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How To Use Unitary In A Sentence

  • He establishes that Evangelical theology ‘lacks a unitary hermeneutic’ of Catholicism.
  • The term corporate will be used here to describe the traditional conception, since that conception presents a right-holding group as a unitary entity. Group Rights
  • Instead, parade ground drill became a means of teaching soldiers about the value of organized, unitary action.
  • a unitary method was applied
  • Areas that do not take the unitary path will be expected to find new ways of working within the two-tier system. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Town hall sources said the changes to the city's unitary development plan would not mean an end to new homes and flats.
  • Unitary Because all legislative power stems from Parliament, we have a unitary as opposed to a federal constitution.
  • However the arc-length definition is always related to the undeformed configuration (for which the length is known) and then saying that the rod is inextensible leads to obtain a unitary tangent on the deformed configuration. IMechanica - Comments
  • The unitary executive doctrine arises out of a theory called “departmentalism,” or “coordinate construction.” Lean Left » Blog Archive » The Fillibuster
  • One way to tackle these is to recall the words of musicians who were disturbed by unitary control.
  • The first and most important is the belief in the absolute oneness of God, the unitary nature of the divinity that allows for no pantheon of saints, demigods or divine consorts and children.
  • Nevertheless, Bichat rendered a solid service to physiological progress by insisting upon the fact that what we call life, in one of the higher animals, is not an indivisible unitary archaeus dominating, from its central seat, the parts of the organism, but a compound result of the synthesis of the separate lives of those parts. Science & Education
  • They said that Papua was not one of the territories that declared their independence as the Indonesian unitary state on Aug 17, 1945.
  • In its dealings with Latin America, the US was never as coherent, unitary and rational an actor as was often portrayed from the South, but the pluralism of the US has become much more pronounced in recent years.
  • He created a nationalist and revolutionary rhetoric in order to transform the heterogeneous state into a unitary entity.
  • For 110 years, it has remained a fractious but unitary organization.
  • This policy is a creation, which could solve the unification of China under the circumstance of unitary system.
  • Compared to members of other unitary authorities, Swindon councillors get a bad deal.
  • The geometrical analogy is a most illuminating one, for it enables us to understand how manyness may be indispensable to a being that is essentially unitary. The Approach to Philosophy
  • The smallest metropolitan county had, therefore, a population approximately double that of the largest unitary authority.
  • She outlined changing the constitution from presidential to parliamentary government and from a unitary to a federal system.
  • This highlights the second major difficulty with the theories, the general assumption that there is a unitary dimension of arousal.
  • It is a mistake to try to persuade them with gifts: you simply have to discover how to manipulate them, to report them to a higher authority, someone higher up the line of unitary command.
  • the unitary principles of nationalism
  • Their joint submission, hammered out in meetings between leaders of the council, would see Craven merge with Harrogate and other districts combine to create larger districts able to take on a unitary role.
  • The unitary empire of the early Islamic period had fragmented into numerous regional and local states.
  • They make clear, for instance, that the phrase "unitary executive" is a code word for a doctrine that favors nearly unlimited executive power. Archive 2007-02-01
  • The authors begin by discussing the simplest kind of lawmaking factory, a unitary state with pluralistic political institutions.
  • In other parts of the world, where unitary Empires and not rivalrous states were the norm, such economic transformation did not take place.
  • Now, one word, for those who are actually and sincerely interested in fostering a unitary-state by supporting “devolution” as a means to achieve sustainable peace, please avoid thinking in terms of “devolution” and instead please try to think in terms of “sharing of powers”, rights, duties and responsibilities that cannot be taken back at any time by any government or individual by any method. Global Voices in English » Sri Lanka: Abuse, Disbelief And Bitterness Persist
  • No, they put their head in the sand, leaving their posterior in the air, cowing to the Unitary Executive and the Commander in Chief during a Time of War. Think Progress » Kristol Supports Arizona Immigration Law: ‘I Don’t Think It Violates Anyone’s Civil Rights’
  • Physical education is highly valued and forms part of a fully integrated educational programme based on a unitary conception of man.
  • Do the words have a unitary value which is extended in different ways in different contexts?
  • Is time just a fourth dimension which, together with the three dimensions of space, helps to comprise a unitary four-dimensional manifold in which all physical objects and events somehow reside?
  • They may recommend a structure based on unitary authorities or the present two-tier arrangements.
  • We are creating more meshed services where the seemingly unitary application is really a composite of linked calls across the Internet.
  • But he said there was concern about the new buildings, walling, access and repercussions on the Unitary Development Plan.
  • Social support was not a unitary construct exerting a uniformly positive effect on outcomes.
  • This highlights the second major difficulty with the theories, the general assumption that there is a unitary dimension of arousal.
  • Psychoanalysis disrupts notions of a unitary, centred and rational self by its emphasis on an inner world permeated by desire and fantasy.
  • The company recognizes the need for hybrid extrudables with unitary construction to function in versatile, custom configurations.
  • The question now is, how sacred is the unitary state?
  • Paradoxically, this is way above the national average 13 for a unitary authority.
  • I can’t imagine a better time to begin ramming through recess appointments and flexing the Unitary Executive muscle. Think Progress » GOP New Orleans Congressman: Health Reform ‘At A Par With Slavery’ Because Of Nonexistent Abortion Coverage
  • According to Davies, Medieval Ireland was less a unitary commonwealth after the pattern of England than a clustered multitude of sovereignties.
  • National political groups and other institutions which support the idea of a unitary Indonesia including Aceh need to recognize that such unity will only be achieved if it is voluntarily supported by all involved.
  • Yet he admits that a one-size-fits-all monetary policy is senseless without a unitary fiscal system. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unitary transformation to achieve the dual economy the central issue is the transfer of the agricultural sector labor force.
  • Personalities are not unitary, folks, and you don't know the whole of a person based on one album, no matter how confessional it may seem.
  • Thinkers such as Lyotard and Foucault who attempt to give the margins a voice are thus working at undermining this unitary image of the West, reducing its one monolithic history to a plurality of minor histories.
  • The mere isolatedness of a being is per se evil, is the opposite of true existence and life, the ruin of life, that is, death, — is a dissolution of the unitary collective life into indifferent ultimate atoms. Christian Ethics. Volume II.���Pure Ethics.
  • Indonesia is prone to collapse despite claims that it is a unitary state.
  • It should be emphasised that the paper supported a ‘resolution of the Aceh conflict within the framework of the unitary state of Indonesia.’
  • However, a unitary standard of transliteration leads to much confusion in actual communication.
  • Operational experience of real systems design reinforces doubts about the allocation of function concept as a basis for a unitary systematic procedure.
  • the diagonalization of a normal matrix by a unitary transformation
  • Operational experience of real systems design reinforces doubts about the allocation of function concept as a basis for a unitary systematic procedure.
  • On the other hand, Arlington County, Virginia, just across the Potomac River from Washington, D. C. , is both an urbanized and suburban area, governed by a unitary county administration.
  • Partly he draws on psychology to show the fallacy of the belief that there exists some unitary entity which can be called credibility and that dishonesty in one situation suggests dishonesty in all.
  • Each of the unitary awarding bodies addressed the need to modernise the system for marking exam scripts by developing an electronic marking process
  • It is the only unitary authority in the country to gain the award in the rural economy category.
  • Physical education is highly valued and forms part of a fully integrated educational programme based on a unitary conception of man.
  • Not so very different, after all, from the fundamentalists back home who are forever devising Procrustean means to arrive at unitary cultural identities.
  • The Netherlands is a unitary state governed by a central body.
  • “While the notion of historicity has become ever more problematic for theory,” he says, “at the same time for historiography and its own methodological self-awareness the idea of history as a unitary process is rapidly dissolving” (Vattimo 1988, 6). Postmodernism
  • They further maintain that in deeply divided societies federal systems are more likely than unitary systems to restrain competition over resources to means specified in the constitution. Urbanization in Post-Apartheid South Africa
  • At most, Smith means to contrast this monarchical concept of a governable albeit composite entity against ‘the unitary state envisaged by Thomas Cromwell’.
  • Radicals wanted to abolish cantonal sovereignty, which served only to shore up the local oligarchies, and to move towards a democratic, unitary republic like the Helvetic Republic imposed by the French in 1798.
