How To Use Unkindly In A Sentence
I entered a hazy phase where I was ‘holding court’ a little using the continuous, free-association form of discourse that my wife unkindly refers to as wittering.
She ran to him for a kiss, but he thrust her aside unkindly.
Tom Jerrold, who now appeared on the poop, and whom I had fought shy of before, thinking he had behaved very unkindly to me in the morning, was one of the first to spring into the mizzen-shrouds and climb up the ratlines on the order being given to furl the sail, getting out on the manrope and to the weather earing at the end of the yard before either of the three hands who also went up.
Afloat at Last A Sailor Boy's Log of his Life at Sea
‘They're good musicians,’ she says, not unkindly.
The Indian thereupon asked him (not at all unkindly) whether he would like to be sent back to London, and left where they had found him, sleeping in an empty basket in a market - a hungry, ragged, and forsaken little boy.

The pink, slightly knobbly skin of this species of seahorse has been rather unkindly, but accurately, compared to that of a plucked chicken.
I entered a hazy phase where I was ‘holding court’ a little using the continuous, free-association form of discourse that my wife unkindly refers to as wittering.
Even possible allies may view the hostile takeover unkindly.
Indeed it has been said, rather unkindly, this scheme was framed especially to benefit Ireland's jockeys.
He pulled her along not unkindly and she felt like a child toddling after its mother.
The contrast between the sweet screen versions of these women and their increasingly loopy and bitter personal lives adds, rather unkindly, to the fascination of the films.
She gave him one of her sharp looks, not unkindly but certainly taking his measure.
I also believe that parents, if they love you, will hold you up safely, above their swirling waters, and sometimes that means you'll never know what they endured, and you may treat them unkindly, in a way you otherwise wouldn't. Mitch Albom
I also believe that parents, if they love you, will hold you up safely, above their swirling waters, and sometimes that means you'll never know what they endured, and you may treat them unkindly, in a way you otherwise wouldn't. Mitch Albom
It described the project rather unkindly as ‘an appalling waste of public money’ that should be binned if it wasn't working by the end of the year.
`You better take off the heels,' the officer named Roger told her, not unkindly.
And she beshrewed herself for so unkindly judging of his unkindness.
'Don't be silly,' he said, not unkindly.
`Then we don't know him anymore," said Terry unkindly, stung by the entirely true assertion that he was afraid to touch the man.
Only one brother remained - Henry's youngest son John, unkindly described by historians as the runt of the Angevin litter, whom Henry had only entrusted with the lordship of Ireland, still a frontier land in the Angevin territories.
The teacher treats the children unkindly
They quarrel with God as if he had dealt unkindly by them in forsaking them, whereas they by their idolatry had driven him from them; they have withdrawn from their allegiance to him, and so have thrown themselves out of this protection.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
She bore him three children - then found him gradually moving emotionally away from her, not unkindly, but with a cruel determination.
You have heard, my good Miss Byron, that the friendship between Mr. Grandison and Signor Je-ronymo was twice broken off: once it was, by the unkindly-taken freedom of the expostulatory letter.
Sir Charles Grandison
Yet notwithstanding this ominous comparison she presently made her appearance with her sleeves turned down, her black woollen dress "tidied," and a smile of fatigued but not unkindly welcome and protection on her face.
And she beshrewed herself for so unkindly judging of his unkindness.
Tales from Shakespeare
The characters are flat 2D and well-animated as are the spell effects and whatnot, but time has passed unkindly, and the graphics lack any real zing.
She ran to him for a kiss, but he thrust her aside unkindly.
And she beshrewed herself for so unkindly judging of his unkindness.
Thank you for staying my hand when I was tempted to pen a nasty review of someone who'd written unkindly about my books.
‘Oh, child, come away from there,’ admonished a cracked, though not unkindly voice.
I also believe that parents, if they love you, will hold you up safely, above their swirling waters, and sometimes that means you'll never know what they endured, and you may treat them unkindly, in a way you otherwise wouldn't. Mitch Albom
`They'll be too hard to eat even when they're cooked,' she said, but not unkindly, looking at the whitish green heap.
Well, that's David of the University of Western Australia, professor of physics, with his gravity waves and I've just been joined by another prize winner who in fact, I don't want to put this unkindly, is a stirrer, is that right?
The one thing that people always unkindly say about her is, she's no supermodel, but she does scrub up well.
Aristaenetus had a fine young gentleman to his prisoner; [6292] in commiseration of his youth and person he let him loose, to enjoy the liberty of the prison, but he unkindly made him a cornuto.
Anatomy of Melancholy
It has been described unkindly by its critics as 'plinky plun-ky', 'fiddly twiddly' and 'an aural dot-to-dot'.
Times, Sunday Times
unkindly ancts
Jess was said to look not unkindly on Ebie Farrish, the younger ploughman who had recently come to Craig Ronald from one of the farms at the "laigh" end of the parish.
The Lilac Sunbonnet
John studied her face for a moment It was a sonsy and simple face, and her eyes were not unkindly.
John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn