How To Use Universality In A Sentence
The cosmic symbol of the rising sun expresses the universality of God above all particular places and yet maintains the concreteness of divine revelation.
Ignatius Insight Article on Restoring Ad Orientem
The severity, universality, complexity of peasant burden overweight, is to determined fundamentally that solving peasant burden overweight needs long period of time and arduousness of problem.
As can be seen, the recurring theme of the principle is universality, non-exclusivity, non-discrimination, and indivisibility.
This hypothesis, to say no more, will fit well all the facts -- for instance, the universality of the belief in evil spirits and any evidence adducible for actual influence on men, whether in the records of demonic possession and magic in the past or in the phenomena of modern Spiritism.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
This enumeration is evidently designed to convey an impression of universality [Baumgarten].
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
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But there is much satisfaction in seeing a modern classic performed with such deftness and humour, and recognising the universality of its underlying themes.
It was also important to determine the degree of universality of the correlative relationships between free amino acid levels and leaf senescence.
I think it is time to spread the word about human divinity and the universality of the spiritual path.
From my parents, who serve as a primary reference point, I begin to understand both my uniqueness and universality together with my continuity and discontinuity with the past and the present.
I have been amazed at the universality of all of our experiences, whatever our origins, sex or age.
She says that this view of women as marginal to tantra is based on western constructions of gender & power (and their assumed universality) and she re-presents women as active participants in the creation of traditions.
In two grand, characteristic attributes, it is supereminent over all others: first in its universality, for it is capacious enough to receive and cherish in its paternal bosom every child that comes into the world: and second, in the timeliness of the aid it proffers, - its early, seasonable supplies of counsel and guidance making security antedate danger.
This description emphasizes the specificity of English, and the concrete bodies that possess it, as opposed to the implicit universality of French, imagined by contrast as almost bodiless.
The universality of which I feel confident, however, is the essential oneness that underlies the diversity of life forms, and the equality and inherent worth of all dimensions of infinity.
His talk of the universality of human rights is a cover for restricting their reach.
Times, Sunday Times
It is also, for all its implied and hoped-for universality, a deeply American work.
Most of the debate was really about an alleged universality of the nuclear family of married biological parents and their legitimate children.
The universality, the sacredness, and the divine origin of freedom are enshrined in our founding document.
Both images collapse universality and individuality into monumentalized maternity.
This universality occurs presumably because a low-level coarse-graining does not introduce effects that are sensitive to the overall structure of the macromolecule.
And I think about that so often, because of the universality of people's love and affection for their dads.
A response based on contemporary legal norms is unavoidable though the debate on cultural relativity and universality continues.
This first modern paradigm is an abstract rationalist universalism that conflates universality with Eurocentrism and developmental modernism.
Any clarity and universality is a byproduct of a master craftswoman.
"I sit alone and I watch the clock; I breathe in on the tick and out on the tock"
After all, a defining principle of the modern IOC is "universality" _ the idea that every country should have the chance to participate actively in what it calls the Olympic Movement.
In the same way, the sight of his father defeated by unemployment provides Death of a Salesman with its Greek, choric universality.
The universality of the mouse fear roves its prehistoric origin, showing how consistently and successfully women have been educating men in heroism; in earliest times it probably required a whole dinotherium ramping at the cave-mouth to induce primitive man to draw weapon in his mate's defense, but now to evoke the quintessence of chivalry, all a woman has to do is to hop on a chair at sight of a mouse.
The Joys of Being a Woman and Other Papers
Evolutionary theories of inclusive fitness and kin selection … explain the evolutionary origin and universality of nepotism. … (1) significant ethnic divisions tend to lead to ethnic interest conflicts in all societies and (2) the more a society is ethnically divided, the more political and other interest conflicts tend to become canalized along ethnic lines.
A Nice Day For A Forced Wedding. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The West tries to 'interiorize' its difference with other cultures - it tries to find a universality of 'the anthropos'.