  • Such a step allows development of theory which can explain social transformation in terms of unitary types of activity. 2.
  • For this reason we believe that larger unitary options that could be proposed for North Yorkshire are inherently unsuited to delivering good local services.
  • The spectral theorem for unitary matrices allows each of these matrices to be diagonalised; as is abelian, the matrices commute and so one can simultaneously diagonalise these matrices. What's new
  • Leniency in judging definitions is necessary because the child's power of expression lags farther behind his understanding than is true of adults, and also because for the young subject the word has a relatively less unitary existence. The Measurement of Intelligence An Explanation of and a Complete Guide for the Use of the Stanford Revision and Extension of the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale
  • This perverse incentive can lead to lower levels of interethnic trust and a higher incidence of violence over time, which would not necessarily be the case in a unitary system.
  • I was able to troll him into a full-throated defense of separation of powers and a rejection of the unitary executive theory. Matthew Yglesias » Thiessen Admits That His “Too Many Dead Terrorists” Critique Is Hollow BS
  • Kaluznin also worked in the area of geometrical algebra, particularly on arrangements of subspaces in Euclidean and unitary spaces.
  • By local unitary operation and entanglement swapping, the sender can transmit the piece of secret to the participant.
  • In a nutshell, interpretative expansion of the patient's capacity for reflective awareness of old, repetitive organizing principles occurs concomitantly with the emotional impact and meanings of ongoing relational experiences with the therapist, and both are indissoluble components of a unitary therapeutic process that establishes the possibility of alternative principles for organizing experience, whereby the patient's emotional horizons can become widened, enriched, more flexible and more complex. Robert D. Stolorow: What Is Character and How Does it Change?
  • He said as the ANC was not married to labels of whether this model accords with a unitary or federalistic state but were motivated by the need to ensure that the model delivered basic services to the people. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • But we are not convinced that a unitary world sovereign is necessary to that end: and, indeed, we worry that such a literal cosmopolis would threaten many of the values that are fundamental to the cosmopolitan vision.
  • As the leader of Bush'slegal team and Cheney's chief of staff, Addington was thebiggest proponentof some of Bush's mostnotoriouslegal abuses, such astortureand warrantless surveillance, and is aloyal followerof the so-called unitary executive theory. The 43 Who Helped Make Bush The Worst Ever
  • As such it complements the introduction of unitary development plans for the metropolitan districts.
  • When the term “Arab” was used for most of the last millenium, it could not refer to a distinct unitary ethnos, but to a broader culture with a shared high culture and religion – much like Latin European culture, or Slavic Orthodox culture. Matthew Yglesias » Bye, Bye Nationhood
  • This was a large-scale Utopian vision, based on the possibility of constructing a new city guided by the concepts of unitary urbanism.
  • They were trying to build their theory of the “unitary executive,” a commander-in-chief privilege that would allow them to set policy without answering to anyone but themselves. The Good Fight
  • Psychoanalysis disrupts notions of a unitary, centred and rational self by its emphasis on an inner world permeated by desire and fantasy.
  • Their portion of council tax - being a unitary they set the borough and county parts as one - is 8.9 per cent.
  • It does not represent a single unitary concept of liability.
  • What the project has found is that there never was a unitary pagan past; instead there is a palimpsest of myths and legends, places and landscapes, changing and continuing.
  • The unitary set consisted only of a brightly lit room where the sisters resided, furnished with a table and a few chairs, a pallet, and a floor-standing mirror.
  • Now the capitalists not only favor 'fraternity' but also 'unity', as the Club of Rome suggest a while ago, that is, a unitary World State. Labor Day 2009: What is the supreme question of global depression and recession?
  • Arbiter theorists also recognize that liberal democratic states vary greatly in their internal organization between federal and unitary forms.
  • The smallest metropolitan county had, therefore, a population approximately double that of the largest unitary authority.
