
  • In relation to the access from Castle Street which is two way, Mr Hearn said this led to conflict between vehicles at the Castle Street access and is often made worse by vehicles loading and unloading.
  • Visiting for the Thanksgiving holiday, he finished unloading the luggage and tookto the guestroom downstairs.
  • It contains three copper-plates, one representing Sir William on horseback, and attended with guards as Lord Provost of Edinburgh, superintending the unloading of one of his rich argosies. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • A friend and I were sitting around commiserating about the things that get to us: unloading small indignities, comparing thorns.
  • The ship is unloading at the dock right now.
  • Quin watched the men finish unloading the truck, and head inside.
  • As for moving day, we started loading the first car at about 9.00 on Saturday morning and finished unloading the van and three cars by 3.00 that afternoon.
  • The driver of a steam-driven wagon was unloading warm loaves of bread fresh from the bakery.
  • Figure 5 compares observed topographic profiles of the plateau surface of north Oxfordshire to the predictions of the unloading model.
  • Day and night the giant arms of cranes move about, loading and unloading cargo.
  • That afternoon in the grocery store parking lot I saw a man unloading frozen turkeys from a refrigerator truck.
  • The company has the loading and unloading troop which the modernized large-scale warehouse and fine prepares, the company innate goods traffic vehicles 80 remainders, the staff 700 people.
  • The goods were snatched while the 17-year-old was unloading equipment from the boot of a Vauxhall Astra estate, ready for the first lesson in a new venue.
  • Considering It's close to our end - user, we'd like to appoint shinto as the unloading port.
  • If there will be more than 3 items loaded inside a container without previous written agreement the additional unloading charges will be imposed to the supplier.
  • Customs duty, inspection charge at unloading port, discharging charge to be borne by buyer.
  • After unloading the cars, unpacking, changing into sleepwear and finally sinking into the mattresses, all members of the crew were knocked out with the exhaustion of being on the road.
  • Other customers put stationary diesel-hydraulic grabs in a port for unloading their own vessels.
  • Grassed field borders can provide a convenient location for unloading combines into trucks or grain carts, or for turning planters and other equipment around.
  • Michelle, her actor daughter, is impenitent in unloading the truth about her high society mother who denies her Quebecois roots.
  • Few songwriters are as good as Pernice at unloading psychic baggage in song.
  • Local produce is served bento-box-style onboard, or you can toddle ashore, past lobster fishermen unloading their catch, to dine at Peppermint Bay, adjacent the quaint hamlet of Woodbridge.
  • Hector had just finished unloading the van and its occupants into the surrounding desert.
  • The Carrier shall be entitled to sub-contract on any terms the whole or any part of the carriage, loading, unloading, storing, warehousing, handling and any or all duties whatsoever undertaken by the Carrier in relation to the Goods.
  • The travelling motion is transmitted from the crane-engines by suitable gear and shafts to the travelling wheels, and warping-drums or capstans are fitted on a countershaft on the inner side of each frame, which drums can be driven independently of the travelling wheels for moving trucks into position below the crane as they are required for loading and unloading. Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
  • Dozens of ships might need unloading at any one time. The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy
  • When the plane landed back at Heathrow, one of the six crates was found to be missing, and during unloading, a large cardboard box was dropped and the lid fell off.
  • The man was unloading his car when an unknown assailant grabbed him while an accomplice pulled cash out of his trouser pocket.
  • offered his help in unloading
  • Lower vacuum chamber with a front door ideal for manual loading and unloading of work - piece.
  • Whilst my boys were having a good ole 'time up on the roof, I was doing what I do best - unloading mulch from the WTMC. Thank you very mulch.
  • Ignacio was a "lumper," unloading the large containers that come to the warehouses from the ports. Tom Woodruff: Depression in California's Inland Empire Shows Need for Employee Free Choice Act
  • It would usually be about unloading the dishwasher. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pull-out cutlery drawer can be lifted out for easy unloading.
  • For simpler tasks of pulling cars through a loading/unloading area a cable and capstan were used.
  • People marvel that anyone could ever have done it at all, and describe the work as "drudgery" and "backbreaking" - which may be true - the guys digging the outhouses may well have hated it, and may well have preferred their new jobs, unloading pallets at Walmart to digging outhouses. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Plus, quite frankly, a home without a man doing the loading and unloading of the dishwasher is no home at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • I thought most of the jobs in a grocery store take place 'behind' the cashier ... unloading shipments, meat cutters, delli clerks, bakers etc. Grocery Workers Strike?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In the past few weeks he has done tasks around the home, such as turning lights on and off and unloading the washing machine.
  • It happened while we were unloading the car and trailer. Christianity Today
  • Through its subsidiaries, the Company operates a fleet of ten self-unloading bulk carriers, including eight River Class vessels and one River Class integrated tug/barge unit, and three conventional bulk carriers, of which one is operated under a contract of affreightment. Rand Logistics Reports Second Quarter Fiscal 2011 Financial Results - Yahoo! Finance
  • In the early morning people are loading and unloading their trucks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The accident at the Narrabeen occurred when the rigger was unloading large steel structure - the lifting system failed and the structure collapsed and crushed the worker to death.
  • After a period of upheaval that involved unloading burdensome arrangements, it's time to review your priorities. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an adhesive, we conjecture that energy in the fibrils is lost upon decohesion and unloading.
  • The trailer for cable drum can be conveniently used for loading and unloading cable drums by manpower without the need of a crane for loading and unloading.
  • I just want to point out that the only thing this company is going to be doing is hiring the long shoremen who will be loading and unloading these containers, and they are all going to be Americans doing that. Good News on UAE Port Deal
  • There was a certain way of unloading timber which made the work quite straight forward.
  • Previous experience of PCMBS inhibiting a fraction of the normal unloading efflux suggests that this large, PCMBS-insensitive efflux is by a passive mechanism.
  • You're on the highway for up to 11 hours at a stretch, not to mention putting in another three hours a day loading or unloading goods.
  • At the same time, port officials say they are short-handed when it comes to unloading containers, and others involved in shipping say rail lines and trucking companies are also overextended.
  • There was no confusion and hardly any noise but the grunting and snarling of the camels as they "barracked" and got up again, the whole process of unloading and reloading being like a piece of well-oiled machinery. With Our Army in Palestine
  • The machine features automated product loading and unloading, as well as a system that immediately reads dosimeters, which eliminates several-day waits for dosimetry readings from a laboratory.
  • The Replay queue unloading controller releases the commands for both queues hoping that they will be executed successfully.
  • Sometimes the human burden needed unloading on to wifely ears. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • When Sunshine bites Lake, leaving behind little tooth-marks I will then be forced to hand out Band-Aids, which are in low supply because no one has had time to go to the store, because we've been too busy arguing, folding laundry, removing stains, paying bills, unloading the dishwasher and trying to recuperate from the latest disease the children have brought home. Pamela Alma Bass: Panicked Parents' Preschool Application
  • He and his son were unloading the catch from their luzzu pronounced loots-zoo. Meg Pier: Fishing Crafts of Malta's Bay Make for Eye Candy (SLIDESHOW)
  • Today however, the high pitched beep beep of a truck in reverse, unloading lumber for a new house, could be heard over the babble of the stream.
  • While I easily acclimated to this lethargy, I was pure hustle on Friday nights unloading trucks full of boxes of old books at a local bindery. My Summer Road to Perdition
  • In an area where just 40 years ago ships were being launched and cranes busily loading and unloading vessels of all sorts, a new city district is being developed.
  • The company has the loading and unloading troop which the modernized large-scale warehouse and fine prepares, the company innate goods traffic vehicles 80 remainders, the staff 600 people.
  • Was the cog loading or unloading off the small Fife port?