Archive 2009-02-01
The academy would choose, on the other hand, to flatten human experience; Pinker may be a materialist but one that sees this universality; therefore, he vivifies - encourages our sense of three-dimensionality.
I love the catholic part of being Catholic (and here I mean it in the sense of the faith tradition and not necessarily its instatiation in the Roman Catholic Rite)- it's vision of universality and it's rich pot of traditions to draw from even if we cannot always (even often?) make it manifest.
Good Questions
It is practically showed that it is of shock-resistant, universality, stability and high-efficiency.
As Father Gasquet says in his _Parish Life in Medieval England_, of the universality of these "gilds" in this country: "Every account of a medieval parish must necessarily include some description of the work of fraternities and guilds ....
Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
To gain support for regicide, the Levellers compromised the universality of the commons.
In keeping with most instances of political ceremony and ritual, the new themes of universality, harmony, and concord were as much designed to conceal and mask political tension as they were genuine reflections of the papal vision.
And if not evolution, what does explain the universality of so many human traits?
Times, Sunday Times
Its great corresponding defect -- and this is immeasurable -- is its loss in form, in universality, in that disinterestedness which is essential to art.
Personality in Literature
I have been amazed at the universality of all of our experiences, whatever our origins, sex or age.
All nations of the world celebrate the universality of music by bringing their national musics to the international stage.
At last, in the conclusion, several qualities of the rhetoric application of musical genre, such as its rationality, fertility, validity, universality and regularity, are explained.
The module's design favorably compares with existing analogues by its universality.
The module's design favorably compares with existing analogues by its universality.
Arrogating universality to itself, the authoritarian state which arose over these exclusive particulars thwarted the self-activity of its people, and concealed the source of its authority behind a veil of religious sanctification.
There was an Enlightenment tendency to believe that the same moral principles were to be found in every society, so universality must have seemed coextensive with humanity.
The undefinability of âBeingâ is connected with its universality. âBeingâ cannot be defined as an entity; entities require a character.
Archive 2007-12-01
But she, in externally Christianizing the world, permits herself to be seduced by the world; thus her universality or catholicity is not that of the
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
To gain support for regicide, the Levellers compromised the universality of the commons.
They see their commitment to universality as an important feature distinguishing Canada from the United States.
Interestingly, the Preamble also notes that civil and political rights cannot be dissociated from economic, social, and cultural rights in their conception as well as their universality.
A guide talked about the banality and universality of the image of these two corporate warehouses.
It may be ironic that some recent defenses of apparent difficulty in academic writing have turned for support to Frankfurt School texts, because Frankfurt briefs for the necessary difficulties in postromantic and modernist art, and in critical theory, actually tend to apply or extend all those initial Kantian-romantic concerns about truth, objectivity, and universality in ways largely inimical to most Left postmodernist discourse.
Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
At last, in the conclusion, several qualities of the rhetoric application of musical genre, such as its rationality, fertility, validity, universality and regularity, are explained.
Let us apply these facts to some of the more simple of the vexed questions of prosody, No one disputes the universality of the rhythmizing impulse; the quarrel begins as soon as any prosodist attempts to dogmatize about the nature and measurement of those flowing time-intervals whose arrangement we call rhythm.
A Study of Poetry
The optimal index here exhibits a striking universality in that it is relatively insensitive to variations in the selection used in its computation.
But the four genera alluded to afford evidence enough, and sufficient to show that these ramenta are formed with reference to some important function, that their universality is incompatible with any functions of such minor degree as are attributed to them by those who represent them to be scales or hairs.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
His seminal work spelled out the law of gravity, the laws of motion, and the universality of the gravitational force.
The Enlightenment also propounded a belief in the transhistorical universality of human nature.
The undefinability of ‘Being’ is connected with its universality.
That same inflated claim to universality reinforces the sense that American sovereignty is not to be stepped on.
The universality of his talents foreshadows those of his own pupil Leonardo.