  • While it has meant that economic problems can rarely be answered by optimum solutions, which may at least occasionally be approximated in unitary states, the varied interests of the very different regions of this vast land have usually, in the long run, been accommodated in the working out of the compromises by which our country survives problems even if it does not wholly resolve them. Energy and a Sense of Balance
  • It underlines-and in this area underlining is long overdue-that Canada is not a unitary state. Energy and Government
  • By definition a unitary operator is a bijective isometry. Discover Blogs
  • One way to tackle these is to recall the words of musicians who were disturbed by unitary control.
  • This is applicable for discrete and continuous symmetries (although no time reversal symmetries) that are associated with invariance under unitary transformations. Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
  • In fact, I'd be willing to bet that if you polled the American public today and asked them if they even knew what the phrase unitary executive means, fewer than 2% of the country would have a clue what you're talking about. 01/29/2006
  • Non-trivial unitary lowest-energy reps of diffeomorphism and gauge algebras are necessarily anomalous, and a quantized observer jumps right out of their representation theory. String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • Other policies include the centralization of state power in a unitary form of government in order to be able to contain the centrifugal forces of ethnicity.
  • We are not in the area of common law or a unitary system of government.
  • Operational experience of real systems design reinforces doubts about the allocation of function concept as a basis for a unitary systematic procedure.
  • Unlike Geertz's 1966 definition, the type of symbolic participation I am pointing to here does not involve the inculcation of a unitary or unified cultural style.
  • China is a unitary state, rather than a federal state.
  • Operational experience of real systems design reinforces doubts about the allocation of function concept as a basis for a unitary systematic procedure.
  • During the Birt regime from 1992 until 2000 it is clear that granting BBC Scotland editorial control of its programmes was held to be the broadcasting equivalent of undermining the unitary UK state.
  • The human subject, conceived as a unitary self capable of autonomous action and meaningful moral judgement, is one such fiction with which we have deceived ourselves.
  • ‘The main basis of implementing regional autonomy is that it could lessen the disparity between the regions so they would not leave the Indonesian unitary state,’ Hari said here on Wednesday.
  • A campaigner said the grant-maintained school's playing field area was designated in the Unitary Development Plan as Open Urban Greenspace.
  • The forebrain, which is normally divided such that we have a left and a right brain—the left and right cerebral hemispheres—is fused into a single unitary structure. There's a great piece
  • This account refutes the common myths that portray idiocy in colonial America as a unitary concept and it contradicts the notion that the settlers' views on idiocy changed markedly during the colonial period.
  • The process of defining oneself is relative, necessarily weaving the threads of the past and the present as well as the self and non-self into a unitary cloth.
  • Given their lack of diversity, it was perhaps unsurprising that all four newsmen expressed the unitary thought that mainstream news operations already are, as the session title phrased it, "meeting industry challenges" and, in general, are performing admirably. Network News Chiefs: The Future's So Bright
  • Certain non-Buddhists who accept rebirth accept the transitory nature of mind and body, but they believe in a self that is permanent, changeless and unitary.
  • a unitary as opposed to a federal form of government
  • The unitary conductances in patches with a single active channel are stable for the durations of the recordings.
  • You have a central unitary state now where power is all located in the capital, and that power must be shared over time.
  • The concepts of pooled funding or a unitary source of funding theoretically offer a solution to the federal/state divide.
  • By doing so, she challenges the concept of English as a unitary, linear, and continuous entity and invites readers to engage with cultural translation.
  • Unitary Because all legislative power stems from Parliament, we have a unitary as opposed to a federal constitution.
  • Both types of authority would be abolished and this has already sparked bids from unitary neighbours, such as Bury and Preston, to take over the district councils of their neighbours.
  • Key among the recommendations was the establishment of a national health executive, run by a board and headed by a chairman, to run the health service as a unitary national service.
  • George Bush used the same demagoguery, the same false claims and accusations to scare the people of the United States into giving him dictatorial powers, what he calls the unitary presidency. Placing George Bush on the ten worst presidents list is a mistake
  • The fractional entities of vitality are embraced in the oneness of the unitary Ego.
  • The Unitary Executive makes a case for 'unitary' - but not for 'executive.' ADF Alliance Alert
  • This is bound to be more difficult in a coalition than in a unitary government. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also clear, however, that this is not a unitary or monolithic phenomenon.
  • The facts on the ground point, rather, to a unitary / central system, and Nigerian governments have been preoccupied with distribution rather than production.
  • Prior to 1917 the Bolsheviks had opposed the concept of federalism, preferring regional autonomy within a unitary state.
  • It is allocated for employment purposes in the council's Unitary Development Plan.
  • The weapon can be configured to carry one of two types of warheads at a time: a 1,000-pound blast/fragmentary unitary warhead, and a general-purpose submunition dispenser with combined-effect bomblets.
  • Although the meaning of this sentence is obscure, it is evident that in both examples, the term schizophrenia is used to indicate a splitting apart or splitting into two of what should be unitary. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol V No 4
  • If the government insisted on a unitary state that would Islamize and Arabize the entire country, the south would demand independence.
  • One reason that it is difficult for people in England to come to terms with how history is seen in Northern Ireland is that the English have for so long been accustomed to a unitary account of their own conflicts.
  • Many planners believe the current problems stem from the removal of the statutory duty on county and unitary councils to provide sites for gypsies and travellers.
  • And, so the process of the renormalization could be made, you could calculate everything in terms of the experimental mass and then take the limit and the apparent difficulty that the unitary is violated temporarily seems to disappear. Richard P. Feynman - Nobel Lecture
  • There is, in fact, a most elegant generalization, in the context of quantum mechanics, which is applicable to all symmetries, discrete and continuous, that are associated with invariance under unitary transformations. [ref] Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
  • established a unitary distance on which to base subsequent calculations
  • Established a unitary distance on which to base subsequent calculations.
  • Give a general formula for a unitary elastic demand curve. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Bush's doctrine of the "unitary executive," a two-word abrogation of the Constitution, dispenses with those precautions. Marty Kaplan: Torture Is Magic
  • Excluding Scotland, with its devalued Parliament, the British system of government is unitary, with sovereignty concentrated in Parliament.
  • Asked to comment on the government's condition for the dialog, Tiba said there was no need for the sides to talk at all if the meeting was held strictly within the framework of a unitary state which included Aceh.
  • He added that the site, off Wheatley Hall Road, had been deemed a site of scientific interest, therefore any plans to drill for gas would be contrary to the Doncaster unitary development plan.
  • It is likely that alcohol abuse is not a unitary concept, and that different instruments measure different aspects of alcohol abuse.
  • A homogenising and unitary use of the culture concept by anthropologists was in some measure a product of their self-representation in the political context of universities at the time.
  • Chapter two goes even further, attacking the ‘American master narrative’ that is described as monolithic and unitary.
  • Which means, there will be no convincing of neo-cons, because neo-cons have, by the definition of their ideology, Unconstitutional adventuristic ideals (as well as the fictional nonsense of the "unitary executive"). No Impeachment? No Problem. Think Nixon and President Pelosi
  • The council is the lowest spending unitary council per head of population and had the tenth lowest council tax in the United Kingdom.
  • There remains to recover, e.g., the representation of “observables” by self-adjoint operators, and the dynamics (unitary evolution). Puppet X: 1
  • It assumes that all colonists had a unitary concept of idiocy.
  • Not definite modelling and succinct harmonious colour have also presented serious, gentle frame under unitary light.
  • But you have a different view with regards to the role of the executive now, an enhanced role, what they called the unitary presidency. CNN Transcript Jan 12, 2006
  • In another application, unitary catheters can feature radiopaque markers to determine distance.
  • In this paper, we define a concept of a PO-sextet and describe a structure of E-unitary regular semigroups.
  • They may recommend a structure based on unitary authorities or the present two-tier arrangements.
  • Unitary states may be created from a number of republics, kingdoms, and principalities, as with Germany and Italy.
  • a unitary movement in politics
  • The first and most important is the belief in the absolute oneness of God, the unitary nature of the divinity that allows for no pantheon of saints, demigods or divine consorts and children.
  • This policy is a creation, which could solve the unification of China under the circumstance of unitary system.
  • To derive unitary permeability coefficients, however, a slightly different method is required.
  • a unitary action
  • The degree to which the entire godhead is evoked as a unitary spiritual conception depends upon the circumstances.

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