  • The 47-year-old woman was approached by a man as she was unloading her silver BMW estate car on the outskirts of the town centre.
  • The whole purpose of the loading and unloading mechanism fitted to the vehicle was that only the push of a button was required to move the containers in and out of the trailer of the vehicle.
  • Over-zealous traffic wardens have slapped tickets on two Radcliffe traders outside their own shops, even though they were unloading stock.
  • Glacio-isostatic adjustment is a response of the earth to loading and unloading by glaciers during the last major glaciation and the subsequent deglaciation. Sea-level rise and coastal stability in the Arctic
  • The sounds of unloading a missile and watching it crash into a destructible structure gives off a sense of visceral excitement that the first game couldn't touch.
  • He was unloading goods from a van when three men bundled him into the storeroom of the supermarket and demanded cash.
  • The three-position safety is reminiscent of Winchesters and allows operation of the bolt for unloading while in the middle, but still safe, position.
  • Plus, quite frankly, a home without a man doing the loading and unloading of the dishwasher is no home at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was working part-time at the docks, unloading the ship's cargo boxes and supplies.
  • Ragtag rebel militiamen cruised the streets in pickup trucks with mounted anti-aircraft guns, unloading random volleys into the sky whenever they thought they spotted government aircraft. Rebel Pledge: 'Die Here If We Must'
  • Huge cranes are unloading thousands of containers on to trucks to take the goodies to stores. The Sun
  • After an internal investigation, McDonald said the company has tightened up regulations to ensure no crew members are shifting places while the vessel is loading or unloading.
  • In 1592, on the orders of the then Lord Mayor of York, cloth was sold in the market each Friday and cranes were used for loading and unloading the goods.
  • Content and well fed, we retired to our room, where the one sour note of the weekend was a sound night's sleep disturbed at dawn by a delivery lorry reversing and unloading directly underneath the bedroom window.
  • Short-term measurements were carried out in the drivers' breathing zones by drawing polluted air through a charcoal tube during unloading.
  • She relished the physical labour of unloading hay, drying nettles for protein, cleaning tack and riding for half the day. Times, Sunday Times
  • We galloped to the base where the rest of the people were unloading the cargo.
  • The 35-year-old was unloading sand from a horse-drawn cart when the creature lunged. The Sun
  • The rearmost safety position locks the striker, trigger and the bolt, while the center position locks only the striker, allowing the bolt to be worked for loading or unloading.
  • ‘The owner had parked her vehicle with the trailer on the back and was unloading hay to feed her horses in a nearby field,’ he said.
  • They were unloading RPG launchers and reinforcing a series of makeshift bunkers on Thursday.
  • `And I'm pretty sure that right now she's unloading the rice without the original bill of lading. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Huge cranes are unloading thousands of containers on to trucks to take the goodies to stores. The Sun
  • Together they descend to Deck A, where the real business of the vessel takes place, down a bustling corridor linking the engine control room? which powers everything from the ship's two propellers to the galley blenders? to the hospital and the freezer room, where Filipinos in fur-collared jackets are unloading frozen pork fillets, part of the 20-tonne supply of meat needed for a two-week cruise. Ruling the waves: Cunard's new liner
  • Such lighters, usually flat-bottomed barges, were used in lightening or loading and unloading vessels that could not be wharfed, or where harbour facilities were underdeveloped or too small.
  • Unloading the cargo was a slow process.
  • On the fringe of the market were parked military vehicles or vehicles "requisitioned" by the Cobras who were busy unloading fresh supplies of goods looted in the Bacongo and Makelekele areas. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • After unloading Frankie from the float, she gave him one last brush, then put his saddle, bridle and boots on.
  • The first place winner was Tridekon, a company based in Eden that has developed a hydraulically-driven, telescoping swing auger for unloading grain from semi-trailers.
  • The docks on the inner city were a mixture of busy dock workers loading and unloading cargo, while wealthy merchants haggled back and forth about the costs and duties on their wares.
  • The gang was caught in the act of unloading the cigarettes.
  • Tanya: Alright, you say if you're unloading your grocery bag, there's also a workout opportunity in that bag.
  • When the lower part of the hatch is down, a loading tray automatically extends to aid with cargo loading and unloading.
  • Unloading a stream of bullets with dual-wielded pistols is violent and realistically deadly to your enemies.! » Ubisoft Is BOUND IN BLOOD And Revisits The Old West! Tsuj Heeds The CALL OF JUAREZ And Goes On A Gunslinging Spree!
  • A delivery man claimed that he came within inches of being hit by a car as he was unloading his goods in Walmgate on Wednesday.
  • This letter doesn't have a huge conclusion; I realize that unloading my fears is probably never going to change the world.
  • Mainly now used for the unloading of paper, it occasionally saw the despatch of other cargoes. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • One has to bear in mind also what was said in the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board letter, that, when a ship is unloading, the normal practice is to put the goods in a transit shed.
  • Often the delivery can be right to your door or unloading dock . For taxes due within your country, if any, we advise to contact your nearest Customs Broker.
  • For ground loading and unloading the side panels of the rear fuselage are hinged for outward opening to provide wider access.
  • So we drive to the school and wait until the opportune time when the buses are all unloading. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once inside the symplast, radial transport across the root to the central stele and, subsequently, unloading into the xylem are necessary for translocation to the shoot.
  • As a commando behind the lines in the Philippines he had once witnessed the unloading of heavy boxes from a Japanese ship, their being placed in a tunnel, and the entrance being dynamited shut.
  • The work support system can be provided with centers or cradles, which allow easy axially loading and unloading of parts up to 12’ long.
  • off-street unloading of vehicles
  • Mainly now used for the unloading of paper, it occasionally saw the despatch of other cargoes. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Mainly now used for the unloading of paper, it occasionally saw the despatch of other cargoes. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • The lining of coking, coal, electrical system in the coal unloading tank, coal hoppers, storage warehouse and so on...
  • Graduating from high school in 1956, I went to work unloading freight from trucks and boxcars for $40 a week.
  • The hoisting crane will assist unloading bulks and hoisting containers.
  • Workmen at the docks were unloading the crates from the tugboats and cruises.
  • Mainly now used for the unloading of paper, it occasionally saw the despatch of other cargoes. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Despite this he remained not only ‘missing’ but unlooked for and was allowed to keep his rifle - before unloading it on bus No 165 in Shfaram's Druze neighbourhood.
  • In-situ deformation tests are made at 35 points in the unloading zone with conditions of loading path and the maximum pressure similar to that of the arch dam acting on the rock mass.
  • Similarly, branches may be short-staffed thereby increasing loading and unloading times.
  • The ageing loading and unloading facilities of the docks fail to satisfy the requirements of modern logistics.
  • In the early morning people are loading and unloading their trucks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nanoindentation has been widely used to evaluate and test material properties, we utilize the unloading curves of an indentation test to extract the hardness and reduced modulus of the material.
  • They were reported to be unloading trucks filled with looted furniture.
  • This was bad enough, but in the 1950s the library decided to thin its inventory, unloading the unwanted books on a book dealer who soon realized he now possessed more than 60 titles annotated by Mark Twain. Boston Globe -- Ideas section
  • Seventy years ago, a young truck driver named Malcom McLean found himself sitting on a New Jersey dock all day, waiting for a gang of slow-moving longshoremen to get around to unloading his rig.
  • Expensive new cranage would be required, since the existing cranes were incapable of reaching the unloading rates acceptable for larger ships.
  • When L.S. finished photographing the locations that interested her, she had difficulty unloading the film from her camera.
  • Many ships discharge their ballast and bilge during loading and unloading because many Black Sea ports lack reception facilities.
  • Quickly unloading the film, Haviv hid the incriminating rolls, just in case, and later smuggled them out of the bloodied town.

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