Whereas sculpture in Italy is distinguished by its technical bravure rather than by its spiritual excellences, French sculpture has for a long time taken the lead in the modern development, not only by reason of its admirable treatment of the most varied materials, but also through its universality of thought.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
The Etymology and the sourcing of all the words and phraseology is from the world over, and it is this universality which makes for the Numero Uno status that the language enjoys.
The GigaOM Weekly Recap
Ethnic factors restrict it in its universality and openness, and finally resulting in the failure of the faith in YHWH to become a world religion.
Lewis, who accepts the universality of mereological summation, does not deny that possible objects in this sense are as real as possible objects in his preferred sense.
Possible Objects
How does one explain or interpret this diversity in universality?
The promulgation of the infallibility of the Pontiff and the universality of his episcopate reinforced this ultramontane dogma at the First Vatican Council.
Augustine replaces personality and humanity with the paramountcy and universality of God.
And, turning to the more familiar aspects of the subject, how singular the fact, and how typical of the universality of Christian brotherhood, that He, who ` ` hath made of one blood all nations of men, '' should have also made of the same material the priceless brilliant which adorns the diadem of the prince, and the soot which begrimes the cabin of the humblest peasant!
Religion and Chemistry
The fact that both mammalian viruses and bacteriophage show this loss of pentons indicates the universality of the instability of these interactions.
The first person plural possessive pronoun ‘our’ is occasionally used in lieu of an article in order to denote a certain universality.
The claim of universality of his theory is speculation by others. and adult education.
It is characterized by imagery, encouragement , self - awareness , universality and temporal nature.
He destines them to translation, he subjects them to the law of a translation both necessary and impossible; in a stroke with his translatable-untranslatadble name he delivers a universal reason (it will not longer be subject to the rule of a particular nation), but he simultaneously limits its very universality: forbidden transparency, impossible univocity.
Jakobson, meet Derrida
With the universality of English largely a result of America's global dominance, it's time for other English speakers to stop quibbling about whether the American usage is right or wrong.
The Dominican theologians St. Albert the Great and St. Thomas Aquinas, although they do not count beauty among the transcendentals, make a similar discourse in their commentaries on the Treaty of Pseudo-Dionysius De divinis nominibus, where the universality of beauty emerges, whose first cause is God Himself.
Fr Lang on Beauty and the Liturgy
It's an earnest exploration of the universality of music and truly good songcraft.
These displays are the only place where the museum's message of the universality of spiritual concerns gives way to the specifics of particular religions.
Bourdieu suggest that the culture arises out of dissenting claims to universality, which might be characterized alternately as "absolute judgement" — Bourdieu's phrase for the promise of having the final say in contestable matters of cultural relevance — or, as Kant puts it in the Dialectic of Aesthetic Judgment ( '56), "a hope of coming to terms.
Article Abstracts
While ringing the bell of universality, I pose a question for observers of Christmas, one that bestirs itself to haunt me in a tuneful way each holiday season, and so I pass my quizzical spirit of Christmas past along to you …
Go ahead, hang a shining star upon the highest bough and... you know...
Such a universality was lacking in Malayalam films that had come up for the competition, says Prasad.
The argument that clinched the debate, both in Whitby and in Toledo, was the ‘Roman-ness’ and universality of an authoritative tradition.
The universality of computation is the most profound thing in the universe," he says.
Boing Boing: November 17, 2002 - November 23, 2002 Archives
For all its implied and hoped-for universality, it is a deeply American work.
I CANNOT think myself engaged from these words to discourse of lots, as to their nature, use, and allowableness; and that not only in matters of moment and business, but also of recreation; which latter is indeed impugned by some, though better defended by others; but I shall fix only upon the design of the words, which seems to be a declaration of a divine perfection by a signal instance; a proof of the exactness and universality of God's providence from its influence upon a thing, of all others, the most casual and fortuitous, such as is the casting of lots.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
We shall follow universality in this way, if we confess that one faith to be true which the whole Church throughout the world confesses; antiquity, if we in nowise depart from those interpretations which it is manifest were notoriously held by our holy ancestors and fathers; consent in like manner, if in antiquity itself we adhere to the consentient definitions and determinations of all, or at least almost all, priests and doctors.
A Source Book for Ancient Church History
For the purpose of improving the universality, flexibility, reusability and interoperability of the TSCCS, a design framework of the HLA-based TSCCS is brought out.
Augustine replaces personality and humanity with the paramountcy and universality of God.
The day of Pentecost foreshowed the universality of some language.
The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882
Its deficiency lies, however, in failing to recognise that the Universality we encounter in sense-perception has features which go far beyond what is given in the encounters in question, and are sometimes so categorial that no set of such encounters can ever adequately body them forth.
As a result, the pretension to universality is all the more justified as researchers find themselves working in decontextualized and highly formalized fields.
Music thanatologists use the harp because of its universality and rich, soothing tones.
The ancient aestheticians, such as the Plato and Plotinus, were apt to believe that the beauty is an object's attribute. Therefore, there is an objective universality for the beauty.
The result is the loss of substance of key truths of the Christian faith like the preexistence of the Word, the divinity of Jesus, the Trinity, the salvific value of the death of Jesus, the unicity and universality of the salvific mediation of Jesus and of the Church, the resurrection of Jesus.
Archive 2009-01-01
To predict that blogs will someday become universal warrants amplification, as today's blogs are anything but universal, unless solipsism and narcissism constitute universality.
Let's see, and we also call this period the Anthropogene, the era in which mankind's activities became a ‘new telluric force which in power and universality may be compared to the greater forces of earth’.
Unless the passion of it is to die down, it must somehow assert its universality.
The universality of DNA attachment to the lamina in interphase growing cells means that nuclear volume cannot change substantially in evolution without changing genome size.
A brand new Social Security Act that reformed our whole social welfare system on principles of simplicity, sufficiency and universality.
Thus it is that, although religions claim universality, much of what is claimed to be universal is discovered to bear the impress of culture, society and history.
The universality of gravity sets it apart from, for example, the electrical forces between charged bodies.
Their genius is felt not in the ready, perhaps instant, recognizability of their work - although their art requires such distinctiveness to maintain its persuasion - but in its abiding ability to transport its beholders by oscillating between fantasy and reality, banality and magic, intimacy and universality, the dreamt and the dumb.
Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: American Masters, American Dreams
The former symbolizes power, unification and universality, and the latter fertility.
Thus in hellenic plastic art has been discovered the calm and serene intuition of life of those peoples, who feel, nevertheless, so poignantly, the universality of sorrow; thus has recently been discerned on the faces of the Byzantine saints "the terror of the millennium," a terror which is an equivoke, or an artificial legend invented by modern scholars.
Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
A favourite principle of Avicenna, which is quoted not only by Averroes but also by the Schoolmen, and especially by St. Albert the Great, was intellectus in formis agit universalitatem, that is, the universality of our ideas is the result of the activity of the mind itself.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
Universality was an illusion imposed by western imperialism - and one that China cannot conceivably undertake.
Along with economic development and automotive universality, car has become extension of people's living space.
The reason for pre-eminence recognized in Peter is that he incarnates the unity and universality of the church.
The goal of making modern allegories legible and edifying to a general public without compromising their timeless universality was fraught with risk.
Through developmental course of universality, human beings understand the harmony, and create the categorematic term of harmony and universal spirit of harmonic culture.
Most of the debate was really about an alleged universality of the nuclear family of married biological parents and their legitimate children.
The investigation results show that college students English learning needs are characterized by universality, complexity and illegibility .
Every being - sentient or insentient - has a role to play in this manifest universality of the Spirit.
What i am saying is that there is somewhat of a universality of communication to be attained in my opinion and yes, there are allusions to ethnicism by whites referring to tradition but that is not what carries their medium usually.
What I Wrote to an African American Friend Today About Race and Art : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation